What a gorgeous essay Tessa! I always enjoy reading your wise words and you have helped me so much to get through these crazy days! I think there is a sense of God or universal high vibe ... whatever a person calls it and when we get in touch with that, we can deal with anything else. Once a person doesn't fear death, they really feel free. I would expect a great many of us unvaccinated types live like that. Thank you for being you!

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Thank you Elizabeth!! Your words are so beautiful!

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such a fitting and timely message. it feels like you wrote this just for me. thank you, Tessa. bless your precious heart.

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Thank you Norie!!! xoxo

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Two of the hardest and most wonderful things to do in this world are being born and dying and we have already done one of them. Each of these times are sacred beyond our knowing. Magical. Trust. We are being presented with the opportunity to be born anew. We got this guys and gals. We got this.

"Mitaku Ye Oyasin, Pilamaya Ye" ~ All My Relatives, Thank You All. Sicangu Lakota Sioux. I love you.

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Thank you for such beautiful words

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I just read your first Substack. What a great piece of work. Those were crazy times and it has not slowed much since, so grateful for voices like yours in this shitstorm. I find your perspective to be grounded and inspiring, thank you.

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Thank you Joe!! xoxo

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These are good thoughts. A good expression of how psyches struggle with the massive reworking of life we are seeing. No one is truly prepared for such times. I view the world a wee differently from most folks as I have more interplay in both hemispheres. And odd connections shared by many but still a small number of us overall. The point being that I research and get the science. But to maintain sanity and world connectivity I try to meditate (harder these days unless I go sit in our upper meadow). I am starting beekeeping and I garden and I’ve been an alternative medical practitioner for a very long time so I’m making medicines again and there is my fiber art. I have been buried in science papers and drug company protocols since this all started. My past patients and some locals have reached out as they’ve gotten injured from the shots and with help with the virus and after effects. And watched some die. Many murdered in our hospitals. Many of those past patients are from other countries that they fled from including the Soviet Union. Hoping to find peace and the freedoms we all crave to live life.

And then learning more about politics and global issues. I’ve studied propaganda through my work helping cult members detangle from those webs. I Understand the mass formation theory quite well. And see it working. And I, too, began to speak up in our community to try to educate. Without the other side to balance me out I’d have shot myself somewhere along the way from all of the horror of this and knowing where it’s taking us. Some days it feels pointless to live in all of this. So I chuck it all and tend to my bees and garden and property chores. And reconnect with the planet. One thing I do know and that is sanity is not a static thing. We are going to watch our own sanity ebb and flow many times through all of this. Possibly losing it altogether. This is our way of trying to survive the wrongness around us. It is normal abnormality.

And the berries to the Nazis because you were frightened. At the microcosmic level it’s perfectly normal to try to bring a misaligned, out of proper frequency cell back into harmony. Berries offered to an enemy can be viewed that way. If you are successful, more cells can pick up the wholesome vibrational frequencies and it spreads. That’s not a bad thing to try to do when well cells are surrounded by cancerous ones. I’ve watched that change the problem many times. ❤️

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I like your comment, thank you for sharing it. 🙏

"We are going to watch our own sanity ebb and flow many times through all of this. Possibly losing it altogether. This is our way of trying to survive the wrongness around us". So true.

I can relate, I studied propaganda and the science of vaccines before this pandemic. My spiritual practice has kept me sane through some very dark hours, along with a new unvaccinated community. Take good care. 💜

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Your words, as ever, touch truth with the golden delight of sunrise. Staying true to the magic in our hearts, the aspiration and inspiration of our artist souls, and the wonder we knew in childhood innocence, whilst seeing and knowing all we learn with our logical adult awareness. This is so hard, intense, unbearable so often, and yet the only way I can feel to move forward as truly me. Thank you for your beautifully apposite words, dream-weaver and truth teller, Tessa.

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Thank you Louise!! You are so so kind!! xo

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... just recently came to same conclusion about the deliberate dusting our skies... you are much more skilled than me at psychologically dealing with this... when i read your essays i think it helps me cope... thank you!🐱

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None of is easy, abuse is not easy to deal with! But I think that when we cannot immediately remove it we need to find coping mechanisms without letting go of our dignity and the total faith that the abuse will go away, we just don't know how and when, but it will go away because we are not victims but have a purpose here on this Earth, and the purpose is important!!

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Tessa said: "But it’s only a small portion of resisting the Great Reset, I think. The more important and far less glamorous part is letting go of our inner control freak, and deciding to trust the universe, even if it means that we get to feel like a naked baby who has no idea what’s going on."

And: "I definitely feel like a naked baby who has no idea what’s going on. But the world is beautiful, and even the transhumanists cannot steal our love. It’s not theirs."

I'm working to accept whatever path the spirit guides me into.

It is hard, not "knowing".

This path into the conflict leads into a world which cannot be anticipated fully, because the conflict of the rest of our lives has not yet created it, like sculpture, not yet created from a wall of coarse stone.


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You are doing such great work, John! Thank you

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Ed Curtain:

In 1898 the yellow press screamed Spanish devils and today it screams Russian devils. Then and now the press called for war. If the human race is still here in another 124 years, time and the corporate media will no doubt have told the same story – war and propaganda’s lies to an insouciant and ignorant population too hypnotized by propaganda to oppose them.

This despite the apocalyptic sense that permeates our lives because of demonic technology and its use to transform humans into machines who can’t think clearly enough to perceive reality and realize the threat posed by that quintessential technological invention – nuclear weapons.


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Dealing with the spraying reality is difficult...

No, the cat is fixed; knot what I mean :: I guess is a valid, albeit cowardly answer-

I would rather the attraction be voice and/or movement in art butt instead a writer, readers and a serenity prayer-


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I personally think that various metal oxides, like aluminum oxide and barium oxide are being used by the military to understand flows of air over countries and cities, and also to measure the climate effects on reflecting light back out to space. I feel like this is more mundane of a project than many of the projects. It is not "transhuman", which I would rather call "dehumanized". Transhumanism destroys the complexity of life into mechanical slavery, turns humans into bio-machines. It is a tremendous loss of problem-solving capability in the world, problem-solving that the world needs.

The owners" have devised a control-architecture which works for them, but the architecture leads to planetary sterilization and death of all productive ecosystems, until it collapses...

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I think, and I am now speaking from memory so not 100% sure about the source, there is also plastic of some sort in whatever they are spraying.. so at least in part, when they find plastic in everything and everybody, including in high mountain snow, etc, it could be coming from spraying (and there can be more than one way to get plastic into high-mountain slow; I've seen different explanations). And of course now the masks getting it deep into lungs, etc.

As far as the motive and the reason, there could also be several... kill two birds with one stone, so to speak!! Your theory sounds plausible... there could be other reasons, too, like warfare, weather modification, etc. Oh I have so much too say since I've been looking into it for so long, but tea time!! :)

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Yes, they are clearly experimenting with weather modification with this, and it is only one of the methods they can and do employ.

Including microplastics of various sorts through the same spray nozzles seems quite practical experimentally.

Why Not!?


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I notice the sun feels prickly now, not as warm and soothing like in my youth. 😥

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I think you ought to watch this documentary to see what is truly going on:


Dane Wiginton has done an amazing job at raising awareness about these practices that go unnoticed by the MSM. Incomprehensible since it represents the greatest catastrophe likely to happen if nothing is done. He is post a weekly report on https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

Best to us all

And million thanks Tess for your

Remarkable writing coming from an old soul’s heart, for sure


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Thank you Jean, I have great respect for him, he's been on it for years, almost all by himself. So incredibly brave of him.

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This is a great documentary, it's what opened my eyes. 👍🏽

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Well done! I wish I had found substack in 2020! I was mainly using Twitter but here would have been much better!

I'd be interested to know what subscribers have been like over the two years? i.e in 2020 were a lot of people weirded out and so you saw lots of subscriptions compared with now or has it been relatively steady?

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Thank you!!! In my case, a lot of people came in when I published my "Great Reset for Dummies." https://tessa.substack.com/p/great-reset-dummies

I did it out of pure desperation and good will. By then, I had been looking into transhumanism and Big Tech policy for some years (thinking that it presented a threat but definitely not in my lifetime :)). When COVID happened, I was like, SERIOUSLY?!!! And a few voices were connecting the dots between prior policies and the "COVID response" but only very few voices, and I wanted to pour my knowledge and my feeling about it into a story. And so I did, and then a lot of people republished it, friends were emailing me saying they saw it different places where I didn't know they published it (very few asked for permission, I have to say, but I was ultimately glad people were reading it). So it was mysterious. I was trying to bring that message to the world for a long time and very few cared, and then suddenly more people cared.

But then today, transhumanist philosophy became a bit of a talking point, and it concerns me because nothing is ever resolved by repeating talking points. Careers can be made by repeating talking points but it does not change the condition that much (we've been talking about fracking and GMOs etc, and everybody knows about it, and look where we are :)

Anyway, that is the story!! And I was also very glad to connect with you, your writing is so on point!

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Interesting story thanks! I'm going to have a re-read of your great reset article now!

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Congratulations on your two-year anniversary, Tessa! You probably saw my one-year anniversary post (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-one-year-substack-anniversary/) from this past week, so we’re celebrating together 🥂

I’m so grateful we both arrived here and found each other along with so many other free-thinking, loving, truth-seeking, Reset-resisting individuals 🙌

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Margaret Anna, I am so glad we connected as well! You are such a talented writer!

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Yes. I was horrified in December 2020 when I read Alison McDowell's expose on the WEF. But over time, I've followed calmer people who think much like you, Tessa. Toward the end of an excellent Belgian documentary interview, Tegenwind (Headwind), of Mattias Desmet by journalist Alain Grootaers on a beautiful Finca Don Carmelo in Spain, Desmet speaks very simply about our fear of death and separation from nature - he's much more human than when he talks about "mass formation" as an academic. And others also say your intention matters, that when we set intentions for a "more beautiful world," (thank you, Charles Eisenstein) it DOES matter, even if we think "I'm a nobody."

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We are all so incredibly grateful that you started this Substack account, Tessa. You have been an invaluable voice to all of us--a beacon of sanity. While providing us with amazing research, you have also always reminded us to stay human, to stay good. And even when we think we are doing our best, we always need the reminder to stay true to ourselves by staying true to our love for others.

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Thank you my dear, and I have to say, you yourself is such a beautiful, talented human being, and such a great inspiration!! xo

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i was fortunate to discover your work from that very first substack - i think mark crispin miller forwarded it in his (absolutely essential) news feed.

i've used your great reset for dummies as my default link in innumerable pieces i've written since then. it's essential. it will be in all the history books hundreds of years from now.

in the hideous summer of 2020 your posts were such a rare ray of hope, they kept me going when it seemed the nightmare would never end. i suspect you have had the same effect on many others. you were the one who introduced me to the work of alison mcdowell and so many other visionaries. i can't count the reasons i have to be grateful for all you've given us. you're a treasure.

we are generally conditioned to expecting the worst, and that entrainment has increased exponentially since 2020. that's why we have to be open to serendipity. whether that might be helpful energies as our solar system drifts into a different part of the milky way, or people in general waking up to the need to take a detour from the road to transhumanist armageddon, or other developments that are more often framed in spiritual terms, not everything is evil.

epigenetics teaches us how energy embodies itself. we all have to be that guy who stood in front of the tank at tiananmen square.

ps he lived

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Thank you!!! And I agree!!

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Transhumans, your on the correct road. It’s a race between skynet digital dystopia, and human singularity. If we lose, we are looking at the Matrix.

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It is true. We have a lot of impossible work to do, and a lot of feats of courage to accomplish. But we shall prevail in the end (we don't know when, and whether it's now or after our life time ... hopefully soon!!!!) but as Mary Otto-Chang said, "be the drop that tips the bucket." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfwdqFBF_CE

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This is great stuff, and we need more people to understand the road we are on. We are not predators, we are curators of the great biodiversity of the planet and our constant evolution into the singularity of nature is the road we must strive towards.

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Thank you Geoffrey! What do you mean by singularity of nature? I am more familiar with Ray Kurzweil's singularity, but it's probably not what you mean. :)

I think we are (currently too arrogant) children of nature rather than curators, we think of ourselves as curators but we are flattering ourselves to feel important. Nature has an upper hand on even the mightiest king at any given time, we are just given a lot of flexibility and room to do stupid things... but we are very much babies comparing to nature, I believe. She always wins!!

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