until the business model changes into one that is paid to keep you healthy...this is where it goes.....this is why they got rid of the old "Mutual Aid Societies" that Were, a cost effective and life affirming model, that is not near as profitable for the Likes of the Rockerfellers.....not a lot of people even recall there was a far better way once.
treating symptoms prolongs Phama profits.
managing symptoms prolongs Pharma profits.
Patients remain sick, and the Pharma Cartel gets richer, richer, and richer…...
until the business model changes into one that is paid to keep you healthy...this is where it goes.....this is why they got rid of the old "Mutual Aid Societies" that Were, a cost effective and life affirming model, that is not near as profitable for the Likes of the Rockerfellers.....not a lot of people even recall there was a far better way once.
Patient Cured = Customer Lost
> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/11e793f072c4