Ze Mob
First, let’s deal with the existential. You and I are not in the mob, and so we don’t have the same type of influence on society and proverbial “trends” as, say, the top Blackrock investors, who control every big company in every industry as well as the Fed. Unlike them, we don’t have a monopoly on everything purchasable, bribable, and blackmailable. We don’t have the machinery to shape public opinion through long-term investment in educational institutions and academia. We are not in the position of setting up prestigious sandboxes to train carefully selected and loyal future country presidents. We don’t have the financial resources to turn our follies and fears into collective psychosis and obsessions. We are not sufficiently wealthy to fund intelligence and civilian operations to confuse and corrupt the journos across different networks, and we cannot blackmail important politicians.
We are … we are peasants.
From the perspective of those running the ambitious global business operation—including its Western Division, currently titled “Our Democracy” but soon to be merged with the Climate Change Division—we are nothing but peasants.
And so if they decide that in order for them to meet their targets under the new conditions, we need eat ze bugs, take shorter showers, and inject dubious substances into our bodies—they will work very hard to make us.
Mobsters are mobsters.
Ze Overpopulation
I sometimes have conversations with people who are half-way seduced by the Blackrock-funded and multiply repeated talking points, and the point that inevitable comes up is, “But isn’t the planet really overpopulated? Don’t we need to do something?”
To answer, I would like to go back to my gently written 2020 essay “The Great Reset for Dummies.” It is my belief that the problem is not overpopulation but the broken mindset that is driving our overlords— and their mad insistence on owning all nature’s riches, while we are left with crumbs from their table.
As far as there being too many people on the planet, I think even that is spin. Actually, Vandana Shiva has produced analysis of industrial vs. traditional local agriculture in terms of numbers, and it looks like we’ve been lied to by Big Ag about their importance, too. Also, the biggest “demographic problem” in the West right now is the growing number of the old vs. the young. And even in the “developing world,” the trends seem to be different from what we are taught to think. And furthermore, the planet has enough for all, and the reason we are facing scarcity is because that 0.0001% of people control a lot. Ironically, they are the same people who are worried that there is not enough, pushing the idea of overpopulation—often while breeding enthusiastically—and infecting young brains with the idea of overpopulation to the extent that now, some middle-class young people don’t want to have kids, “to save the planet.” How messed up is that?
And yes, the idea of overpopulation has been worrying the leaders for some decades. I would argue that at times, their thoughts have carried eugenics overtones (see, for example, this 1974 Kissinger Report that brags about “incentivizing” Indian men to get vasectomies). And no, it wouldn’t be completely crazy to posit that eugenics didn’t quite go away since Hitler has ruined the brand [like I said, I was very gentle here on purpose], and that whoever believes themselves to own the world, probably wouldn’t mind a little more surgical management of the demographic trends. Can I read their minds? No. I can’t say who exactly thinks what exactly, and luckily for me, I am not invited to their meetings—but every now and then, personas like Gates or Prince Charles say things that sound quite Hitleresque, and it make me wonder. On the other hand, I don’t find it particularly shocking because human nature hasn’t changed since the time when eugenics was socially acceptable in the “respectable society.” Thus, my theory is that some powerful people of the world are truly evil and probably fiddling with eugenics—and some are probably just indifferent to the desires of the peasants—but on my end, I don’t really care which one it is. Evil or indifferent, I don’t want them to destroy my world. Is that too much to ask?
My job is Poison Distributor.
My condition is
Hatred of Biological Forms.
They call me deranged
But I am the sanest of all.
They call me a merciless killer,
A sadist, a robot, a king.
But I am just a perfectionist.My job is Poison Distributor.
My religion is
Hatred of Unpredictable Shapes.
My poison will find you
In words,
In the water you drink,
In food,
In the air your breathe,
This way or another,
It’ll find you.My job is Poison Distributor.
A very practical job.
You are welcome.
Ze bugs
Our aspiring overlords have decided (again) that they are special, and we are not special. They decided that “old normal” food is for them and them alone—while the rest of us should eat synthetic crap and ze bugs.
The underlying reason for the shift has nothing to do with “the planet.” They have simply calculated that selling us synthetic crap and ze bugs is more profitable to them than letting us eat like it’s “old normal.”
They are thinking, “Hey, why should we allow the peasants to continue roaming around and eating freely if we now have the technological ability to manufacture foods and to control the entire R&D heavy food chain?”
There should be no natural food for the lowly peasants, no good water, no pure air… they want to install proverbial turnstiles between us and everything in nature! And to them, free-roaming, free-eating, free-breathing peasants are an insult to their corporate ambition. To their sick minds, under-squeezing the peasants is both foolish and sinful.

A side note about cockroaches:

From 2018:

Ze parasites
In addition to the proverbial parasites in Davos, there can also be parasites inside edible insects.
A number of people have sent the following study:
From 1 January 2018 came into force Regulation (EU) 2015/2238 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015, introducing the concept of “novel foods”, including insects and their parts. One of the most commonly used species of insects are: mealworms (Tenebrio molitor), house crickets (Acheta domesticus), cockroaches (Blattodea) and migratory locusts (Locusta migrans). In this context, the unfathomable issue is the role of edible insects in transmitting parasitic diseases that can cause significant losses in their breeding and may pose a threat to humans and animals. The aim of this study was to identify and evaluate the developmental forms of parasites colonizing edible insects in household farms and pet stores in Central Europe and to determine the potential risk of parasitic infections for humans and animals.
The experimental material comprised samples of live insects (imagines) from 300 household farms and pet stores, including 75 mealworm farms, 75 house cricket farms, 75 Madagascar hissing cockroach farms and 75 migrating locust farms. Parasites were detected in 244 (81.33%) out of 300 (100%) examined insect farms. In 206 (68.67%) of the cases, the identified parasites were pathogenic for insects only; in 106 (35.33%) cases, parasites were potentially parasitic for animals; and in 91 (30.33%) cases, parasites were potentially pathogenic for humans. Edible insects are an underestimated reservoir of human and animal parasites.”
To be fair—and this is not to defend the concept—parasites can be also found in undercooked meat and fish, in poorly washed fruit and vegetables, etc. However, if you ask me, even parasite-free cockroaches are disgusting.
Also, for whatever it’s worth, there is also this paper about chitin, which is what the insects’ exoskeleton is made of (can’t say this way or the other but the paper has been going around):
“Chitin and Its Effects on Inflammatory and Immune Responses.”
“But people in Asia eat insects…”
My short response: “So….?”
There are plenty of people who do various things that I don’t.
What are the Davos people going to do now—genetically modify us to give us a craving for insects? Inject us with “love ze bug” injections? Engineer us to be useful eaters for their global business? Where does this bending of free will stop? Does it ever? Madmen are running the asylum!
Madmen are running the asylum
Let’s now address the overlord psychographic.
We cannot understand them by using our own thinking patterns.
They don’t live like us, they don’t think like us, and they don’t think much of us, either.
Old money or new money, they are glorified mobsters. They are a club into which we are not allowed. They have accumulated all that money, often over many generations, not through the noble concept of hard work and good ethics but through very ambitious and soulless theft and murder. In the process, they became zombies—and they want to bring their zombie energy to all of their resources.
They are troubled. They are bothered. They are anxious when they think about unmonetized resources—and to them, we are undoubtedly no more than resources, like cattle or the bugs that they want to feed us.
Until recently, there was a business model under which free-roaming peasants brought them profits. They somehow decided that the old model was no longer working, and they want to “upgrade” the model.
Sadly, we are not dealing with remotely rational people, we are dealing with very rich and influential mental patients.
However, it’s important to remember that their desire is not our gospel. Their power depends on our confusion.
It is my deep belief that we can ultimately pedal out of this darkness by refusing—absolutely refusing—to turn into zombies. It’s a mystery how this works, and I don’t know how exactly... but I think that if we insist on being warm, alive, and loving, if we passionately reject the zombie allure, they will not have enough energy to feed on—and the mystery of the universe will guide us what to do then, like it is guiding us now, if we listen.
(Thank you for your support, I surely depend on it)
I was sent here by one of your regular readers. It did not disappoint!!! My brother is currently caught in the insane web of power grabbing and corruption. He was offered a position directing teaching and research in a teaching hospital, just to find out that a cabal of other doctors and administrators kneecapped him - as he would be the “wrong” person to manage the inflow of money from big pharma. They want their insider, the guy that will work with the feudal lords, and disburse the funds according to whom is doing the right research.
I will share the last words on his latest communication: “this is so humiliating”.
For those who do so: pray for him. I know he’s in a very fragile state right now.
there was a cricket in my bed last night. i couldn't find it. there was another one across the room and the conversation continued until i fell asleep. i've never seen or heard a cricket in a manhattan building before. was as if i was out in the country under the stars. wonder what they were trying to tell me: "don't eat me?"