On Official Dissident Narratives and Why I Choose to Think from the Inside
Also why I am looking into biological contamination of vaccines
First, let’s address a small elephant in the room, and let us do it rationally and with love. Over the past four years, the official dissident COVID narrative has been shaped (with some help from the CIA, methinks), and today it functions much like narratives function in the mainstream where “truths” shape up in the background somewhere somehow, and then “everyone knows” that certain things are true, and if you make a step “in the wrong direction,” you are a bad person, etc.
Thing about me (a personality feature and a result of life experience) is that I think from the inside. Also, I am not a particularly vain person, and I like sincere people with different opinions, so it is very hard to convince me to “toe in line.” I think about things from the inside and change my mind as I please, and I have changed my mind a million times about million things over the past four years. And if I want to, I’ll do it again without fear or guilt.
For example, at some point I arrived at the conclusion that biological contamination of injectable products is a major cause of harm. It’s a cause of harm that your average sincere mainstream person would want to know about. Why does it matter? First of all, it matters because biological contamination of pharmaceutical products (and foods, and other things) is actually causing harm, and it is under the radar and needs a spotlight. Furthermore, I think that “defeating the great reset” (actually defeating it the soonest, as opposed to just saying it for dissident clicks) requires common grounds with the sincere, curious people in the mainstream (and there are many people like that). I believe that looking into biological contamination of vaccines has that power.
Interestingly, I have faced some pushback over this because the “official” dissident story is supposed to be about a nanotechnology genocide. I don’t like to talk lightly about genocides. I’ve been writing about transhumanism for at least ten years (no really, I wrote about it when it was uncool!), I have written about depopulation, and it seems obvious to me that a depopulation agenda exists even though the details are far more nuanced than what your average clickbait wants you to believe—but I found it interesting that there is this almost hypnotic focus on one thing right now, the nanotechnology genocide, which of course deserves the attention but it also happens to be a topic that repels the mainstream-minded folks—guaranteed—and it does so much faster than oregano essential oil repels New York waterbugs.
So, methinks that there is something to the topic of biological contamination of pharmaceutical products. Cool or not, I am going to carry on.
A relaxed philosophical interlude about power and hope
I am not under any delusion that the Machine, the entire Machine, is coming down any time soon. Only shameless clickbaiters and agents make claims that they are taking it down NOW (and talk is cheap). If you look around with honesty, you will see that the people in high positions of power, from “name” reporters to corporate heads to political leaders—no matter what talking points come out of their mouths—often work for the same literal boss. It’s a very expensive production. It’s a show that runs on sweat and blood of the regular people. Wars, sickness, pain and suffering are real, and so are individual acts of courage—but the show is just a show.
Every now and then, big players get shuffled up, the formerly brave and cool become dramatically tainted and uncool, and it looks all organic—but it’s not organic, and as time goes by, the authentic organic resistance to the Machine gets diminished, distracted, put against each other, or otherwise “de-harmed,” and the non-organic elements percolate up. It’s kind of like a homeostasis of the Machine. Operations succeed, faces change—and the Machine keeps chugging along.
That is sadly, the actual state of the world, more or less across the board. Whenever you look, lots of things are merely theater for the masses, and as we shout sincerely at each other over various talking points, the Machine just keeps chugging along.
By the way, I view those agents of chaos not as my enemies for eternity but as spirits who have chosen to walk on the dark side in this lifetime, and who stuck with the choice for now. In this moment of time, they are driven to do harm, they are dangerous, so it’s good to protect ourselves well. But they can’t be this way forever—and when they eventually walk over to the side of sincere love, real love, they will be a powerful force for good. There have been precedents. But at the end of the day, the choice is theirs, and they have to make it first.
The conclusion is, there is hope for this world. In the long-term there is a ton of hope for this world—and there is also our immediate focus on courage and love. Those are real, and they can carry us very far. But I don’t think there are quick solutions. The authentic existentially meaningful solutions will likely take a very long time and will have to do with divorcing our bad habits and remembering our souls, which would starve the mega predators of energy and make them shrink.
We will have to undo many centuries of lies and confusion, it is very unlikely to happen soon—but we can, and should, in my opinion, work toward that with humility and love and try to have our bravest, sweetest lives in the process. This is not about martyrdom, this is about expressing our highest souls and living our sweetest, bravest lives.
Which is to say, I intend to explore the topic of biological contamination in our lives, and I am going to do it because I want to.
With love. Without fear. With love.
A note to readers: If you are in the position to do so, I very much encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps A LOT, and I am in a dire need to get more donations and paid subscribers while keeping my posts free. Thank you from my heart for your support!
Love this - you have perfectly articulated exactly what i think/feel about them: "By the way, I view those agents of chaos not as my enemies for eternity but as spirits who have chosen to walk on the dark side in this lifetime, and who stuck with the choice for now. In this moment of time, they are driven to do harm, they are dangerous, so it’s good to protect ourselves well. But they can’t be this way forever—and when they eventually walk over to the side of sincere love, real love, they will be a powerful force for good. There have been precedents. But at the end of the day, the choice is theirs, and they have to make it first."
And living our bravest, sweetest lives can be expressed as fierce love and non-compliance - as a gift to them and ourselves of course! There is only love - hate and fear is love that has been distorted through the ego's veil of 'separateness'.
Great article thank you 😍🙏
Aye, the House of Bohak supports the motion.
Kidding but not kidding. I can't speak for anyone, but me, but: YES for the Love of God, Mother Earth of the flying spaghetti monster, can we all do some nuance, please? thank you :) The real devious purpose is not only to kill bodies, but to kill hearts, to kill love, which is impossible and only one devoid of love could try, but try they do, try they will and once the fail, they ultimately return to Love. And this is not fluff I stand by every word of it. If Love dies, it matters not who gets to live. Feel free to quote me on that"