I remember coming across this in 2023 and it explained the state of our health systems today better than any words or analysis. The infantilization of those entrusted with life and death. In their own words. Well, the words of Behavioral Scientists (BS'ers) speaking to and on behalf of health care professionals. Though after reading this…
I remember coming across this in 2023 and it explained the state of our health systems today better than any words or analysis. The infantilization of those entrusted with life and death. In their own words. Well, the words of Behavioral Scientists (BS'ers) speaking to and on behalf of health care professionals. Though after reading this I use the term "professionals" generously.
Annals Graphic Medicine - A Graphical Abstract Examining Moral Distress and Coping Practices Among Clinicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This is the official publication of the American College of Physicians. One of the top physician and medical professional associations in the nation, influencing public policy decisions. Actually its morphed into a social justice, social reengineering weapon of the parasitic cabal.
ACP following in the footsteps...errr...goosesteps of doctors nearly a century ago:
Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, October 3, 2012
"During the Weimar Republic in the mid-twentieth century, more than half of all German physicians became early joiners of the Nazi Party, surpassing the party enrollments of all other professions. From early on, the German Medical Society played the most instrumental role in the Nazi medical program, beginning with the marginalization of Jewish physicians, proceeding to coerced “experimentation,” “euthanization,” and sterilization, and culminating in genocide via the medicalization of mass murder of Jews and others caricatured and demonized by Nazi ideology. Given the medical oath to “do no harm,” many postwar ethical analyses have strained to make sense of these seemingly paradoxical atrocities. Why did physicians act in such a manner? Yet few have tried to explain the self-selected Nazi enrollment of such an overwhelming proportion of the German Medical Society in the first place."
I remember coming across this in 2023 and it explained the state of our health systems today better than any words or analysis. The infantilization of those entrusted with life and death. In their own words. Well, the words of Behavioral Scientists (BS'ers) speaking to and on behalf of health care professionals. Though after reading this I use the term "professionals" generously.
Annals Graphic Medicine - A Graphical Abstract Examining Moral Distress and Coping Practices Among Clinicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Annals of Internal Medicine, July 11, 2023
This is the official publication of the American College of Physicians. One of the top physician and medical professional associations in the nation, influencing public policy decisions. Actually its morphed into a social justice, social reengineering weapon of the parasitic cabal.
ACP following in the footsteps...errr...goosesteps of doctors nearly a century ago:
Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, October 3, 2012
"During the Weimar Republic in the mid-twentieth century, more than half of all German physicians became early joiners of the Nazi Party, surpassing the party enrollments of all other professions. From early on, the German Medical Society played the most instrumental role in the Nazi medical program, beginning with the marginalization of Jewish physicians, proceeding to coerced “experimentation,” “euthanization,” and sterilization, and culminating in genocide via the medicalization of mass murder of Jews and others caricatured and demonized by Nazi ideology. Given the medical oath to “do no harm,” many postwar ethical analyses have strained to make sense of these seemingly paradoxical atrocities. Why did physicians act in such a manner? Yet few have tried to explain the self-selected Nazi enrollment of such an overwhelming proportion of the German Medical Society in the first place."