To be fair, this is a ditty we've heard since what, the 1920s? And it's always 10-20 years off, but fully possible if the developers could just have a little more money.
Meanwhile, real science has been doing it for a while, using mice an pigs. While fully functioning spare internal organs are a way off if it is at all possible, insulin and ears to name two products are old news.
To be fair, this is a ditty we've heard since what, the 1920s? And it's always 10-20 years off, but fully possible if the developers could just have a little more money.
Meanwhile, real science has been doing it for a while, using mice an pigs. While fully functioning spare internal organs are a way off if it is at all possible, insulin and ears to name two products are old news.
It's true, tissue engineering does exist. But who knows the long-term effects of using artificially created tissue, I think it is very much a gray area
To be fair, this is a ditty we've heard since what, the 1920s? And it's always 10-20 years off, but fully possible if the developers could just have a little more money.
Meanwhile, real science has been doing it for a while, using mice an pigs. While fully functioning spare internal organs are a way off if it is at all possible, insulin and ears to name two products are old news.
It's true, tissue engineering does exist. But who knows the long-term effects of using artificially created tissue, I think it is very much a gray area