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I'm a Naturopathic Doc who mostly practices homeopathy - a pseudoscience according to Wikipedia. The premise of homeopathic therapy - and many other holistic therapies - is to stimulate the inherent healing mechanism. This process can induce healing of one's ailments as a byproduct. The idea being the smartest dude in the room when it comes to healing is OBVIOUSLY our own body's homeostatic mechanisms.

The goal of many holistic systems is to work WITH the system, not try to control or improve on a system that we barely even understand. The dudes you are describing here, Tessa, are jamokes who live largely in the corridors of their own minds. Problem is, they also have curried significant power and their delusions include controlling all of life, definitely not just cells.

They are of the sociopath/psychopath class who imbibe deep the waters of narcissus. Our mindless incentive system essentially deifies such parasites. These are the deluded that think you can just engineer life to in your own twisted image. You can just control all the variables and everything goes your way. Tis a very outdated paradigm that just won't die, no matter how bent it often is.

Alternative medicines work because they are essentially "listening" for foundational patterns and applying interventions to strengthen the system specific to the disease in question.

Science has some powerful insights for sure - some wonderful understandings. Diagnostics and many interventions in acute care and many diseases can definitely be lifesaving using conventional approaches. However, when it comes to complex disease, conventional medicine finds itself at a remove from its wheel house.

By this I mean, you can apply directive/manipulative interventions in the short term - often with awesome results. However, complex chronic multmorbid disease is an entirely different animal.

Here conventional medicine falls by trying to control hypertension, headaches, constipation, depression, PTSD - all with separate pills/interventions as if the body is not an integrated whole. Sure, there are people satisfied with this approach. But once folks see there is a better way, they rarely go back to their bags of chemicals.

Anyway, this is all really to say that these guys have reached the epitome of delusion & hubris - that one can control complex systems. This is a dying form of medicine that these very powerful, but very out of touch folks just can't grok.

Bizarro world!

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Well said Tim! I’m in the PNW too! I hope you’ve found a robust health freedom community where you are. I’m a bit to your south. We are proportionately the minority, but there are many of us in some different clusters of small groups meeting up regularly and cooperating.

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Awesome Sauce! We are building it, and people are looking for us. But the clouds can get so dark and unrelenting - thus your wise counsel to not go it alone.

Hopefully, this taste of dystopia rising will awaken enough of us to turn the ship to the heart. Regardless, those of us not under the spell simply can do nothing but fight, and live our best engaged life. Perhaps these are just one and the same. Anyways, seems once your eyes are open, you can't so readily return to sleep.


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God put an integrative medicine doctor in my life a few years ago. Autoimmune issues and biotoxin mold illness. So thankful for him. I think I would be dead already if I had stayed with upstate university hospital in Syracuse New York. After many years of barely managing, I have some quality of life again. So thankful for Dr who are following their oath. God bless you and all the other ( real) doctors

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Rosalind, I am so happy you are feeling better!!! That is such a blessing!!

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Thanks. I am waiting for the last home ermi test to see if I can start a treatment called VIP , it will reverse some of the damage in my brain. If I am not in a healthy home, it will be counterproductive & it’s about 600$ a month. I’m praying a lot, scared waiting for the ermi results. I’ve been very blessed, had many wonderful changes in my life the last few years. I appreciate your writing here. Substack is a haven against the gaslighting everywhere every day.

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Like. Yes. Agree.

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Oh you will appreciate this post if you haven't yet seen it,


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