For childhood asthma, definitely autism, SIDS, now SADS, all poxes like fever blisters(these don’t come from a grandma or parent with one’s kiss to a baby like we’re told), impetigo, there are even new ones in kids now, and so many other maladies look no further than the poison called Vaccines to find the cause.
It’s not just C19 shot that is bad. They should all be outlawed as they create kids with problems that Drs. gain patients for life from. By design!
I like how you highlight the medical profession not being able to diagnosis SO MANY causes yet are sure it's not the shots....ZERO credibility
Agree on her credibility. VACCINES = Poison.
For childhood asthma, definitely autism, SIDS, now SADS, all poxes like fever blisters(these don’t come from a grandma or parent with one’s kiss to a baby like we’re told), impetigo, there are even new ones in kids now, and so many other maladies look no further than the poison called Vaccines to find the cause.
It’s not just C19 shot that is bad. They should all be outlawed as they create kids with problems that Drs. gain patients for life from. By design!
Come on Lena, you must know this.