Love this - you have perfectly articulated exactly what i think/feel about them: "By the way, I view those agents of chaos not as my enemies for eternity but as spirits who have chosen to walk on the dark side in this lifetime, and who stuck with the choice for now. In this moment of time, they are driven to do harm, they are dangerous, so it’s good to protect ourselves well. But they can’t be this way forever—and when they eventually walk over to the side of sincere love, real love, they will be a powerful force for good. There have been precedents. But at the end of the day, the choice is theirs, and they have to make it first."

And living our bravest, sweetest lives can be expressed as fierce love and non-compliance - as a gift to them and ourselves of course! There is only love - hate and fear is love that has been distorted through the ego's veil of 'separateness'.

Great article thank you 😍🙏

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Thank you, Samantha!! xoxo

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Aye, the House of Bohak supports the motion.

Kidding but not kidding. I can't speak for anyone, but me, but: YES for the Love of God, Mother Earth of the flying spaghetti monster, can we all do some nuance, please? thank you :) The real devious purpose is not only to kill bodies, but to kill hearts, to kill love, which is impossible and only one devoid of love could try, but try they do, try they will and once the fail, they ultimately return to Love. And this is not fluff I stand by every word of it. If Love dies, it matters not who gets to live. Feel free to quote me on that"

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One only has to look at how hard the societal engineers worked to separate us over the last 4 years. Everything that brought people together in love was almost destroyed. It takes work (and I'm working on it myself) but we *must* come back to love for each other. The monsters who have done all of this don't love us or care about us. I would say they don't even love themselves. They want to drag each and every one of us into the loveless hell that they live in.

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Aye! YES!

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Thank you, Samo!!! I agree with you, the proverbial ghosts can hop from one person to another, from one talking point to another. It's not the talking points that determine the difference between "good" and "bad," it's the respect for free will (or a lack of thereof), it's the refusal to betray your fellows, or yourself for that matter.

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I agree with the charge we need to stay “in love”. I believe this because that’s the only place we have power - there’s always someone stronger, meaner, with more power, and more will power. But against love, there is no crime. I do not agree that those who consciously do us harm will end up doing good in “the next realm” if they don’t repent of their bad in this one. I do understand that some people are so broken that their actions are basically programmed ones that were either consciously placed there by even worse people/entities or unconsciously placed there as a byproduct of abuse from others who are also broken. But I do think we have this life only, to “pick a side” to be allegiant to. Once you consciously pick (or reject) that allegiance, only that person can give that allegiance up. But to be on the side of creation or chaos is a conscious choice we all will be given.

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Sorry Tessa! but there's no love left for those that are plotting to kill us with man-enhanced viruses and injections that are poison instead of 'supposed cures' for the specially modified diseases they created to increase their Biog Pharma fortunes and for world depopulation.

The Gates' Corrupted World Health Organisation now ceases to exist. We, the people of the world have spoken!

When will this pre-meditated Mass Murder by injection cease? Too many of us now realise Covid was a deliberately engineered farse, and the DEADLY Covid injection is really a deliberate CULL organised by the many insane WEF 'Insane Elites' for their Global Warming depopulation targets!

In December 2023, an unfairly 'disgraced' UK Member of Parliament, Andrew Bridgen organised a debate with many Doctors, EXPERTS, and other 'Anti-Covid Vax HEROES'. The headline topics; Covid, the DEADLY VAX and 'Excess Deaths' following the Covid injections called 'Vaccines'!

Every Doctor and medical EXPERT in attendance lays out the same truth, but typical (MSM) Mirror media coverage is tainted with the need to describe all these 'highly qualified medical experts' as 'Crackpots'.

It's the financially implicated media's simplest way of pretending the Covid Scamdemic was not a Plan to create a false need for a depopulating injection that the evil injection makers designed to increase their massive wealth whilst depopulating the planet. The desire of the Insane Elite of the New World Order (World Economic Forum) and their 2030 'Great Reset'!

"They (you & me) will own nothing but they will be happy" is the prediction of WEF leader 'Fuehrer' Adolf Schwab!

Adolf Schwab also predicts "Let them eat insects". He, like the other WEF lunatics, is totally insane!"

This insanity will continue as long as DEADLY INJECTION makers enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for the 'Excess Deaths' their injuries are causing."

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Thank You, Sister Tessa. Fortunately, people are able to live complete lives without such injections.


That is my intent. I had a tetanus vaccine series and even some boosters.

There is no evidence that adequate tetanus vaccination ever wears off.

"Clean wounds out promptly and thoroughly with running tap water", is the established wisdom.

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I do think that oregano oil is a very good detox thing against the nano which is contaminating us to bits at the moment.

And yes, there is hope!

Do a Norwegian Hygge and watch this documentary, it is fantastic!


THE 1 FIELD - a film by Tsipi Raz

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Planned Parenthood has been selling aborted fetal tissues as vaccine ingredients for decades.

From 1973 to 2017, over one billion abortions were successfully performed, according to Planned Parenthood. Fourteen years after the verdict of Roe vs. Wade, the wife admitted she lied about being raped.

Planned Parenthood’s founder Margret Sanger was a eugenist. She openly stated she wanted to exterminate Africans, the mentally ill, the physically disabled, etc. John D. Rockefeller , 1839-1937,

funded Planned Parenthood.

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Demons never regret or repent. Demons lose power when they run into a confused or tangled situation, or when a stronger demon takes them down. Witch hunts end when the torches burn the torchers.

The current Israel mess is a classic tangle. Media and entertainers are accustomed to an easy path. Just follow the official DNC line and everything will run smoothly. Just repeat FUCK TRUMP a thousand times and the magic spell will defeat the enemies.

But with Israel the "progressive" side itself is divided, and the firmest friends of Israel are Republicans and Christians. This is EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE for media and Hollywood. Huge cognitive dissonance.

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" O you take the high road, and I'll take the low road

And I'll be in Scotland afore ye"

Whatever brings light to expose the darkness is good in my books.


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A beautiful song!!! Thank you

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hi Tessa

I think you may be on to something. some of the biological contaminants like mycoplasma are notoriously difficult to treat. This is the reason why I have never been afraid of cancer; Lyme disease is what I find terrifying. Living things that do weird stuff like should their cell walls and hide out in your tendons, or take up residence inside your cells. These are things medicine does not know how to deal with, and perhaps you are likely to find an audience in normie land, among people who are looking for answers.

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Thank you, Phar! I think I am onto something, and I think a lot of people could be a lot happier if a lot more doctors look into it with honesty!!

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Mortality in Canada, Trending up...

And they specifically do not want to know why! https://sheldonyakiwchuk.substack.com/p/mortality-in-canada-trending-up

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Tessa, if someone has not examined biological contamination through injection or through all the other ways the deep state has chosen to bring suffering and pain to all of us, well I can say nothing to that. I am a nurse and looked at the list of side effects on all the inserts of the meds I gave and as I read them to my patients, well I just thought there are things worse than death and pharma has the leading edge on creating them. Of course, when I read or rather could not read the insert on the so called jab, there was only a blank sheet of paper. I decided I could not give the jab and was forced to retire. I take an oath to "DO NO HARM"! I take that seriously. It is a good thing I do as most of the MDs and nurses I worked with are being tried for Crimes against Humanity or headed there.

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Thankfully you were around the age of retirement or early retirement.

It must be difficult for younger nurses who know the shot is garbage, but they have no choice but follow the crazy system.

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I spent 40 years as a nurse, and I wanted to choose when I had to retire and live on $2000 a month from 100000 a month because I was doing one of the most dangerous and difficult jobs as a nurse in Psych Emergency. Everyone has a choice young and old, and some choices are very difficult. The fact that anyone chooses their job over harming another was not a choice for me, (or even killing a patient which I worked diligently throughout my career to avoid). Retiring is no easy choice either, because of discrimination against those on fixed incomes and because everyone expects yu to be old at a certain age and falling apart. I have taken good care of myself to avoid being old. But the one thing I know is that as a nurse yu can kill someone by making the wrong choice. I could not let that happen, no matter what. And whether young or old we as nurses take an oath to do NO HARM! Many of my colleagues, doctors and nurses, are being brought before tribunals (100 that I know of) for crimes against humanity and will face horrendous consequences of their choice to give the "kill shot" and so their choice to go against their oath may mean a loss of life or years in jail. Many died and are dying because nurses followed orders and there was no way to obtain consent and I was in San Francisco or where it all began. Even if I could get consent and someone was harmed or died I would feel terrible and in the eyes of my Source be accountable.

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I applaud your integrity, Sharon! Thank you for being you.

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Intriguing! I look forward to reading more.

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Thank you, Transcriber B!

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Have never liked the word "hope." Too general, colloquial (not the right word; maybe there isn't any). Usually used when people, flustered (or depressed) can't come up with a practical approach to a problem (which, taking action from the spiritual plane MUST be considered). And, yes––the "problem" is critical: trying to hang on and advance the feeding and growth of your soul as it meets an onslaught of negative energies/fear from entities who gave up just like they want you to.

There is an esoteric or divine "science." Better than physical "science", because the physical originates in the spiritual (like everything else). Unfortunately, at this low point of the current state of affairs for humans, (just had a brief deja vu ; weird) most are ignorant or deny any help can come from gods and angels. Forces that exist unseen, waiting for you to trust yourself to do the right thing. Even when in everyday life, you see miracles coming "out of the blue" to reassure you that they are there.

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I get why people are going into the biological issues with the shots, but there's a simpler point.

The lipid nanoparticles are hard to eliminate by the body. This is why moderna had issues with multi dose gene therapy before con-vid.

If the foundation, or the platform of these mRNA shots, the lipids, are harmful, that follows why they cause issues like micro clotting etc.

I'm perplexed how they're now using the same platform for EBV, which is not deadly....

It's such a stupid scam but the problem is that many of those seeking truth are getting distracted by:

-it's the spike protein

-it's the DNA contamination

-it's the sv40 promoter

And so on..

. But the fact remains, the platform is shit.

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Yes, many who don't buy the overall covid narrative swear by the harmful, true reality of the spike protein. A friend of mine (uninjected) just today was wondering if some minor stroke or nerve-like issues he's had may have originated in a Rite Aid drugstore a year ago when he and his wife both got sick when they got home. "Maybe it was covid," he speculated, even though he didn't get the shot and fully agrees the PCR tests, etc. are basically a fraud. "It's man made and it was probably the spike protein," he said matter of factly. No doubt "shed." My big question about the spike protein is the same as with the "virus" itself -- has it been physically shown to exist in an infected person?

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I believe the spike protein has been demonstrated but it is also possible that your friend got one of those hard-to-diagnose bugs (that are going around, I believe, due to the fact that they injected a lot of people with them). He could theoretically (not medical advice, thinking out loud) try radically switching his diet and getting on an antifugal / antiparasitic regimen and see if he sees a change, for the better or for the worse, which could theoretically mean that it is either working.

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The only thing that "proved" it was the PCR test and the genetic sequencing.

Obviously that's not proof, and we know that covid was the rebadged "flu".

Total death counts of many nations did not increase in 2020.. despite the medical procedures that were horrible. https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/there-was-no-pandemic

Another so called evidence of the spike protein was the picture of it. But electron microscopy is notorious for showing things that don't actually look like that. The freezing and staining process of cells for electron microscopes creates artifacts.

It could be cell debris, from damaged cells. Stefan Lanka did a control experiment with viruses. The control was everything in the culture except for the virus and guess what, the control had the same result which virology calls "viruses".

Viruses are a convenient way of displacing blame from other issues, such as pollution and toxins. That's how the polio thing happened, it was DDT causing paralysis, that's why it happened in the warmer months when they were spraying it. Smallpox was another one, mainly caused by sanitation issues. But they blamed it on cows etc.

These days they're over blowing this virus thing to push more vaccines but people are starting to realize there's a lot of things that don't make sense with this virus talk.

In the past, they thought evil spirits made people sick in swamps . It wasn't until they discovered that hydrogen sulfide gas caused by decomposing matter was the killer.

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I agree that the entire mRNA vaccine platfrom is abysmal. And there is also biological (and other) contamination that is a separate issue that has existed, in my opinion, for decades. Even saline can be contaminated, for that matter, even though by itself saline is fine (perhaps with some rare exceptions but mostly fine). So....

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Yeah. It's more ammo against them.

But it's still kind of funny to think we're researching why contaminated poison kills people.

It's either clean poison or contaminated poison, same result 😂

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I hear you. I think contaminated poison is worse, actually. mRNA shots are bad for many reasons, but there are "empty" loads, and yet if an empty load is contaminated with a microbe that then goes straight into the bloodstream and can make home in the walls of the blood vessels or easily travel around, so much for the empty load!

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investigating bio and chemical contamination is a solid logical first step that ought to play well in normieville. but there will come a point, and i think sooner than later, where genocide will become obvious to all but the most clueless members of normieville. we need to watch for that moment, and then pivot.

the more contaminants come to light, the more the genocide comes to light as well.

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I think about it in very vast philosophical terms. The genocide against the people has never really ended once it started centuries ago. Among the people with a lot of power, there are probably very different takes, some want fewer people, some want more slaves or financial assets or however they view us. It really is about going back to the roots in the most foundational sense. When I was a teen, I was big on the concept of "us the artsy kids vs. the normies," I kind of just accepted it because this is how my artsy friends talked. I have since realized that almost everyone is attached to some kind of a ghost, and so the difference is more between the people who are willing to change their mind for the sake of truth, and the people who are not. The latter group is most people walking this earth, and the ideological addictions vary. I also try to be vigilant about myself and watch out of ideological addictions. Right now, I am really interested in the topic of biological contamination because I see how the topic of "nanotechnology genocide" has been hijacked from being an honest investigation of what's going on, with an open mind, to a talking point. I don't like talking points, whenever I see a talking point, I think, hmmmm, what else is going on? At the end of the day, the ordinary people have been on the dining plate of the proverbial elites for a very long time, with some demographics luckier than others. Today is more of the same. And we need to survive and be well, no matter what. I am very interested in that!!

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i salute anyone who is using their platform to bring to light any information that would stop the great reset i.e. the entire Tessa Lena body of work from 2020.

but i also see the MFM as an opportunity to ignite a vast and profound paradigm shift., a way to change that centuries-old dynamic that you mention- and yes, it goes waaaay back, probably to the dawn of civilization. finding out what's in the "garbage soup" (sasha latypova's definition) of what was deployed in the injections is an important piece of the picture.

i don't like seeing a resistance movement being sidetracked into talking points either. we need to be aware of the immense amount of divide-and-conquer being deployed against us and be supportive of everyone who is committed to investigating or taking down the great reset. whether that means investigating nanotechnology, or sinister speculative schemes like natural asset management or human capital bonds, or 5g and DEWs. all hands on deck.

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Yes, all hands on deck!!! Amen to that!

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