God bless you and your lovely voice. You are a breath of fresh air; impressively optimistic whilst solidly informed and rooted in reality.

Graceful and elegant.


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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Love is an action word - GOD = Love. I practice leading with Love, challenging in today's world but I depend/rely on the GOD of my experience. F.R.O.G - Full Reliance on God. Thanks Tessa, you are a gift from above & I know GOD is the wind beneath your beautiful wings ...

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I'm glad you have the courage to speak about love and meaning, Tessa. Someone has to do it.

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I'm listening to "The Eye of The I" by David R Hawkins on Audible. Everything you've just said correlates to the wonderful content of this book. Peace, Joy and Love should be our natural state no matter what provocations are out there. I'm finding it difficult, but I want to be a better human being. Thanks, Tessa ❤️

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Gosh, it seems all my favorite Substack writers are moving to some or all of the articles being for paid subscribers only. I know people need income...I get that. But, the result is that those with the most money get access to read and comment. Not everyone can pay for subscriptions.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

The thing about the NY healthcare workers is good news, of course. However. The reasons they made it null and void (the wrong authority was used, and the injections don’t stop transmission) are wrong, in my opinion. It should be voided because no one should ever be forced to give up their bodily autonomy. Ever. For any reason. I’m glad they managed this small victory with some legal wrangling, but to me it’s not much real progress until this is recognized as the real issue. A person must be able to refuse giving up their bodily autonomy without giving a reason to defend their decision.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes, nothing is more powerful than "the Love that moves the Sun and other stars." - Dante

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Anger is a legitimate expression of love

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You can't please all the people all the time. It's hard enough to please yourself. If you do that,God forbid, & another is pleased with that, you've found a friend... & friends are where you find them, everywhere.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa you and George Clinton said it better than i ever could https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1C5aZ9l1JI

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

If you haven’t read the book “Left to Tell” about discovering God amidst the Rwandan Holocaust by

Immaculee Ilibagiza, I would highly recommend it. Her journey has been an excruciatingly painful one, and she has managed to forgive. In many ways I feel like we are also living a Holocaust, but not many victims or their families seem to realize it. I hope, one day, I will also find this love & forgiveness in my heart. I think this will only be possible after the Holocaust ends😢

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As we know––all a game (some say simulation?) To me? more of a game. But a very serious one, with dire consequences. I wouldn't expect any different from the Creator Beings of this realm. How I would have designed it IMHO.

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Defeating the Bulldozer with an RPG works better...

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Re "anger is needed in order to overthrow the crap, etc." - we can be angry and loving at the same time.

Love the sinner. Hate the sin.

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Sorry Tessa, but I can't agree to forgive those that manufactured a disease (Gain of Function) for the purpose of 'inventing a vaccine' for financial gain.

It's arguable whether the subsequent DEASTHS by vax were/are accidents or perhaps a means of fulfilling another sinister agenda = DEPOPULATION?

No Truce, No cease fire, no AMNESTY! Just fierce and violent retribution from my viewpoint!

The world is BLIND to the impending 'Gates - World Health Organisation world take-over', but we must refute all WHO initiatives that supersede personal and National Sovereignty. Since Gates became the WHO biggest benefactor (INFLUENCER) the WHO have become corrupt and no longer function in the interests of World Health - they now operate as another of Gates's Vax marketing divisions. Vax = DEPOPULATION!

Apparently, Bill Gates said this in 2011;

"............if you just do a GOOD JOB with VACCINES we can REDUCE the population by 10 - 15%."

He then backpedalled by suggesting "......women from poorer countries would be less likely to OVERPRODUCE if their children had a longer life expectancy".

Join the dots, factor in these new (since 2021) phenomena =

'SADS', 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome'.

'SIDS', 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome'.

"died suddenly",


'never seen before, inexplicably large multiple blood clots',

'athletes dying mysteriously',

'unparalleled excess deaths'

The topic has since been covered up and vehemently denied by the 'establishment'.

Join the dots and reach your own conclusions.

Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed because I joined the dots!)

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Maybe you can have a chat with Mathew Crawford, because he is definitely screaming in pain

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