This is beautiful- and the video is one of the most toxic, psychotic encapsulations of all the dehumanization that has transpired. I am in a RAGE at artists who participated in the propaganda and lies, who spread FEAR thru story and artwork...
They don't EVER deserve an audience or a platform - for they are parrots - and don't SEE anything.
I have some unkind thoughts about those who knowingly propagate fear, too.
I think a lot of people are sincerely trapped, they want to do what's right, the media is convincing, etc.
The place I was coming from when I wrote it was my own experience of undoing the harm done upon adults that they tried to give me because they did not think it was harmful. Only when I grew up and watched films about the time when they were young I started being closer to understanding what they had gone through, and what shaped them.
It taught me to try to be kind but also insist on not betraying myself. Which is not an easy dance but I think it is the dance that a human being must master in today's world in order to remain sane and work for healing, not for self-betrayal.
I thought about my abusive childhood when I read your words. I need to forgive the adults in my life who abused me. You're right. They didn't know any better.
I stumbled across your writing about six months ago. You helped me realize that even in all of the craziness that we're dealing with, words matter. Your writing has brought comfort and sanity into my life in the midst of this chaos and I'm very appreciative of your perspective. Your work helped me figure out that I could and should talk about these issues without contributing to the division. So, I started a podcast this year. Humans are love dependent animals and as a mother and early childhood educator I am acutely aware of the need for bonding, connection, love. So I decided to write and speak about the biology of love, so when my kids are grown they know that I didn't stay silent. That I took personal responsibility for their well being (and my own). Thank you for your continued wisdom and bravery.
How is it going with the podcast? I’ve been thinking about doing the same but in Spanish since not all the information is readily available to Spanish-only speaking audiences.
Months ago I apologized to my kids that the world that they knew before Jan 1, 2020 would never return, despite what they kept hearing from the ignorant media and elected officials that we just needed to 'flatten the curve', etc. I wished even then that I was wrong, but I knew 100% that I was correct, and that it was my duty as their father to tell them. They doubted me then, but not any more.
This is so crazy to think about. I still hope that this time around, something kicks in, and people are inspired to remember dignity and fight for it with tooth and claw. Time will tell I guess....
Americans have been spoiled for decades ever since WWII. In the process our population (in general and literally) became fat, dumb and happy, with happy being sucked away in 2020.
I know there's a remnant of fighters in America, but I have a feeling that many will spend more time on infighting over ideologies than on facing the enemy from outside our borders.
I think that the transition from comfort to complacency is a part of history, this is now nations rise and fall. The way I see it, it is less so about the conflict of nations per se (although it always exists) but about a cultural and emotional collapse, and we are assisted into it by more or less the same type power who originally invested money and effort into making this place rich. I think it's true that there were only a few decades in human history where there was a comfortable middle class, etc, and the Western countries benefited the most. And now the tide is rolling the other way, and now it's a chance for people here to wake up from complacency. The lies that we are offered, however, are outrageous!
Indeed, the lies are patronizing, outrageous and mind-boggling. Even with that, many will easily believe anything if it is repeated over and over again. The power of the siren's call of propaganda cannot be underestimated.
What enemy from "outside our borders"? It is clear that the biggest enemies we face anymore are in many cases our next door neighbors, 'friends', 'family', etc. Often the biggest enemy can be found staring right back from the mirror.
This is the most befuddling time in my life. Parenting years ago seemed more than challenging, so I can hardly imagine how young parents manage today. My views have been effectively cancelled by some people important to me; the barrier is now impenetrable. At first I thought sending source information to links like I see posted here would eventually work. But no. Well. Wow. Not at all ok then, but I do recognize my efforts are in vain with some. If the bug strikes, It could mean their lives. I will just have to live with that. As to the masks, as I see it, many entirely loving parents will do all the wrong things with absolutely all the best intentions. Children are incredibly aware. Their parents utter devotion by itself, in spite of all the mistakes, is sustaining.
Sending you hugs, Dirck. I hope that the bridges can be built again, at least the important ones. Sometimes it takes a while, and we never know what happens, but maybe not all is lost! In any case, having an open mind is a blessing of its own. It makes you alive!
Thanks for the hugs! I have no doubt that others are also finding that previously inconsequential differences in perspective now result in starkly different and incompatible plans. Ain't no way around this, I think. Old bridges surrender, new bridges arise. Like this new beauty to Tessa Fights Robots.
There is only one acceptable reaction after reading this and watching the video. Crying. If there are still shreds of humanity left inside us.
It's not the first time in history that children are exposed to such cruelty at such an early age. The big difference is that this time it is happening on such a large scale.
Keep on Tessa, expose them. Lay bare their hypocrisy and their pseudo-morality.
I have received some very thoughtful private responses to this story from people who have been more or less following the establishment narrative, or maybe are on the fence or having doubts but don't necessarily want to discuss in public. My observation is that a lot more people want the truth than what's visible, and obviously, everybody wants to be good to their children (except a few pathological individuals but it's not what we are talking about here). So I hope that through sincere conversation, through uniting and having each other's back, we can move toward a better world. Most people mean well, I think providing support is the healthiest approach because in the end, all of us have done plenty of things we regret, and it's a part of human experience to fuck up, learn from it, and get stronger. But obviously, the less unnecessary trauma, the less crap people have to deal with as time goes by!!! And undoing harm done upon adults is not the most pleasant thing in the world... necessary but can be so difficult.
Many sense that something is wrong but cannot find the strength to cross over. The overused accusation of "getting into conspiracy theory territory" is still too strong and dissuades them.
What Tessa did in this article is avoiding the shouting and letting the images (verbal and the video) do their job.
Send it to select people. Not to COVID preachers, of course, but to those you feel will get it. Don't comment. Let the power of insinuation work wonders. Never fight, never get into unnecessary disagreements with friends. Sooner or later they ll get it. Hopefully, and for their own good, it will be sooner.
We have to learn from the master propagandists and use their methods against them.
'We have to learn from the master propagandists and use their methods against them.'
I think we should instead learn from the Master, and use His methods against them. His method was speaking truth to power--directly and firmly.
I do not befriend, encourage, or accept those who wilfully believe a lie; who elevate themselves and their ignorance above speakers of truth; who berate, insult, and believe themselves to be superior to the truth. For these people I have nothing but harsh words. Only the truly innocent, humble, and courageous deserve any empathy or compassion, from me at least.
Pure weakness does not garner my sympathy. If a person is afraid of being accused of being a conspiracy theorist, they are weak. Their silence and weakness leads to millions of innocent lives being harmed. Every time a truth teller is ridiculed, the weak ones are equally to blame, for failing to have the courage to speak up.
Notice how in the beginning of this, there were so many who followed all the familiar patterns of virtue signalling, clucking and shaming anyone who refused to believe the lie? Every one of these disgusting creatures needs a slap across the face, physically or verbally, and in public. Every one of these types needs to be dragged down from their high position. Their dubious "status" and "virtue" needs to be exposed as the fraud that it is. Only by destroying their lies can the innocent and humble have a hope of salvation.
I tend to hesitate sharing with friends/contacts as well because by now, nearing the end of 2023, the people that deny all the harm that has been inflicted upon the world have dug their heels in and are not moving from that position. I have one family member who is that way and I have tried to get her to open her eyes. Sent the list of Pfizer's 1298 side effects of their jab, plus a few articles outlining and sourcing their info - crickets is all I have heard. She is going to NZ in the winter and said if they require a booster she will be getting one.
Meaning, at this point I think people have picked a side. I hope there are those still waking up. :/
I do not believe the conscious advocates of democratic socialism are wanting to take the majority of other's money by force. The system is so far out of balance most do not see the depth of imbalance and are too often the receptors of scare tactics of extremist capitalists.
I also don't think it has to do with democratic socialism (or any ism, for that matter).
I keep getting into occasional conversations with people who strongly believe that the problem is with this ism or another but I don't think that's it. (I wrote an article about it a long time ago, probably needs to be updated but when I get to it
I think it's more about being broken, disconnected from one's heart / nature / life's mystery, and passing the confusion to the children, with some help with people whose intentions are predatory in earnest.
And I think that there really is no way around it other than for each of us, to stay strong and try to be compassionate toward the broken ones without losing own grounding.
Hi Tessa. Just wanted to say how much I appreciate your heart. I had a mask made on Etsy that says "miss your smile." The dehumanizing effects of this pandemic psyop are more brutal than anything the tyrants of the 20th century could cook up.
My mantra remains "love wins." They will fail. Hubris, plain folly, or good ol' Nature will see to that. What we will have to rebuild with remains to be seen, but seen it will be. It's just a matter of time.
All happiness,
P.S.: My other self-designed mask says "STILL HUMAN"!
It is truly sad and heartbreaking what we as a society have done to them. Not only the people who actively forced it on them, but also all the cowards that passively went along with it, afraid to speak up.
I really wouldn't blame these children one iota if some of them choose not to forgive us. I would hope they would find it in their hearts to do so though, and I have faith that most of them will nonetheless.
The Gary Jules cover of the song "Mad World" by Tears For Fears would also go quite well with this video.
Guess who said this in 1933 regarding Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal?
"I believe that President Roosevelt has chosen the right path. We are dealing with the greatest social problem ever known. Millions of unemployed must get their jobs back. This cannot be left to private initiative."
It was Joseph Goebbels. Mussolini and Hitler were also enamored with FDR's New Deal.
That was after the Great Depression had begun. What precipitated the Great Depression?
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913. But the US entering the European war 4 years later, which made it a world war (WWI), was also essential to the long term plans of the Money Masters. Had there not been a WWI and the Treaty of Versailles, there would not have been a WWII.
This is just another cookie cutter. So it's time to stop talking, and start acting, if you don't want WWIII.
The good news is that We the People now have the technologies to starve out the Money Master Globalists by disconnecting from them through Localism. But 1st you need to get off of the Silicon Valley Ferris wheel.
Get off of FB and Twitter completely and delete your accounts, and stop buying through Amazon, just for starters.
Next up on the list, Google, Apple, Microsoft. Then Web 3.0 using peer to peer blockchain technology like the cryptocurrencies use.
Markets abhor a vacuum. So use their own game against them, and cut off their oxygen.
As soon as it began I knew it was bullshit for a lot of reasons. Then I followed the money to see who benefited the most financially from the Corona Canard.
It is all laid out here with tons of irrefutable evidence:
But getting angry is not only useless, it is exactly what they want. The people behind this are just petty tyrants, and the best way to deal with a petty tyrant is to refuse to join them by indulging in the same negative and indulgent emotions that they exhibit.
"Resist not evil", are the 3 most important words in the New Testament. Because as soon as you resist by reacting the same way they would react, you've lost. And you find out the hard way why self-importance is mans worst enemy. Feeling offended leads to acting offended, and you give away all of your power.
As my mother always told me; "The best way to deal with a Bully, is ignore the Bully".
The children will eventually be fine. They were destined to learn this lesson about adults. It's a very valuable lesson.
If "resist not evil" is truly the philosophy of Christ, then what explains him flipping over the moneychangers' tables and chasing them out of the temple with a whip?
I was taught, and have learned from experience, that the best way to deal with a bully is to punch him in the face.
I'm not able to watch your video in this moment, but if it's "Bill Gates" being blamed as he is elsewhere, that's a red herring. Gates is just a front man, and always has been. They trot out these boogieman or whipping boys for the people to blame for everything, while the real perpetrators--the entire evil system of higher ups in Lucifer's organization--go unnoticed and unrecognized.
If it wasn't the philosophy of Christ, why would he have said the words?
This quote encapsulates the core meaning of "Resist not evil":
"Self-importance is man’s greatest enemy. What weakens him is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of his fellow men. Self-importance requires that one spend most of one’s life offended by something or someone."
- Don Juan Matus
Keyword being "weakens". Feeling offended is nothing more than indulging in cheap negative emotions that give away your power to the offenders. That is what they want. So why would you give it to them, when the alternative is to ignore them and live your life on your own terms?
As to the moneychangers. That act was intended to send a clear message to the High Priests in the present context at that time. But more importantly, it was done to send a message into the future via the written word, regarding the danger of attachments to, and worship of, material things like gold and silver.
> 'If it wasn't the philosophy of Christ, why would he have said the words?'
None of the books of the Bible, or anything in those books, were written by Christ. The Bible is a creation of the Roman Empire. How do you know the man called Yeshua even existed at all? Large parts of the Bible are complete fabrications, created by sinister men with a sinister agenda: to create a system of total control over the minds of men. In your case, it appears they have largely succeeded. You are full of contradictions.
It wasn't "the Jews" who murdered Yeshua. It was the Romans. And it wasn't because he just ignored them. Ignoring evil is how evil continues to fester and multiply. Attacking evil, in both word and deed, is how it is destroyed.
What is all this twaddle about "feeling offended"? I don't go around feeling offended about anything. If someone fucks me, I strike back in vengeance and fuck them worse than they fucked me. That's how wars are won. This philosophy has led me to success and will continue to do so. Because that's how the world actually works.
The Roman Empire would love for you to believe that resistance is futile, that "turning the other cheek" was the philosophy of Yeshua and the path to salvation. That's why they have made so much effort to portray Yeshua as a loving hippie. But the war against evil will not be won by rolling over and playing dead.
If my Cherokee ancestors had the same philosophy as you, then I would have been born in Oklahoma, if at all, rather than in Alabama. My family never left. Because we RESISTED evil, and OVERCAME.
I think the kids will be alright with COVID. It's not much threat to them; WAY less than measles used to be, and everybody passed it off, because they'd had it a long time ago, and didn't remember. I had it in January or February of 1965 and it was interminable suffering in every fiber of my body without respite, minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day. I remember. This novel coronavirus is now endemic. It will never go away. It is with the other 4 now. I have already had 2 patients really catch it twice within 6 months, and that's the period of best immunity. It's pretty much gone by a year. All coronaviruses are that way. Humans don't mount much of a response to them, and forget it pretty quickly. The kids will be alright by just getting re-eposed and re-exposed and re-exposed.
"I think the kids will be alright with COVID. It's not much threat to them;"
That's part of the lie.
They knew the charade would fall apart quickly when there failed to be massive numbers of deaths in the schools--and they couldn't keep the kids out of school, either. So now it becomes "oh, it doesn't affect children so much", thus "explaining" this.
And yet society has collectively decided to put the helpless children in masks, anyhow, because Logic.
The concept of "asymptomatic transmission" was invented (fabricated) at this time also. Nobody questions it.
What proof do we have that there is a "novel" anything? Anyone got an microscopic photo of this supposed virus, or do just have to take it on faith? Don't expect the peasant class to ask such a deep question.
They supposedly shit out out a 99% effective "vaccine" in record time for this "novel coronavirus", yet the common cold, supposedly also a coronavirus, is widely recognized as a hopeless case for developing a vaccine. Try to bring up this fact around the mask zombies and wait for the deer in the headlights look. The common serf is totally clueless.
Notice how they promoted hydroxychloroquine as the hip, trendy, underground "cure" also? The anti-malaria drug whose well known side effects include horrible nightmares and *psychosis*? Then the internet "doctors" sprang up overnight selling the stuff online. Now why in the world would these psychos want people taking a drug which is known to cause nightmares and psychosis, at a time like this?
Don't believe anything you are told about this "virus." It's all lies.
"And yet society has collectively decided to put the helpless children in masks, anyhow, because Logic."
There is no logic, there is only Narrative.
"The concept of "asymptomatic transmission" was invented (fabricated) at this time also. Nobody questions it."
Even more, now it is established as The Science. As opposite to a science, which is still looking for this elusive specimen. My bets are on finding Bigfoot first.
"What proof do we have that there is a "novel" anything?"
I've read this comment today on some obscure forum (long quote):
"Reports of a highly contagious new variant in the United States, published on Friday by multiple news outlets, are based on speculative statements made by Dr. Deborah Birx and are inaccurate, according to several government officials.
The erroneous report originated at a recent meeting where Dr. Birx, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, presented graphs of the escalating cases in the country. She suggested to other members of the task force that a new, more transmissible variant originating in the U.S. might explain the surge, as another variant did in Britain.
Her hypothesis made it into a weekly report sent to state governors. “This fall/winter surge has been at nearly twice the rate of rise of cases as the spring and summer surges. This acceleration suggests there may be a USA variant that has evolved here, in addition to the UK variant that is already spreading in our communities and may be 50% more transmissible,” the report read. “Aggressive mitigation must be used to match a more aggressive virus.”
Dismayed, officials at the C.D.C. tried to have the speculative statements removed, but were unsuccessful, according to three people familiar with the events.
C.D.C. officials did not agree with her assessment and asked to remove it but were told no, according to one frustrated C.D.C. official, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation.
Dr. Birx could not immediately be reached for comment."
Supposedly from New York Times. Gotta fact check this first, but I would not be surprised if most of the scary news originate like that.
Notice how there's always some convenient, plausible excuse how all of this stuff "accidentally" happens? New York Times accidentally published some misinformation, and CDC accidentally picked it up and ran with it. Oops. Just another unfortunate mistake, in a long line of innocent mistakes which somehow accidentally ends up in the crushing tyranny and oppression we have been warned about for ages. Next step: we should probably form a committee to investigate this.
We are now living in a post-fact world. It's been a long downhill slide, and now here we are: the place where everyone believes whatever they want to believe, from whoever tells them what they want to believe, where logic, reason, facts are now totally irrelevant and dangerous to be in possession of.
Got called a conspiracy theorist yesterday, because I've pointed out to a colleague all those "accidents". In return I have assaulted him with all sorts of articles, data which point out all those small things that do not add up. He said, that he's very well informed, because he reads three newspapers a day and mine are only fake news. Well, then Tessa is fake news and I'll drink to that! My own brew.
Your 'colleague' might learn something from this quote:
"One night in 1880, John Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist, was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft.
Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press.
Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying:
'There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.
There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.
The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.
You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?
We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.'"
I feel your pain, man. I have almost completely withdrawn from the world, for this reason. Actually it's really hard to even get a foot in the door anywhere anymore, without getting immediately cursed, laughed at, kicked out, door slammed in my face.
I'm talking about online forums; the vast majority these punk bitches online wouldn't dream of treating me this way in person--but they don't get the opportunity to meet me in person. I stay away from their retarded asses, off the grid. It's nothing but pain and misery in the mass of common idiots, and it's only going to get worse.
More and more, truth and sanity is confined to small enclaves like this one, while everything outside degenerates into chaos. Let's forget this corrupt, doomed society; we can create our own new one.
Was it love...or fear? Cowardice? When put in those terms, maybe not so noble after all. Just the common stuff of human weakness.
I would like to forgive their ignorance, but *willful* ignorance is unforgiveable. Especially when it's accompanied by ridicule and insults to whose who speak truth.
OMG I could not keep watching the video - the heartbreak and sorrow just overtook me. I thank God above that I did not have small children during any of this but I still couldn't protect any of my family from taking the fu%*@ng shot; I alone refused. I wonder what the future holds for them.
God Forbid this ever happens again, yet I suspect that the elites are working very hard at putting us right back in their line of fire.
This is beautiful- and the video is one of the most toxic, psychotic encapsulations of all the dehumanization that has transpired. I am in a RAGE at artists who participated in the propaganda and lies, who spread FEAR thru story and artwork...
They don't EVER deserve an audience or a platform - for they are parrots - and don't SEE anything.
I have some unkind thoughts about those who knowingly propagate fear, too.
I think a lot of people are sincerely trapped, they want to do what's right, the media is convincing, etc.
The place I was coming from when I wrote it was my own experience of undoing the harm done upon adults that they tried to give me because they did not think it was harmful. Only when I grew up and watched films about the time when they were young I started being closer to understanding what they had gone through, and what shaped them.
It taught me to try to be kind but also insist on not betraying myself. Which is not an easy dance but I think it is the dance that a human being must master in today's world in order to remain sane and work for healing, not for self-betrayal.
I thought about my abusive childhood when I read your words. I need to forgive the adults in my life who abused me. You're right. They didn't know any better.
I stumbled across your writing about six months ago. You helped me realize that even in all of the craziness that we're dealing with, words matter. Your writing has brought comfort and sanity into my life in the midst of this chaos and I'm very appreciative of your perspective. Your work helped me figure out that I could and should talk about these issues without contributing to the division. So, I started a podcast this year. Humans are love dependent animals and as a mother and early childhood educator I am acutely aware of the need for bonding, connection, love. So I decided to write and speak about the biology of love, so when my kids are grown they know that I didn't stay silent. That I took personal responsibility for their well being (and my own). Thank you for your continued wisdom and bravery.
Thank you for your beautiful comment!
How is it going with the podcast? I’ve been thinking about doing the same but in Spanish since not all the information is readily available to Spanish-only speaking audiences.
Not a large audience yet but the feedback so far has been good. It's time consuming but it feels worth it. I think the more voices, the better.
Months ago I apologized to my kids that the world that they knew before Jan 1, 2020 would never return, despite what they kept hearing from the ignorant media and elected officials that we just needed to 'flatten the curve', etc. I wished even then that I was wrong, but I knew 100% that I was correct, and that it was my duty as their father to tell them. They doubted me then, but not any more.
This is so crazy to think about. I still hope that this time around, something kicks in, and people are inspired to remember dignity and fight for it with tooth and claw. Time will tell I guess....
Americans have been spoiled for decades ever since WWII. In the process our population (in general and literally) became fat, dumb and happy, with happy being sucked away in 2020.
I know there's a remnant of fighters in America, but I have a feeling that many will spend more time on infighting over ideologies than on facing the enemy from outside our borders.
I think that the transition from comfort to complacency is a part of history, this is now nations rise and fall. The way I see it, it is less so about the conflict of nations per se (although it always exists) but about a cultural and emotional collapse, and we are assisted into it by more or less the same type power who originally invested money and effort into making this place rich. I think it's true that there were only a few decades in human history where there was a comfortable middle class, etc, and the Western countries benefited the most. And now the tide is rolling the other way, and now it's a chance for people here to wake up from complacency. The lies that we are offered, however, are outrageous!
Indeed, the lies are patronizing, outrageous and mind-boggling. Even with that, many will easily believe anything if it is repeated over and over again. The power of the siren's call of propaganda cannot be underestimated.
What enemy from "outside our borders"? It is clear that the biggest enemies we face anymore are in many cases our next door neighbors, 'friends', 'family', etc. Often the biggest enemy can be found staring right back from the mirror.
This is the most befuddling time in my life. Parenting years ago seemed more than challenging, so I can hardly imagine how young parents manage today. My views have been effectively cancelled by some people important to me; the barrier is now impenetrable. At first I thought sending source information to links like I see posted here would eventually work. But no. Well. Wow. Not at all ok then, but I do recognize my efforts are in vain with some. If the bug strikes, It could mean their lives. I will just have to live with that. As to the masks, as I see it, many entirely loving parents will do all the wrong things with absolutely all the best intentions. Children are incredibly aware. Their parents utter devotion by itself, in spite of all the mistakes, is sustaining.
Sending you hugs, Dirck. I hope that the bridges can be built again, at least the important ones. Sometimes it takes a while, and we never know what happens, but maybe not all is lost! In any case, having an open mind is a blessing of its own. It makes you alive!
Thanks for the hugs! I have no doubt that others are also finding that previously inconsequential differences in perspective now result in starkly different and incompatible plans. Ain't no way around this, I think. Old bridges surrender, new bridges arise. Like this new beauty to Tessa Fights Robots.
There is only one acceptable reaction after reading this and watching the video. Crying. If there are still shreds of humanity left inside us.
It's not the first time in history that children are exposed to such cruelty at such an early age. The big difference is that this time it is happening on such a large scale.
Keep on Tessa, expose them. Lay bare their hypocrisy and their pseudo-morality.
This article could serve as a psychological test for our friends/contacts. Share it and watch their reactions (or lack thereof) and their comments.
For some reason I believe that the hypnotized, scared crowd will come to different conclusions from those that you intended...
I have received some very thoughtful private responses to this story from people who have been more or less following the establishment narrative, or maybe are on the fence or having doubts but don't necessarily want to discuss in public. My observation is that a lot more people want the truth than what's visible, and obviously, everybody wants to be good to their children (except a few pathological individuals but it's not what we are talking about here). So I hope that through sincere conversation, through uniting and having each other's back, we can move toward a better world. Most people mean well, I think providing support is the healthiest approach because in the end, all of us have done plenty of things we regret, and it's a part of human experience to fuck up, learn from it, and get stronger. But obviously, the less unnecessary trauma, the less crap people have to deal with as time goes by!!! And undoing harm done upon adults is not the most pleasant thing in the world... necessary but can be so difficult.
I thought exactly the same thing, but now I am hesitant to send it to friends/contacts because I think they won’t get it.
Thoughts are welcome.
Many sense that something is wrong but cannot find the strength to cross over. The overused accusation of "getting into conspiracy theory territory" is still too strong and dissuades them.
What Tessa did in this article is avoiding the shouting and letting the images (verbal and the video) do their job.
Send it to select people. Not to COVID preachers, of course, but to those you feel will get it. Don't comment. Let the power of insinuation work wonders. Never fight, never get into unnecessary disagreements with friends. Sooner or later they ll get it. Hopefully, and for their own good, it will be sooner.
We have to learn from the master propagandists and use their methods against them.
'We have to learn from the master propagandists and use their methods against them.'
I think we should instead learn from the Master, and use His methods against them. His method was speaking truth to power--directly and firmly.
I do not befriend, encourage, or accept those who wilfully believe a lie; who elevate themselves and their ignorance above speakers of truth; who berate, insult, and believe themselves to be superior to the truth. For these people I have nothing but harsh words. Only the truly innocent, humble, and courageous deserve any empathy or compassion, from me at least.
Pure weakness does not garner my sympathy. If a person is afraid of being accused of being a conspiracy theorist, they are weak. Their silence and weakness leads to millions of innocent lives being harmed. Every time a truth teller is ridiculed, the weak ones are equally to blame, for failing to have the courage to speak up.
Notice how in the beginning of this, there were so many who followed all the familiar patterns of virtue signalling, clucking and shaming anyone who refused to believe the lie? Every one of these disgusting creatures needs a slap across the face, physically or verbally, and in public. Every one of these types needs to be dragged down from their high position. Their dubious "status" and "virtue" needs to be exposed as the fraud that it is. Only by destroying their lies can the innocent and humble have a hope of salvation.
I tend to hesitate sharing with friends/contacts as well because by now, nearing the end of 2023, the people that deny all the harm that has been inflicted upon the world have dug their heels in and are not moving from that position. I have one family member who is that way and I have tried to get her to open her eyes. Sent the list of Pfizer's 1298 side effects of their jab, plus a few articles outlining and sourcing their info - crickets is all I have heard. She is going to NZ in the winter and said if they require a booster she will be getting one.
Meaning, at this point I think people have picked a side. I hope there are those still waking up. :/
Sending you hugs, Kasey!!
I do not believe the conscious advocates of democratic socialism are wanting to take the majority of other's money by force. The system is so far out of balance most do not see the depth of imbalance and are too often the receptors of scare tactics of extremist capitalists.
I also don't think it has to do with democratic socialism (or any ism, for that matter).
I keep getting into occasional conversations with people who strongly believe that the problem is with this ism or another but I don't think that's it. (I wrote an article about it a long time ago, probably needs to be updated but when I get to it
I think it's more about being broken, disconnected from one's heart / nature / life's mystery, and passing the confusion to the children, with some help with people whose intentions are predatory in earnest.
And I think that there really is no way around it other than for each of us, to stay strong and try to be compassionate toward the broken ones without losing own grounding.
Not easy, any of this!
It is a lot about mass manipulation. And yes we need to stick together in caring ways.
Hi Tessa. Just wanted to say how much I appreciate your heart. I had a mask made on Etsy that says "miss your smile." The dehumanizing effects of this pandemic psyop are more brutal than anything the tyrants of the 20th century could cook up.
My mantra remains "love wins." They will fail. Hubris, plain folly, or good ol' Nature will see to that. What we will have to rebuild with remains to be seen, but seen it will be. It's just a matter of time.
All happiness,
P.S.: My other self-designed mask says "STILL HUMAN"!
Thank you Chris!!! And yes, humanity will will, and the hope is that it will happen sooner rather than later!! Hugs.
It is truly sad and heartbreaking what we as a society have done to them. Not only the people who actively forced it on them, but also all the cowards that passively went along with it, afraid to speak up.
I really wouldn't blame these children one iota if some of them choose not to forgive us. I would hope they would find it in their hearts to do so though, and I have faith that most of them will nonetheless.
The Gary Jules cover of the song "Mad World" by Tears For Fears would also go quite well with this video.
Guess who said this in 1933 regarding Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal?
"I believe that President Roosevelt has chosen the right path. We are dealing with the greatest social problem ever known. Millions of unemployed must get their jobs back. This cannot be left to private initiative."
It was Joseph Goebbels. Mussolini and Hitler were also enamored with FDR's New Deal.
That was after the Great Depression had begun. What precipitated the Great Depression?
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913. But the US entering the European war 4 years later, which made it a world war (WWI), was also essential to the long term plans of the Money Masters. Had there not been a WWI and the Treaty of Versailles, there would not have been a WWII.
This is just another cookie cutter. So it's time to stop talking, and start acting, if you don't want WWIII.
The good news is that We the People now have the technologies to starve out the Money Master Globalists by disconnecting from them through Localism. But 1st you need to get off of the Silicon Valley Ferris wheel.
Get off of FB and Twitter completely and delete your accounts, and stop buying through Amazon, just for starters.
Next up on the list, Google, Apple, Microsoft. Then Web 3.0 using peer to peer blockchain technology like the cryptocurrencies use.
Markets abhor a vacuum. So use their own game against them, and cut off their oxygen.
As soon as it began I knew it was bullshit for a lot of reasons. Then I followed the money to see who benefited the most financially from the Corona Canard.
It is all laid out here with tons of irrefutable evidence:
But getting angry is not only useless, it is exactly what they want. The people behind this are just petty tyrants, and the best way to deal with a petty tyrant is to refuse to join them by indulging in the same negative and indulgent emotions that they exhibit.
"Resist not evil", are the 3 most important words in the New Testament. Because as soon as you resist by reacting the same way they would react, you've lost. And you find out the hard way why self-importance is mans worst enemy. Feeling offended leads to acting offended, and you give away all of your power.
As my mother always told me; "The best way to deal with a Bully, is ignore the Bully".
The children will eventually be fine. They were destined to learn this lesson about adults. It's a very valuable lesson.
If "resist not evil" is truly the philosophy of Christ, then what explains him flipping over the moneychangers' tables and chasing them out of the temple with a whip?
I was taught, and have learned from experience, that the best way to deal with a bully is to punch him in the face.
I'm not able to watch your video in this moment, but if it's "Bill Gates" being blamed as he is elsewhere, that's a red herring. Gates is just a front man, and always has been. They trot out these boogieman or whipping boys for the people to blame for everything, while the real perpetrators--the entire evil system of higher ups in Lucifer's organization--go unnoticed and unrecognized.
If it wasn't the philosophy of Christ, why would he have said the words?
This quote encapsulates the core meaning of "Resist not evil":
"Self-importance is man’s greatest enemy. What weakens him is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of his fellow men. Self-importance requires that one spend most of one’s life offended by something or someone."
- Don Juan Matus
Keyword being "weakens". Feeling offended is nothing more than indulging in cheap negative emotions that give away your power to the offenders. That is what they want. So why would you give it to them, when the alternative is to ignore them and live your life on your own terms?
As to the moneychangers. That act was intended to send a clear message to the High Priests in the present context at that time. But more importantly, it was done to send a message into the future via the written word, regarding the danger of attachments to, and worship of, material things like gold and silver.
> 'If it wasn't the philosophy of Christ, why would he have said the words?'
None of the books of the Bible, or anything in those books, were written by Christ. The Bible is a creation of the Roman Empire. How do you know the man called Yeshua even existed at all? Large parts of the Bible are complete fabrications, created by sinister men with a sinister agenda: to create a system of total control over the minds of men. In your case, it appears they have largely succeeded. You are full of contradictions.
It wasn't "the Jews" who murdered Yeshua. It was the Romans. And it wasn't because he just ignored them. Ignoring evil is how evil continues to fester and multiply. Attacking evil, in both word and deed, is how it is destroyed.
What is all this twaddle about "feeling offended"? I don't go around feeling offended about anything. If someone fucks me, I strike back in vengeance and fuck them worse than they fucked me. That's how wars are won. This philosophy has led me to success and will continue to do so. Because that's how the world actually works.
The Roman Empire would love for you to believe that resistance is futile, that "turning the other cheek" was the philosophy of Yeshua and the path to salvation. That's why they have made so much effort to portray Yeshua as a loving hippie. But the war against evil will not be won by rolling over and playing dead.
If my Cherokee ancestors had the same philosophy as you, then I would have been born in Oklahoma, if at all, rather than in Alabama. My family never left. Because we RESISTED evil, and OVERCAME.
"I don't go around feeling offended about anything. If someone fucks me, I strike back in vengeance and fuck them worse than they fucked me."
Thanks for proving my point, Dave.
Albeit in a very bipolar way.
Thanks for proving MY point, Rhodes. In your passive-aggressive way.
So much for "turn the other cheek", right?
You seem very conflicted, Dave.
See ya.
BTW Dave, the video is not about Gates.
I think the kids will be alright with COVID. It's not much threat to them; WAY less than measles used to be, and everybody passed it off, because they'd had it a long time ago, and didn't remember. I had it in January or February of 1965 and it was interminable suffering in every fiber of my body without respite, minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day. I remember. This novel coronavirus is now endemic. It will never go away. It is with the other 4 now. I have already had 2 patients really catch it twice within 6 months, and that's the period of best immunity. It's pretty much gone by a year. All coronaviruses are that way. Humans don't mount much of a response to them, and forget it pretty quickly. The kids will be alright by just getting re-eposed and re-exposed and re-exposed.
Ivermectin kicks butt, though. Really:
Do keep your vitamin-D levels up. Take 5000 units per day, forever. It helps a lot.
"I think the kids will be alright with COVID. It's not much threat to them;"
That's part of the lie.
They knew the charade would fall apart quickly when there failed to be massive numbers of deaths in the schools--and they couldn't keep the kids out of school, either. So now it becomes "oh, it doesn't affect children so much", thus "explaining" this.
And yet society has collectively decided to put the helpless children in masks, anyhow, because Logic.
The concept of "asymptomatic transmission" was invented (fabricated) at this time also. Nobody questions it.
What proof do we have that there is a "novel" anything? Anyone got an microscopic photo of this supposed virus, or do just have to take it on faith? Don't expect the peasant class to ask such a deep question.
They supposedly shit out out a 99% effective "vaccine" in record time for this "novel coronavirus", yet the common cold, supposedly also a coronavirus, is widely recognized as a hopeless case for developing a vaccine. Try to bring up this fact around the mask zombies and wait for the deer in the headlights look. The common serf is totally clueless.
Notice how they promoted hydroxychloroquine as the hip, trendy, underground "cure" also? The anti-malaria drug whose well known side effects include horrible nightmares and *psychosis*? Then the internet "doctors" sprang up overnight selling the stuff online. Now why in the world would these psychos want people taking a drug which is known to cause nightmares and psychosis, at a time like this?
Don't believe anything you are told about this "virus." It's all lies.
"And yet society has collectively decided to put the helpless children in masks, anyhow, because Logic."
There is no logic, there is only Narrative.
"The concept of "asymptomatic transmission" was invented (fabricated) at this time also. Nobody questions it."
Even more, now it is established as The Science. As opposite to a science, which is still looking for this elusive specimen. My bets are on finding Bigfoot first.
"What proof do we have that there is a "novel" anything?"
I've read this comment today on some obscure forum (long quote):
"Reports of a highly contagious new variant in the United States, published on Friday by multiple news outlets, are based on speculative statements made by Dr. Deborah Birx and are inaccurate, according to several government officials.
The erroneous report originated at a recent meeting where Dr. Birx, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, presented graphs of the escalating cases in the country. She suggested to other members of the task force that a new, more transmissible variant originating in the U.S. might explain the surge, as another variant did in Britain.
Her hypothesis made it into a weekly report sent to state governors. “This fall/winter surge has been at nearly twice the rate of rise of cases as the spring and summer surges. This acceleration suggests there may be a USA variant that has evolved here, in addition to the UK variant that is already spreading in our communities and may be 50% more transmissible,” the report read. “Aggressive mitigation must be used to match a more aggressive virus.”
Dismayed, officials at the C.D.C. tried to have the speculative statements removed, but were unsuccessful, according to three people familiar with the events.
C.D.C. officials did not agree with her assessment and asked to remove it but were told no, according to one frustrated C.D.C. official, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation.
Dr. Birx could not immediately be reached for comment."
Supposedly from New York Times. Gotta fact check this first, but I would not be surprised if most of the scary news originate like that.
This guy gets it.
Notice how there's always some convenient, plausible excuse how all of this stuff "accidentally" happens? New York Times accidentally published some misinformation, and CDC accidentally picked it up and ran with it. Oops. Just another unfortunate mistake, in a long line of innocent mistakes which somehow accidentally ends up in the crushing tyranny and oppression we have been warned about for ages. Next step: we should probably form a committee to investigate this.
We are now living in a post-fact world. It's been a long downhill slide, and now here we are: the place where everyone believes whatever they want to believe, from whoever tells them what they want to believe, where logic, reason, facts are now totally irrelevant and dangerous to be in possession of.
There are days, lots of them, when I wish I didn't "get it"...
In the immortal words of Cypher: ignorance is bliss
Got called a conspiracy theorist yesterday, because I've pointed out to a colleague all those "accidents". In return I have assaulted him with all sorts of articles, data which point out all those small things that do not add up. He said, that he's very well informed, because he reads three newspapers a day and mine are only fake news. Well, then Tessa is fake news and I'll drink to that! My own brew.
Your 'colleague' might learn something from this quote:
"One night in 1880, John Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist, was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft.
Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press.
Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying:
'There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.
There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.
The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.
You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?
We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.'"
I feel your pain, man. I have almost completely withdrawn from the world, for this reason. Actually it's really hard to even get a foot in the door anywhere anymore, without getting immediately cursed, laughed at, kicked out, door slammed in my face.
I'm talking about online forums; the vast majority these punk bitches online wouldn't dream of treating me this way in person--but they don't get the opportunity to meet me in person. I stay away from their retarded asses, off the grid. It's nothing but pain and misery in the mass of common idiots, and it's only going to get worse.
More and more, truth and sanity is confined to small enclaves like this one, while everything outside degenerates into chaos. Let's forget this corrupt, doomed society; we can create our own new one.
and then came all the vax for children. they will not be alright. they are dying in droves, dropping dead on sports fields, in their sleep.
Satanic .
It's a beautiful piece of writing. I wish I could read it to my son. You never know, one day it might happen. Thank you.
Was it love...or fear? Cowardice? When put in those terms, maybe not so noble after all. Just the common stuff of human weakness.
I would like to forgive their ignorance, but *willful* ignorance is unforgiveable. Especially when it's accompanied by ridicule and insults to whose who speak truth.
OMG I could not keep watching the video - the heartbreak and sorrow just overtook me. I thank God above that I did not have small children during any of this but I still couldn't protect any of my family from taking the fu%*@ng shot; I alone refused. I wonder what the future holds for them.
God Forbid this ever happens again, yet I suspect that the elites are working very hard at putting us right back in their line of fire.