I disliked Trump. But I dislike Biden even more, I never thought it possible. What is with these people? one day they say white next they say black. They don't remember what they said and they don't have playback machinery to remind them ? How dumb can you be ?

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I think they just don't care....

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It’s worse than that. It is deliberate mixed messages, trying to split the minds causing dissociative disorders. It is a well known mind control technique. They are trying to mind-control the entire nation (and world) and they are doing a bang-up job of it. Until people stop arguing with each other about which of the mixed messages is/are correct, and until we all get conscious of how we are being manipulated with the massive and relentless bullshit that is being perpetrated upon us, it will continue. By the way, you did a great thing offering to moderate and peacemake between Desmet and the Bergens. It is unbelievable that good guys are attacking other good guys now. Happened in the French Revolution too. I found the Bergens’ attack in three punches appalling and they should retract it, move on, assert something that adds to the debate instead of tearing down someone who was first to identify the process that is underway to destroy the minds of the people. Desmet has made an enormous contribution. Thanks for doing your best to do the same, which you always do.

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I can't remember who said, "what a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive..." That web is certainly growing by the minute, and with a bit of luck we will get to see some of the spiders of deception get caught in it.

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It was Sir Walter Scott, a fine Scottish author.

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I agree. I don't like Trump, but what the Dems are doing is pure depravity.

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Oh my. You are completely in my head right now, Ingrid. In my "pureblood" circumstances, I've been uninvited from so many events, and this includes family and long-time "friends". Then it got political: you voted Trump? You should have voted Biden! FFS, I voted Jorgensen. Look her up! The playback machinery and the interweb's wayback machine do help. A bit.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

red team, blue team is two wings of the same bird never changing its flight path which is not a democracy. they get their strings pulled, they're puppets that give you the illusion you have a choice. as George Carlin said "you have owners, they own YOU" both teams as Carlin said "don't give a f**k about you, they don't care, at all, at all, at all" - solution: don't vote!

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I believe you are right! Of course, for each individual politician it is preferable that they get the throne, and not others.. but they ultimately work for an overlapping set of investors...

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It's too bad that humane rational intelligent "thought" can't be "mandated." In a world in which most people literally "push a button" on a 'device' and expect "reality" and "truth" to be conveniently delivered to their brains - simply mentioning the existence of such an exotic notion as 'critically thinking for oneself' probably constitutes some sort of "conspiracy theory" to be censored.

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What you said is so philosophically true!!! Good things need to be voluntary, that's how they are good things!!!

And yes, critical thinking is somehow dangerous nowadays...

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Their foundational trick was to drop individual due diligence into the confected 'conspiracy theory' basket. And to have most people swallow it. A Psyop wrapped in a literal conspiracy to conceal a crime from ~60 years ago. CIA has gotten some mileage from that seed!

Getting to this point was no accident. An ungodly sum of money has been spent on dulling/breaking the minds of citizens over decades. Over a century, from the Pharma/Food vector. More recently from the Media of all flavours. Conditioning from every angle, in the classrooms and from Hollywood. Their empire is built on lies, claims known to be false that were never challenged. Dozens of hills we gave up without a fight, while snickering about those few radicals who tried to keep neurotoxins out of teeth and water, and bodies in general. And the environment.

This fascist confluence of State and Corporate collusion is a new wrinkle when attempted in the 'information age'. When the WH can tell FB to silence someone, using an email, we no longer have a democracy or a Republic. Biden just days ago unmasked that fact for those snoozing but still able to see with their own eyes. Other 'leaders' have recently unmasked, also. One lunatic from Europe recently crowing that it didn't matter what her own citizens wanted, they were going to support Ukraine until the bitter end. She was ambiguous about whether it was to support money laundering, back market arms transfers, or nepotism in and around Ukraine. I got the distinct impression she cared not at all about the many young lives snuffed out on both sides of the ideological divide, pawns in the most vile of theater.

Jerseys are changing so quickly there is a risk we will get whiplash. History is being re-written, 1984-style but with html. There will always be a 'current thing' to trigger our fear and soak up our attention. As in war, overwhelming the enemy beyond their cognitive capacity is a staple here in the silent war. The real war.

If it feels like they are lunging for the finishing line with this latest deluge of absurd policies, that is because they are. After deploying the bioweapons, they are committed; because when their assault fails, the survivors will come for them.

Even then, we will have the numbers.

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It looks like you have written the short version of this amazing documentary "everything is Rich man's trick". https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4oVpt_I9iQQ. After watching this nothing looks the same as it did before. and not in a good way... thank you anyway to Tessa or whichever Stacker posted it for bringing it to my attention. might have been Sage Hana ?

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Hi Liz,

Thanks for the link. I hadn't seen that. Will aim to watch it all once an opening presents.

Live Well

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Fauci and Mengele are in a head to head competition for the most despicably evil doctors in history.

This man is a monster.

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He’s a Jesuit! Jesuits are….according to Pres. John Adam’s “the most evil nefarious people on the face of the earth!”

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022Author

Link for the Fauci video that is scrolled to the quote: https://youtu.be/K8vpScqdVW0?t=3390

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Have you seen the short Hitler remix of Biden's speech?


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😂😂omg hysterical 🤣🤣🤣

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

i shared that early fauci paper just a month or two later in a small circle of women (many of whom had been injection skeptical for their kids over the years). i was immediately met with "oh but the science has changed since he wrote it." <eye roll>

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I know. I remember that paper from 2020, too. Seemingly, it's not just the science that changed but also overall biology and "what it means to be human." :))

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Just so you know why, we Canadians are angry.....brought to you by a WEFer..... https://gettr.com/post/p1peq9r43ee

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No way I can watch that whole Fauci video. Hate listening to or watching that thing. Can you point to specific areas to watch?

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It is pointed there, within a couple of minutes of the start time where it's scrolled to.

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Must not work for me. Starts at the beginning at 00:00:00, not anywhere in the middle.

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Strange seems like the scrolling didn't work.

Here https://youtu.be/K8vpScqdVW0?t=3390

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena


It is NOT snark. It is called jabbing their butts in!

The last thing they want to see is to have their words thrown back at them,

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Biden - or the people running him - have no policy successes to run on, in fact their policies have been abject failures for the great majority of the American people, and the logical thing to do is to make a lot of noise about Trump and his evil followers. People have been bamboozled by "I'm Not Trump" before, so why not try it again, especially if they've got nothing else to run on...

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that fist-pumping against the black-and-red backdrop reminds me of sid & nancy - the movie

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I have not seen it!!! Should I?

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i didn't like it. but i like the band the original band without sid :)

that's a real rabbit hole, too. i don't think he killed her either. sketchy druggie crowd...

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I'm old enough to remember disliking Reagan, then Bush after him. I thought they were both dangerous. I didn't pay much attention during the Clinton years (although I always just thought Hilary was obnoxious). When Dubya came in, it brought back my memories of how much I hated Reagan, but that hatred seemed mild compared to this new hatred - I just couldn't bear to hear the man speak, he was such a moron. Again, I more-or-less slept during Obama, then Trump assaulted my sensibilities with his knee-jerk reactions on Twitter. Biden is worse than everyone, because there is not one ounce of truth - whenever he is speaking [intelligibly] you know he's lying - he always has been. What drives me crazy is the low expectations he and his posse seem to have of us - they think we don't remember yesterday, let alone the previous years. Not all of us are that dumbed-down yet...

Maybe it was always that way, and maybe the differences are just a reflection of my personal aesthetics. But it seems like with nearly ever election, we are "offered" worse choices than in the preceding cycle. "Idiocracy" wasn't a satire - it was a documentary. So was "They Live"...

Sticking with the movie theme here, to understand where we are with Covid, you just need these movies: Wag The Dog, V For Vendetta, 12 Monkeys.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022

"I would put all who test HIV positive on the Island [Adelso] in small communities for life so they can't spread the 'infection.' As far as their families visiting I would put them on the island too."

- Dr. Lita Tibling, concerning testing in Sweden- for AIDS - brought to us in part by Dr. F. and Dr. Gallo - a discoverer of the non-existent virus.

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Wow. Do you have the source?

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes, this appeared in Jon Rappoport's book "AIDS, Inc."


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Thank you, Jerry

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022

We've gone from history repeats itself, first as tragedy [stragedy] and later as farce, to everything is a sequel but with lower quality and bigger budget.

In the words of Rosemary Woodhouse, "This is no dream, this is really happening."

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Funny - right?: I tire of the sport, but if you really want to know what is happening follow my link here - have a bucket handy in case you throw up and note the title, also part of the authors data analysis over the past 2 years of intensive research, most of it from the horse's mouth, with some observations by him https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/dr-deborah-birx-admits-the-biden-admin-s-vaccine-efficacy-claims-were-based-on-hope-not-science?postId=a3d057d7-ac1b-42bc-a7fe-c024bd287569&utm_campaign=199f646b-68a5-41f7-82de-8a549f823c43&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&utm_content=ceae1640-2bfb-4a34-af39-02b55e4aecee&cid=8bec1d4c-3773-415a-83c2-1694daa095a4 The author has provided an extensive and thorough overview, from the horses mouth, his cure for the vaccines and what they are doing inside the bodies of the vaccinated, it takes "one second" to do and his salt water cure for all viruses, sure he get them, but not for very long, all free, absolutely nothing in any of it for him, which should provide you with motivation to agree or disagree with his conclusions and of course your choice to be exterminated before 2025 (not your choice), made into a Human/Robot (not your choice), or remain human as you are (your choice if vaccinated, or better yet, NOT vaccinated) and fuck the fuckers behind this - my and his thinking is, that payback is a bitch and we should all get together and send this right back where it came from, with a vengeance (all 7.2 Billion so far vaccinated, getting their "Human" lives back) - but it will take an army of like thinking souls to do that, not just us. Enjoy!!

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Their ilk is lit up constantly akin to the ravages of cocaine-

Some family men are actually lit up constantly confusing their sex neediness asif it were a food craving gone wrong that must be satisfied before it is ever dealt with, and it is never dealt with-

Incest from within to without-

You may hav known stuff like that on 10 within degrees of any one life, butt here baby there on 11-

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