My family have been cattle farming for well over 150 years. What often look like a burp, is infact the cud being brought up to chew on.

This gizmo? Absurd.

Look at where it sits, above the nose.

Burps, last i looked, come out through the mouth.

It doesn't capture anything.

It is snake oil.

The only thing it does do, is the tracking. But if you farm cattle, you pretty much know where they go and when, so not really necessary.

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Can't someone just make it stop? Please!

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

WTF? This is obscene. I would like to see the gaseous windbag King Charles be the first human harnessed with one of these.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

But, but, but... CO2 is a "pollutant" (according to the liars at the IPCC) - so, how does changing one "pollutant" into another "pollutant" solve anything??? Oh, right - it's not supposed to actually SOLVE anything, just make us little people poorer and further enslaved. Got it.

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Cattle have been the basis for food, wealth and healthy ecosystems for thousands of years, but its their farts, not massive industrial production, that is at fault for increased methane levels? The US military alone is one of the most significant greenhouse gas emitters, in addition to spreading inequality, suffering, environmental degradation and death around the world.

Electric cars cost more ‘carbon’ than gas powered cars, too much to recoup over their shorter than gas powered car life cycles, yet the public has swallowed the lie that they’re a net positive for the environment.

Elon ‘we’ll coup who we wanna coup’ Musk could have done far more for freedom and the environment by campaigning for less militarism and more hydrogen fuel cell cars, rather than by promoting and spreading the religion of electric cars or coups in third world countries so he can steal their lithium.

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Dear lord. Just when you thought we were past all the masking bs… those poor things. Yes, climate change happens. No, it has nothing to do with human activity or cow farts/burps. 🤦🏼‍♂️

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I just laugh. Man is a clever animal. "....for if the fools are those who deny the existence of God in their hearts, then those who want to prove His existence seem to me even more senseless. if that is what is called reason and philosophy, it is hardly a sin to slander it."

- hamann to jacobi, february 18, 1786

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Remember when all the attempted airplane hijackings were occurring? With each attempt, the shoe bomber, the underwear bomber? With each attempt, passengers had to do something else ridiculous, like take your shoes off. No more little bottles in your luggage, etc. I pictured these would be bombers/hijackers laughing their butts off to see what they could get us to do next.

Same thing with this whole Covid and climate change thing. The powers that be seeing what will we be stupid enough to do next?

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes, Tessa, a creepfest but it feels so right as the near path to total digital control and digital/biological monitoring. Nightmare inducing.

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Just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder. So glad you're here to set me straight!

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Too many Psychopaths in the world..

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

this is the animal trials part. the human trials are next (in every sense of the word "trial")

seems to me that a microgenerator is also part of the equation or will be. breathing and farting into a carbon tube so the battery in your vaxxport doesn't run out.

of course, we could say no...

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I knew from the moment I saw the masks in 2020 that some kind of dystopic facial appurtenance was planned, some horrific transhumanistic "wearable" to accustom people to an "updated" version of the human face. Very a la Mad Mask. If we let it happen, it will come. (Poor cows!!!)

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The word vaccine comes from cow. "Capital" comes from cow (from word for "head", as in how many head of cattle do you have?

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Invent a fake problem, then invent a profitable fake solution.

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