deletedFeb 4, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena
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Thank you, Peter, I am very humbled by your response... and thank you for discovering me!! :-))

I have been reading both you and Steve on ICTMN for years, with much admiration! :)

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Also thank you for the book reference. The quote reads as a very accurate description!

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The Great Reset is a new Manifest Destiny, and I see it as all a continuation of Progress - which is the civil religion of technology-as-God that has permeated much of the human race.

Certainly there is a lot of propaganda, but from my perspective the propaganda only works because it speaks to people's belief in Progress. The "internet of bodies" and digital identities and Neuralink all sound cool to a generation raised to believe in a Star Trek future.

Of course, actual progress is coming to an end as we reach the limits of our finite planet, so the wealthy must convince the masses that their planned austerity and control is actually Progress to a better future.

We could be less vulnerable to this sort of manipulation if we could stop believing in Progress. If we could be OK with a world in which we live well and then die. A world in which it's OK for a pandemic to be beyond our control, or at least in which we recognize when our control attempts are ineffective and causing serious harm. A world in which we focus on the joy of being alive instead of devoting ever-larger proportions of our collective time and energy toward avoiding death. A world in which we find more joy in the return of springtime than in a shiny new gadget.

I awakened from Progress after six years of attempting to engineer cyanobacteria to produce hydrogen. It turned out that this was a much-overhyped idea with at least five insurmountable obstacles to real-world success, and yet the media was happy to report on every laboratory advance. Once I realized that the capacity for rapid evolution and growth within these 2.7 billion-year-old organisms far overwhelmed my attempts to make them do what I wanted, and I saw that green living solar panels would never make ecological or economic sense, I started to doubt the whole project of Progress. Now, how to awaken the others?

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The project of Progress has been a bit of a myth. And yes, it's possible to have new technologies, and to use them wisely, and all that. But "use them wisely" is a key point. Even gene editing, assuming it can ever get to a point where the scientists actually have any idea what they are doing, could be a good tool to help a small number of people who need it. But a small group of people is not a good enough market for this mentality! It has to be everybody, control everybody, sell to everybody, go go go! So I agree with you!

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Yes, there is progress - technological advancement which can bring real improvement event though it always has both benefits and (often externalized or not-immediately-apparent) costs. And then there is Progress - the essentially religious idea that more-advanced technology confers moral superiority and that anyone who would question that is primitive, backwards, "anti-science," unworthy of respect, etc. I like your parallel with Manifest Destiny. There was a similar Space Ace vision of colonizing the moon, Mars, etc. which mostly died at the hands of the laws of physics. Now they're trying to sell us on the Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution crap which ignores that fact that we are well into the realm of diminishing returns/limited actual improvement when it comes to meaningful/transformative advances in technology. So instead they cast social engineering as a technotopia, and believers in Progress fall for it.

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Feb 3, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Hello Tessa Fights Robots,How are you? Would like to re- blog your writings at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/garudabluffs ~ but perhaps you can open a Tumblr account to post directly? I should hope so, as elegant,interesting,& informative as your writing/reporting/analysis is.

Be Well,Stay safe,Take are, a fan

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Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your blog! Please feel free to reblog (just please link to the original). <3

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Feb 3, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

I remember reading an excellent book "4 Arguments Toward The Elimination Of Television" and not understanding why the author saw what waa happening as such a disaster. I assumed that we would be able to keep our religion, our sense of community and our standard of living. What Western elites once did to indigenous people is now being done to us. Ultimately they will leave us with nothing but the clothes on our back. And if we are sex slaves, they may not even leave us with that. We must be reminded not just of our humanity,, but the awe and wonder of the non-human world. I remember regaining my sanity by being outside and truly seeing a sunrise and a sunset again. It reminded me of being a kid, long ago, outside looking for nests and snakes . Going outside again on long walks with my dog reminded me of what it is lije to be human.Your writings do the same thing

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Feb 3, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

I also recommend "Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television" by Jerry Mander. Stumbled on that in some old issues of Mother Earth News last year. Long read, but well argued and in great detail.

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He makes the excellent point that television is a one way communication system. Just like video games, you can't talk back and you must play by their rules. The only purpose of television is to make your mind as passive as possible to receive messages from yoir masters. That's why the internet scares them and why they must try to censor i. Reddit exposed all too clearly how rigged the stock market is , just as millions of Trump supporters (however deluded) are discovering they really have no say in who runs this country. In the eyes of elites, we are all domestic terrorists. They will do everything they can to discredit people likr Jimmy Dore and Glenn Greenwald who try to find common cause w the Right and create more psyops like Qanon. Maybe the time is coming when we stop playing by theirbrules

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> 'That's why the internet scares them '

No, it does not.

You have been taking the red pill, but the dose is insufficient. Let me bring you deeper down the rabbit hole.

The internet, and computers, are and always have been entirely controlled by the Military-Industrial Complex. All of this is under the control of the intelligence agencies. The internet was not invented as a tool of freedom, but as a control mechanism, and always has been such from the very beginning.

You've heard of the Intel Corporation which manufactures microprocessors. They say "Intel" stands for "Integrated Electronics." It does not. The real meaning is "Intelligence", as in "intelligence agency."

The USA was entirely taken over by the intelligence apparatus during and after World War 2. Everything since then has been a lie and illusion. Google, Facebook, Amazon, Reddit, ALL of these major "companies" are not in fact public corporations at all, but creations of intelligence agencies.

> 'Reddit exposed all too clearly how rigged the stock market is , just as millions of Trump supporters (however deluded) are discovering they really have no say in who runs this country'

Neither Reddit nor Trump 'exposed' anything. They are only control mechanisms, just as everything else is, and always has been--designed to keep people living in a false reality.

No president has ever been independent, going all the way back to the founding of the USA. It's no coincidence that the Illuminati were founded in 1776, just before the Declaration of Independence. It's also no coincidence that most of the "Founding Fathers" were Masons and members of other secret organizations.

Trump, like all politicians, is 100% controlled, and always was--from birth.

What's happening on Reddit is in no way 'organic.' All of this is 100% scripted. This is part of the major stock market crash they are currently engineering.

> 'They will do everything they can to discredit people likr Jimmy Dore and Glenn Greenwald'

Nope. These people are Deep State just like everyone else who is in the public eye. Julian Assange? Snowden? 100% owned and operated by the intelligence apparatus.

They "attacked" Trump, also. And how did they do this? By picking and choosing people whom the public despises to "attack" him. They picked Hillary Clinton to "run against him" because both Democrats and Republicans have been known to despise this cunt since she first entered public awareness in the early 90s. Both these "candidates" were chosen out of countless others decades ago for the "election" in 2016. None of this happened organically.

I recommend the excellent book "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon" by David McGowan as a great introduction to how everything is controlled, and has been since forever. He also has/had a web site with the same information that's in the book, plus plenty more, primarily concerning the 1960s music scene which was an intelligence operation from the very beginning. The hippie "movement", the anti-war protests, the music, all created by intelligence agencies.

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The intelligence agencies are just the program managers. The key question is which demographic predominately owns, controls, or influences the BIS and its affiliates + the perception management industrial complex + Big Tech?

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@Dave: I had to delete your comment unfortunately since it was taking the conversation in a direction that for all practical purposes is very destructive. Love me or hate me, the entire purpose of everything I aspire for is to create more opportunities for love and creative momentum toward a world that is kinder and more alive than what we are dealing with at the moment. (I am sure everything I do is also extremely imperfect but I try). Now, taking the conversation in an ethnic direction makes it ugly, and Cat was not even saying anything of the kind. All she was saying (Cat, please correct me if I am wrong) was that the alphabets serve a function and don't run the world on their own (to which I would add that the world is very complex, and on every level individual ambitions and desires play a big role, in the alphabets, below them, and above them).

Also, I meant for a while to ask you to please not jump at people who comment here. I have never met you and I assume it's just out of desire to educate but ... The point is to think and feel together, to support each other and yes, to educate (with love), not to compete over who is more absolutely right. :) Again, I am not making any assumptions, just observing, and I feel very protective of the goal of trying to work together, as opposed to talk at each other.

And by the way, yes, I agree, the internet has always been a military endeavor, and never intended to liberate anyone. You are right about that. But information alone has never succeeded at making the world kinder. One can write a million books with the best information in the world, but without kindness, it will not even make a dent.

Hope you can respect my request!

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What else could she have possibly meant by "which demographic"? Perhaps there's another meaning intended, but that seems to be the direction everyone else goes when they start speaking in such terms.

My comment was intended to be entirely supportive and positive, o the one hand because there are a large number of people out there supposedly "in the know" who have fallen victim to such beliefs, and are being manipulated so that their actions will later cause harm and destruction to innocent people, who in some cases are my personal friends. I don't want to see any harm come to them. On the other hand I also can't blame anyone who has reached the same conclusion, because the lies are thick and deep, and I only want to show her directly what's going on.

I have lived in a cave essentially by myself for years, so like a person who has been stranded on a desert island for ages with noone to talk to, you might find my personality a bit strange. Every time I try to speak anywhere on the internet anymore my thoughts are immediately censored, or worse, shadowbanned. Needless to say, this can't help but accentuate any eccentricities you might detect, as it pushes me further and further away from society.

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I am reading "the F Word" from McGowan, thank you. If I can suggest you another reading search for Cathal Haughian. Not for everyone but you seem to understand much better than average people what's going on.

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I agree with all you said except that I don't think Assange and Snowden are owned and operated by the intel cabal. They are 2 of the very few exceptions. I used to think Bill Cooper was too far ahead of his time until I finally caught up with what he was saying. Here is one of his excellent and hard to find video collections.


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I think I love you😁. I’ve never agreed more with anyone ever!

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Brave New World shows better than most dystopian novels what kind of world they want to build: a world where motherhood is replaced with birthing machines, where everyone is an identical clone stamped out on an assembly line, programmed from 'birth' to become a perfect slave to the system.

They will succeed in this, for at least a subset of the human population anyhow, because there are too many people out there who desperately want this--both the masters and their slaves.

The problem we face, human nature, is explained by the story of Genesis.

Let me say first that I'm not any kind of religious zealot. I'm a scientist, first and foremost. There is no place in my mind for magic or mysticism. There are many things I certainly don't understand, but I do know that everything does have a rational, logical explanation, based on fundamental laws of nature. The Bible and other religious texts are steeped in metaphor, the product of wise philosophers over eons of thought and reflection, and they can teach us much.

The story of Genesis is really an analogy for the story of humanity; how we began as primitive creatures living on an earth that was essentially a garden paradise. Actually this was not the true beginning state, but a late intermediate stage, which had been created by humans after millions of years of "progress." This was the world as it existed before the invention of agriculture.

In the very beginning of man's ascent from animal to world domination was the discovery of fire. I believe this was approximately 5.5 million years ago--not coincidentally, at the start of earth's current ongoing glacial cycle.

Fire was used for cooking, for clearing land, for hunting, for warfare. As humans grew and expanded to cover the face of the earth, we burned down the planet in pursuit of our vision of "progress." With the widespread destruction of trees and the soil in which they grew, the glacial cycles began.

(I will explain in detail how this works, later.)

When earth's forests and soils were depleted due to ever expanding human activity, the resulting glacial periods were always accompanied by a collapse in human population. This allowed the earth to recover for a time, only for humanity to begin expanding once again, starting the cycle anew.

The garden planet as it existed in Genesis was the result of humans moving from place to place, dropping seeds wherever they went, over eons. At first this was accidental; later purposeful, as cause and effect was noticed and understood. Desirable fruiting plants and trees were encouraged in their growth while less desirable plants were destroyed, and over time, the planet became something of a garden paradise.

In time, man learned to till and cultivate the earth. This is where Genesis picks up--the beginning of agriculture. Read "The Plowman's Folly" by Edward Faulkner (published in the 1930s) for more information about the plow's destructive effects. Clearing of the land and tilling it made the food supply more reliable and predictable, increasing population growth, while greatly accelerating the rate of soil destruction. The glacial periods became more regular and distinct, particularly around 450,000 years ago, as mankind progressed in its knowledge and destructive activities.

In Genesis the two protagonists Adam and Eve begin in this garden paradise, but then they consume fruit of the "tree of life" or "tree of knowledge" which alters their understanding of the world. Research shows this holy 'tree' is none other than cannabis sativa, aka 'marijuana', the Original Sacrament, which has been revered by cultures throughout the world since the beginning. This is thought to be the first plant ever cultivated by mankind. This "tree of life" is mentioned in more detail in the Book of Enoch, and in numerous other religious texts.

"Adam" appears to be a phrase from an ancient tongue which means "red man."' It seems the author of Genesis believed that the "original" man was not white, black, or yellow, but the red man, like people of India or the Americas. He may have been of Indian origin himself.

According to the story, consuming the tree of life and wisdom enhanced human understanding. The ancient man begin plowing and tilling the earth. The human cranium increased in size to encompass a larger and smarter brain, without a corresponding increase in birth canal size, resulting in difficult labor. Humans were "banished" from the garden paradise, fated to till and plow the earth wherever they roamed, moving from place to place as the soil was depleted. They begin making clothes for themselves--to survive the cold which their own actions had created.

Looking at a globe today, we can easily see the result of the past 13,000+ years of human 'progress', since the previous glacial period. Note the large bands of ever-expanding desert surrounding the equatorial regions in particular. Everywhere there is desert, there was once lush tropical rainforest, followed by human settlement, agriculture, and animal husbandry, gradually resulting in the absolute desolation we see today as the soils were totally depleted. Without vegetation, there could be no water. When the water disappeared, so did life.

In the middle of what is now the Sahara for example there was an ancient kingdom whose name comes down to us as Shamballah; a legend long vanished into the mysts of time, like Ozymandias.

And herein lies the real tragedy of Genesis, and of mankind: our sad fate to always be expanding and increasing our knowledge and our population, changing the world around us, and in our imperfection always leaving death and destruction in our wake. We are now fast approaching the next glacial period which will result in yet another major population collapse.

In Genesis we are warned of a spirit that exists within humanity--the spirit of "progress." We can see this spirit at work today everywhere in the world. Humanity tries to progress, but we are imperfect and destroy everything we touch. Actions have consequences, and side effects which are unforeseeable and unpredictable. Gradually these consequences pile up, and in time, destroy us.

You could say there are two archetypes of humanity, one extreme represented for example by the Amish, and the other extreme by technology zealots like Kurzweil and his ilk. One group wants to "stand still" and live in harmony with nature accordance with old knowledge and ways, while the other wants to totally dominate and control nature, i.e. "progress." The world we live in today is the result of a perpetual tug of war between these two archetypes.

But even the Amish don't really represent the one archetype clearly; a more apt analogy would be apes living in the forest, who are actually related to us genetically, descended from the same ancestors. The only reason these great apes are still alive today is because they have essentially "chosen" to be completely primitive, and therefore pose no threat at all to human "progress." There have been many humanoid populations somewhere "in between" apes and modern humans which are no longer extant, because they competed with humans and were thus exterminated long ago. The fossil record is littered with their remains.

Personally, I'm somewhere right in the middle. I love computers, technology, machinery. You could even call me a sort of human robot, in some ways. But I also love the earth, forest, nature, animals. I want us to advance, but a true advancement in harmony with the laws of nature, not like this cult of "progress" which is essentially a death cult.

We should progress, and we will progress; there's no stopping it. But we must do so with the full knowledge that we have no idea what we are doing, and that all our plans will inevitably come to ruin. We are flawed and imperfect creatures, and are destined to always be so. Perfection is not something that "progress" is leading us towards; only bigger problems and more responsibility for those problems. This is the key lesson of religion, which Lucifer and his minions (Kurzweil et al) reject.

Even now they are building the "beast system" designed to rule us all. They will fail; they must fail; and we will ensure that they fail. We will make certain of their failure not by living as the Amish do, rejecting technology, but by using the same technology for higher purposes. With this blog being a perfect example of such.

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Feb 3, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena


your first paragraph: this is exactly what they want. People are... so inefficient. Do not want to behave like drones, prone to deviations from the mean, illogical. Gotta correct them all! Nevermind, that in the past all attempts at such corrections resulted in millions of dead bodies, such trifle will not stop Our Betters. For Progress!

Your third from last paragraph ;) : living very close to nature in my childhood (not willingly, mind you) I enjoy the modern amenities too much to go back. But I enjoy walking through forests and meadows and I would not like to see them destroyed. We can make living better while not screwing them up too bad; this is what would be progress. As opposed to Progress.

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The forces I am referring to will not stop until every tree is destroyed, every piece of nature demolished, and all of it paved over with asphalt, concrete, and steel. They will destroy all of nature and in the end, destroy humanity itself.

It has happened over and over and over again, countless times. It's even possible that humanity has achieved high technology in the past such as we have today, but it was all lost and destroyed along with humanity in one of the many cycles of collapse. It would be very easy and expected for all of the evidence to disappear without a trace over eons.

"Meadows" are yet another example of the destruction. The natural state of earth, without humans, is to be forested from pole to pole. The "great plains" of the midwest USA were not a creation of nature, but of humanity--as are the deserts of western USA. All of this used to be tropical rainforest, less than 13,000 years ago.

The "civilization" we have today, besides being destructive, is extremely fragile and unsustainable. Look at the supply chain, and the resources required to produce anything. There are tens of thousands of steps between raw ore and a manufactured object. At every step is waste and pollution, and the whole thing requires enormous energy to sustain.

We can indeed live better in about a million different ways than we are currently living. We can build a civilization that is sustainable and healthy--but it will require a complete rethink of everything.

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Feb 3, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Nicely said. I think you should appreciate Gail Tverberg's work and in particular this one : https://ourfiniteworld.com/2020/12/02/humans-left-sustainability-behind-as-hunter-gatherers/

The same idea, expressed differently.

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Thanks for the link--yes, that's a great article! I would make only these corrections:

a) She points to the Sequoia trees as being an example of trees which "naturally" use fire to reproduce. In nature without humans, the natural state of the earth is to be forested from pole to pole. In that reality there are no major natural forest fires, just as there aren't in tropical rainforests today--because the environment is too wet. It was humanity destroying the forest which led to dry conditions which could allow such fires to develop. The trees requiring fire to reproduce thus isn't a natural development, but yet another example of humanity's actions altering the course of evolution--just as the desert plants (cacti etc) of southwest USA evolved to live in that region after humanity had destroyed the forests their ancestors enjoyed.

b) In her comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of grain crops and root crops she leaves out a major counterexample: the potato, which was a staple of Andean civilization (along with the grain quinoa), and which today is a major source of energy for us just as grains are. It doesn't share the same disadvantages of other root crops which she outlines.

c) She says that a booming economy is correlated with high energy prices, but the opposite is true. Cheap oil is what fueled the creation of everything we see around us. The economic collapse of 2007-2009 was caused in large part by climbing energy prices, due to increasing scarcity. She is correct however that this scarcity will lead to war, and that we are in currently in a Greater Depression which is a prelude to war.

d) She says that cold countries will experience more difficulty than warm countries as energy scarcity continues. Generally true, but this doesn't take into account residents of colder regions living parasitically off the production of warmer, wetter regions, such as how the New England Establishment has been living parasitically off the southeast USA for the past 160 years, or how the Incas living way up in the cold mountains controlled the lowland coastal regions.

Otherwise, excellent article. Thanks for the link; I'll have to read more of her writing.

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she addresses the grain vs. root vegetables. It is most probably the storage. As every farmer knows, storing grain is easy and only requires it to be kept dry. Grain can be stored for much longer than only one winter. Try to do that with potatoes without freezing them. And I suppose, the bulk density has a role to play as well; 50 kg sack of grain will provide you with more calories than same sack of 50 kg potatoes.

Grain is in general much easier to farm, requires much less work overall, which leaves you with time to do something else. Or nothing at all besides watching the clouds pass by ;)

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many thanks Dave! If you take some time to read her work you will see that she has worked for long on energy and energy prices so she is more nuanced than what is expressed in this post. You are right, cheap energy was the condition to build up our modern economies. But we are at a different stage now because of diminishing returns : we extracted first the easiest resources and now they become more and more expensive and difficult to extract. Cheap oil has become a problem because the costs of production are too high. The capital is now destroying value which has been hidden for years, maybe decades, by low interest rates and quantitative easing.

I totally agree about parasitism of northern countries, they did it, do it and will do it as long as they can.

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I remember reading/hearing that the pre-human world had periodic massive unchecked forest fires sparked by lightning. This may not have happened in the rain forests, but may have been normal in the drier climes. And so, the natural evolution of sequoia giganteum which relies on fire for promulgation. Do you know if my understanding is in fact incorrect?

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Thank you! Looks very interesting, I will read! xo

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Thanks for another great treat filled with your clever insights.

We are not "lumbering robots". We should see the madness that is transhumanism for what it really is.

Ever since we started to use tools as a species we have had this unhealthy obsession with our tools. Transhumanism is the ultimate evolution of the tool where we merge with and become the tool. (This was the underlying premise of '2001 a space Odyssey', the movie that today's transhumanist elite grew up with)

On the philosophical front - Descartes tried to bridge the spiritual world with the science of his day with his 'Cogito, ergo sum' but ironically ended up doing the exact opposite. Before the Cartesian Revolution the world was alive and everything had a soul, after the Cartesian Revolution the world was dead and barren. Now, his extreme line of thinking made many scientific breakthroughs possible, but it has run its cause in the last century.

Unfortunately transhumanism did not get the memo.

In a perverted way transhumanism tries to reclaim the soul their philosophy took away from them. Biological enhancement and immortality are only there to be had for the faithful! Of course heretics seldom fare well in zealous crusades.

I agree with your conclusion that all this will inevitably fail; The more complex a system grows the more vulnerable it becomes to catastrophic failure. Case and point - All civilizations before us failed.

And speaking on that note, I think you might enjoy Joseph Tainter's lecture on that exact topic as it could give you a future angle of attack to fight our elites. Tainter gives us a very sobering picture of the limitations that our social and technological advancements inevitably create.


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Yes, and thank you for bringing up the Cartesian angle. Very important, indeed!

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We make a lot of jokes about this with the kids. "I fart therefore I am...I love therefore I am...I imagine, therefore I am... AM THAT I IAM...oh wait, was that blaspheme? :)

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Feb 3, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

I have been perplexed by the brazenness of the Great Reset sell, which seems about as appealing as having mice with ears crawling up your legs in a dark room. But looking around I see friends and family brain hardwired to MSM through an almost visible digital umbilical cord. In that light, the grand presentations of the Great Reset can be seen as an expected functional part of the process. The comparison to Manifest Destiny is alarming.

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Feb 3, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Some perspective, from my perspective. I read this article and also the comments as very intelligent discussion with appropriate focus and concern about the plans that the elite have for the rest of us. From my reads and recollection, it hasn't been all that long that this has come under real scrutiny. The first writer I was aware of who warned about the globalization cabal is Brandon Smith (Alt-Market.us). His ardent conservative views may not sit well with some, but to my recollection, he was the first to ring alarm bells about and bring to my attention the existence and persuasions of this force.

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Brandon is about 90% of the way to the truth. He's not completely there, but he's way ahead of almost everybody else. One of my favorite internet commentators.

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"I have been perplexed by the brazenness of the Great Reset sell"

If they really wanted to keep something a secret, you would never hear anything about it.

When it's being broadcast so widely to the general public, that means it's all part of "the show"; just another manipulation of people's minds.

It's important to understand that all of this is *theatre*.

The "Great Reset" is announced publically because they *want* some people to be shocked and horrified by it, so that their *reaction* can be controlled.

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It certainly is a bold endeavor. I think only a bona fide madman would aspire to do such a thing. So their insanity is a very important thing to keep in mind. Those people are wealthy and influential but they are not okay. Then on the other hand, the willingness of sane people to go along is another thing. :)

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Thanks Tessa,

Time is short. I am working on spiritual transhumanism, a term that just popped into my head and onto this keyboard, and the ethersphere. Well, we have to do one better than the masters of money, technocracy and militarism. Clairvoyance would work, if we do it right. It's a platform the owners don't own, because it is "anathema" to them, beyond their ken. It's their blind spot. They do "robots", not "Zeitgeist".

Gotta' bike to work at the clinic, now. I'll meditate compassion. I can do that.

It's kinda' like chewing gum, after you practice awhile.


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Hi John -- I long ago thought that the mind would be an untouchable safe harbor where the humane among us could retreat if all was lost. Au contraire. When

I discovered their scientific forays into synthetic telepathy, I knew they were going for broke.

I think they want to decode consciousness so that they can take their manifest destiny straight to the very heart of the matter: what does it mean to have a soul?

Our overlords -- and surely others in the multiverse -- know at a deep level to be hybrid doesn't really count. The replicants' dilemma was that only true authentic organic beings get past the cosmic velvet rope. The Akashic Records have no place for half-human, half-machine cyborgs. The psychopaths may be able to corrupt human DNA, but unlike their robots, even the lowliest being will always be accorded membership in the halls of spiritual connectedness.

I've long dedicated myself to experientially exploring what Rupert Sheldrake calls the morphogenetic field, Tesla called the ether, and my teachers simply refer to as "the other side." Robot tears notwithstanding, machines are not allowed. Human-born humans unite!

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Thanks Tessa, It's work to do for those who can do the work, and it's urgent, now.

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Oops, I mean "Thanks Cat" (How embarrashkin!)

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I thank both of you. :))

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Thank you for helping me save face...

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Feb 4, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

My guess is that the National Security State isn't nearly as powerful as you think it is. They do not seem to even be able to overthrow the governments of Venezuela, Nicaragua or Syria. To someone living in E Germany toward the end, Stasi seemed all powerful but was in fact in its death thriws. There's no doubt the deep state has tried to influence all kinds of things, but of late there is no evidence that any of it has been successful. Cynicism toward government and govt controlled media has reached an all time high. What all this means for Jeff Bezos etc is an interesting question.

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You have a point. I think everything is a perpetual collective dance. Meaning, the members of the proverbial security state are also human beings with own ambitions and own fears. Same is true for everyone, regardless of their social function. And I am sure that the insane fervor of trying to usher us toward this crazy arrangement is driven to a large degree by fear. But we still need to do things for it to no take place, otherwise it's pretty bleak, and I would much rather sanity kicks in before it gets completely ridiculous! And yes, the skepticism of probably the majority toward the establishment narrative is strong (but one wouldn't be able to tell by reading newspapers or looking at Twitter :)

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What I think helps me to see reality is is that I work with adolescents w substance use problems as well as having a 12 year old daughter. Because they dont believe in it. Any of it. Just like people stopped believing in the Soviet Union. If the corporate sponsored BLM is attacking our collective past, and the majority of people can't see a oillective future, what's left?it seems unlikely that a mahority of people will believe this SJW nonsense combined extreme miltarism has any connection with reaality.It's all too obvious that these new "public health" dictates are a form of social control. And US hegemony is over- they couldn't do anything about China if they tried.Things are falling apart and that's a good thing.

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Build back better?

They want to destroy everything, including the minds of the few survivors who will own nothing, have no privacy and think that life has never been better.

My doubt is that these destructive, parasites will be able to build anew once they've burnt it all to the ground.

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Sorry to keep commenting but I keep thinking that the dance they are doing is a danse mscabre like the ones that started to show up during ending of the Middle Ages in Europe. It is zombies we are fighting and we must be truly alive to ourselves to survive the metaphorical apocolypse that is coming. We will learn the meaning of the Chinese curse "may you live in interesting times"

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Feb 4, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

My personal response to all of this is to feed the birds, take a walk, talk to the mailman and plant a garden.

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That's a good personal response!!

(Sorry made a typo on the first attempt :)

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Once again, Ms. Robot Fighter knocks it out of the park. You write so evocatively, Tessa. Bravo!

In terms of colonization, did you ever see the 1973 French animated film Fantastic Planet? It's a nonpareil sci-fi dystopia. Let me know if you can't find it. I have a copy.

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Thank you Cat!!! I will look xo

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Fantastic Planet is however, also very sexist patriarchal and exploitative of female bodies - part of its dystopic vision to be aware of. The visuals are dazzling.

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That it true, Amy, but also remember the film was was made in 1973. We (I'm not saying you) have to always put in historical context art and literature from the past. And not just the Western canon, but all cultures. Humans have mightily progressed everywhere and still are.

The violation of the current Woke Industrial Complex is to weaponize progress and use it as a cudgel of guilt and shame to actually take us backward. In the early 90s when I was very active in feminism, the woke infection was just starting to happen. I lament the totalitarian direction social justice warriors have taken it.

Here is a very important talk by James Lindsey that explains what they're doing to humanity:

A New Leninism Is Gripping America—James Lindsay on Repressive Tolerance & Free Speech


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Too true especially the insanity around the virus where folks I thought were so intelligent, creative and progressive have fallen for the narrative hook, line and sinker and have 'unfriended' me on social media or have insulted and name called me for trying to alert them to the global technocrat fascist agenda of world domination using the virus as psy-op/social engineering propaganda to engender compliance.

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Feb 5, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Amy, thank you! I suppose I might possibly have been able to conceive of the power plays and censorship playing out, but I never could have anticipated that I could be so silenced. After considerable effort I have managed to reach one of two family members, but I am still largely unheard. The reality I experience is effectively blocked by those wired into MSM.

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Feb 5, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Cat, thank you! I am 68 and know for certain that American societal norms have changed dramatically just over the last half century.

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Another brilliant commentary - thank you.

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Thank you Amy!!

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Jun 9, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

It's incredibly syncronistic for me that you named this ''The Last Squeeze'' as I was calling all the last ditch power grabs that (in my head) for a couple months now that I've woken up enough (to more clearly conceptualize what's going on). You will forever be imprinted in the book of my life for this! Oh and everyone needs to read this right now. You're a beautiful soul. I salute you divine!

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Thank you Melissa, your words make me very happy, I am touched!

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Nov 20, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

What keeps us bound to the line that is progress is simply fear of the new/unknown, the fear of change and the change we need now has never looked more different. I think one needs to be very familiar with the darkness before it starts to look like a very attractive attraction to a complete rebirth. I appreciate your hard work and attention to detail leading to real insights, Tessa.

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Thank you Jennie!

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I Love this: "to prevent this joyless hell and to stand up to billionaire abuse, we need to remember that being human is good and pleasant without any gimmicks, that joy is our natural state, and that no one needs efficiency at the price of freedom and happiness."

And I saw birds flying, almost in a circle high in a blue sky with sparkles. And I went out on the cold earth in bare feet. And I danced.

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The strange thing is that I think the future does inevitably involve bio hacking and control of one’s own biology, but the globalist plan of literally destroying the middle/working classes means that there will be no replacement of the class of highly qualified and/or smart individuals that drive humanity forward. A large content and free population of billions is actually required to sustain the production of a few hundred thousand geniuses. They won’t realise this until far too late hence why long term their vision won’t work.

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They think bots and AI will fill their needs. But as I look at what they are building and how crappy it all is I think they're deluded.

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