Great post Tessa! CT's are a sane reaction to pervasive criminality. I like how Edward Dowd explains that deductive reasoning is a skill used by detectives... and sane people. With deduction you don't need a wiki entry, just a preponderance of evidence. A recent definition of a CT I heard was that it is a Fact, that IF TRUE would derail people's view of the world.

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Thank you!! And I think being able to connect the dots to some extent is a necessary skill. Always has been. The fact that we are now told not to think for ourselves (OMG) says it all.

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I think many people can connect dots, but there's a vast majority that don't want to. they are in denial.

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"Preponderance of evidence": Magical words that nobody seems to understand these days (much to our detriment)

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Has it not derailed your schema of the world too? It has done to me.

The world is not a good place.

Politicians are not just greedy but evil psychopaths.

History taught is mostly lies created by propagandists.

And the world is ruled by the super Rich GloboCap that are evil and devious

That good does not follow good.

Once I began uncovering Soros’ reach into UK and then EU governance that’s when my nativity was displaced. Brexit woke me up.

FYI his childhood story is not kosher.

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My idealism was shattered thanks to my abusive ex (an ugly story, very dramatic, I found myself suddenly without rights in a very scary situation). All ended well. But I was no longer an idealist in that sense.

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I think I grew up as a sceptic and cemented that view through the many, many times I’ve been suckered from strangers and those close to me plus the personal traumatic out of the norm life events. Ex included.

As a psych I used the Shattered Assumptions Theory to assist clients with complex PTSD. Note as a Counselling psych I too HAD to have years of psychoanalysis and continual supervision. (Hence why I’m so surprised if the story is true of Desmet. Where was his supervisor?)

The blessing or curse depending on your stance of Covid is that it shattered our assumptions of the world. Evil truly exists and now that we are no longer blinded by the spiels, the awake are able to see that much of what we believed of the world were fabricated narratives.

It’s a tough journey to accept reality as it really is. But the question we should ask ourselves is: Do we really want the old normal of mass delusions? As for seeing conspiracies everywhere, that might be accurate, however as hyper vigilance is part of Restructuring our world, eventually only the wheat remains.

FYI “Shattered assumptions theory

In social (? Hmm No. also personal belief structures) psychology, shattered assumptions theory proposes that experiencing traumatic events can change how victims and survivors view themselves and the world. Specifically, the theory – developed by Ronnie Janoff-Bulman in 1992 – concerns the effect that negative events have on three inherent assumptions: overall benevolence of the world, meaningfulness of the world, and self worth. These fundamental beliefs are the bedrock of our conceptual system and are the assumptions we are least aware of and least likely to challenge. They constitute our "assumptive world," defined as "a strongly held set of assumptions about the world and the self which is confidently maintained and used as a means of recognizing, planning, and acting" by C. M. Parkes. According to Janoff-Bulman, traumatic life events shatter these core assumptions, and coping involves rebuilding a viable assumptive world“ Wikipedia

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I was lucky, I grew up with a mother who'd escaped Nazi Germany, who had no faith in politicians and who sneered at all advertising with the words..."Argh, they're just trying to sell you stuff with their lies"...so I was sort of forewarned...but that knowledge didn't stop me getting a nasty shock these last couple of years as to exactly how low so many people are willing to go to try to achieve their desired ends...which of course, they will not be allowed to do!!!

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I think you need to recognise the compartmentalism of information , relating to those who implement the means towards the ultimate (disguised) objectives. They can't/ won't see the bigger picture and (those above them are compromised = controlled)

I don't think the principles and drivrrs of what we're seeing here is fundamentally different from anything else in history, only the scale and complexity of it is, given the advance of technology.

Also, important is the question "why now?" What precipitated this state change and ultimately who benefits and why? I don't think it's just money and power; they have that already that's for the ranks I think it's to avoid a situation which is a threat to the controlling entities; be that via population control.c.f resources / oil, or loss of power through growing financial independence of vassals etc

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Yes! And think they're getting rather scared...they wanted more people to satisfy the maniacal need for more and more sales and money, but now they've got so many people they don't know what to do with them, and to cap it all some aren't so manageable, one should get rid of them fast...trouble with that kind of careless action is one make mistakes, big mistakes. And boy are we seeing them.

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Great post as usual Tessa. I believe a lot of people in this part of the world cannot realize that their own leaders (political or corporate) can do them harm willingly. This is very different of course if you live in Africa or India for instance. When Nestlé killed a million newborn every year (according to USAID whistleblower) it was ok it was in the Third World. Wd didn't SEE it. When Monsanto glyphosate or Coke/Pepsi corn syrup kill people around here we don't see it either because it's slow.

Now we experience direct brutal malevolence here, fist hand. We are not used to that. People find it difficult to fathom...

I always did. Since I was a child. I knew we lived in a corrupted world led by a large group of malevolent people. That's the good thing with not being nice. At least you can (if you want) see things.

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Thank you, Matt, and sadly, I think you are right!!! People tend not to care as much when it does not hit them personally, in a way that is undeniable. Eventually, I think everyone learns, but sometimes very late in life!

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Most people will always try to chose (if available) confort rather than truth. They don't want to experience the sad reality of our world.In a way I can't blame them: our brains are hardwired to experience a benevolent, empathetic and cooperative tribe around us. Because that's the normal human existence.

We're not made to be confronted with being surrounded by pervasive systemic social corruption .

Only crazy people like me are (said tongue in cheek).

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We aren't crazy, we are the sane critical thinkers of Seniors. Who learned in real schools. Older non WOKE/CRT teachers. Most were in their 50's by the time we started school. We grew up in small towns. But the news was from big Blue cities, still as corrupt, and crime, drug infested cestpools, you go armed in, only they are now pure hell of chaos daily. Wait till the GRID crashes, those EMP books I like will become real.

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These people are psychopaths. Their trademark is networked criminal conspiracies. They recognize each other from an early age. They are trying to kill us, e.g. population reduction. They laugh at normal people. See my post that explains. https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/149-testing-for-psychopathsthe-stuff

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Unfortunately, we have emotionally damaged and extremely messed up people in position of power!! And it's been this way for a long time!! it's the condition of being psychopathic that helps them to get to the top or to stay at the top!! But then, it is a two-way street....every person has the power to tilt the balance a little bit... if many people do that, the balance will tilt!

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Gotta try. Im in. But these are not damaged people. They are likely genetically different and not human by our standards. Look at that post. It’s critical info.

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a goldmine of receipts to rival the great reset for dummies.

one for your collection: kw noticed the mysterious timing of the gates microchip patent https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/four-american-war-criminals-i-think

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Thank you!!!!! And thank you for the link as well.

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Wow! What a collection! I intend to review again. It seems anything that makes someone uncomfortable when they hear it has the potential for being labeled as a CT. Thus the eye rolling you mentioned. It's like they aren't ready to deal with it or even entertain the potential thought. You have more patience with those eye rollers than I during the current scenario. 🙏 I see it more like: 🙈🙊🙉 My patience is wearing! Keep on writing! Reading it helps me feel sane!😅

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Thank you Kelly!!!! And I just posted a comment in response, and it disappeared!!!

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A surprise party is a conspiracy. It would defeat the purpose if it weren't.

I associate conspiracies with concealment, or subterfuge. If it's not hidden, or was exposed, it's not a conspiracy.

I also don't get the controversy over conspiracy theories; the supernatural is more 'out there' than any theory.

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I agree, concealment is a part of it, and it obviously exists...

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Doggies this is quite an impressive collection fer the fact checkers! Bravo Tessa for the exhaustive list (entertaining too, and a'course a reminder of just how dystopian n' Freak'a'delic things have become).

In truth...and this is from a Proud Crackpot (literally)...

You, Me and other Conspiracy Theorists are Good People!

(We all need to RIFF on Igor Chudov's very excellent recent essay that proudly announced that, "You, Me and other Anti-Vaxxers are Good People.")

We the flexi-brained thinkin' cap-on conspiracy theorists, are just wired for curiosity. Wonderin' leads to wanderin' and wanderin' leads to knowledge (and a passel'a rabbit holes...Curiouser N' Curiouser...).

How else can we figger out the the world if our feet and minds can't wander (or wonder)?

Thus, in the land of the blind... the pineal gland is KING! (i spy with my third little eye...)

So let's all roll our eyes together just for the sheer goofy-ness of it! Ready, set, ROLLLLLL!

(And the naysayers and factcheckers can roll back but if they're runnin' away "skeered" they're gonna trip and skin their little knees)

Thanks for sharin' all this! (it does feel good to feel vindicated even if we cheer quietly...)

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Thank you!!

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Another masterpiece of words and heart and soul, and so much verification. Thank you, Tessa.

I wanted to invite you, (and anyone else in NYC, if you can / feel called / have capacity), to a 5g Jumbo Pole walking tour this Saturday on the Lower East Side. (To share information, and not get too close to the poles). Need more NYC'ers aware that this onslaught of invisible radiation is happening, and is not harmless ..

There's more and more wireless infrastructure, and now huge 32 foot poles will have antennas from multiple tenants, for multiple technologies, Wi-Fi, millimeter wave 5G, sub-6 GHz 5G and 4G LTE. The millimeter range frequencies are higher than most of our consumer meters can measure. But measurements so far have been high, and we can be sure we will be exposed to a greater variety and density of wireless radiation.

And with pulsed, microwave radiation injuries / erosion of health, as with "vaccines" (and, vaccines), the injured are gaslit, and "safety" claims are based on scientific fraud. (Claimed safe if within FCC Exposure Limit - but that's not true At All).

( ** https://mdsafetech.org/problems/industry-influence-in-science/ - Really really super informative page, about the same bullshit of corruption in research, academia, "regulators", media, etc ..)

This Saturday, Sept 24, New Yorkers 4 Wired Tech ( https://newyorkers4wiredtech.com/ ), will host an outreach event, in connection with "Global 5G Day," and those in Europe who are aiming to get 1 million signatures to take to the UN and European Parliament to roll back this technology.

This is our current schedule:

3-4pm - Jumbo pole by Trader Joe’s at 400 Grand (at Clinton Street)

4-4:30pm - Jumbo pole at Grand & Essex Streets by the Pickle Guys

4:30-5pm - Jumbo pole at East Broadway and Rutgers Street on the Seward Park side across from Wu’s Dumpling King



Feel free to spread the word! Thank you ...

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strength to you and your efforts for awareness, Ellen. praying this human experiment will meet a quick death.

from what i heard (from the wife of a diplomat), in japan, they've already uncovered the flaws (and i suspect the harms) of 5g, and are moving on to the next generation of wireless technology...

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Thank you, Ellen, and wow, how interesting (I mean a horrible topic but thank you so much or doing this, it is so important!!)

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One man’s war criminal is another man’s war hero. All depends on who wins the war and who does the trying.

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Yes, this is so true!!

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"And when Hitler decided the time was right, Germany went to war, not by declaring war, but by a carefully prepared sneak attack."

That comment stuck out to me above all other things in the "Don't Be A Sucker" video (coincidentally created by the US War Office, "not...to be shown...to the general public without permission of the War Department).

In 2020, The Hydra (globalists) went to war on the common citizen. It was phase one, a way to exploit our defenses and see what "compliance" looked like.


They didn't declare war, they had a carefully prepared sneak attack in the form of an invisible enemy, a virus. They'd planned for this for years, and that's been well documented here and in other places.

Tess, you're right on the money. You keep shouting like you are. I'll gladly bear the gold star as a conspiracy theorist and spreader of "misinformation", and anyone else with eyes to see should be glad to bear the same.

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Thank you Tessa for your thorough run through. The thought never enters my mind. Are there conspiracies? What? Of course there are. People conspire continously. They've just tried to demonise the word. It'd be like if they rebranded bullying. There's no bullying. Its just people disagreeing and one person being persuasive. Theres no such thing as bullying. That's a myth.

Of course conspiracies happen. Sometimes (quite often lately) they move from theory to fact. I like to keep about a dozen in rotation in my head at any one time. The most ridiculous thing to believe is that their are no conspiracies. Some people actually believe this. Crazy tinfoil hatters!

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Exactly, people conspire continuously! And thank you...

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what's so hugely ironic is the worse the agendas of systems that be, the more likely they are ignored as hype and complete bs. there must be a name for that phenomenon....entropy...?

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That seems to be true! It is very hard for a generally benevolent modern person to accept a reality in which injustice and deceit can exist in broad daylight, on such a massive scale. As long as it does not impact one directly in a manner that exposes the Machine, it is almost natural to be in denial... which is why I think that oftentimes, it takes a dramatic personal experience to snap out of slumber!!

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speaking for myself, i was utterly ignorant to any injustice and deceit baked into the systems until my health crashed and i had no other choice but to build it back from scratch, so i am living proof of this, dear Tessa. thankfully once i recovered, i found likeminded people to keep me sane and from doubting what my body was telling me was the truth. i have let it be my ultimate guide ever since. thank you for helping keep me sane!

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I am so glad you feel good again!!! Such a blessing!!

And we all certainly need each other to keep sane. :) xo

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thank you, Tessa! the world needs you, for sure <3

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Obvious when you say it like that. :-) Perhaps the way to combat the use of the term "conspiracy theorists" as an epithet for epistemological injustice (i.e. a reason to be dismissed), is to adopt proudly. Like "yes, I'm a conspiracy theorists because I see the world is full of very corrupt, selfish, greedy people, don't you agree?". Or point out that they themselves are conspiracy theorists... "so you don't actually believe that Trump conspired with russia to rig the 2016 election? and you no longer believe that all white men are conspiring against other races and women?"

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I like the phrase "epistemological injustice." Oh an epistemological setup? Or... an epistemological conspiracy? :))

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In my post https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/trauma-at-the-institutional-level I use the definition of it as "There is also an awful lot of "Epistemic and Testimonial Injustice", defined as "exclusion and silencing; systematic distortion or misrepresentation of one’s meanings or contributions; undervaluing of one's status or standing in communicative practices; unfair distinctions in authority; and unwarranted distrust", arising from our institutions."

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never do the few succeed without great support!

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That's why trickery is a big part of their game (and why we should know better)

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my point being that it's the collective energies that we're all part of. as long as we think it's them doing to us ...... it will go on.

even if we do not believe that we're all 1, and projecting, the collective subconscious is channeled by some more than others.

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........'the antidote to all this is spiritual strength'...https://stopworldcontrol.com/lions/

I love this sit, even though there is, here and there are here and there (to put it politely), some pretty whacky contributions amongst some really good stuff.

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