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Let me see if I've got this right? Close to 12,000 people die of malnutrition everyday on planet earth in our little neoliberal capitalist paradise where the "miracle of the market" is busy "raising all boats." The latest count shows 70,000 people homeless next door to me in LA county. That's adults, kids, pregnant moms, you name it all without basic shelter, much less food, medical care and basic security. Our global oligarchy doesn't give a damn about such daily normalized human suffering and death as long as it doesn't interfere with the wealth machine that keeps them in power - but we're all supposed to believe these same immoral oligarchic clowns can't wait to give us all hi tech "implants" and connect us to "AI" and turn us all into immortal cyborgs? Oh, yeah, and now just for us they're going to - "write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology" - because they love and care about us all so much!

I don't know about you, but I just can't wait for our brand spanking new and exciting transhuman future where a combination of the latest drugs and my AI connected implant will make me really really believe that the rat I'm barbecuing under a freeway overpass is actually a sirloin steak at a 5-star restaurant.*

*(credit to the late great Polish sci-fi writer Stanislaw Lem for the inspiration for that last image - he saw our future many decades ago - time to reread "A Futurological Congress" yet again).

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