By Catherine Austin Fitts

This coming week, we complete the publication of our 2020 Annual Wrap Up with the theme: The Going Direct Reset with John Titus.

As a reminder, the Going Direct Reset was approved at the G7 central bankers’ meeting in Jackson Hole on August 22, 2019. It is sometimes confused with The Great Reset promoted by the World Economic Forum, which, as we will see, is not where the real power lines can be found.

The Going Direct Reset is about the reengineering of our financial system. The U.S. dollar reserve currency system is aging, and plans are underway for a new global financial system aimed at increasing centralized global control through the use of digital technology and telecommunications and the end of liquid currencies as we know them. Our recent publication The State of Our Currencies is recommended background for this presentation.

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Fitts and Titus…can’t go wrong.

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"what if this is exactly how the people in the early Nazi Germany felt?"


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Wow, that is a must-read!

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I do recommend the whole book. Milton Mayer went to Germany right after the war to interview the citizens and try to figure out what happened. He understood the victors write the history so he couldn't depend on that.

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Thank you for the recommendation! Sounds very interesting (although right now, things like this are not interesting but kind of really alarming).

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Ho-leee shiiitake mushrooms! This is incredible. As in: incredibly fitting to today's climate and incredibly depressing at the same time.

"And you are an alarmist. You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can’t prove it. These are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when you don’t know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise, the end? On the one hand, your enemies, the law, the regime, the Party, intimidate you. On the other, your colleagues pooh-pooh you as pessimistic or even neurotic. You are left with your close friends, who are, naturally, people who have always thought as you have."

This is me :-(

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This is so many of us! And I am staring to suspect that we are the majority whom the coordinated media campaign makes look like a bunch of weirdos. Their hope is that each of us feels weird in a separate space. But then we talk to each other, and holy crap, there are so many of us! And sending you hugs!!!

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The bio-electro-mechanical technology seeks to mimic spirit, but without free-will.

God, Universal Mind, Dharmadhatu intimately connects us all, and within this we live and breathe and think and desire and act, with free will.

Implanting a micro-device, which senses the placement and activity of your body in space and time, and provides payment, digitally, according to Gates' patent, but it could be a tiny dose of Fentanyl, as well, intimately connects us as slaves.


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That't a great way to put it, John!

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Thanks Tessa. Technology mimicking spirit to enslave humans is deeply evil.

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I'm someone who lost his career twice after speaking out against senior bullies, but still managed to enjoy a pyrrhic victory both times, retire early and create a route to online research and activism. I know the risks and the pitfalls and thank you for your focus and your bravery Mary and Tessa.

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Thank you Paul!!! And good for you!!!! Hugs

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Good for you. Looking back I guess I quit most my jobs for ethical reasons. I’m a chef (i WAS a biology/nutrition researcher after Uni and HATED IT) so I can bounce around if necessary. I wonder if that’s why I transitioned into being a chef because I knew academics all had rods shoved up their asses and played soldier?

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Fantastic Tessa, thank you! Will be sending Mary a note of support soon. Do we know of anyone doing similar things within the EU? I was reading yesterday about the rise of Ursula Von Der Leyen to the leadership of the European Commission, which came through a kind of coup that upset a lot of people. And she's also on the board of the WEF, of course. Maybe there's someone we can reach out to?

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Thank you!! I also wonder how useful it will be if people going at it from different directions can connect. Maybe Mary has ideas? I don't know off the top of my head.

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I'm going to send a couple of emails. I see, for example, that Vandana Shiva (who was ahead of most of us in speaking out about the 4IR) is connected to Marie Toussaint, an MEP focused on topics such as ecocide law. Actually, you may be interested in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUif-90zzT8 The ecocide proposal seems to contain within it the notion of being able to prosecute individuals for corporate crimes.

Here's a decent piece on UVDL for anyone not familiar with her: https://www.spiked-online.com/2019/07/16/europes-unelected-leader/ "With the appointment of von der Leyen, the EU has abandoned any pretence of democratic influence over its governing structures." We saw the same with Gates and Tedros at the WHO. They elbowed their way in, despite plenty of evidence of anger from civil society groups and scientists. When these things happen, the public either doesn't know or isn't really interested.

Thank you again Tessa, keep up the great work!

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True warriors and my personal heroes. I discovered Catherine back in 2019, by some grace of God I now believe, as I had zero competency when it came to economics or high finance. But what I did possess was a finely tuned intuition which I was increasingly trusting to navigate my "this doesn't add up world", " am I off my rocker, why doesn't anyone else seem to be asking questions?"

So Catherine was my first "light in the wilderness"/which led me to Titus and Corbett and others that I now thinknof as my " Tribe of Truth Tellers and Insanity Slayers".

Trust and follow these brilliant Spiritual Warriors! They know what's UP!

And thank you Catherine: it is indeed a Spiritual war...and I have learned a lifetime of valuable Intel from you: Steiner et al.

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Together we make very powerful drops which is already tipping the bucket a little. Love Catherine Austin Fitts, she helps tip the bucket even further. We are all doing our little drops and each one helps...Isn't life exciting , frightening and just beautiful!

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Thank you Tessa....Keep on doing what you're doing. Love it!!

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Tessa, you are a force of nature. ❤️🙏

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We all are!! Thank you <3

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Thank you.

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The interview doesn’t play.

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The UN has moved from its policy of antisemitism to complete anti-humanism. It was only a matter of time.

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The serious 'brave man', who people think is on the battle ground when he's on the set of a movie, also had time for a music video career. Failed actor, fake president. https://www.facebook.com/vanessa.beeley/videos/372977591018610

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