That's pretty funny... A toxic drug, remdesevir had a recall for glass.

Can't make this shit up!

Meanwhile they still pretend like remdesevir is a good treatment and still use it, harming people.

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Thank you Tessa.🙏

Regarding the eye drops I think there is more to the story. This comes on the heels of them lying to smear erythritol sugar and lying to boost sales and glamorize unhealthy sucralose sugar. I think they were looking for any possible way to shut these eye drops down because they contain stem cells. Eye drop bottles themselves may become contaminated by improper use and storage. Im not saying it isnt true but right now FDA is cracking down on natural therapies.

Erythritol sugar is made by us naturally in our bodies via the penrose phosphate pathway after eating fructose. It may be a protective to help prevent blood clots and more. Many studies have been done on the potential healing properties of erythritol. It acts as an antioxidant. A recent article claimed because erythritol is found in the blood of obese people this meant it causes blood clots and heart attacks. It sounds a lot like the new alzheimers debacle where they recently found the tangles in the brains of alzheimers we consider the "cause of alzheimere" are actually our bodies protective, antimicrobial response to brain infection. They do not cause alzheimers.

Meanwhile fake sucralose causes immunodeficiency. At the same time they smeared erythritol they came out with articles recommending sucralose as a good sugar because some people with autoimmune conditions might benefit. Damaging the immune system has never before been recommended and pushed onto the entire world.

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That is interesting, thank you for the additional detail, Heidi! There are always too many layers to everything.

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Im sorry I left out the worst part. They are claiming erythritol causes heart attacks and strokes. This is asinine. It prevents these things!

I noticed several years back on Google when you look up something natural like "vitamin D flu virus" an option will pop up saying, does vitamin D cause the flu? When you click it, it says theres a large connection between people who take vitamin D and have the flu. That's like saying there is a large connection between people who ride water bikes and wear life jackets!!!! 🤣😭

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Oh yes, the general attack on supplements and more natural cures has been going on for a while. Money and power!!

Of course, some producers of natural cures adhere to better standards than others, and there is no lack of charlatans in that area as well. I just think back to the post-Soviet Moscow again where there were lots of new "natural cures" that were pure machinations. Hey, I was once hired to translate for a Tibetan "doctor" who I quickly figured out was not good at all, and knew little. That's a separate story~~

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Speaking of D-vit, Brownstone has recently run a profound summary(*) --> brownstone.org/articles/vitamin-d-everything-you-need-to-know 👌

🗨 Addressing the widespread deficiency in 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels is crucial to combating not only COVID-19 but also other illnesses related to immune system function.


(*) Forewarning: quite lengthy and a slog to read at times, but dense in important info 😇

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Thanks for this one. (Don't get me started on commercial dog food....)

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Thank you!!

Oh I think you already got started on it so please do tell!! :)

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I got red-pilled on industrial dog food years ago. There was a terrible poisoning, a massive recall of some big name brand in 2007, many dogs died of liver or kidney failure, including one in my family. That's old news, I don't recall all the details, anyone who wants to know, it can be Googled up.

The way I see it, basically, with some caveats (no chocolate, no avocado, sugar, etc), dogs evolved to eat our leftovers. Spooning meat, rice / corn tortilla, vegetables into their dish, it isn't rocket science.

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I am so sorry that a dog in your family was a victim of that!!!

And I heard that "pet food" in general, especially dry one, leads to kidney failure. Seems like everything is poisoned!!

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I spent years researching, trying to find a ‘good’ commercial pet food for our dog. It doesn’t exist. We finally fed our dog nothing but raw meat (we bought a meat grinder) with a few occasional additions (raw egg, tiny bit of vegetable, drop of iodine…dogs are designed by nature to eat almost nothing but raw meat. They’re carnivores. No grains, for goodness sake! And no injections! Do folks realize that corporations are, in recent years, very focused on increasing various injections for pets? And livestock, of course. It’s no wonder that we’re always hearing about pet dogs & cats getting cancer as well as other health issues. I feel sad for these critters.

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That makes so much sense!!

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When we fed our last dog with raw meat, his coat was luxuriously shiny, his muscles were big and strong, his eyes were bright, and he never had any stomach upsets. It was amazing. I do realize most people find feeding with raw meat only is too overwhelming in a number of ways. Let’s face it…kibble is all about convenience. Before kibble was invented, pet dogs were much better off with table scraps. Dogs eat kibble. Dogs get lots of cancer. If one researches how kibble is actually made, they’d be shocked.

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The other day I was making an organic greens salad and even though it said “triple washed and ready to serve”, I washed the greens anyway. Because, apparently, I trust what it says on labels less than gas station sushi.

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Very wise of you!!!

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When I worked at the Cleveland Clinic my boss’s husband worked at Ben Venue pharmaceutical plant. She told me her husband was full of horror stories of unsanitary conditions and safety violations. The plant was notorious. Finally shuttered but then went through other permutations within the pharma industry while city officials cheered the job opportunities. If this is happening in America I shudder to think what’s going on at pharmaceutical plants in China since that is where most prescription drugs are manufactured nowadays. https://www.fiercepharma.com/m-a/boehringer-ingelheim-gives-up-on-troubled-ben-venue-plant-laying-off-1-100

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Reading about the eye drops made me thankful that I make my own for dry eyes, as well as medicated. Gross

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Good for you!! And a very wise choice.

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With the info available on the internet, there's no reason we all can't make our own medications, salves, creams etc. 🙂

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Under the circumstance, given the total corruption in every industry, including medicine, it could be our best option. I do have the greatest respect for the doctors who are true to their profession as human body is very complex and there is no "one size fits all" medicine. But those are rare nowadays, and we need to live!!

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Absolutely. There isn't a home remedy for everything. 😉

Although my electrician husband claims he could do basement vasectomies and tonsilectomy etc 🤣🤣🤣

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Tonsillectomy is a bit passe [I don't use the PQ keyboard which would allow the acute accent on the terminal "e"], and vasectomy feeds into the WEF depopulation programme.

He could make far better money using a soldering iron to treat skin lesions. It just takes a bit of practice to identify the easy ones and get the voltage and timing right. The "medical" Hyfrecator costs about C$1500, the Canadian Tire soldering kit goes about $100 for the Maximum brand.

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What do you make the drops of? I am really curious.

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A simple Saline I make myself and one of the ingredients for say...pink eye that I have found works well is adding colloidal silver 🙂

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fyi - I have heard that soaking a moist chamomile teabag on an infected eye (like for pink eye) will help it. I never had occasion to try it but keep it under your hat.

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I've heard even black tea bags will do the trick! For stys too 🙂

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I’ve been wanting to make my own drops for dry eye and redness, which I get occasionally. Any suggestions?

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A simple saline solution specifically for eyes works well 🙂

Easy to find online.

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Thank you!👁️

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I use Similasan, but it is getting costly. I need a non-oily type as I'm the main driver and shopper. Between Cataracts removal, Lasix to fix the football cornea, and the wrong lens, and high computer use mine are constantly dry. I ended up with a stye, and dr meds are bad for me I used the Stye one to remove it. No burning or blurring.

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Can you clarify what you mean by ‘the Stye one’?

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They make 3 kinds, 1 Pink eye, Dry Eye, and Stye. A stye is a bacterial infection involving one or more of the small glands near the base of your eyelashes. It is similar to a boil or a pimple and is often painful. A stye (sty) is a red, painful lump near the edge of your eyelid that may look like a boil or a pimple.

Eyelid glands get clogged, you use Baby Shampoo to clean the lid and lashes. It's common in Dry Eyes from cataract surgery or Lasix. In my case, I've had both.

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I was a health inspector for L.A. County. I have stories.

In 1967 the L.A. Health Department deputized me and gave me a badge to show for inspections. It looked just like a cop’s badge, but in very small letters it read: Sanitarian. Not accidentally, I replaced inspector ID with my driver’s license. Thereafter, whenever I got stopped by the law, I’d show license with badge.

Over 9 years I was probably stopped 10 or more times for speeding or running a stop sign. All but one-time cops let me walk when they saw the badge. One time, I flagrantly pulled into the emergency lane and passed a mile or so of cars to get off at an exit ahead. I got caught, but when the officer saw the badge, he let me off. As he walked away, he asked if I was a Marshal. When I admitted I was a health inspector, he said, “well then, you can get a ticket!”. But, since he was already walking away, he let me go. Whew, close call!

The only time I got a ticket with the badge was in Long Beach when I rolled through a stop at 2nd and Redondo. A grizzled, old motorcycle cop pulled me over. I showed him my badge. He took one quick look and said “I don’t care, you’re getting a ticket anyway”. There are a few honest cops out there…but not that many. Fortunately, for my own scandalous self.

It's a big club and you ain't in it. GC

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2nd and Redondo…brings back memories.

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Yep. 🤔 Also kind of reinforces the concept that our collective germophobia is a tad pointless! People freaking out about the odd "scary" virus, while literally crawling with trillions of other virae and microorganisms, but they are totally ok with the 900+ chemicals in the food and body are products that are toxic over long term exposure, yet got "grandfathered" in because science says "GRAS". So all good.

If the natural world was so heinously dangerous or sickening to us, how did we get here? Rhetorically, 🤨 it's the world created through industry, that's toxic to us. Is that perhaps why the natural world is being systematically demonized and we are taught to fear it?🤔😐🤨😑🤦‍♀️

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Personally, I am a big fan of good hygiene, while not being scared, and not watching TV that tried to scare you :)

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I’ve always thought the phrase GRAS (generally recognized as safe) was a pile of horseshit. Something is either safe, or it isn’t. I believe GRAS was invented to let corporations get away with more crap.

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I have felt since 9/11, the invasion of Iraq, the 2008/9 crash and Covid that I was living in a bubble of sorts separate from these things... ie my willingness to do research and find out things the media wasn't telling us. Thank you for your work Tessa. I wrote this article to account for the excess deaths in the 25-44 age group- "Covid" v non-Covid. https://turningpointnews.org/corona-virus-reports/what-has-been-causing-a-huge-increase-in-the-number-of-deaths

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Thank you, Elizabeth!!

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The Whole Foods fiasco is very typical of commercial food production. I'm assuming (because I never worked for the company) that it is very pressurized at every step, owned as it is by Bezos who is not known for his kindness to employees. I'll bet anything that, for example, the person caught not changing gloves was likely not given time to do so properly and/or given an insufficient number of gloves to make do with. The people cited also might not have been properly trained as I suspect the facility probably has a pretty high turnover like many industrial/corporate food establishments. There are food processing plants near where I live. They require 12 hour shifts and go 24/7. I'm sure personal quality control goes out the door past something like 6 or 8 hours into a graveyard shift.

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GOD bless you Tessa for our Lord has you in the Palm of His/Her Hand ...

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Oh lord, thank goodness we have resilient natural biological bodies! 💕

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thanks for the fda recall page - very interesting :) it seems to cut both ways. i.e. this company who either forgot to pay their bribe or paid later maybe? https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/correction-notice-new-hampshire-laboratory-error-incorrectly-resulted-recall-lef-farms-spice

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Wow. Leaves you wondering, that's for sure.

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In 2018, a John Hopkins study claimed 250,000 people in the US die each year from medical error. I'll assume that since the scamdemic that statistic has more than anually doubled.

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Whatever the actual numbers are (of course we’ll never know exactly), it’s too many people.

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Crooks rarely admit they're criminals they just

double down.

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That study I cited in the article approximated up 400,000 in 2013 (210,000 proven). And when 2020 came, things got, as we know, just tragic.

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What's interesting is that during the scamdemic in 2021 articles started to appear denying the enormous number of medical error deaths.


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Remember: never let a loved one be in a hospital without an advocate there at all times. The corporate ownership has resulted in staff shortages and other issues (the bottom line is the focus of the top administrators $).

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Oh wow!!

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Was watching a History Channel series on the Men Who Made America, the big manufacturers. They didn't want Wm Bryant a reformer Democrat, so bought William McKinley, nullifying Teddy Roosevelt by having McKinley choosing him as VP. Things stayed the same, till McKinley was assassinated. TR became the President, he used subterfuge to get the Meat Packers to stop using diseased meats. Pushed for better pay and housing for workers. Where he went wrong he turned into a leftist in the Bullmoose Party.

They are back to their old ways again. Bought a whole chicken a few months ago, missing an entire wing. Which was hidden in the packaging. You can no longer rely on the USDA OR FDA.

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