We are headed in the right direction.

Not in unity of something, but in unity of perceiving the truth.

We should reclaim our belief systems as parts of ourselves.

After all, wasn't Jesus preaching about how the temple is within?

Decentralized authority.

2025 is bringing in an invasion of the truth.

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A lot of great insights. Thank you.

Your blogs/podcasts are unique in their analysis of the world.

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Thank you so much, Susan!

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Music has the power to shake the tyrant kings from their thrones.

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It has been said many times, music is a universal language. It is literally a language...if you listen to music carefully, you can hear all kinds of things very distinctly, beside the obvious joy or sadness. Music tells a story.

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Great listening to you. I agreeeeeeeee ;)

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Thank you!! xoxo

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Stop the genocide. Follow Kevin Nathaniel on Instagram and hear him play the kalimba.

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The best "unity" comes from the heartfelt search for and embrace of Divine Guidance.


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Yes!! I agree Brother John!!

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Enjoyed listening to this. Two very kind souls with a lot of discernment!

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The lack of heart in the yoga center was most likely due to two ideas: the first is the idea of detachment, which is believed to be a necessary step to enlightenment by some, mistakingly in my view, but to each his or her own.

The second is indeed a sense of superiority (spiritual hierarchy), which is completely misplaced and a delusion born of the ego, which makes some think that they are indeed above others on their spiritual journey, or that they are on the "right" path while others are on the "wrong" path or spiritually ignorant.

The ego always finds a way to assert itself, even more strongly, ironically, among people who claim to have risen above it, to have overcome it, transcended it. The metaphysical crowd is replete with rather ridiculous and sadly predictable examples of ego assertiveness, from individuals who claim to have had the most glorious past lives (how many women were Cleopatra in a past life?) to those who profess to have the brightest aura of them all, or the most spectacular out of body experience. It is amusing, in a way...but it reveals a widespread lack of maturity, a sort of desperation to get attention that originates from...most likely...the inner wounded child.

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I don't like their chances for the most part. Their entire image of themselves is based on feeling that they've got this right. Their ability to reject the evidence that is crying out so loudly to them is legendary. And the more formal "education" they have the worse it gets. I met one interesting case. A person who has a PhD in forestry. She grew up in a family sawmill. She wanted to have a PhD thesis which would have been valuable and interesting and saw that she was being censored and refused the opportunity to express herself. Seems she hit a nerve. She modified her choice to get that diploma after so much effort but she knew she'd been obliged to avoid telling an inconvenient truth. The opposite type from the sort Al (doofus) Gore spoke of.

I think that our creator has given us innumerable chances at lives in a material environment. I have to go along with the hindus and buddhists. This idea of a one shot deal seems to me to be a manipulation. I know that I"m going against your beliefs with my beliefs. Excuse me. I don't know why you believe that there's only one life per soul followed by eternal wonderfulness or eternal suffering. I'm just going by my idea of logic. Admittedly it's onlly an opinion. Is your point of view also your opinion? Or do you genuinely feel like you have some absolute information on how the universe and life function?

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"Heaven" and "hell" are states of consciousness, not "places" anyway...we have nothing to fear but ourselves, or more exactly the unexamined self, the unhealed part of us that we try to ignore, suppress and hide, but that can never be actually suppressed and reemerges eventually, and bites us in the rear, reminding us that it needs our attention, and healing.

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Peace, harmony and unity were always great lyrics. More and more are joining the choir...https://anarchisttherapy.substack.com/p/the-dream-reborn

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anybody in favor of mandates has their head so well stuck in their colon that it will be impossible to pull it out without killing them.

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I am sorry you are in pain. I have spent a lot of time and poured a lot of my soul in the first years of the so called "COVID pandemic" exposing the abuse. However, I strongly disagree with what you said here, and it is the opposite of the energy Kevin and I are bringing forth in our conversation. Importantly, I do not support calls for violence, and I want it to be clear without doubt. Kevin and I are talking about finding common grounds, about prayer and real unity. "Killing them" is the strangest response imaginable. :-)

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I think you have misunderstood. The point of what I said is that people who think that mandates are a good thing are lost. I didn't mean that I would want to kill them, I was expressing that they are unable to understand right from wrong.

That they would rather die than see what's in front of their eyes. It was an image, the head up the arse thing. That if they try to pull their head out of their arse that it would kill them. not me.

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Thank you for the clarification, I am glad you did not mean it as your desire for them to die. Still, I maintain that the most effective way is to pray for people's highest good and leave it in the hands of the Creator. Anybody can change their mind at any point in time, even the people who have so far made questionable choices. So, I pray for their highest good, whatever it means for them in the eyes of the Creator.

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If I were on a planet on which only 4 people could be alive at a time I might wish for them to be gone. That's not the case. They're not in my way. Their brain-washed-ness is clearly a malevolent force or at least an assistance to malevolent forces, but I wouldn't give myself the right to put an end to their miserable existence. I have compassion for them. It's got to be hard to be married to baseless illogical beliefs. I see that the vast majority of humanity is in that category. Somehow able to ignore the vast majority of the evidence and remain convinced by the one or two usually wrongheaded ideas which permit them to believe religiously ridiculous things.

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I have a live and let live attitude.

However, some people will not let you live. Whatever their motivations, be it petty authoritarianism, actual malevolence or good intentions twisted by fear and programming, when they put you in a fight or flight position, you must flee if you can, if you have that option which would be the wisest choice, or fight if your back is against the wall.

Never betray yourself in the name of misunderstood notions of peace or compassion, never give in to an abuser, no matter what his or her motivations are, because you think you should love him or her more than you love yourself. It would be a spiritual mistake, not to mention that you would rob that person of the lessons he/she desperately needs to learn, by offering no resistance, no appropriate feedback.

“The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”

Frederic Douglass

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Changing the wording is key. Instead of "experts" we can say "experts in manipulating data" or "spinmasters." I'd prefer to say murderers, but that doesn't sell well with most people.

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