The COVID-19 period has highlighted a huge problem that has been developing for decades, that of social engineering. In the 1950s, Adorno was one of those who contributed to mislead the youth of my generation. Like, among others, Monterey Pop Festival, Haight-Ashbury & Woodstock; Flower Power, as well as LSD-25… etc., an area which particularly interested intelligence personalities: J. Edgard Hoover & Allan Dulles, from 1953-1954… “The phenomenon of mass culture has a political implication, knowing that all the many forms of popular culture are part of a single cultural industry whose purpose is to secure the continued obedience of the masses. » What is not clear is to what extent the works of Adorno & Horkheimer were taken over by the Anglo-Saxon intelligence agencies… or financed by them, in order to explore the worst recesses of human consciousness… at the time of the Cold War. As Marc-Gabriel Draghi (2021) asserts, in these times of misery, “contrary to what one might think, the year 2020 proved to us that there was no conspiracy. There is an agenda, a detailed plan laid out clearly and officially by the transnational financial oligarchy for decades. Now only those who do not wish to see the implementation of the New World Order remain willfully blind…” The kind of society we would be heading towards at high speed, often referred to as the World After, also the Great Reset or the "New World Order", would be a "hygienist-eugenicist-Marxist-merchant" type society containing a package of dystopian measures, a new kind of neoliberal fascism, that is, inverted and… technocratic totalitarianism; a brutalization of political behavior, often iniquitous and draconian. We would then cross a line, first clearly described by Jacques Attali; who announced all this with elegant pragmatism, as early as 1979. This is explicitly the establishment of the “model of ‘Chinese social credit’; which does not bode well for the West as a whole, in the short or medium term.
Thank you. And if we go even further in time, social engineering, framed perhaps differently but social engineering none the less, has been on the agenda of every self-respecting emperor who more often than not, purposely subverted philosophy, art, and institutional religion to solidify their power and keep the people down. Sad but true!
Here's the thing about Adorno. Only to the extent that my comment was about "social engineering."
Canadian award-winning journalist, Daniel Estulin, wrote in Institute Tavistock (2015) that Adorno and his ilks were interested in opening up "the mind to fast and easy manipulation, not to promote spiritual or psychic integration, or what Jung calls 'individuation.' Their job was to create assassins, turn agents, interrogate prisoners, obtain information," etc.
By the same token, Wittgenstein's supervisor, Bertrand Russell, was writing essays suggesting that we must convince people that snow is "black."
We've been dealing with these corrupt individuals since the end of the 19th century...
Great comment. What we're looking at is censorship/propaganda. This is at the root. Fcuking "mass formation" is not!
Sorry to be a bit radical here but I want people to see. What's at the heart of totalitarianism, the type facing us and which you point out? It's technologically-driven censorship/propaganda.
What's attacked Ryan Cole? Isn't it censorship of medical opinion?
What's a lawsuit against a psychiatrist who is 100% correct (yes, I'm pounding the table)? It's censorship, isn't it? It's an attempt to silence.
Take that f--king Desmet book and throw it in the trash, the central issue staring us in the face is censorship, not his sophomoric "mass formation." Censorship/propaganda/mind control. Then "mass formation" follows. Yes or no?
Society can handle all kinds of disruptions so long as free debate/free thought are still allowed. Choke off free speech and mild disruptions can be turned into a police state. Then, yes, "mass formation" can happen. But after, not prior!
We're in great danger because of censorship rearing its ugly head. This is the real beginning of totalitarianism.
I agree with you on the relationship between censorship and propaganda! And at the same time, I have to laugh (lovingly)... you really made "arguing against mass formation" the centerpiece of your presentation on any topic! I am curious, why is it important to you to bring it into any topic being discussed (since we weren't taking about mass formation here)? :)) A quote comes to mind, "but what does this have to do with chess"? xoxo
Maybe you haven't noticed, but I despise Desmet's thinking and I truly believe his book is the real Trojan horse. People need to wake up. Desmet is wrong and dammit, so is Malone. Not just wrong, but outright deceptive.
I'm not looking for people to "be on my side." I want people to see. That's why I pick up the sword of logic and cut fiercely, so that we can then see. We must see what Desmet is really doing. That's why I wrote an essay on his book.
Desmet is gaslighting us. We are not the people he says we are. He's trying to sell us a narrative and he attacks Enlightenment thinking and reason to sell it. No wonder: anyone who looks closely at his book will see that it makes absolutely no sense.
But my question is, why did you bring it into the conversation that was not about that at all? :)) That is what made me laugh, your dedication! As you probably know, I am not the biggest fan the missionary mindset. People can figure out themselves what they think, which is how it should be, I believe. You think it's dangerous, other people think it's helpful, I personally think it's not with even five minutes of argument because it's just an academic theory... so I think you have to ask yourself why it triggers you so much. There are many ideas in this world, this is one of them, who cares!! Pick an idea that you like and promote it on your page, isn't it the way to go?
"Just" an academic theory?? Are the WEF's ideas just academic theories?
Desmet's theory fits into the WEF program, that's why. Why does he not mention "soft" totalitarianism-- own nothing but be happy-- at all? Why does he attack those nasty conspiracy theorists who believe in some sort of orchestration behind Covid?
The Trojan Horse. It triggers me because it matters so much. This is the bomb thrown into the medical freedom movement, subtle only in that it's hard to see what the book is really about. Doublespeak.
Not "just" an academic theory at all.
Yes, people can figure things out for themselves but sometimes they need a little help when it comes to doublespeak, and my friends, we have a perfect-- I mean, absolutely prefect-- example staring us right in the face.
Here we go again, the missionary activities!! I like you for your passion but what makes you believe that it's cool to shout your opinions over people's heads no matter the topic of the conversation and for the thousandth time? :)) How is THAT different from Klaus Schwab's helpers and every other missionary figure before him? Think about that angle, please. What happened to respect for free will?
And yes, just an academic theory, in my (strong) opinion. If you don't like it, pick a theory you like and promote it. You can obviously do whatever you like but you have made your opinion known many times over, I think no one at this point can make a mistake about what your opinion of Desmet is. :) So? People can make up their own minds now! :)))
My thinking here is about the descent of our Western civilization into madness since the end of the 19th century, as explained by author Daniel Estulin.
I'm not an aficionado of the shaky MASS FORMATION thesis. But, as a scholar myself, I have read Desmet's book. Mattias made some good explanations. And I have a deep respect for this Belgian psychologist
There is not much that we do not already know about this phenomenon. Gustave Le Bon, Hanna Arendt, and other 20th-century scholars have already demonstrated evidence that we once again prey to another social psychosis.
The late Albert Bandura, a Canadian clinical psychologist, also wrote on this subject.
Crowd psychology isn't the same as totalitarianism.
One needs zero mass formation for totalitarianism. All one really needs is massive censorship and propaganda. Then the masses are formed, yes, but not from within the masses themselves. This difference matters.
Lobaczewski, Andrew. Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism (p. 1). Red Pill Press. "
"“Pathocracy is one of those hidden concepts that, once uncovered, suddenly helps to make sense of the world. It explains much of the chaos and suffering which has filled human history, and which still sadly afflicts the world today. For this, we owe Lobaczewski and his book Political Ponerology a massive debt.”
Well, I like this summary - but to each their own (2 parts): In a new hour-long presentation – watch it here: – Latypova lays out the copious evidence she has compiled – including “receipts” – to show that covid injections are nothing more than a bioweapon that was unleashed on the world by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) via the corrupt U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Latypova, who worked with 60 different pharmaceutical companies throughout her 25-year industry career, says that any alleged benefits associated with the shots pales in comparison to the many adverse events they cause, sudden death being one of the most prominent.
It turns out that covid jabs are not pharmaceutical products at all, Latypova found. Instead, they are military bioweapons. (Related: Last year, Latypova’s “Team Enigma” spoke with Dr. Jane Ruby about Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed scam and how it was used to unleash these bioweapons.)
The shots have never been properly tested for safety, either – obviously because they are not safe and were designed to kill. They produce negative efficacy, meaning a person is much better off not getting injected if he or she wants to live.
While the world has been led to believe that the likes of Pfizer and Moderna are responsible for these deadly shots, the head of the snake looks to be the DoD and other military-industrial complex actors who made them “toxic by design.”
Covid jabs were also a long time in the making, it turns out. Latypova uncovered evidence dating back to 1997 when Congress passed two new laws: the FDA Modernization Act and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Together, these bills allowed for the implementation of “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA), which is what the FDA used to fast-track the shots onto the market at warp speed.
Changes were also made to 10 U.S. Code § 4021 that amended the Other Transaction Authority (OTA) of the DoD. Here is how Cornell’s Legal Information Institute describes what that accomplished:
“The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of each military department [the ability to] enter into transactions (other than contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants) [in order to carry] out basic, applied, and advanced research projects. The authority under this subsection is in addition to the authority provided in section 4001 of this title to use contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants in carrying out such projects.”
In short, the changes made to 10 U.S. Code § 4021, implemented by the Obama regime in 2015, allow the DoD to order the production of “undisclosed military prototypes” from private manufacturers like pharmaceutical companies – be sure to watch the full video presentation from Latypova.
Covid jabs are a death sentence for many.
Those who have "volunteered" to have the experimental synthetic mRNA test vaccines were forecast to be injured, or die, 6 months before the vaccines were released in early 2021, at 1,000 American's a day.
However, by February and March of 2021 the deaths and injuries far exceeded the projected, expected kill and injury rate and further millions of American Dollars were released to General Dynamics (the contracted records recording company), to handle the considerable increase in deaths and injuries to be recorded for VAERS by the CDC, which is funded by Bill Gates, which presumably he owns to some extent. "He who pays the piper calls the tune" - logic.
VAERS records 1% of all deaths and injuries and it has been suggested that multiplying VAERS numbers by 41 (x41) a more accurate picture can be achieved, so when the CDC was expecting 1,000 American's to be killed and injured by vaccines, in actual fact, it was nearer 41,000 American's were being killed and injured, on a daily basis - however - this does not take into account the many millions more, around the world, who were being deliberately killed or injured, by these vaccines - which can only be described as Genocide, had they been "human".
Vaccines purpose not to save anyone from Covid, but to install nanotechnology, past the blood brain barrier, and into the very workings of the body, in billions of lipid packages in each synthetic mRNA vaccine shot - which also contains 99% Graphene Oxide particles - advanced nanotechnology which we won't be able to produce, with our limited scientific understanding of any nanotechnology, before 2035 - yet this advanced nanotechnology was being injected, deliberately from January 2021 - which begs the question - "we" did not have that 2035 nanotechnology in 2021, so what, or who did?
The experimental synthetic test mRNA are patented to the vaccine maker of choice, or the USDOD, because the synthetic mRNA are not naturally occurring in the body and only those who "volunteer" to have the vaccines, can have them, because, according to US Law (2013) anyone synthetically mRNA vaccinated is no longer human and all human rights are lost. They are a new species for which zero rights have been passed into Law and their bodies are now owned by the vaccine maker of choice, like a GMO product, so the deliberate 2035 injected nanotechnology , Graphene Oxide causing murder and injury - Genocide, is not covered by any Law and is perfectly acceptable and legal, by our human Laws, which we the not vaccinated are covered by, as long as we refuse to volunteer, for these experimental synthetic mRNA test vaccines:
There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines. It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion. BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added (increases in deaths and injuries beyond the initial contracts)
Part Two: VAERS updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41 to arrive at December 2022 numbers) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022. ...The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow
BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher, (bearing in mind that VAERS represents only 1% of all injuries and deaths recorded and multiplying the numbers given by 41 (x41) gives a much better appreciation of just how many American’s were being injured or had died, after vaccinations began in early 2021), on a daily basis: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Friday updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022, so for 100% x41 = 60,730,266 dead or injured Americans so far and it does not include the numbers your governments are inflicting on you, if you don't live in America.
The US Department of Defense (US DoD) has had a dominant role in the response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the US DoD took charge of the Covid vaccine funding, development and testing from the very start of the perceived threat in early 2020 and in the development, and distribution of the Covid 19 vaccines, a fact hidden from the general public. In those processes many standard steps and procedures, otherwise required for pharmaceutical products, were omitted or circumvented.
The US FDA’s website (FDA, 2020) reveals that the United States Department of Defence (DoD) has been in full control of the Covid Vaccine development program since its beginning. The DoD has been responsible for development, manufacturing, clinical trials, quality assurance, distribution and administration, since that time (FDA, 2020; Rees and Latypova, 2022; KEI, 2022; Medical Defense Consortium, 2022; Rees, 2022). The major pharmaceutical companies have been involved as “Project Coordination Teams” effectively performing as subcontractors to the DoD. The Chief Operating Officer for (Trump's) Warp Speed vaccine program is the US Department of Defence, and the Chief Science Advisor is the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Definition of these vaccines as “countermeasures” rather than therapeutic agents has permitted their expedited progression to emergency use authorisation and widespread rollouts. Many adverse consequences have been the outcome of this secret military response to a public health matter. Excepts From: Phillip Altman's Essay he is Pharmacologist and Clinical trial and drug regulatory affairs consultant in Melbourne, Australia and Brownstone Institute
Synthetic mRNA vaccines - they were never, ever, intended to kill Covid anything, because viral infections attack your breathing apparatus, which is your FIRST closed system in itself and the mRNA vaccines injected into your blood which kid the brain blood barrier into thinking they are safe, is your SECOND closed system too - so taking anything by mouth - well that goes down into your stomach acid, where it is broken down into its elements, which your body does not need and expelled in your piss and shit is your THIRD closed system, too and they all interact to give us life, while not having internal access to each other and interact in the body, but differently - which is why cures taken by mouth, are just another way to skim you for your money and more mumbo jumbo.
The obvious question then is, for the vaccinated - is what to do about the installed nanotechnology which is far ahead of our technical ability - how to explain that.
So let's go with aircraft engines:
Up to the end of World War 2 (1939-1945) all aircraft were powered by piston engine technology and it was only towards the end of World War 2 (1944) that the jet engine was invented, in its infancy and because it delivered more thrust, provided faster speeds, took up less space, than piston engine aircraft - it eventually became our main mode of aircraft propulsion.
So with the nanotechnology in 2023 - we are at the beginning of World War 2 as above and the vaccines are to become jet engines, way beyond our understanding or mechanical ability to create in now, because we didn't have the specialized equipment, or the engineering capability to create them and won't reach that level of capability for at least 10 years forwards from today, let's see 2033 and here we have them being injected with the Pfizer's (and other vaccines) from January 2021 - do you see the conundrum?
How is the impossible possible, when the possible, makes the impossible, totally impossible and since "human" technology did not create this 2033 nanotechnology by 2021 when the Pfizer and other vaccines were injected, what did and why and why I personally think it is essential we eachkill it off as quickly as we can and especially if you lose your soul and your body in the process - it just another radio controlled toy, controlled offsite with no memory of its past - like the early Van Damme movie "Universal Soldier" 1992
So glad to see this here! I was hoping this information would be spread widely. I've tried myself- sent an interview Kim Iversen had with Sasha and a video based on her and Katherine Watt's research to Steve Kirsch on substack, but never got a response. I hope Tessa reads your post and takes it seriously.
A crude useful heuristic: If it came from seemingly nowhere, and suddenly is everywhere—that‘s a vile agenda, dear friends. When seen through this lens, our confusingly complex reality starts to make much more sense.
not just @ daiva-- but, just to get at the bottom of the whole Desmet vs. anti-Desmet thing:
This whole argument is nonsensical, being based on a delusional, faulty premise: that one human being may rightfully own/rule/control via coercive force another not agreeing to be owned.
To argue "who made who" in a master/slave relationship, is this not absurd? It is a 2-player game. (A sick one, to my mind-- but hey, whatever flips your switch). Both are willing participants. Should either party vacate their chosen role, game over.
Desmet is a slave with half a mind, theorizing, trying to figure out how it all happens. So is Jim Reagen. Gentlemen, there you have it.
Thermonuclear-grade absurd it sure is! Though par for the course with the Story of Separation having run its course and reached ridiculous levels of inanity at this late hour. We'd better hurry up shedding the old skin of ways that no longer work; things are exceedingly disintegrating before our very eyes wherever you care to look.
The Story of Interbeing is a hopeful next stop. One can dream, no? 🙂
"Story of Interbeing" hmmm... sounds like Charles Eisenstein. He loves that whole "we need a story" thing.
"Interbeing", as I understand that word, is no story. It is a fact, one of multitudes readily apparent. Why should we need to make up a story to live by when that story is already true? We need only toss the whole "we need a story" thing out & open our eyes and live in acceptance of the facts of our existence, be they pleasing or painful at any given moment. The act of storytelling (aka "creating narratives") is itself a symptom of neurosis-- it perpetuates/supports the illusion of separation at the expense of direct experience of reality.
That poor guy (CE), god bless his gentle soul, appears to be eternally besotted with his own b.s. I would agree, however, that a story/narrative that aligns with fact is certainly better than one that doesn't. Still, to the extent one needs a story inside our head to live by one is not quite here, arrived, ready to rock. We are still squirming around. Every story we come up with is, at best, a futile attempt to overcome existential fear by establishing control over environment/reality via imposition of will. Creating stories in our heads allows us to delude ourselves that we have power & are in control of things. We are not. Nor will we ever be.
Reality/environment is a jaw-dropping, powerfully mysterious, uncontrollable thing. We don't like that we are never going to know the totality of it. We don't like that we are always going to exist in an environment we are never going to master. In desperation, we make shit up. The arm battles the leg. The brain battles the heart. It doesn't work and it never will. Better we learn what the fear is about. Better that we stand in the face of what we don't like about it all and just let it be.
Existence. Reality. What is it, daiva? You tell me. How best shall we live with it, with each other? By forcibly grabbing our partner & demanding that she submit to our will, to our story, to what we think "ought to happen"? Or is it more fun to just hold her and start moving around-- letting whatever happens happen by the simple act of being together, creating a dance from nothing but submission to naturally arising bodily movements inspired by the music of ecstatic feelings emanating from god-knows-where?
I say let "the story/narrative" thing be our final hiding place that is thrown onto the fire of change so that we can come out of the shadows and let the real story begin-- the one where we are finally able to break free of our fear-soaked, battle-worn past and discover how wonderfully awesome human life on planet earth can be.
(Like that'll ever happen....! One can dream, no?) = 0 )
Toss out the Story thingy! 😂 Good luck with that! How can you possibly get rid of your very habitat? Stories are what we humans live by & with(in). Everything is a story, deny vehemently as you please. You’ve just shared yours—a beautiful one 👌—seamlessly incorporating dance metaphor frequenting Tessa’s writings 😉
Meaning-making machines, another metaphor. We can’t move a metric inch without fitting your beloved facts into our personal theories about the world. An admirably rich soul Charles devised one that resonates with me. Not you, apparently. Why’s that? I blame the linguistic constructions on the surface. Signifier vs signified. What you vividly describe in so many d-liteful words (it takes an apt storyteller, mind you!) sounds suspiciously in alignment with Charles’ vision. Won’t you admit? I’d bet sound money you can’t, for your own story of oh-so-rational self balks at this association 😉 His framework is so despicable that clouds the essence with impenetrable pall.
Stories permeate everyone, that’s how we tick. Thoroughly neurotic species, to borrow your parlance. Them’s proudly above such lesser fluff are not exempt. Cue Niels Bohr’s horseshoe above his door 🤸
PS I wholeheartedly agree that our lost ability to make peace with inherent ‘jaw-dropping, powerfully mysterious, uncontrollable’ uncertainty/arbitrariness has much to answer for the current sorry state of social & natural milieus. Ty, dearest Enlightenment, well done! The disenchanted world is a doozy 🙃
PPS 💬 Direct experience of reality <-- What’s *that*, ffs? 😂
Alright well, I've done my best. Often folks are puzzled by my words. As am I by theirs-- what I hear you saying is that all of us humans arriving at the restaurant of life are doomed by design to sit down where we are told to by humans who are not only madly claiming ownership of the restaurant, but are claiming ownership of you and I as well. These folks then instruct us to eat the menu. Or else.
Forgive me for standing up, walking out and seeking more nutritious fare. Took me 30 years or so to stop eating menus but nevertheless I carried on looking, and eventually found, actual food.
last week, i tried using FB messenger to transmit to a friend my thoughts on mask wearing, but the messages wouldn't go through. i thought it was a fluke, but now i am wondering if it was censorship. wow. no words.
A friend sent me a Facebook jail tee shirt, I get to wear it often, it’s fun when people ask What did you post this time? 1 hunters laptop and 2 vax injuries are my usual answers
Mostly people at our local VFW ask & I say it loud . Too many people there are going through turbo cancer treatments and I hope to get them thinking with my loud mouth and joking about “ jail “,
I don't know if this has been said in the many comments below, but the radioactive paint tragedy story really makes me wonder if syphilis was blamed for many other deaths that were actually to do with environmental pollutants in centuries past, as with polio?
that is one great piece on text and email censorship. dovetails with my hypothesis that the cbdc will be rolled out by the ISP's and phone companies - no CBDC, no video games for you!
what a great racket as far as plausible deniability: "don't blame me, it's the computer's fault! IT dept. says we can't afford to be blacklisted as spammers!"
would be interesting to find out who came up with the protocol defining "spam" - suspect that it may be the same crew who redefined "vaccine" and "woman"
btw Tessa those indexes are such a gift. i reference your stuff a lot and you've made that infinitely easier.
Thank you, and I think you are right. I think phones are a very likely "gate" to be used. Also, I vague remember reading years ago about how getting everybody on mobile devices was this whole operation, with a goal of easier surveillance etc. I'll have to dig it up if I can still find it.
I did put together my video episode, Tessa, that talks about your Coming of Age and Not Being Bothered by Monsters, and also Charles Eisenstein's Bloodroot and a Raven. I hope that I relayed your stories correctly, and your intent. I call it Love & the Great Resist:
It's the reverse, Tessa. You and Charles gave me the impetus to say something I was fumbling towards. And your video from the heart, that you didn't script or transcribe, made me realize some things need to be spoken, not read. So I owe the thanks to you that I could be 'coraggious', as one of my kind viewers coined ;-)
On the positive side, we can hope all of the members of the nation's medical boards are taking every booster. To protect themselves and others, of course.
I don't wish harm on anyone. A friend of a friend just died suddenly and unexpectedly, she believed in the thing, I think. It really sucks. I pray for her to be in a good place. And no, I don't know if the shot was the reason i her case, or if it made a difference, but too many people are dying suddenly at a young age. This is not normal, and the callousness of the establishment is just chilling.
It makes me mad that here in the UK it was known that it was dangerous as far back as a century ago and yet it is in pretty much every public building that was builtbefore the ban in 2000.
I'd actually thought of that very radiation story as chunks of my hair fell out. I said on fb before I was shut up, that I feel as if I've got radiation poisoning and aids.
By logic (not medical advice, for obvious reason of me not being a doctor)... hair falls out due to intense and lasting poisoning. Did you go to a sane doctor to check it out? Did you consider thorough detoxing to see if it makes a difference?
There are not many sane doctors left. I have used milk thistle and dandelion....they are the best detoxers I know of. I try to eat natural detoxers like cilantro and blueberries. I have been too ill to work and have no insurance...and truly, the drs have been less than useless. They gaslight and push their memorized narrative.
The hair fall is a common post covid, long covid ailment, so much so that there are large support groups on fb for covid hair fall. There are thousands in these groups and the narrative is that this is tellogen effluvium caused by extreme 'stress' due to covid. I was promptly removed from those groups for my differing opinion. There were many people in the group with teeth just breaking off or falling out too.
It gives me shivers because it is so similar to the Radium girls ailments. But no one wanted to hear me suggest toxic poisoning or radiation disease.
I am thinking, poisoning could come from the environment, or from whatever that synthetic thing is. or from an activation of previously latent microorganisms (bacteria, parasites, etc.) that trigger ongoing inflammation, due to a drop in immunity. Several people I know are complaining about hair falling out after COVID.
Bacteria....this makes a bit of sense and might be a possible answer. Dr. Carlo Bogna of Italy has found that covid can infect the bacteria that normally inhabit our gut. These infected bacteria in the process of fighting off their own covid infections are producing toxins.
So, we've definitely toxins within us.
My hair fall started in 2020 before the vax roll out.
We are attempting a think tank approach to seeking solutions to these global problems here. As diverse equals. Please consider taking a look at it and maybe participating. It is free, and will remain free. Thank you.
If you look here, you will see a disclosure of possible sabotage of the Solution Seeking Substack site. There are many explanations for this but it is suspicious.
That said, I am very curious what your ultimate finding is about Substack errors, after all this time. Since are an engineer, you probably have the mindset to get to the bottom of it, so maybe you can shed the light on the technical aspects of it better than many!
A few of us are working on this in our own best ways. I myself would love to see the source code, get under the hood. So far Substack has ignored my requests to share the code. All backgrounds are equally valuable in solving the kinds of problems we face and should be embraced and honored if people engage in good faith?
Thanks. In my experience, Substack has had a lot of glitches, but then it seemingly doesn't censor as of this moment, which is a good thing. Of course, it's hard to say.
The main point here is philosophical, What place would better solutions come from? I think it's from a place that cannot be described by formulas and AI analysis. it's an entire different place where we listen to the spiritual truth with great honesty and humility, and don't take ourselves too seriously, while at the same time respecting ourselves completely. Which may sound like a paradox but I think this is how it works.
I agree. One concern I have is historical. It is my understanding that, initially, Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc. were rather open and somewhat trustworthy. Then they started acting differently. When COVID hit many valuable information sources were caught off guard because they never thought of the possibility their trusted platforms could change so dramatically, delete their profiles, delete all their content, etc. A suggestion is that you make your own frequent backups in case something like that happens here. I am concerned that so many great authors are here, in one place, on Substack. That is incredibly good right now. But things can always change? I hope that people here consider the merits of creating a plan B and making frequent backups just in case? In engineering I learned to look at all possibilities. Avoid the worst possibilities. Work for the best possibilities. Expect the most likely. Everything is a probability? I do not know what the probability is that Substack will stay a great platform, I hope it is high, and I hope the bad probability is low and will never happen. But, if I was involved in the Titanic, I would have worked to make sure it had enough lifeboats for all passengers, and had it avoid icebergs even if it was touted as being unsinkable.
Substack just put my last comment in the wrong place, not under your reply, where it should have gone. I will paste it again, below, in the hope Substack places it in the right place this time, under your parent comment. Sorry for any confusion. I am honored if this is intentional and directed at me.
I prefer a systems approach but am open minded about it. My experience is a partial guide and I hope that meaningful participation as diverse equals in the Solution Seeking Substack will criticize, correct, refine, and adapt what we have attempted so far. In my solution seeking engineering/programming career we were tasked with finding innovative solutions to complex system optimization that challenges that the best experts said were not possible. We had many challenges, personnel changes, struggles, but we persisted, adapted, and succeeded in many ways. I developed and participated in: AI development, analytical tuning tools (so the objects in the models matched the historical past as well as possible), simulations of the future (many possibilities were considered, including the worst case, the best case, the most likely case, etc), and strategic planning meetings where the complex system operation was planned and adaptations to surprises were analyzed. My best guess now is that the type of solution we should be seeking is how to stop the enemy cabal from continuing to escalate its harm of all humans (except itself) and all life on the planet. Then consider designing the better society that would replace the society we have allowed the enemy to enslave us in.
Based on a very short exchange, I think there is a substantial difference in what we think the world needs as a high level driving principle but since both of us seem to be opposing the Great Reset, good. We can keep the dialogue going!
I am honored to be able to read your work, and I support it. My personal driving principle is to attempt to get people to engage in innovative solution seeking dialogue so we can stop the harm being done to humanity and all life on the planet so we can create the better world our children, humanity, and all life deserves. There are many valid ways to handle this?
My approach is to consider all options, including yours, put the pros and cons out there, present them in one place, so others can see an entire range of Solution Seeking and consider trying their own unique optimized version. What I have presented is my best guess. I am not dedicated to it or sold on it. Our enemy does this kind of thing all the time. The Solution Seeking Substack is my best effort to see if our side is capable of anything similar to what the enemy does. And I realize how time consuming it is to work on even one solution, so I would not want to divert your focus. You may want to see what happens to Solution Seeking Substack from time to time. As expected, it is going through some significant challenges. My hope is that you would perhaps participate in us putting your solution out there with the rest, if Solution Seeking Substack ever gets around to anything like that. Thanks again.
Another thing about DuPont: in league with William Randolph Hearst, the Mellon Bank, and Harry Anslinger, they are also responsible for making cannabis illegal. They did not want hemp to compete with wood-based paper or synthetic petrochemical products like nylon. And as they say, the rest is history....
I prefer a systems approach but am open minded about it. My experience is a partial guide and I hope that meaningful participation as diverse equals in the Solution Seeking Substack will refine what I have attempted so far to the current situation. In my solution seeking engineering/programming career we were tasked with finding innovative solutions to complex system optimization that the best experts said were not possible. We had many challenges, personnel changes, struggles, but we persisted, adapted, and succeeded in many ways. I developed and participated in: AI development, analytical tuning tools (so the objects in the models matched the historical past as well as possible), simulations of the future (many possibilities were considered, including the worst case, the best case, the most likely case, etc), and strategic planning meetings where the complex system operation was planned and adaptations to surprises were analyzed. My best guess now is that the type of solution we should be seeking is how to stop the enemy cabal from continuing to escalate its harm of all humans (except itself) and all life on the planet. Then consider designing the better society that would replace the society we have allowed it to enslave us in.
To add to my previous comment. Here is my story about the tech missionary approach from a few years ago. I think, subjectively, that the talent in engineering is a brilliant talent, when applied to building physical objects. But applying it to society seems to land us where we are right now, when people with a burning itch to "design" ways for other people live by end up dominating them, and that happens every time.
Correct. It relates to the feminist concept of Power Over?
Power over others is the root of the problem. It should be replaced with an egalitarian world where all exist as equals, prioritizing creating the best possible world for all life, and never allowing any one group to gain power over others. Using all possible modalities, techniques, and honoring all who do this as equals.
My opinion is that this is the key root concept that most have somehow not considered or have forgotten?
I am doubtful that the solutions we need will come from systems modeling or from applying engineering principles to society, I think that it is the mindset that got us to where we are in the first place. I also suspect that, if the goal is a good world, people don't need anyone to "design" a better world for them, they need to be left alone by designers altogether so that we can live from the inside. So we might disagree on the approach but I none the less look forward to reading your proposals! Thank you for sharing your link here.
Good points. You could be correct. My hope is to address the problem with all possible modalities. I agree that engineers/programmers are a massive part of the problem and how we got here. The engineers/programmers appear to have not spent enough time thinking about who would ultimately benefit from what they were building and at what cost. That could have been different. Society could be designed (or engineered) to be egalitarian, harmonious, beautiful, coherent, using all possible modalities and diverse equal inputs, where all life exists in the optimal state, where no one group grabs power over others and acts parasitically for its own benefit at the expense of everything else. Honor the diverse inputs from all well meaning participants to creatively visualize, design, and build the best world possible for all life as equals.
Thank you for an even-headed debate. From my experience, I have found that society cannot be engineered to be harmonious, it's an existential impossibility. Harmony comes from the balance of soul and choices rooted in spiritual clarity (non-denominational), and there is no way around it. None. Zero. Engineering mindset is hopeful to apply the principles to "managing" people and it doesn't work. Leads to unnatural things, degradation, and havoc, and it does so every time. Algorithm has nothing to do with harmony. It can be done for a computer but not for a human being. But people keep trying. :)
Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena
You're welcome. And I agree. My experience supports what you say. It is a major reason we are faced with our current challenges.
But things can change. This book discusses how medicine has also made similar mistakes, and how the science of complex coherence is on the verge of emerging. A key is avoiding ever allowing anybody or anything to assume POWER OVER others? Another key is to always keep the harmonious coherent overall system and all in it in mind? Learn from our challenges and evolve. Maybe transmute Engineering, Medicine, etc., into better things with new names that avoid all of the past and current issues?
Yes, it's a very good book. And thank you for keeping an open mind! I don't know where you are at with all these things but it sounds that you could be just exploring this world (btw Google was never benevolent, not even on day one, I don't think :). if you like, I made a compilation of stories on COVID and the Great Reset here. There are lots of references and links inside the articles. Maybe you'll find them helpful.
Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena
Due to long and fascinating solution seeking talks with friends, I became aware of how power over works in this world on or before 1988. That made it possible to model, predict and understand much of what has happened since. I could have written much of the following article, at least the main point, before 911, and wish I had done something like that then, at least I would have got the title somewhat correct, and could have predicted some of what happened since. It is all about POWER OVER OTHERS. The undisclosed, unaudited entity that is at the very top of the command chain of the enemy has been using all its resources to increase its POWER OVER all life in every way possible. That simple model allows one to understand what has happened, what is happening, and what is planned? Perhaps if you browse this you might be able to gain some insights and use your incredible writing and abilities to improve upon the messages and how they are presented? And perhaps what is written about the need to protect one's self from harmful EMFs might also be helpful to your loved ones or you yourself? I can only hope. Warm wishes either way,
I agree that Google was never benevolent. But searches in Google used to be much more open and objective. Thanks for the links. Including writing for Global Research. There is so much to learn, so much to do, and so little time? I really appreciate you sharing today.
Hi Tessa. Read that you were a "beautiful fantasy female" from Russia "With Love", for some rich Western Guy who could afford to pay for you - a lot like Trump and his first and second Russian wives?
I don't think Trump's wives are Russian, by the way. I have never closely followed his activities but that much, I know.
But please do tell where you read this story about me, it is pretty funny and a little disturbing that somebody would make up stories about me, And to answer your question, no, not true. But I do want to know who is saying that!
Where did you read this fantasy story? News to me! :) Also, while this suggestion is a compliment to my appearance, for which I thank you, it is a very strange and puzzling inquiry.. I have thought about it and yes, a very strange and puzzling inquiry that comes with a bit of stereotyping of Russian women in general. Thank God I didn't go to bed ten minutes earlier and saw your comment, this is how rumors start!, lol
Hi Tessa. Thought I read that one of your readers was responding to what happened to you in your last marriage - a violent ending one for you - and I picked up from that. Russian women, well, assuming you originated from Russia over to the West, then no Western guy is going to pick an ugly one, there are enough ugly ones here already, without looking overseas for any more - much laughter!!
I mean no offense, just was replying to one of your posts which ended up in my inbox and thought I'd touch on the subject while I was at it (a little dig?)
I don't know, maybe I am old-fashioned but it is unfathomable to me to ask somebody, "Oh and by the way, are you are mail order bride? Just a little dig." It just tells me that our culture is in the toilet, overall, where the standards have eroded and in that context. it is only logical that people inquire about other people's medical history before letting them into a restaurant. Next thing we know, it will be considered normal to ask each other over cocktails "Oh and have you ever had syphilis?"
I must have missed that comment but it's a sad one. I mean how on Earth does one react to a story about domestic violence with a theory about the person being a mail order bride (which in itself is mostly a cultural construct meant to insult good-looking women primarily of Eastern European descent)?
Since I would much rather focus on good things, I am just going to add this theory to another brilliant suggestion that another reader proposed in comments at one time, namely, that I possibly have a romantic relationship with Desmet. I guess I "made it" if people come up with wild theories and discuss them. :))
Well, someone was commiserating with you about your last relationship being a violent one and I picked up on that - I don't know if you have published something along those lines, but you did not respond, so I thought it was "common knowledge" and you offered the information up in some way in the past, on your substack and that is how it eventuated.
I have not suggested you are a mail order bride, nor do I have any issues with that if you are - it is your life, how you choose to live it and by whatever terms which suit you - if, for the sake of example, I had the choice of living my life under Putin's shoe and the NKVD or leave for a Western country where the freedom is very different to what I could expect for my whole life under Russian Communism, I'd have been off like a shot - and it would be up to me, myself and I what I thought about that.
As it happened I left England when I was 24 never to return, preferring warmer climates - I was not a mail order anything, but I might just as well have been, the way my life served me up the assholes I had the misfortune to get involved with - my last marriage ended with my married to partner, trying to emotionally, get me to commit suicide, for the insurance policy that had been taken out against my life if I did so (I had no idea about it) - as luck would have it, I had an out of body experience before I jumped and that is the only reason why I am still here - it was not my time then, some 40 years ago now.
I have stayed single ever since, I've had relationships and almost came close to getting married a third time, but backed out 4 weeks before marriage - was it the right thing to do at the time - no idea, I just got cold feet and went with my inner feelings this time.
I come from England and I grew up in the lower classes of people - my parents where the aloof lot - like King Charles who won't be - and I started off living in salvation army hostels - where my parents said I deserved to be, with the meths drinkers and druggies - not that I was ever one of those and I fought my way up to the top of the tree to be knocked down again - over an over and over - this is my 9th start from scratch, from nothing and my best yet.
I have an English sense of humor and I don't take any prisoners - I shoot them - as you might have noticed in the posts I have made on my substack.
I have my sense of humor and you have yours - if you want to be picky with me you are wasting your time, I won't bite - more fool you and you won't score any points off me either - it just makes you seem more vulnerable and why do you need to be - the sum total of your life so far, has to be better than poor me, poor me, don't you think?
You want to dance with me, bring it on - you want to be friends, let's put this behind us and get on with being friends - fair enough?
I thought you went to bed about 7 hours ago - if so - being up all night, your time, because I pricked you with a pin, makes no sense to me - your attitude to me should be fuck you and say so - nothing breeds respect like having the pussy to stand up for yourself and bring it on - as I have suggested you do, if you want to, with me.
The only person who can decide if you made it or not - is you - as it is me, me - Have I made it, sure I have and I'm more than enough, to take on all comers, given half the chance - the pen is mightier than the sword and I am a master at wielding it.
Westerners have this misconception that people who don't come from their birth country have to be heaps better sexually and in every other way than the opposite sex of those in their own country - but it is a fallacy and not true at all - everyone, irrespective of where they originate from, is just the same as everyone else wherever they happen to have come from - it is how it is - the motivation of each person, for themselves and what they are prepared to do to get it, is only what is different.
Ultimately, you are who you make yourself to be and how you present that to your world is how other people will see you and respond accordingly. Life is a play and you can change who you are by changing how you dress, do your hair, the makeup you put on and the places you frequent and where people have got to know you and have categorized you accordingly.
Go somewhere where nobody knows you and be totally different and play the part of being the complete opposite to how you were comfortable being and after a while you don't have to play the part because you become that new personality and how your new friends see you.
I traveled half way around the world to discover those skills, when I was 24 - now I serve them up on a plate for anyone who wants more out of their life than they are getting at the moment - and how to go about it. Simple.
Forgot to add a historical comment. The NKVD has stopped existing a long time ago (it was dissolved in the 1940s, I think). And after the fall of the Soviet Union, the amount of democracy has been more or less the same in Russia and in the West, depending on how much money one has and what one wants to do. So that, too, it a bit of a myth that works for both sides. .And of course, now, the amount of democracy everywhere is minimal, to put it in kind words. A lot of things are political mythology!!
Christine, I am sorry you had to go through tough times, It sounds like you are doing just fine for yourself. Hugs to you!!
Your comment certainly sounded like an inquiry into whether I was a mail order bride but I am glad you clarified that it wasn't your intention. All good. And I personally don't think that women who post profiles online to get a dream husband are doing anything wrong, it's just it wasn't my story at all.
As far as an attraction to 'different," I think a lot of people in a lot of cultures have it, it's human nature, curiosity, etc.
Anyway, I am glad you turned your hardships into strength, that's the way to go.
No I always wanted a tough life and I got the life I wanted for myself, although at times it was waaay tougher than I wanted it to be. My theory is that we are all basically souls or spirits and that part of us does not die, it goes to an alternative universe when we die and we can be reborn as any animal species on this planet and I have proof of that - almost like James Cameron's Avatar if you like - we become other Avatars on this planet in whichever life form we get, next time around and I believe we do this for a reason and that is to grow our Aura so that eventually it becomes 100% Gold which is the ultimate level we all seek to achieve - an old soul or a higher being - which is roughly where I hope to be when I die - I was 80% Gold and 20% Purple some 15-20 years ago and have been striving to make 100% gold ever since, in my battle against these vaccines and what I fear they do to the spirit or souls of those injected.
My theory also, of course is, that what we gather around us in material comforts, we leave behind when we die and we don't own them, they own us for a little while before going to someone else, if we sell them on - or after we die.
My tenant is a hoarder and I'm not far behind - but not "that" bad and I've reduced her hoard substantially (in the bin) so she is a shadow of what she previously was when we first met - through a dating site - I was looking for a companion - not sex and she passed my simple test, the only one to do so thus far and the rest and they say, was history - 8 years ago plus now.
Unfortunately she is a first class liar and she is getting progressively worse as her memory goes and she can't remember what she has done or said - it might be Alzheimer's - or it might be something else not age related? It does not matter, she is here until she leaves of her own accord when I will have to look around for a replacement, but with everyone mRNA vaccinated, do I want them here with me - probably not - when you sup with the Devil use a looong spoon!!
I've become something of a recluse - I enjoyed going out when there were thin people to see and admire - now everyone seems obese and I don't find that makes me feel very comfortable.
I'm posting some WEF stuff on my substack - any of it of interest to you, copy and use it on your substack if you want - C
The COVID-19 period has highlighted a huge problem that has been developing for decades, that of social engineering. In the 1950s, Adorno was one of those who contributed to mislead the youth of my generation. Like, among others, Monterey Pop Festival, Haight-Ashbury & Woodstock; Flower Power, as well as LSD-25… etc., an area which particularly interested intelligence personalities: J. Edgard Hoover & Allan Dulles, from 1953-1954… “The phenomenon of mass culture has a political implication, knowing that all the many forms of popular culture are part of a single cultural industry whose purpose is to secure the continued obedience of the masses. » What is not clear is to what extent the works of Adorno & Horkheimer were taken over by the Anglo-Saxon intelligence agencies… or financed by them, in order to explore the worst recesses of human consciousness… at the time of the Cold War. As Marc-Gabriel Draghi (2021) asserts, in these times of misery, “contrary to what one might think, the year 2020 proved to us that there was no conspiracy. There is an agenda, a detailed plan laid out clearly and officially by the transnational financial oligarchy for decades. Now only those who do not wish to see the implementation of the New World Order remain willfully blind…” The kind of society we would be heading towards at high speed, often referred to as the World After, also the Great Reset or the "New World Order", would be a "hygienist-eugenicist-Marxist-merchant" type society containing a package of dystopian measures, a new kind of neoliberal fascism, that is, inverted and… technocratic totalitarianism; a brutalization of political behavior, often iniquitous and draconian. We would then cross a line, first clearly described by Jacques Attali; who announced all this with elegant pragmatism, as early as 1979. This is explicitly the establishment of the “model of ‘Chinese social credit’; which does not bode well for the West as a whole, in the short or medium term.
Thank you. And if we go even further in time, social engineering, framed perhaps differently but social engineering none the less, has been on the agenda of every self-respecting emperor who more often than not, purposely subverted philosophy, art, and institutional religion to solidify their power and keep the people down. Sad but true!
Here's the thing about Adorno. Only to the extent that my comment was about "social engineering."
Canadian award-winning journalist, Daniel Estulin, wrote in Institute Tavistock (2015) that Adorno and his ilks were interested in opening up "the mind to fast and easy manipulation, not to promote spiritual or psychic integration, or what Jung calls 'individuation.' Their job was to create assassins, turn agents, interrogate prisoners, obtain information," etc.
By the same token, Wittgenstein's supervisor, Bertrand Russell, was writing essays suggesting that we must convince people that snow is "black."
We've been dealing with these corrupt individuals since the end of the 19th century...
Great comment. What we're looking at is censorship/propaganda. This is at the root. Fcuking "mass formation" is not!
Sorry to be a bit radical here but I want people to see. What's at the heart of totalitarianism, the type facing us and which you point out? It's technologically-driven censorship/propaganda.
What's attacked Ryan Cole? Isn't it censorship of medical opinion?
What's a lawsuit against a psychiatrist who is 100% correct (yes, I'm pounding the table)? It's censorship, isn't it? It's an attempt to silence.
Take that f--king Desmet book and throw it in the trash, the central issue staring us in the face is censorship, not his sophomoric "mass formation." Censorship/propaganda/mind control. Then "mass formation" follows. Yes or no?
Society can handle all kinds of disruptions so long as free debate/free thought are still allowed. Choke off free speech and mild disruptions can be turned into a police state. Then, yes, "mass formation" can happen. But after, not prior!
We're in great danger because of censorship rearing its ugly head. This is the real beginning of totalitarianism.
I agree with you on the relationship between censorship and propaganda! And at the same time, I have to laugh (lovingly)... you really made "arguing against mass formation" the centerpiece of your presentation on any topic! I am curious, why is it important to you to bring it into any topic being discussed (since we weren't taking about mass formation here)? :)) A quote comes to mind, "but what does this have to do with chess"? xoxo
Sorry, Tessa.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but I despise Desmet's thinking and I truly believe his book is the real Trojan horse. People need to wake up. Desmet is wrong and dammit, so is Malone. Not just wrong, but outright deceptive.
I'm not looking for people to "be on my side." I want people to see. That's why I pick up the sword of logic and cut fiercely, so that we can then see. We must see what Desmet is really doing. That's why I wrote an essay on his book.
Desmet is gaslighting us. We are not the people he says we are. He's trying to sell us a narrative and he attacks Enlightenment thinking and reason to sell it. No wonder: anyone who looks closely at his book will see that it makes absolutely no sense.
See? I did it again. Because it matters. A lot.
But my question is, why did you bring it into the conversation that was not about that at all? :)) That is what made me laugh, your dedication! As you probably know, I am not the biggest fan the missionary mindset. People can figure out themselves what they think, which is how it should be, I believe. You think it's dangerous, other people think it's helpful, I personally think it's not with even five minutes of argument because it's just an academic theory... so I think you have to ask yourself why it triggers you so much. There are many ideas in this world, this is one of them, who cares!! Pick an idea that you like and promote it on your page, isn't it the way to go?
"Just" an academic theory?? Are the WEF's ideas just academic theories?
Desmet's theory fits into the WEF program, that's why. Why does he not mention "soft" totalitarianism-- own nothing but be happy-- at all? Why does he attack those nasty conspiracy theorists who believe in some sort of orchestration behind Covid?
The Trojan Horse. It triggers me because it matters so much. This is the bomb thrown into the medical freedom movement, subtle only in that it's hard to see what the book is really about. Doublespeak.
Not "just" an academic theory at all.
Yes, people can figure things out for themselves but sometimes they need a little help when it comes to doublespeak, and my friends, we have a perfect-- I mean, absolutely prefect-- example staring us right in the face.
Do not be seduced!
Here we go again, the missionary activities!! I like you for your passion but what makes you believe that it's cool to shout your opinions over people's heads no matter the topic of the conversation and for the thousandth time? :)) How is THAT different from Klaus Schwab's helpers and every other missionary figure before him? Think about that angle, please. What happened to respect for free will?
And yes, just an academic theory, in my (strong) opinion. If you don't like it, pick a theory you like and promote it. You can obviously do whatever you like but you have made your opinion known many times over, I think no one at this point can make a mistake about what your opinion of Desmet is. :) So? People can make up their own minds now! :)))
My thinking here is about the descent of our Western civilization into madness since the end of the 19th century, as explained by author Daniel Estulin.
I'm not an aficionado of the shaky MASS FORMATION thesis. But, as a scholar myself, I have read Desmet's book. Mattias made some good explanations. And I have a deep respect for this Belgian psychologist
As a whole, did Desmet really make some good explanations? Correct me if I'm wrong.
There is not much that we do not already know about this phenomenon. Gustave Le Bon, Hanna Arendt, and other 20th-century scholars have already demonstrated evidence that we once again prey to another social psychosis.
The late Albert Bandura, a Canadian clinical psychologist, also wrote on this subject.
Have you seen this?
Crowd psychology isn't the same as totalitarianism.
One needs zero mass formation for totalitarianism. All one really needs is massive censorship and propaganda. Then the masses are formed, yes, but not from within the masses themselves. This difference matters.
Grab this book if you may:
Lobaczewski, Andrew. Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism (p. 1). Red Pill Press. "
"“Pathocracy is one of those hidden concepts that, once uncovered, suddenly helps to make sense of the world. It explains much of the chaos and suffering which has filled human history, and which still sadly afflicts the world today. For this, we owe Lobaczewski and his book Political Ponerology a massive debt.”
💬 Censorship/propaganda/mind control. Then "mass formation" follows. Yes or no?
Yes. Can we now be allowed to return to chess, please? 🙂
Well, I like this summary - but to each their own (2 parts): In a new hour-long presentation – watch it here: – Latypova lays out the copious evidence she has compiled – including “receipts” – to show that covid injections are nothing more than a bioweapon that was unleashed on the world by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) via the corrupt U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Latypova, who worked with 60 different pharmaceutical companies throughout her 25-year industry career, says that any alleged benefits associated with the shots pales in comparison to the many adverse events they cause, sudden death being one of the most prominent.
It turns out that covid jabs are not pharmaceutical products at all, Latypova found. Instead, they are military bioweapons. (Related: Last year, Latypova’s “Team Enigma” spoke with Dr. Jane Ruby about Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed scam and how it was used to unleash these bioweapons.)
The shots have never been properly tested for safety, either – obviously because they are not safe and were designed to kill. They produce negative efficacy, meaning a person is much better off not getting injected if he or she wants to live.
While the world has been led to believe that the likes of Pfizer and Moderna are responsible for these deadly shots, the head of the snake looks to be the DoD and other military-industrial complex actors who made them “toxic by design.”
Covid jabs were also a long time in the making, it turns out. Latypova uncovered evidence dating back to 1997 when Congress passed two new laws: the FDA Modernization Act and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Together, these bills allowed for the implementation of “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA), which is what the FDA used to fast-track the shots onto the market at warp speed.
Changes were also made to 10 U.S. Code § 4021 that amended the Other Transaction Authority (OTA) of the DoD. Here is how Cornell’s Legal Information Institute describes what that accomplished:
“The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of each military department [the ability to] enter into transactions (other than contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants) [in order to carry] out basic, applied, and advanced research projects. The authority under this subsection is in addition to the authority provided in section 4001 of this title to use contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants in carrying out such projects.”
In short, the changes made to 10 U.S. Code § 4021, implemented by the Obama regime in 2015, allow the DoD to order the production of “undisclosed military prototypes” from private manufacturers like pharmaceutical companies – be sure to watch the full video presentation from Latypova.
Covid jabs are a death sentence for many.
Those who have "volunteered" to have the experimental synthetic mRNA test vaccines were forecast to be injured, or die, 6 months before the vaccines were released in early 2021, at 1,000 American's a day.
However, by February and March of 2021 the deaths and injuries far exceeded the projected, expected kill and injury rate and further millions of American Dollars were released to General Dynamics (the contracted records recording company), to handle the considerable increase in deaths and injuries to be recorded for VAERS by the CDC, which is funded by Bill Gates, which presumably he owns to some extent. "He who pays the piper calls the tune" - logic.
VAERS records 1% of all deaths and injuries and it has been suggested that multiplying VAERS numbers by 41 (x41) a more accurate picture can be achieved, so when the CDC was expecting 1,000 American's to be killed and injured by vaccines, in actual fact, it was nearer 41,000 American's were being killed and injured, on a daily basis - however - this does not take into account the many millions more, around the world, who were being deliberately killed or injured, by these vaccines - which can only be described as Genocide, had they been "human".
Vaccines purpose not to save anyone from Covid, but to install nanotechnology, past the blood brain barrier, and into the very workings of the body, in billions of lipid packages in each synthetic mRNA vaccine shot - which also contains 99% Graphene Oxide particles - advanced nanotechnology which we won't be able to produce, with our limited scientific understanding of any nanotechnology, before 2035 - yet this advanced nanotechnology was being injected, deliberately from January 2021 - which begs the question - "we" did not have that 2035 nanotechnology in 2021, so what, or who did?
The experimental synthetic test mRNA are patented to the vaccine maker of choice, or the USDOD, because the synthetic mRNA are not naturally occurring in the body and only those who "volunteer" to have the vaccines, can have them, because, according to US Law (2013) anyone synthetically mRNA vaccinated is no longer human and all human rights are lost. They are a new species for which zero rights have been passed into Law and their bodies are now owned by the vaccine maker of choice, like a GMO product, so the deliberate 2035 injected nanotechnology , Graphene Oxide causing murder and injury - Genocide, is not covered by any Law and is perfectly acceptable and legal, by our human Laws, which we the not vaccinated are covered by, as long as we refuse to volunteer, for these experimental synthetic mRNA test vaccines:
There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines. It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion. BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added (increases in deaths and injuries beyond the initial contracts)
The Contracts 23 00099 General Dynamics Information Te.. 00099 Eagle Health Analytics, Ll j=eyJ1IjoibjFlaXcifQ.OkComRnvTz45cW2ospKdwvhGbhkMepFwvepUF91fYF0 Grand total? $35,425,642 The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) records 1% of all reports:
End Of Part One
Part Two: VAERS updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41 to arrive at December 2022 numbers) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022. ...The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow
BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher, (bearing in mind that VAERS represents only 1% of all injuries and deaths recorded and multiplying the numbers given by 41 (x41) gives a much better appreciation of just how many American’s were being injured or had died, after vaccinations began in early 2021), on a daily basis: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Friday updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022, so for 100% x41 = 60,730,266 dead or injured Americans so far and it does not include the numbers your governments are inflicting on you, if you don't live in America.
See Electron Microscope studies of blood at cellular level and the nanotechnology to be found there:
The US Department of Defense (US DoD) has had a dominant role in the response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the US DoD took charge of the Covid vaccine funding, development and testing from the very start of the perceived threat in early 2020 and in the development, and distribution of the Covid 19 vaccines, a fact hidden from the general public. In those processes many standard steps and procedures, otherwise required for pharmaceutical products, were omitted or circumvented.
The US FDA’s website (FDA, 2020) reveals that the United States Department of Defence (DoD) has been in full control of the Covid Vaccine development program since its beginning. The DoD has been responsible for development, manufacturing, clinical trials, quality assurance, distribution and administration, since that time (FDA, 2020; Rees and Latypova, 2022; KEI, 2022; Medical Defense Consortium, 2022; Rees, 2022). The major pharmaceutical companies have been involved as “Project Coordination Teams” effectively performing as subcontractors to the DoD. The Chief Operating Officer for (Trump's) Warp Speed vaccine program is the US Department of Defence, and the Chief Science Advisor is the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Definition of these vaccines as “countermeasures” rather than therapeutic agents has permitted their expedited progression to emergency use authorisation and widespread rollouts. Many adverse consequences have been the outcome of this secret military response to a public health matter. Excepts From: Phillip Altman's Essay he is Pharmacologist and Clinical trial and drug regulatory affairs consultant in Melbourne, Australia and Brownstone Institute
Synthetic mRNA vaccines - they were never, ever, intended to kill Covid anything, because viral infections attack your breathing apparatus, which is your FIRST closed system in itself and the mRNA vaccines injected into your blood which kid the brain blood barrier into thinking they are safe, is your SECOND closed system too - so taking anything by mouth - well that goes down into your stomach acid, where it is broken down into its elements, which your body does not need and expelled in your piss and shit is your THIRD closed system, too and they all interact to give us life, while not having internal access to each other and interact in the body, but differently - which is why cures taken by mouth, are just another way to skim you for your money and more mumbo jumbo.
The obvious question then is, for the vaccinated - is what to do about the installed nanotechnology which is far ahead of our technical ability - how to explain that.
So let's go with aircraft engines:
Up to the end of World War 2 (1939-1945) all aircraft were powered by piston engine technology and it was only towards the end of World War 2 (1944) that the jet engine was invented, in its infancy and because it delivered more thrust, provided faster speeds, took up less space, than piston engine aircraft - it eventually became our main mode of aircraft propulsion.
So with the nanotechnology in 2023 - we are at the beginning of World War 2 as above and the vaccines are to become jet engines, way beyond our understanding or mechanical ability to create in now, because we didn't have the specialized equipment, or the engineering capability to create them and won't reach that level of capability for at least 10 years forwards from today, let's see 2033 and here we have them being injected with the Pfizer's (and other vaccines) from January 2021 - do you see the conundrum?
How is the impossible possible, when the possible, makes the impossible, totally impossible and since "human" technology did not create this 2033 nanotechnology by 2021 when the Pfizer and other vaccines were injected, what did and why and why I personally think it is essential we eachkill it off as quickly as we can and especially if you lose your soul and your body in the process - it just another radio controlled toy, controlled offsite with no memory of its past - like the early Van Damme movie "Universal Soldier" 1992
Just Saying
So glad to see this here! I was hoping this information would be spread widely. I've tried myself- sent an interview Kim Iversen had with Sasha and a video based on her and Katherine Watt's research to Steve Kirsch on substack, but never got a response. I hope Tessa reads your post and takes it seriously.
A crude useful heuristic: If it came from seemingly nowhere, and suddenly is everywhere—that‘s a vile agenda, dear friends. When seen through this lens, our confusingly complex reality starts to make much more sense.
not just @ daiva-- but, just to get at the bottom of the whole Desmet vs. anti-Desmet thing:
This whole argument is nonsensical, being based on a delusional, faulty premise: that one human being may rightfully own/rule/control via coercive force another not agreeing to be owned.
To argue "who made who" in a master/slave relationship, is this not absurd? It is a 2-player game. (A sick one, to my mind-- but hey, whatever flips your switch). Both are willing participants. Should either party vacate their chosen role, game over.
Desmet is a slave with half a mind, theorizing, trying to figure out how it all happens. So is Jim Reagen. Gentlemen, there you have it.
Thermonuclear-grade absurd it sure is! Though par for the course with the Story of Separation having run its course and reached ridiculous levels of inanity at this late hour. We'd better hurry up shedding the old skin of ways that no longer work; things are exceedingly disintegrating before our very eyes wherever you care to look.
The Story of Interbeing is a hopeful next stop. One can dream, no? 🙂
Well said, daiva.
"Story of Interbeing" hmmm... sounds like Charles Eisenstein. He loves that whole "we need a story" thing.
"Interbeing", as I understand that word, is no story. It is a fact, one of multitudes readily apparent. Why should we need to make up a story to live by when that story is already true? We need only toss the whole "we need a story" thing out & open our eyes and live in acceptance of the facts of our existence, be they pleasing or painful at any given moment. The act of storytelling (aka "creating narratives") is itself a symptom of neurosis-- it perpetuates/supports the illusion of separation at the expense of direct experience of reality.
That poor guy (CE), god bless his gentle soul, appears to be eternally besotted with his own b.s. I would agree, however, that a story/narrative that aligns with fact is certainly better than one that doesn't. Still, to the extent one needs a story inside our head to live by one is not quite here, arrived, ready to rock. We are still squirming around. Every story we come up with is, at best, a futile attempt to overcome existential fear by establishing control over environment/reality via imposition of will. Creating stories in our heads allows us to delude ourselves that we have power & are in control of things. We are not. Nor will we ever be.
Reality/environment is a jaw-dropping, powerfully mysterious, uncontrollable thing. We don't like that we are never going to know the totality of it. We don't like that we are always going to exist in an environment we are never going to master. In desperation, we make shit up. The arm battles the leg. The brain battles the heart. It doesn't work and it never will. Better we learn what the fear is about. Better that we stand in the face of what we don't like about it all and just let it be.
Existence. Reality. What is it, daiva? You tell me. How best shall we live with it, with each other? By forcibly grabbing our partner & demanding that she submit to our will, to our story, to what we think "ought to happen"? Or is it more fun to just hold her and start moving around-- letting whatever happens happen by the simple act of being together, creating a dance from nothing but submission to naturally arising bodily movements inspired by the music of ecstatic feelings emanating from god-knows-where?
I say let "the story/narrative" thing be our final hiding place that is thrown onto the fire of change so that we can come out of the shadows and let the real story begin-- the one where we are finally able to break free of our fear-soaked, battle-worn past and discover how wonderfully awesome human life on planet earth can be.
(Like that'll ever happen....! One can dream, no?) = 0 )
Toss out the Story thingy! 😂 Good luck with that! How can you possibly get rid of your very habitat? Stories are what we humans live by & with(in). Everything is a story, deny vehemently as you please. You’ve just shared yours—a beautiful one 👌—seamlessly incorporating dance metaphor frequenting Tessa’s writings 😉
Meaning-making machines, another metaphor. We can’t move a metric inch without fitting your beloved facts into our personal theories about the world. An admirably rich soul Charles devised one that resonates with me. Not you, apparently. Why’s that? I blame the linguistic constructions on the surface. Signifier vs signified. What you vividly describe in so many d-liteful words (it takes an apt storyteller, mind you!) sounds suspiciously in alignment with Charles’ vision. Won’t you admit? I’d bet sound money you can’t, for your own story of oh-so-rational self balks at this association 😉 His framework is so despicable that clouds the essence with impenetrable pall.
Stories permeate everyone, that’s how we tick. Thoroughly neurotic species, to borrow your parlance. Them’s proudly above such lesser fluff are not exempt. Cue Niels Bohr’s horseshoe above his door 🤸
PS I wholeheartedly agree that our lost ability to make peace with inherent ‘jaw-dropping, powerfully mysterious, uncontrollable’ uncertainty/arbitrariness has much to answer for the current sorry state of social & natural milieus. Ty, dearest Enlightenment, well done! The disenchanted world is a doozy 🙃
PPS 💬 Direct experience of reality <-- What’s *that*, ffs? 😂
! Quite a mind you have there, daiva.
Alright well, I've done my best. Often folks are puzzled by my words. As am I by theirs-- what I hear you saying is that all of us humans arriving at the restaurant of life are doomed by design to sit down where we are told to by humans who are not only madly claiming ownership of the restaurant, but are claiming ownership of you and I as well. These folks then instruct us to eat the menu. Or else.
Forgive me for standing up, walking out and seeking more nutritious fare. Took me 30 years or so to stop eating menus but nevertheless I carried on looking, and eventually found, actual food.
Du Pont is Bidens original backer.
Like Getty money is Gavin’s.
Don’t forget, Rockefeller took over medicine, had holistic drs arrested.
last week, i tried using FB messenger to transmit to a friend my thoughts on mask wearing, but the messages wouldn't go through. i thought it was a fluke, but now i am wondering if it was censorship. wow. no words.
I heard accounts of FB messenger "fact checking" what people write in real time!
great way to help usher in more creative ways for subversive behavior, eh ;) we are talking quantum leaping now...! <3
Has happened to me but I’m in “ jail “ there often. And shadow banned.
Hugs from one shadow-banned curious person to another!! I have been shadow banned for years on both Facebook and Twitter!
google shadowbanned me on may 1, 2020. i suspect it was because i made a reference to the "coronavirus scare."
A friend sent me a Facebook jail tee shirt, I get to wear it often, it’s fun when people ask What did you post this time? 1 hunters laptop and 2 vax injuries are my usual answers
Mostly people at our local VFW ask & I say it loud . Too many people there are going through turbo cancer treatments and I hope to get them thinking with my loud mouth and joking about “ jail “,
Hugs back! I haven’t been on twitter long enough to get in much trouble- yet.
the same also applies to those who use gmail (google), what they send and receive (if they will receive it at all) is scanned.
I don't know if this has been said in the many comments below, but the radioactive paint tragedy story really makes me wonder if syphilis was blamed for many other deaths that were actually to do with environmental pollutants in centuries past, as with polio?
It's a good question. I don't know the answer to this one.
that is one great piece on text and email censorship. dovetails with my hypothesis that the cbdc will be rolled out by the ISP's and phone companies - no CBDC, no video games for you!
what a great racket as far as plausible deniability: "don't blame me, it's the computer's fault! IT dept. says we can't afford to be blacklisted as spammers!"
would be interesting to find out who came up with the protocol defining "spam" - suspect that it may be the same crew who redefined "vaccine" and "woman"
btw Tessa those indexes are such a gift. i reference your stuff a lot and you've made that infinitely easier.
Thank you, and I think you are right. I think phones are a very likely "gate" to be used. Also, I vague remember reading years ago about how getting everybody on mobile devices was this whole operation, with a goal of easier surveillance etc. I'll have to dig it up if I can still find it.
The radium paint girls worked and died in my grandfather's town, Ottawa, IL.
I did put together my video episode, Tessa, that talks about your Coming of Age and Not Being Bothered by Monsters, and also Charles Eisenstein's Bloodroot and a Raven. I hope that I relayed your stories correctly, and your intent. I call it Love & the Great Resist:
Wow, thank you so much Tereza, I am so honored that you made a whole episode about it! So kind of you.
It's the reverse, Tessa. You and Charles gave me the impetus to say something I was fumbling towards. And your video from the heart, that you didn't script or transcribe, made me realize some things need to be spoken, not read. So I owe the thanks to you that I could be 'coraggious', as one of my kind viewers coined ;-)
Here is a recent example of censorship if private communications
So typical, thank you for sharing this!
On the positive side, we can hope all of the members of the nation's medical boards are taking every booster. To protect themselves and others, of course.
I don't wish harm on anyone. A friend of a friend just died suddenly and unexpectedly, she believed in the thing, I think. It really sucks. I pray for her to be in a good place. And no, I don't know if the shot was the reason i her case, or if it made a difference, but too many people are dying suddenly at a young age. This is not normal, and the callousness of the establishment is just chilling.
Tessa, you seem like a very nice and thoughtful person, like my wife and mom, always looking for the good in people.
What I fear is that in the near future, we'll need heartless jerks like me, because they just won't stop killing kids.
Tessa is a better person than I am. I think those people deserve whatever happens to them.
The radioactive paint is bad but asbestos is an even larger example.
True that
It makes me mad that here in the UK it was known that it was dangerous as far back as a century ago and yet it is in pretty much every public building that was builtbefore the ban in 2000.
History is littered with the bodies of poor souls who were lied to for the profits of the few.
Unfortunately, it is true!
I'd actually thought of that very radiation story as chunks of my hair fell out. I said on fb before I was shut up, that I feel as if I've got radiation poisoning and aids.
I am sorry you are dealing with that! Have you ever worked or lived anywhere where you think there could be radiation?
Thank you. It did not happen until I had covid. I never recovered. I have tried a lot over these past, almost 3 years.
By logic (not medical advice, for obvious reason of me not being a doctor)... hair falls out due to intense and lasting poisoning. Did you go to a sane doctor to check it out? Did you consider thorough detoxing to see if it makes a difference?
There are not many sane doctors left. I have used milk thistle and dandelion....they are the best detoxers I know of. I try to eat natural detoxers like cilantro and blueberries. I have been too ill to work and have no insurance...and truly, the drs have been less than useless. They gaslight and push their memorized narrative.
The hair fall is a common post covid, long covid ailment, so much so that there are large support groups on fb for covid hair fall. There are thousands in these groups and the narrative is that this is tellogen effluvium caused by extreme 'stress' due to covid. I was promptly removed from those groups for my differing opinion. There were many people in the group with teeth just breaking off or falling out too.
It gives me shivers because it is so similar to the Radium girls ailments. But no one wanted to hear me suggest toxic poisoning or radiation disease.
I am so sorry you are going through this!!! I hope you figure it out soon and feel better!!
A friend of mine is not jabbed and her roommates is. Her hair fell out around Christmas.
Wow, that's messed up!
I am thinking, poisoning could come from the environment, or from whatever that synthetic thing is. or from an activation of previously latent microorganisms (bacteria, parasites, etc.) that trigger ongoing inflammation, due to a drop in immunity. Several people I know are complaining about hair falling out after COVID.
Bacteria....this makes a bit of sense and might be a possible answer. Dr. Carlo Bogna of Italy has found that covid can infect the bacteria that normally inhabit our gut. These infected bacteria in the process of fighting off their own covid infections are producing toxins.
So, we've definitely toxins within us.
My hair fall started in 2020 before the vax roll out.
How is your vision?
She does already have many autoimmune issues , Lyme being one. Not sure about the rest.
Sorry to hear that, Rosalind. So much suffering in this world around health, with all the poisoning around us. I hope she finds a way to feel better!
We are attempting a think tank approach to seeking solutions to these global problems here. As diverse equals. Please consider taking a look at it and maybe participating. It is free, and will remain free. Thank you.
Thank you, Larry, and lovely to meet you. What is your philosophy about solutions? Is it "systems analysis" like your description says? I am curious.
If you look here, you will see a disclosure of possible sabotage of the Solution Seeking Substack site. There are many explanations for this but it is suspicious.
That said, I am very curious what your ultimate finding is about Substack errors, after all this time. Since are an engineer, you probably have the mindset to get to the bottom of it, so maybe you can shed the light on the technical aspects of it better than many!
A few of us are working on this in our own best ways. I myself would love to see the source code, get under the hood. So far Substack has ignored my requests to share the code. All backgrounds are equally valuable in solving the kinds of problems we face and should be embraced and honored if people engage in good faith?
Thanks. In my experience, Substack has had a lot of glitches, but then it seemingly doesn't censor as of this moment, which is a good thing. Of course, it's hard to say.
The main point here is philosophical, What place would better solutions come from? I think it's from a place that cannot be described by formulas and AI analysis. it's an entire different place where we listen to the spiritual truth with great honesty and humility, and don't take ourselves too seriously, while at the same time respecting ourselves completely. Which may sound like a paradox but I think this is how it works.
I agree. One concern I have is historical. It is my understanding that, initially, Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc. were rather open and somewhat trustworthy. Then they started acting differently. When COVID hit many valuable information sources were caught off guard because they never thought of the possibility their trusted platforms could change so dramatically, delete their profiles, delete all their content, etc. A suggestion is that you make your own frequent backups in case something like that happens here. I am concerned that so many great authors are here, in one place, on Substack. That is incredibly good right now. But things can always change? I hope that people here consider the merits of creating a plan B and making frequent backups just in case? In engineering I learned to look at all possibilities. Avoid the worst possibilities. Work for the best possibilities. Expect the most likely. Everything is a probability? I do not know what the probability is that Substack will stay a great platform, I hope it is high, and I hope the bad probability is low and will never happen. But, if I was involved in the Titanic, I would have worked to make sure it had enough lifeboats for all passengers, and had it avoid icebergs even if it was touted as being unsinkable.
Substack just put my last comment in the wrong place, not under your reply, where it should have gone. I will paste it again, below, in the hope Substack places it in the right place this time, under your parent comment. Sorry for any confusion. I am honored if this is intentional and directed at me.
I prefer a systems approach but am open minded about it. My experience is a partial guide and I hope that meaningful participation as diverse equals in the Solution Seeking Substack will criticize, correct, refine, and adapt what we have attempted so far. In my solution seeking engineering/programming career we were tasked with finding innovative solutions to complex system optimization that challenges that the best experts said were not possible. We had many challenges, personnel changes, struggles, but we persisted, adapted, and succeeded in many ways. I developed and participated in: AI development, analytical tuning tools (so the objects in the models matched the historical past as well as possible), simulations of the future (many possibilities were considered, including the worst case, the best case, the most likely case, etc), and strategic planning meetings where the complex system operation was planned and adaptations to surprises were analyzed. My best guess now is that the type of solution we should be seeking is how to stop the enemy cabal from continuing to escalate its harm of all humans (except itself) and all life on the planet. Then consider designing the better society that would replace the society we have allowed the enemy to enslave us in.
Thank you, Larry! You are very kind.
I have responded to your original comment.
Based on a very short exchange, I think there is a substantial difference in what we think the world needs as a high level driving principle but since both of us seem to be opposing the Great Reset, good. We can keep the dialogue going!
I am honored to be able to read your work, and I support it. My personal driving principle is to attempt to get people to engage in innovative solution seeking dialogue so we can stop the harm being done to humanity and all life on the planet so we can create the better world our children, humanity, and all life deserves. There are many valid ways to handle this?
My approach is to consider all options, including yours, put the pros and cons out there, present them in one place, so others can see an entire range of Solution Seeking and consider trying their own unique optimized version. What I have presented is my best guess. I am not dedicated to it or sold on it. Our enemy does this kind of thing all the time. The Solution Seeking Substack is my best effort to see if our side is capable of anything similar to what the enemy does. And I realize how time consuming it is to work on even one solution, so I would not want to divert your focus. You may want to see what happens to Solution Seeking Substack from time to time. As expected, it is going through some significant challenges. My hope is that you would perhaps participate in us putting your solution out there with the rest, if Solution Seeking Substack ever gets around to anything like that. Thanks again.
Another thing about DuPont: in league with William Randolph Hearst, the Mellon Bank, and Harry Anslinger, they are also responsible for making cannabis illegal. They did not want hemp to compete with wood-based paper or synthetic petrochemical products like nylon. And as they say, the rest is history....
I prefer a systems approach but am open minded about it. My experience is a partial guide and I hope that meaningful participation as diverse equals in the Solution Seeking Substack will refine what I have attempted so far to the current situation. In my solution seeking engineering/programming career we were tasked with finding innovative solutions to complex system optimization that the best experts said were not possible. We had many challenges, personnel changes, struggles, but we persisted, adapted, and succeeded in many ways. I developed and participated in: AI development, analytical tuning tools (so the objects in the models matched the historical past as well as possible), simulations of the future (many possibilities were considered, including the worst case, the best case, the most likely case, etc), and strategic planning meetings where the complex system operation was planned and adaptations to surprises were analyzed. My best guess now is that the type of solution we should be seeking is how to stop the enemy cabal from continuing to escalate its harm of all humans (except itself) and all life on the planet. Then consider designing the better society that would replace the society we have allowed it to enslave us in.
To add to my previous comment. Here is my story about the tech missionary approach from a few years ago. I think, subjectively, that the talent in engineering is a brilliant talent, when applied to building physical objects. But applying it to society seems to land us where we are right now, when people with a burning itch to "design" ways for other people live by end up dominating them, and that happens every time.
Correct. It relates to the feminist concept of Power Over?
Power over others is the root of the problem. It should be replaced with an egalitarian world where all exist as equals, prioritizing creating the best possible world for all life, and never allowing any one group to gain power over others. Using all possible modalities, techniques, and honoring all who do this as equals.
My opinion is that this is the key root concept that most have somehow not considered or have forgotten?
I am doubtful that the solutions we need will come from systems modeling or from applying engineering principles to society, I think that it is the mindset that got us to where we are in the first place. I also suspect that, if the goal is a good world, people don't need anyone to "design" a better world for them, they need to be left alone by designers altogether so that we can live from the inside. So we might disagree on the approach but I none the less look forward to reading your proposals! Thank you for sharing your link here.
Good points. You could be correct. My hope is to address the problem with all possible modalities. I agree that engineers/programmers are a massive part of the problem and how we got here. The engineers/programmers appear to have not spent enough time thinking about who would ultimately benefit from what they were building and at what cost. That could have been different. Society could be designed (or engineered) to be egalitarian, harmonious, beautiful, coherent, using all possible modalities and diverse equal inputs, where all life exists in the optimal state, where no one group grabs power over others and acts parasitically for its own benefit at the expense of everything else. Honor the diverse inputs from all well meaning participants to creatively visualize, design, and build the best world possible for all life as equals.
Thank you for an even-headed debate. From my experience, I have found that society cannot be engineered to be harmonious, it's an existential impossibility. Harmony comes from the balance of soul and choices rooted in spiritual clarity (non-denominational), and there is no way around it. None. Zero. Engineering mindset is hopeful to apply the principles to "managing" people and it doesn't work. Leads to unnatural things, degradation, and havoc, and it does so every time. Algorithm has nothing to do with harmony. It can be done for a computer but not for a human being. But people keep trying. :)
You're welcome. And I agree. My experience supports what you say. It is a major reason we are faced with our current challenges.
But things can change. This book discusses how medicine has also made similar mistakes, and how the science of complex coherence is on the verge of emerging. A key is avoiding ever allowing anybody or anything to assume POWER OVER others? Another key is to always keep the harmonious coherent overall system and all in it in mind? Learn from our challenges and evolve. Maybe transmute Engineering, Medicine, etc., into better things with new names that avoid all of the past and current issues?
Yes, it's a very good book. And thank you for keeping an open mind! I don't know where you are at with all these things but it sounds that you could be just exploring this world (btw Google was never benevolent, not even on day one, I don't think :). if you like, I made a compilation of stories on COVID and the Great Reset here. There are lots of references and links inside the articles. Maybe you'll find them helpful.
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Due to long and fascinating solution seeking talks with friends, I became aware of how power over works in this world on or before 1988. That made it possible to model, predict and understand much of what has happened since. I could have written much of the following article, at least the main point, before 911, and wish I had done something like that then, at least I would have got the title somewhat correct, and could have predicted some of what happened since. It is all about POWER OVER OTHERS. The undisclosed, unaudited entity that is at the very top of the command chain of the enemy has been using all its resources to increase its POWER OVER all life in every way possible. That simple model allows one to understand what has happened, what is happening, and what is planned? Perhaps if you browse this you might be able to gain some insights and use your incredible writing and abilities to improve upon the messages and how they are presented? And perhaps what is written about the need to protect one's self from harmful EMFs might also be helpful to your loved ones or you yourself? I can only hope. Warm wishes either way,
I agree that Google was never benevolent. But searches in Google used to be much more open and objective. Thanks for the links. Including writing for Global Research. There is so much to learn, so much to do, and so little time? I really appreciate you sharing today.
Hi Tessa. Read that you were a "beautiful fantasy female" from Russia "With Love", for some rich Western Guy who could afford to pay for you - a lot like Trump and his first and second Russian wives?
That true?
I don't think Trump's wives are Russian, by the way. I have never closely followed his activities but that much, I know.
But please do tell where you read this story about me, it is pretty funny and a little disturbing that somebody would make up stories about me, And to answer your question, no, not true. But I do want to know who is saying that!
Where did you read this fantasy story? News to me! :) Also, while this suggestion is a compliment to my appearance, for which I thank you, it is a very strange and puzzling inquiry.. I have thought about it and yes, a very strange and puzzling inquiry that comes with a bit of stereotyping of Russian women in general. Thank God I didn't go to bed ten minutes earlier and saw your comment, this is how rumors start!, lol
Hi Tessa. Thought I read that one of your readers was responding to what happened to you in your last marriage - a violent ending one for you - and I picked up from that. Russian women, well, assuming you originated from Russia over to the West, then no Western guy is going to pick an ugly one, there are enough ugly ones here already, without looking overseas for any more - much laughter!!
I mean no offense, just was replying to one of your posts which ended up in my inbox and thought I'd touch on the subject while I was at it (a little dig?)
I don't know, maybe I am old-fashioned but it is unfathomable to me to ask somebody, "Oh and by the way, are you are mail order bride? Just a little dig." It just tells me that our culture is in the toilet, overall, where the standards have eroded and in that context. it is only logical that people inquire about other people's medical history before letting them into a restaurant. Next thing we know, it will be considered normal to ask each other over cocktails "Oh and have you ever had syphilis?"
I must have missed that comment but it's a sad one. I mean how on Earth does one react to a story about domestic violence with a theory about the person being a mail order bride (which in itself is mostly a cultural construct meant to insult good-looking women primarily of Eastern European descent)?
Since I would much rather focus on good things, I am just going to add this theory to another brilliant suggestion that another reader proposed in comments at one time, namely, that I possibly have a romantic relationship with Desmet. I guess I "made it" if people come up with wild theories and discuss them. :))
Well, someone was commiserating with you about your last relationship being a violent one and I picked up on that - I don't know if you have published something along those lines, but you did not respond, so I thought it was "common knowledge" and you offered the information up in some way in the past, on your substack and that is how it eventuated.
I have not suggested you are a mail order bride, nor do I have any issues with that if you are - it is your life, how you choose to live it and by whatever terms which suit you - if, for the sake of example, I had the choice of living my life under Putin's shoe and the NKVD or leave for a Western country where the freedom is very different to what I could expect for my whole life under Russian Communism, I'd have been off like a shot - and it would be up to me, myself and I what I thought about that.
As it happened I left England when I was 24 never to return, preferring warmer climates - I was not a mail order anything, but I might just as well have been, the way my life served me up the assholes I had the misfortune to get involved with - my last marriage ended with my married to partner, trying to emotionally, get me to commit suicide, for the insurance policy that had been taken out against my life if I did so (I had no idea about it) - as luck would have it, I had an out of body experience before I jumped and that is the only reason why I am still here - it was not my time then, some 40 years ago now.
I have stayed single ever since, I've had relationships and almost came close to getting married a third time, but backed out 4 weeks before marriage - was it the right thing to do at the time - no idea, I just got cold feet and went with my inner feelings this time.
I come from England and I grew up in the lower classes of people - my parents where the aloof lot - like King Charles who won't be - and I started off living in salvation army hostels - where my parents said I deserved to be, with the meths drinkers and druggies - not that I was ever one of those and I fought my way up to the top of the tree to be knocked down again - over an over and over - this is my 9th start from scratch, from nothing and my best yet.
I have an English sense of humor and I don't take any prisoners - I shoot them - as you might have noticed in the posts I have made on my substack.
I have my sense of humor and you have yours - if you want to be picky with me you are wasting your time, I won't bite - more fool you and you won't score any points off me either - it just makes you seem more vulnerable and why do you need to be - the sum total of your life so far, has to be better than poor me, poor me, don't you think?
You want to dance with me, bring it on - you want to be friends, let's put this behind us and get on with being friends - fair enough?
I thought you went to bed about 7 hours ago - if so - being up all night, your time, because I pricked you with a pin, makes no sense to me - your attitude to me should be fuck you and say so - nothing breeds respect like having the pussy to stand up for yourself and bring it on - as I have suggested you do, if you want to, with me.
The only person who can decide if you made it or not - is you - as it is me, me - Have I made it, sure I have and I'm more than enough, to take on all comers, given half the chance - the pen is mightier than the sword and I am a master at wielding it.
Westerners have this misconception that people who don't come from their birth country have to be heaps better sexually and in every other way than the opposite sex of those in their own country - but it is a fallacy and not true at all - everyone, irrespective of where they originate from, is just the same as everyone else wherever they happen to have come from - it is how it is - the motivation of each person, for themselves and what they are prepared to do to get it, is only what is different.
Ultimately, you are who you make yourself to be and how you present that to your world is how other people will see you and respond accordingly. Life is a play and you can change who you are by changing how you dress, do your hair, the makeup you put on and the places you frequent and where people have got to know you and have categorized you accordingly.
Go somewhere where nobody knows you and be totally different and play the part of being the complete opposite to how you were comfortable being and after a while you don't have to play the part because you become that new personality and how your new friends see you.
I traveled half way around the world to discover those skills, when I was 24 - now I serve them up on a plate for anyone who wants more out of their life than they are getting at the moment - and how to go about it. Simple.
Forgot to add a historical comment. The NKVD has stopped existing a long time ago (it was dissolved in the 1940s, I think). And after the fall of the Soviet Union, the amount of democracy has been more or less the same in Russia and in the West, depending on how much money one has and what one wants to do. So that, too, it a bit of a myth that works for both sides. .And of course, now, the amount of democracy everywhere is minimal, to put it in kind words. A lot of things are political mythology!!
Christine, I am sorry you had to go through tough times, It sounds like you are doing just fine for yourself. Hugs to you!!
Your comment certainly sounded like an inquiry into whether I was a mail order bride but I am glad you clarified that it wasn't your intention. All good. And I personally don't think that women who post profiles online to get a dream husband are doing anything wrong, it's just it wasn't my story at all.
As far as an attraction to 'different," I think a lot of people in a lot of cultures have it, it's human nature, curiosity, etc.
Anyway, I am glad you turned your hardships into strength, that's the way to go.
Hi Tessa - friends then - OK Good!!
No I always wanted a tough life and I got the life I wanted for myself, although at times it was waaay tougher than I wanted it to be. My theory is that we are all basically souls or spirits and that part of us does not die, it goes to an alternative universe when we die and we can be reborn as any animal species on this planet and I have proof of that - almost like James Cameron's Avatar if you like - we become other Avatars on this planet in whichever life form we get, next time around and I believe we do this for a reason and that is to grow our Aura so that eventually it becomes 100% Gold which is the ultimate level we all seek to achieve - an old soul or a higher being - which is roughly where I hope to be when I die - I was 80% Gold and 20% Purple some 15-20 years ago and have been striving to make 100% gold ever since, in my battle against these vaccines and what I fear they do to the spirit or souls of those injected.
My theory also, of course is, that what we gather around us in material comforts, we leave behind when we die and we don't own them, they own us for a little while before going to someone else, if we sell them on - or after we die.
My tenant is a hoarder and I'm not far behind - but not "that" bad and I've reduced her hoard substantially (in the bin) so she is a shadow of what she previously was when we first met - through a dating site - I was looking for a companion - not sex and she passed my simple test, the only one to do so thus far and the rest and they say, was history - 8 years ago plus now.
Unfortunately she is a first class liar and she is getting progressively worse as her memory goes and she can't remember what she has done or said - it might be Alzheimer's - or it might be something else not age related? It does not matter, she is here until she leaves of her own accord when I will have to look around for a replacement, but with everyone mRNA vaccinated, do I want them here with me - probably not - when you sup with the Devil use a looong spoon!!
I've become something of a recluse - I enjoyed going out when there were thin people to see and admire - now everyone seems obese and I don't find that makes me feel very comfortable.
I'm posting some WEF stuff on my substack - any of it of interest to you, copy and use it on your substack if you want - C
lmfao. link?