Saw this coming over the past year or so. On the one hand, I’m so glad I can see right through all the propaganda. On the other hand, it’s very depressing to see how messed up the world really is. For years and years (long before Covid19 crap), I kept seeing everything happening as a symptom of corporations and a few wealthy people having too much power...but I couldn’t get anyone to listen, even though to me, it was so obvious. All we keep doing is endlessly preaching to the choir...the very few folks here on Substack.

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Yes, the insanity has been a very long time in the making, some pay attention, some don't, I think it is human nature to really pay attention only when it impacts one personally. You are lucky to have been paying attention for a while (although it can also be painful when you are the only one :)

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deletedJan 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena
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Good for you!! And yes, we will win sooner or later!!

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

Of course we will! 🤸 To suffer less in the meantime, a healthy dose of meds prescribed by dependable soul doc --> https://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/blood-root-and-a-raven 👌 No need to forage far & away, conveniently nearby here on same stacks 😉

🗨 A story shifts the human being and it shifts the reality around us.[...] As more people accept a new story, its field grows stronger and pulls yet more into its orbit.[...] The great change is underway. May it be so.

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Ah, yes. The outing of one at work, regarding the flu shot. I remember it well. The home health nursing supervisor standing in the doorway of my office with a filled syringe...

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Welp, if Amazon or AI can declare themselves fit to doctor ... I can doctor myself. Thanks. :)

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... and all of us can do the same !!!

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I wonder if Dr Robot will prescribe everyone all the vaccines and antidepressants, as often as the companies that manufacture them ‘recommend’.

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I think it will! :)

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Big pHarma will save $$$ since they don't have to pay off / bribe / entice docs to prescribe any more. (Talked to a med professional the other day who said he could definitely tell which pHarma rep had been visiting lately, based on the doc RXs going out the door. Got to ensure that golf trip or seminar continues ...)

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when i was in high school there was this one big dorky kid who would have been picked on a lot except that he was bigger than most of us. there was this one time when we were sitting around and talking about what we were going to do when we got out: one kid was going to join the air force and rise through the ranks, another kid wanted to be an astronaut, i was going to start a band...the usual.

we got around to the big dorky kid and he somewhat sheepishly announced that he was going to college and major in healthcare management.

we all just looked at him, like, wtf. he explained that he had done some research and it was the highest-paying job there was.

they've got it down to a science now https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/private-equity-is-buying-up-us-healthcare-4-things-to-know.html


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The sponsored rise of middle management in all areas, I saw my cousins going into health care management. I thought, sounds like death to me. Little did I know.

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That is such a great story!! Well, a great and sad story, really.

Thank you for the links. Not one bit surprising!!

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Doctors are obsolete when they are relegated to following one central policy, as for covid. Human experience and discretion have been suppressed. Docs should have connected the dots and pushed back. Maybe they will now... As for consumers, who wants robo medicine? My bet: not many. Incredible way to push pharma though. Maybe the robot doctors should just be ATMs that dispense pills.

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Yep, even Peter McCullough ignores that there's a lot wrong with even his field, cardiology, which pushes statins.

These days, people are starting to see that even their own doctors are scripted just like this AI.

I think people naturally want a dialog, not to be told what the answer is.

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All of AI reminds me of a date with a zombie at best,

and at worst, having to look after your insane cousin for an

afternoon, and they do not understand the difference

between killing you having a good sandwich.

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That is an excellent metaphor, Jacquelyn!

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

It is further evidence of the agenda, and I have long noticed a religious adherence to protocols and guidelines by doctors who graduated after about 2000. This has been combined with the promotion of nurse practitioners and the ability of pharmacists to prescribe. I always felt they were not adequately trained to make complex decisions but of late have realized that if doctors are rule bound and not trained to make decisions based on reasoning from the basic sciences, it makes no difference and they can replace doctors with AI. Its almost as if they can weed out/identify the free thinkers with illogical mandates. Australia had a curriculum change with a 4 yr post graduate course where the basic health sciences were not a prerequisite, which is a perfect way to bring in rule based, rather than reason based medicine. Unfortunately doctors trained like this appear to be rule bound and are probably, on average just as controllable as AI, as we have seen in the last 3 years. You combine this with corporatized hospital management and its a perfect storm where you will get the profitable treatment, that is programmed at a level that has no visibility, accountability or for that matter actual expertise. Its then relatively easy for actors with malevolent intent to roll out "Countermeasures" At least the UK health professional stood up against mandates, maybe their education system has not been taken over to the same extent as Australia?

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"It's almost as if they can weed out/identify the free thinkers with illogical mandates." Exactly!!! I think it was one of the reasons behind the mandates!!

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Thank you for sharing, Tessa! 🙂

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Thank you for sending it in the first place, Mickey!! The thanks go to you, really.

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I dropped pharmaceuticals 4 decades ago when I turned to Chinese medicine... and Ayurvedic never looked back.. 73, I get outside daily, train hard but keep it Fun.. I Stay fit, yoga routine most everyday, eat organic, rock climb 2 to 3 Xs a wk=FUN, ski during season, and take supplements as needed.. I need a doctor very very rarely.. an AI doctor never...

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Good for you Curt!!! You are an inspiration.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

They've already segued into that; "doctors" simply look up the "standard of care" and prescribe accordingly.

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Yep, that too.

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"Batteries Not Included"...


We self-reproducing carbon-based-life forms may be replaced by computers, which specialize in how "To Serve Man", until the lights go out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Serve_Man_(The_Twilight_Zone)#:~:text=%22To%20Serve%20Man%22%20is%20the,Bare.

It will be as efficient as a et turbine engine, until it does nothing at all. Efficiency and resiliency are usually at odds, because they allocate critical resources into the immediate present, or the uncertain future.

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Or, it will eventually become clear that all this was a silly fantasy and couldn't have worked. Hopefully there will be some people still talking the Earth by then!!

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The whole world has gone all Frederick Winslow Taylor, as in 'Scientific Management'. As in 'Scientism'. I shudder to imagine being on the receiving end of Amazon "reaching out" to me! Is there such a thing as 'computational compassion'? 'Industrial conviviality'? I think not.

Wendell Berry was right (and we should have listened) when he wrote in his essay 'Life Is A Miracle: An Essay Against Modern Superstition':

“It is easy for me to imagine that the next great division of the world will be between people who wish to live as creatures and people who wish to live as machines.”

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The technological existence option requires a functioning modern electrical and communications grid without prolonged interruptions.

It is fairly certain that prolonged interruptions will come at some time, or that the grid might cease to exist from something like another Carrington Event.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

In other words, and I tend to agree with you by the way, that all this anti-human techno-religious idolatry's days are numbered because sooner or later forces exterior to and beyond human control will put a stop to it?

But I cannot help but think that's like finding reassurance in the fact that eventually we know (or think we know) that the sun will suffer heat death and so yes the evil will cease to exist.

The thing is we're here and this is now and a whole lot of unnecessary suffering is going on that needn't be.

Culturally, we've accumulated far too much misguided ideological inertia in our blind faith that a narrowly defined concept of "progress" will better the human condition. We must come to terms with this, Carrington event or no.

What do you think? Do I need to clarify my muddled and brief thoughts? For example, I did not clarify who "we" is. The wetiko people or us common humans.

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

The timeline may well be short enough to be useful. If "we" have AI "physicians" for 30 years, then the human talent-pool will be gone. If that transition is still in testing-mode when war, space-weather, surface-weather, bad economy, etc. takes out the internet and or grid, then "we" might be chastened. I think a lot of "us" have been chastened by how western governments, "our" governments, went all totalitarian and punishment-of-unclean-untermenschen on us all of a sudden in the summer of 2021. Most people drank that Kool-Aid, they were pushing. I saw what "they" were doing in its historical light, like the concentration camps, Cultural Revolution and killing-fields.

As soon as I saw that, I took a firm stand, and did not request a "conscience exemption", but said I "would stand naked with the Jews".

Some people were offended. Sorry...

I got fired, but enough of us took that stand to prevent the thing from happening.

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Choose a coincidence

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That's a good name for a website :)

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How did doctors not see this coming? Anyone can read a script and write an assigned script. Once doctors started doing what they were told it was game over.

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I think some doctors saw that coming but they were the same doctors getting fired for not taking the injection, so....

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When you see "health care" read "medical care." Nobody cares about your health. There's no money to be made.

And this is not really "medical care" either, it's "medicine care," the care part being "we care about your money." Imagine Amazon health telling you, for example, to STOP taking a medicine that's making you sick. Probably not going to happen. There's more money in selling a second, third, fourth medicine to address the signs and symptoms of the medication you are taking.

Personally, I might trust a computer if it recommends fasting as often as it recommends eating (food or medicine).But, truth being told, it's hard to find doctor that can manage that - even when presented with an obese patient. And if they do - they might be accused of negligence at best, or more likely, malpractice.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

We have called it sick care versus health care for years now….sadly even before Covid. Our health has never been their priority.

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Calling it "sick care" is pretty confrontational, even if it is correct. More accurately, it's simply "medical care". For example, the "vaccine hesitant" don't need to be "sick" to have medical treatments forced upon them.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

“ Due to CDC and FDA restrictions we are unable to fill any prescriptions for HCQ, ivermectin, or fluvoxamine. Vaccines are readily available at no charge to you. Free mask with every purchase. 🤪

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And that is the point. :)

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To the free mask they should add ‘free coffin’ also. That will be more close to the truth.

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These sorts of vending machine online pharmacies already exist for sexual dysfunction meds (Roman, Lemonaid) and low-dose naltrexone and other speciality anti-aging meds (Ageless Rx). There is no appointment. Just a form that is "reviewed" by a clinician (that may be AI). Anyone who can figure out a way to set this up for Covid meds will earn a fortune.

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That's exactly right!! But where we are going, the "doctor" is a machine in the literal sense of it.

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