Remember February 2020? Our innocent time before the memo “to go ahead with the new normal” went out? The time before the chapter about pretending to care about the opinions of voters was ripped out of the marketing brochure about “our democracy”? The time when mandating adult injections was still a conspiracy theory? Oh, sweet February 2020…
(A list of Fauci’s papers)
“Our democracy”
Fauci in 2003: “The country wouldn’t have accepted being vaccinated [for smallpox], and we knew it.”
(Link to the quote in the video)
Our dear leader says that he will NOT make the injections mandatory:
Our dear leader announces mandatory injections:
Our dear leader on the “winter of death” for the “unvaccinated”:
Our dear leader shakes fists at the Americans who prefer his political opponent:
Despite the good work of the lighting designers on the set, I agree with Liam here.

I would like to end this story with another journey down the memory hole. Remember 2020?
(Thank you for your support, I very much depend on it)
I disliked Trump. But I dislike Biden even more, I never thought it possible. What is with these people? one day they say white next they say black. They don't remember what they said and they don't have playback machinery to remind them ? How dumb can you be ?
red team, blue team is two wings of the same bird never changing its flight path which is not a democracy. they get their strings pulled, they're puppets that give you the illusion you have a choice. as George Carlin said "you have owners, they own YOU" both teams as Carlin said "don't give a f**k about you, they don't care, at all, at all, at all" - solution: don't vote!