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As someone interested in promoting the need for a more Heart-led Humanity, your capacity to gather relevant information taking us into the artificial synthetic, AI led Transhumanist future is truly phenomenal. Do you work 24/7 with no sleep???? I wish I had half your ability to source, synthesise and share this amazing content. I am in truly in awe of your service to Humanity's awakening at this time. Thank you so much, Tessa x

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Thank you so much Caroline!! You have no idea how I am touched by your words. Thank you!!

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Dear Tessa

I think those with amazing and innate gifts, rarely see or appreciate the immense value they have to others and the world and, of course, as a race (generally speaking), we are not taught how to either give or receive compliments graciously or, at all!!

However if I may share this....I'm a polymath of 30 years, following myriad influencers/change agents globally and you stand out like a bright shining star!

So...If your energy ever flags.... just drop me a line and I'll remind you of what an incredibly amazing gift you are to Humanity's awakening.... <laugh>

and... since you so kindly responded....

I am starting to host conversations with those I consider Heart-led pioneers across ALL areas of society, as inspiration to others seeking how to create our new Earthly paradigm, as these transformeers (transformative pioneers) demonstrate what else IS possible for the future of us as a race, on our natural, organic, DNA inspired evolutionary path.... as they honour and live from their Hearts: our new operating system, as they live their values, ethics and compassionate natures, whilst connecting in with their ultimate Re-Source: the Divine!

and I would LOVE to host a conversation with you about your experiences, inspirations and commitments, IF of course, it resonates. (www.heartledhumanity.com)

It would seriously be my absolute pleasure and honour.

Love to hear from you if you'd like to explore this further...

Much love and gratitude to you...

Caroline Ryan

(aka Carolina Grace - moving into a new energy <laugh>)

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