I am fighting ever harder to keep my head above the media quicksand. PCR cycles are different for vaxxed vs unvaxxed, yes? PCR positive is proof of nothing, yes? Hospitals continue to be financially encouraged to run bodies through the Remdesivir/ventilator to body bag discharge industrial size conveyor belt, yes? Vaxx makers are accountable to no one, yes? Children are not at risk of harm but Must Be Vaxxed because we must protect the vaxxed from the unvaxxed even though the vaxxed are more contagious than the unvaxxed and natural immunity is durable and any presumptive vaxx protection wears off anyway and for those that aren't young anymore there's safe and quite effective stuff, but that's no longer available because all have to be vaxxed so the vaxxed can be protected from the unvaxxed, yes? Uh oh, gurgle, I'm going under...

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Also as I just found out from a link kindly sent by a reader in Idaho. they just changed the way the count available ICU beds. They changed it on September 3, and on that day seemingly, the number of reported available beds dropped.


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Which will seem perfectly sensible to those with spirals in their eyes. Really.

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If you search for articles about "ICUs at 85% capacity" prior to 2019, you will find that's the goal for profitability. https://hospitalmedicaldirector.com/what-is-the-ideal-hospital-occupancy-rate/

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This is definitely not the case in Boise. After hearing the hype, my mother & father in law visited the two main hospitals & found that all was quiet, including in the ER. There was no sign of unusual activity at all.

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Thank you!!

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I’m in OC, CA. Back in February or March (maybe? Time is losing its meaning), when the media was screaming about how all our hospitals were “filled to capacity” with Covid cases, my son and I took a drive around a couple of major area hospitals. We only saw security guards and empty tents. That’s it.

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North Idaho resident (not a physician/nurse though). It is true that hospitals are swollen. Kootenai hospital is pushing >100% capacity. The HHS protect public hospital data is updated only once a week, so can be almost 2 weeks out of date. The state-level views provided in the post are misleading because the problems are more obvious at the county level.

We have a number of confounding factors though.

Rural hospitals like the one closest to me (Bonner General) are small. BGH has 4 icu beds typically. Overflow goes to Kootenai hospital, sometimes to Spokane, perhaps as far away as MT.

In north idaho, property values have been only going up but wages haven't kept up. Most of the service workers in Sandpoint can't afford to live in Sandpoint. BGH has 54 vacancies last I looked. These will be hard to fill unless something changes on the affordable housing front.

Kootenai Health is located in Coeur d'Alene which has seen 20% growth over the past decade (but that doesn't include the influx of the past 2 years). KH expanded 5 years ago. It currently has about 450 vacancies. As I've seen around the country that ICU usage can tend to burst above 100% at times, it is possible that KH hasn't become accustomed to such bursts yet. And I'm not sure if the expansion was big enough for the recent influx.

We have few providers here who are offering early treatment. If one knows about it and asks for it, one may be able to get it. However, we also have a problem that some of the early treatment drugs are becoming difficult for the pharmacy to acquire. I don't know if the early treatment options are as known or as available closer to KH.

The CDC policy (hospitals aren't required to track breakthrough infections) challenges proper counting. **Rumor** -- if one received a vaccine at, say, CVS or Walgreens, then the only record is the CDC card; if the patient presenting at ER doesn't have that card, then the patient is recorded as unvaccinated. This should be something for journalists to poke at. **Rumor** -- hospitals may be providing early treatment options to verified vaccinated patients but denying early treatment options to unvaccinated patients. Again, a real journalist should be looking into this. Are these true? How widespread?

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Thank you, Jennifer! This is a great comment, very helpful.

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also, regardless of the perceived bias of the rest of the website, i like the hospital data presented at RationalGround.com -- it shows a time series plot of hospital capacity (drawn from HHS data) which i can't seem to find on the HHS website.

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I am an Idaho resident who just had a cousin (57, I think, unvaccinated, I think) die in the hospital with severe pneumonia after testing positive for covid. I had also learned of a young woman in the community where I grew up (near Moscow) who died of pneumonia (didn't test positive for covid), while waiting for an ICU bed at Gritman Medical Center. Right now, Jan 2022, it seems like there is observational evidence of something (Moreso than when all this shit started).

I'm not one to think the entire nature of viruses and seasonal illnesses was totally re-written with this one virus. And there is too much evidence about HIV being more a scam then a menace for me to rule out the possibility of data manipulation and scare mongering. (We can see much of this with regard to agriculture and wildlife diseases, such as Chronic Wasting Disease that was recently discovered here in Idaho... see my letter to FEMA for more on that issue: https://chonchorealitymixer.wordpress.com/2021/11/29/comment-to-fema-concerning-pesticides-and-a-plausible-link-to-wildlife-diseases/ ).

However, there does seem to be something going on. I don't know if anyone is doing research to drill down the timing on 5G deployment in these areas where I am seeing cases of severe pneumonia, but it would be one plausible factor in my opinion because the timing of the roll out coincides. https://www.govtech.com/network/5g-network-rollout-continues-in-idahos-palouse-area.html Reading Invisible Rainbow, which was written before the plandemic, provides a great deal of research to back up such a connection. https://chonchorealitymixer.wordpress.com/2021/11/09/letter-to-the-idaho-county-free-press-on-emf/

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I noted that on twitter, you had posts on this issue from several different news sources. This is a sign that what we are seeing is a propaganda campaign. Also, the occupancy numbers that you have posted look entirely normal. It is usual for hospitals to run ICU at close to capacity--and they can add capacity if needed, turning regular wards into ICU wards. Finally, we know that early in the pandemic, many hospitals were closed or near empty. Other hospitals were allowed to become overwhelmed, even as temporary hospitals sat empty--think Elmhurst, Queens in NYC, struggling with too many patients, while the temp hospital in Javits center sat empty.

We have been lied to over and over during this "crisis". Why should this time be any different?

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Tessa, don't lose sight of the big picture.

Many rumors about vaccination revolve around infertility. Soo, Swiss Covidians “experts” are counteracting with full fledged BS… I couldn’t read all: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.blick.ch%2Fpolitik%2Fcorona-experte-battegay-ueber-positive-nebenwirkung-zweite-impfung-verbessert-spermienqualitaet-id16677104.html&prev=search&sandbox=1

From DWN:” The financial author Marc Friedrich sees the world at the end of two important long-term cycles. Those who look at cycles will also understand why humanity does not learn from the past. Because after 90 years there is no one left who can report firsthand about this transformation from their own experience and protect subsequent generations from making the same mistakes over and over again. The valuable knowledge is simply forgotten. Even if books report about it. Every time people think: "This time is different" ("This time it is different") - but that's not it! Not this time either!”

The debt cycle.

"There are two ways to defeat and enslave a society: with the sword or with debt."

John Adams

The short debt cycle lasts an average of five to eight years and the long super debt cycle 50 to 75 years. In the long cycle, debts grow faster than incomes over long periods of time. The interest and repayments grow more and more, which leads to a reduction in expenses. Since one person's expenses become another person's income, incomes begin to decline. Individuals creditworthiness goes down and borrowing goes down. The downward spiral is in full swing, the financial crises are breaking out and the cycle is coming to an end. When the long cycle comes to an end, it always goes hand in hand with major upheavals and a reorganization of debt and a new monetary system. The debt cycle always ends with a major crash. This is heralded by rising inflation and rising raw material prices. The last debt cycle ended with the outbreak of World War II. After that, the current cycle started in 1945. It is now in its 76th year, making it one of the longest in history. Now, let's get to the power cycle next.

The power cycle

"Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Lord Acton

“ If you look at the number of empires on Wikipedia, you have to scroll down for a long time until the list ends. Empires come and go. Some empires last for hundreds of years, others for a much shorter time. The famous Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire both lasted for over 1,000 years. On average, around 100 years pass from rise to fall in the life cycle of an empire. What all empires had in common at the beginning was always a covered monetary system and the dominance of their money over other currencies. An empire held the world reserve currency, so to speak, whether it was the Romans with their denarius, aureus and solidus, the Byzantines with the solidus, the Spaniards with the real or the British with the pound. Currently it is the Americans with the dollar. But we are already gradually seeing the move to the next superpower - probably China. All centers of power began with a covered monetary system and ended with an uncovered one. If confidence in money is lost, the end of the system will also be heralded because people will lose confidence in the elite.“

Are not ( some) people tired of banksters shite every generation? And wars? Swiss, City of London, NYC, Amsterdam, Frankfurt am Main, etc, secret craps are deadly at end, but between, greedy Matrix, isn’t paradise either. Anybody knows good historical book about Spanish Inquisition?

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A self-inflicted crisis in Idaho, journalism and health care.

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Ultimately it only takes one hospital to request the state move into special care or whatever it's called.

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I've been doing research on this lockdown for 19 months. The claim of lack of capacity at hospitals is in fact true because of 40 years of downsizing by our governments and BigMed to create leaner meaner profits for the financier class. In 1980, the average beds per capita in the US was 4.5 beds/1000. Oregon, my state was 3.5/1000 in 1980. Today? US avg. 2.4/1000 and Oregon and Washington tied at the bottom at 1.7/1000 and CA neck and neck at 1.8/1000.

Across the board since the Reagan/Thatcher De-evolution downsizing, detaxation of the rich, reduced services has driven a leaner-meaner austerity for the 99% and our Public Commons. This corporate occupation of social policy making has decimated all public services as we see with hospitals during kovid.

I've looked at the Oregon Dashboard many times and am mystified by them listing only 5500 beds in the system. OR population is 4.3 million. A 1.7/1000 ratio would be 7300 beds. This alone would cover easily the surges. If OR were the US average 2.4/1000 there would be over 10,000 beds and we would have a system designed to handle emergencies like this. But the prevailing fashion in social policy is ruthless and cheap rather than serve the social needs of humanity.

I remember a day in the early 2000's when my 80 yr old dad's HMO employee literally carried him in his arms upstairs and dropped him off on a sofa in the house with a casted broken leg from one day in hospital. No hospital bed, no wheelchair or even one item to help him live at home with my 80% blind mother. No nurse or support or advice even. This kind of lean and mean economics is what has us in crisis in 2021.

Capitalism will never serve the social needs of humanity until the people take over policy & budget and design a beneficial Public Commons of services and good paying jobs. Instead, all we get is cuts for us and riches for the rich. When we all acknowledge the socially destructive nature of austerity and demand limits to poverty and wealth and place the rich in wealth cages, we will begin to eliminate class society and start to evolve to an adult civilization. Below are links to data and articles.







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Idaho is a state where the population contains a higher % of "Freemen", ie, gun-owning, free-minded folks who value self-sufficiency and tend to reject rationales justifying incremental state intrusion into their lives. As such, Idaho probably has one of lowest jab acceptance rates in the US.

Idaho is being scolded. "Evil Unv'd Idahoans Clog Up Overworked Hospitals" That is the real headline here.

My guess would be that as this all unfolds, US states with large #'s of freedom-valuing, armed folks will be focused upon first as they present the greatest challenge to existing power structures as our "masters and keepers" tighten their grip on us all. The media is conditioning us to first see the folks in Idaho, Montana et al, as subhuman degenerates clinging to the past so we accept their being rounded up/warred upon when this happens.

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As a new Idahoan I hope you’re wrong! But if so, that’s part of why I moved here- to be around people who wouldn’t be tolerating totalitarianism.

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Ah, sorry Achillea-- I should have said "if" rather than "when". My view tends toward the darker end of things whenever I find myself prognosticating. There is definitely cause for hope out there, not so much for a bright future for us any time soon but pointing more toward total failure of the current culture of fear-based restriction we are being force-fed. If enough folks who work in our local law enforcement agencies stand up to the paper tiger feds who would have us on our knees then the whole thing will collapse like a house of cards. Both Idaho and Montana have County Sheriffs who are aware of and understand their constitutional legal power and reject fed claims that a "state of emergency" situation exists. There is no danger to the USA here. Diseases don't conquer nations or put chains on people. Only huge numbers of insane, brutal people are capable of doing that.

There are definitely places in the USA where lots of folks are wise enough to see that the future being imposed on us here is simply not a livable one. These folks are ready for anything that may happen. I'd say you found such a place, Achillea.

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Everything is about getting needles in arms and establishing a good citizen digital ID for tracking. That is all they care about. Use fear. Use incentives. Use mandates. Use emotions (We must protect others. Do you want to kill Granny). Take away access to entertainment and shops. Threaten jobs. Take away travel. Next will be threaten arrest. After that threaten with death. After that just kill people who won't comply.

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Ah, Tessa. I think I figured out what it means... There are so many vaccinated COVID patients (legitimate cases) that when a small spike occured in unvaccinated COVID patients (illegitimate cases) they had to ration care due to the unexpected increase. :-)

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This actually fits quite well, and it rocks out, old(ish) school.

I caught the B-52 on this tour at the Armadillo Word Headquarters, opening for the Talking heads.

Who are these Guys!? :-)



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