
Haven't seen it till now. Thank you Kyle!!

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Aww, thanks so much for the shoutout, Kyle :-)

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That piece is worthy of more than a shoutout.

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Bless you, Kyle :-) Coincidentally enough, you introduced Tessa to my work on the same day that Charles Eisenstein introduced me to hers!

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And I am so glad that the introductions happened!!

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Gotta love cosmic connections - like learning about CE.

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“But orders are orders” when seeing how Police in Australia do their job…. “The notions of ‘loyalty, duty, discipline,’ requiring competent performance in the eyes of authority, become moral imperatives overriding any identification with the victim.”

If you Google “ Freemasons in Police” ….. It worry me quantity of Masonic police badges in USA. People say that Masonry makes men better? Why secret identification then? It can be two imaginary fences between us easily…. Job loyalty and ……………..

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Personally, I am not inclined to spend to much time thinking about secret societies. For one, they have always existed throughout history. For two, I believe that the ones that matter are probably truly secret, and the ones that are talked about are probably different from how they are talked about. That is my suspicion, I have not looked into it but I think that we have access to things we CAN change (facing spiritual challenges in our own lives and focusing on being the best versions of ourselves and doing everything with love). When it comes to secret societies, I doubt we have any access to doing anything about anything related to the topic. I am sure there are people with a special calling to understand that, and fine. But for most of us, I truly believe that courage on the ground and insisting on love where we are is a far more powerful way of "fighting evil" than trying to understand symbols of secret societies, etc. The latter can easily lead one astray and drive one crazy (without much usefulness), so personally, I focus on the things I can change!! Which is what my general recommendation is for anyone who wants to know. :))

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Actually me too Tessa. But it was more then red pill to wake me up, not some corrupt ready, secret organization of 5 million members. Am I willing to share that with North Americans? I had time to think about that. Nope. And why?

They don’t care for over 100 years of deadly lies. Maybe is timing of Great Reset good for them, because 50% are getting cancers? Don’t forget: In healthy body healthy mind. And love.

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Oct 10, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Snowden alerted all of us that we are all on camera. New for me, in recognition of a durable but inaccessible superset to the visible power structure, is my recognition of how the means and the organizations are in place and active, so that anyone can be Epsteined at any time. This has to explain the deep state love affairs with AI. Imagine being able to capture and review everything some individual does for a couple months, any time, retroactively if needed.. Would it be at all difficult to figure out the easiest ways to nudge them? And what if the nudging is done simultaneously to a group of "influencers" who do in fact promulgate that nudge to their followers? Or what if its just a more serious cash or stick nudge to a powerful figure? The ability to identify and correlate key relationships would enable very efficient use of resources to attain any specific goal. I have wondered how the hell the Epstein "suicide" could have been so effectively handled. I now have an answer.

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Oct 10, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa, you mention that you don't like secret recording. Quite understandable. But are we in a war? Is it fair to compare this with literal shooting from the trench at some poor bastard in the opposing trench? What are morals, anyway? My answer is that they are hardwired behaviours that facilitate efficient pack relationships. But in complex situations the moral compass in humans is attracted simultaneously to North magnets in different clocking orientations on different planes, competing for dominance and creating impasse and choking resolution.

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Oct 5, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

striking is a great description of this latest batch of updates, like a bowling ball no doubt. the military doc speaking out, hip hip hooray , and as far as the people from pfucking pfizer, they may be bridges now burned, but the truth will win in the end, and the house of cards will fall

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The house of cards will definitely fall. Let's hope it happens sooner rather than later!

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As to Project Veritas and Pfizer employees, they're unlikely to get any more to come forward, since they just publicly burned three of their sources, who will most probably be fired, and potentially be prosecuted for violation of non-disclosure agreements. That was stupid and amateurish of them to burn sources like that, as stupid as what the US Army did to a bunch of people in Afghanistan...

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Lots of news updates here, including this:


Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) of viral pathogenicity, is when antibodies from a prior viral infection, or vaccination, make the virus more infectious to the host.

Look at the recent Public Health England data, showing cases per 100,000 by age and vaccination status (2 shots or none).​ [Bar graph at link]

As England’s drawn-out Delta outbreak drags on, the infection rates in the vaccinated continue to outpace those in the unvaccinated, reducing (unadjusted) vaccine effectiveness further. For the 60s age group, infection rates are 63% higher in the vaccinated than in the unvaccinated, up from 53% last week, giving an (unadjusted) vaccine effectiveness of minus-63%. But that has been topped this week by the 40s age group, the vaccinated among whom now have an infection rate no less than 66% higher than the unvaccinated, up from 46% in last week’s report and 27% in the report for the month ending September 5th.


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I agree with you, Tessa, but the peasants have not learned to think for themselves. (Another topic: The truth about schools and why the old statutes say that children must be broken). And lack of courage and integrity among citizens in developed western countries. Likewise, the world has not learned to fight the secret Insider dealings (read: Illuminatis?) of the World. Illuminati like mediocre, corrupt people, not the best. Save the secret and open Empire from going broke, with preemptive, long planned, self revolutionary “New” global power grab green/ism?

For the rest of the World, how about a little preemptive Decentralization? At least from Five Eyed countries plus Germany and Switzerland. Japan to… Vatikan…Holland... Not the best anymore. Don’t take the Covid money/shackles from IMF and World Bank. GREEN Lipstick on the pig.

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Thank you, and I think there is always hope for the peasants!! Human beings tend to not walk in a straight line, especially in today's society that bangs everybody on the head with unlove and disrespect almost from the moment one is born. We can create many messes and learn from them. It could take a thousand attempts but the goal is always joy and love. I believe that is the idea and whole point of human experience. Love.

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Yes, Hope is good always. Psychopath lies: In 2020, Klaus Schwab said that Covid-19 is a “rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world.”

He forget to mention, that after going nearly bankrot after “Golden Window” closed in 1971, he got visitors. 50 years ago. 50 years (mis) used to dumb down peasants, shorten their lives, stole their savings ( SS benefit fund will be empty in 2027-2028. Taken as collateral for China credits). Hope is good.

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Oct 5, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

YT deleted, but voila: https://gloria.tv/post/zLZ7jJuLzNEd226SYMXRqKzyA translated.

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Hope for the peasants comes from the peasants, not from Schwab. From Schwab, I don't see any hope for the peasants, he is deranged.

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Hmm. Deja vu moment…. Haven’t been already once in Great Reset Paradise ? Green New World? And then psychopath ( On top of the pyramid) expelled us by eating forbidden “normal” “ organic” fruit.

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More of the same what is coming to peasants. Maybe it is time to push to another level if majority of sheeple aren’t ready to turn brains ON? Speed up things with dirty tricks (hidden cameras), if people aren’t willing to be honest, courageous, and with integrity on both sides?

No one from politicians is coming out what is happening in reality. They are bread last 50 years to be silent and listen to commands. https://www.younggloballeaders.org/community?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Macron To censor 90% of population, is not dirty thing to do? Just the useful tool of our dear 1% psychopathic leaders to keep powers forever?

Translated from DWN:

“Because effectiveness is waning: Biontech is planning a new corona vaccine for next year.”

“According to BioNTech, the current Covid-19 vaccines are being undermined by mutations. This makes new vaccines necessary.”

“The managing director of the Mainz biotechnology group BioNTech, Uğur Şahin, rose to the list of the 500 richest Germans last year. Together with his wife Özlem Türeci, he founded the company in 2008, which last year developed the first vaccine against Covid-19. Now their fortune is 13.5 billion euros.”

“The twins Andreas and Thomas Strüngmann, who together own half of BioNTech, are now sixth in the list of the richest Germans with assets of around 24 billion euros each, as the latest estimate by the manager magazine shows. The future of BioNTech also promises significant profits with Covid-19.”

"This virus will stay and the virus will continue to adapt," Şahin told the Financial Times. "We have no reason to believe that the next generation of the virus will be easier for the immune system to manipulate than the current generation. It is a continuous evolution and this evolution has only just begun."

“Şahin predicts that there will be two main directions of vaccination programs by next year. There will be booster vaccinations for those who have already been vaccinated, and people who have not previously had access will continue to be vaccinated for the first time. For the time being, he did not want to give any predictions about the future prices of BioNTech / Pfizer vaccines.”

***Corona vaccines: In the case of emergency approvals, the manufacturer is exempt from liability.***

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The Rabb bill appears to be in earnest - "Texas' controversial abortion bill has inspired fury from protestors, threats from Democrats, and a massive range of memes. It's now also inspired legislation in Pennsylvania. On October 3, Democratic State Representative Chris Rabb announced new legislation targeting men, in direct response to Texas' SB8. "There should be laws to address the responsibility of men who impregnate them!" he declared on Twitter, announcing a public call for co-sponsorship of his proposal." https://meaww.com/pennsylvania-rep-chris-rabb-mandatory-vasectomies-proposal-texas-abortion-bill-twitter-reactions I'm sure he thinks it will ensure his re-election...

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By the way, there's precedent for this: "We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, in order to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. . . . Three generations of imbeciles are enough." Oliver Wendell Holmes, CJ, writing in Buck vs. Bell, US Supreme Court, 1927. Buck was forced to undergo involuntary sterilization, as were 60,000 other women, mostly poor, up until 1978. See https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/supreme-court-and-sterilization-carrie-buck

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It is awful. Disgusting, awful, and people are not intelligent for not remembering own history.

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So, in fact, there is long-standing legal precedent for *precisely* this kind of assault and invasion. We need to radically proscribe the "police power" that public health authorities have, and put a dead stop to this kind of thing. In fact, the "public health" apparatus in the US is been corrupted to the point where they are just another branch of the sales force for the corporations which fund these agencies, either directly or indirectly: "In the early 1990s, Congress created two federally chartered medical foundations—the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) and the CDC Foundation—to raise private funds to support federal biomedical and health research.

Controversy about the transparency of “the source and amount of all gifts” has surrounded the two low-profile foundations, which have funneled nearly $2 billion over the past twenty-five years to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the CDC for research, clinical trials, training, and educational programs. In 2018, legislators on the House of Representatives appropriations subcommittee (that oversees the NIH and CDC) expressed concern that the FNIH and CDC Foundation were not adhering to disclosure rules spelled out in the Public Health Service Act (PHSA)." https://uncoverdc.com/2021/09/08/cdc-funded-mrna-study-conflict-of-interest/ and “A 4-month investigation conducted by United Press International found “a pattern of serious problems linked to vaccines recommended by the CDC…and a web of close ties between the agency and the companies that make vaccines.”13 “The CDC is a disgrace. It is a corrupt organization,” said Stephen A. Sheller, a Philadelphia attorney who has sued vaccine makers for what he says were bad vaccines. “The drug companies have them on their payroll.” …Since the mid-1980s the agency has doubled the number of vaccines children get, up to nearly 40 doses before age 2. The CDC also tracks possible side effects, along with the Food and Drug Administration. This puts the agency in the awkward position of evaluating the safety of its own recommendations…. Members of the CDC’s Vaccine Advisory Committee get money from vaccine manufacturers. Relationships have included: sharing a vaccine patent; owning stock in a vaccine company; payments for research; getting money to monitor manufacturer vaccine tests; and funding academic departments. The CDC is in the vaccine business. Under a 1980 law, the CDC currently [2003] has 28 licensing agreements with companies and one university for vaccines or vaccine-related products. It has eight ongoing projects to collaborate on new vaccines.13” https://jpands.org/vol25no3/huntoon.pdf

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I think his bill is intended as a publicity stunt.. The problem here is that things move so fast, and people's state of mind is so volatile that today's satire can easily become tomorrow's morality, and this is just ridiculous in any case. Inseminators. Jeez.

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I'd treat as if it were in earnest, and react to it accordingly. I'd stick Buck vs Bell right in his face, and give him the sort of publicity that will follow him for the rest of his life. I'm sure he thinks his political opposition are "imbeciles", so bait him into saying it, in public, and then ask him if "three generations of imbeciles are enough"... People like this need to be treated as they treat others.

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