Doggies this is quite an impressive collection fer the fact checkers! Bravo Tessa for the exhaustive list (entertaining too, and a'course a reminder of just how dystopian n' Freak'a'delic things have become).
In truth...and this is from a Proud Crackpot (literally)...
You, Me and other Conspiracy Theorists are Good People!
(We all nee…
Doggies this is quite an impressive collection fer the fact checkers! Bravo Tessa for the exhaustive list (entertaining too, and a'course a reminder of just how dystopian n' Freak'a'delic things have become).
In truth...and this is from a Proud Crackpot (literally)...
You, Me and other Conspiracy Theorists are Good People!
(We all need to RIFF on Igor Chudov's very excellent recent essay that proudly announced that, "You, Me and other Anti-Vaxxers are Good People.")
We the flexi-brained thinkin' cap-on conspiracy theorists, are just wired for curiosity. Wonderin' leads to wanderin' and wanderin' leads to knowledge (and a passel'a rabbit holes...Curiouser N' Curiouser...).
How else can we figger out the the world if our feet and minds can't wander (or wonder)?
Thus, in the land of the blind... the pineal gland is KING! (i spy with my third little eye...)
So let's all roll our eyes together just for the sheer goofy-ness of it! Ready, set, ROLLLLLL!
(And the naysayers and factcheckers can roll back but if they're runnin' away "skeered" they're gonna trip and skin their little knees)
Thanks for sharin' all this! (it does feel good to feel vindicated even if we cheer quietly...)
Doggies this is quite an impressive collection fer the fact checkers! Bravo Tessa for the exhaustive list (entertaining too, and a'course a reminder of just how dystopian n' Freak'a'delic things have become).
In truth...and this is from a Proud Crackpot (literally)...
You, Me and other Conspiracy Theorists are Good People!
(We all need to RIFF on Igor Chudov's very excellent recent essay that proudly announced that, "You, Me and other Anti-Vaxxers are Good People.")
We the flexi-brained thinkin' cap-on conspiracy theorists, are just wired for curiosity. Wonderin' leads to wanderin' and wanderin' leads to knowledge (and a passel'a rabbit holes...Curiouser N' Curiouser...).
How else can we figger out the the world if our feet and minds can't wander (or wonder)?
Thus, in the land of the blind... the pineal gland is KING! (i spy with my third little eye...)
So let's all roll our eyes together just for the sheer goofy-ness of it! Ready, set, ROLLLLLL!
(And the naysayers and factcheckers can roll back but if they're runnin' away "skeered" they're gonna trip and skin their little knees)
Thanks for sharin' all this! (it does feel good to feel vindicated even if we cheer quietly...)
Thank you!!