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right now con ed is using the carrot. the stick is next. can't wait til the summer when my AC bill triggers whatever automated red flag they have in place.

guessing that penalties for AC and hot water use are next

"smart" meters are also known to explode and catch fire. in my building all the meters are in the basement 😨

and i wasn't given the choice of opting out

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Wow, I have not heard of smart meters catching fire, another safe and effective thing! I heard they are overcharging, which makes sense from the business perspective bu pushing devices that catch fire is a whole other level of top-down abuse!

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SM's have no UL listing, as they are connected to the mains side. They have no overload protection, and can be caused to explode by surging the mains voltage. The recent destruction of several suburban areas (Hawaii, Chilie) has been (in part) attributed to SM's. The houses with no SM's were the only survivors.Some areas have banned and stopped the rollouts due to the no UL and the insurance liabilities.

SM's also emit tens of times more powerful EMR than a cell phone. In frequency of communication and signal strength.

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