Jan 22, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

The COVID-19 period has highlighted a huge problem that has been developing for decades, that of social engineering. In the 1950s, Adorno was one of those who contributed to mislead the youth of my generation. Like, among others, Monterey Pop Festival, Haight-Ashbury & Woodstock; Flower Power, as well as LSD-25… etc., an area which particularly interested intelligence personalities: J. Edgard Hoover & Allan Dulles, from 1953-1954… “The phenomenon of mass culture has a political implication, knowing that all the many forms of popular culture are part of a single cultural industry whose purpose is to secure the continued obedience of the masses. » What is not clear is to what extent the works of Adorno & Horkheimer were taken over by the Anglo-Saxon intelligence agencies… or financed by them, in order to explore the worst recesses of human consciousness… at the time of the Cold War. As Marc-Gabriel Draghi (2021) asserts, in these times of misery, “contrary to what one might think, the year 2020 proved to us that there was no conspiracy. There is an agenda, a detailed plan laid out clearly and officially by the transnational financial oligarchy for decades. Now only those who do not wish to see the implementation of the New World Order remain willfully blind…” The kind of society we would be heading towards at high speed, often referred to as the World After, also the Great Reset or the "New World Order", would be a "hygienist-eugenicist-Marxist-merchant" type society containing a package of dystopian measures, a new kind of neoliberal fascism, that is, inverted and… technocratic totalitarianism; a brutalization of political behavior, often iniquitous and draconian. We would then cross a line, first clearly described by Jacques Attali; who announced all this with elegant pragmatism, as early as 1979. This is explicitly the establishment of the “model of ‘Chinese social credit’; which does not bode well for the West as a whole, in the short or medium term.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Du Pont is Bidens original backer.

Like Getty money is Gavin’s.

Don’t forget, Rockefeller took over medicine, had holistic drs arrested.

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last week, i tried using FB messenger to transmit to a friend my thoughts on mask wearing, but the messages wouldn't go through. i thought it was a fluke, but now i am wondering if it was censorship. wow. no words.

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I don't know if this has been said in the many comments below, but the radioactive paint tragedy story really makes me wonder if syphilis was blamed for many other deaths that were actually to do with environmental pollutants in centuries past, as with polio?

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

that is one great piece on text and email censorship. dovetails with my hypothesis that the cbdc will be rolled out by the ISP's and phone companies - no CBDC, no video games for you!

what a great racket as far as plausible deniability: "don't blame me, it's the computer's fault! IT dept. says we can't afford to be blacklisted as spammers!"

would be interesting to find out who came up with the protocol defining "spam" - suspect that it may be the same crew who redefined "vaccine" and "woman"

btw Tessa those indexes are such a gift. i reference your stuff a lot and you've made that infinitely easier.

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The radium paint girls worked and died in my grandfather's town, Ottawa, IL.

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I did put together my video episode, Tessa, that talks about your Coming of Age and Not Being Bothered by Monsters, and also Charles Eisenstein's Bloodroot and a Raven. I hope that I relayed your stories correctly, and your intent. I call it Love & the Great Resist: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/love-and-the-great-resist.

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Here is a recent example of censorship if private communications https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/the-account-information-didnt-fully

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On the positive side, we can hope all of the members of the nation's medical boards are taking every booster. To protect themselves and others, of course.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

The radioactive paint is bad but asbestos is an even larger example.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

History is littered with the bodies of poor souls who were lied to for the profits of the few.

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I'd actually thought of that very radiation story as chunks of my hair fell out. I said on fb before I was shut up, that I feel as if I've got radiation poisoning and aids.

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We are attempting a think tank approach to seeking solutions to these global problems here. As diverse equals. Please consider taking a look at it and maybe participating. It is free, and will remain free. Thank you.



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Another thing about DuPont: in league with William Randolph Hearst, the Mellon Bank, and Harry Anslinger, they are also responsible for making cannabis illegal. They did not want hemp to compete with wood-based paper or synthetic petrochemical products like nylon. And as they say, the rest is history....

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I prefer a systems approach but am open minded about it. My experience is a partial guide and I hope that meaningful participation as diverse equals in the Solution Seeking Substack will refine what I have attempted so far to the current situation. In my solution seeking engineering/programming career we were tasked with finding innovative solutions to complex system optimization that the best experts said were not possible. We had many challenges, personnel changes, struggles, but we persisted, adapted, and succeeded in many ways. I developed and participated in: AI development, analytical tuning tools (so the objects in the models matched the historical past as well as possible), simulations of the future (many possibilities were considered, including the worst case, the best case, the most likely case, etc), and strategic planning meetings where the complex system operation was planned and adaptations to surprises were analyzed. My best guess now is that the type of solution we should be seeking is how to stop the enemy cabal from continuing to escalate its harm of all humans (except itself) and all life on the planet. Then consider designing the better society that would replace the society we have allowed it to enslave us in.

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Hi Tessa. Read that you were a "beautiful fantasy female" from Russia "With Love", for some rich Western Guy who could afford to pay for you - a lot like Trump and his first and second Russian wives?

That true?

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