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Not so, dear Tessa! Composting toilets are very hygienic if made and used properly, and what's more of course recycle our poop and pee into fertilisers for the plants. They are totally win-win. I'm pretty sure our dependence on the Crapper is all part of the control agenda, too. We have to be hooked up to the sewage system rather than having sovereignty over our pooping and peeing!

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Would a compost toilet work in the city for those of us who are not moving to the farm immediately? I agree with you that out in the country it's perfect. We had one at the summer place when I was growing up (every Soviet family had a summer place, seems like, poverty notwithstanding). And the crap went to compost eventually. But I am trying to picture how it would work in the city and not sure as of this second.

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My immediate response is that this just shows how dependent on these external systems we have become, and I mean psychologically rather than actually. Sure, we'd have to make some adjustments, but the main thing preventing us from doing so is the yuk factor - because we have become accustomed to so estranged from our own shit. And this also has to do with our appalling diets, doesn't it, which are also a part of that ol' system and what it wants our bodies to be made of. Anyway, however difficult it would be to put compost toilets into practice in cities, it is certainly important to have this discussion, so thank you Tessa!

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