Carbon Credits. These are already traded as commodities between large corporations and manufacturers. If you have the money you can exceed your allocation by buying up the unused CC's of others. Or risk paying massive fines, operations being shut down.

Take this down to the individual. Which is the ultimate goal. Each person allotted Carbon Credits. To exceed one's allotment they will need to have money to buy the unused CC's of others. Or risk paying massive fines, their life's "operations" being shut down.

But these are not cruel rules of tyrants. No, they are busy developing an alternative means of existence for those who don't have the money to pay their 'fair share' for the carbon they're responsible for adding to the climate. Our kind, benevolent rulers intend to provide us with options:

1) Pay for Carbon Credits to live comfortably, travel, eat well, exercise, socialize at will.

2) Live meagerly within limited means, 15-minute cities, rolling blackouts, insect diets, isolation.

3) Live comfortably, travel, eat well, exercise, socialize at will - in a Virtual Reality world. Voluntarily give up your carbon-producing physical body and have your consciousness uploaded to a VR Avatar or become transhuman. A world where you can 'live' the life of your dreams! Abundance, want for nothing, never age if you don't want to, be perfectly safe - as long as you no longer produce carbon.

That will be the world. IF we allow it. That's where this "science" of carbon emissions is leading to. Unless and until it is rejected en masse.

We know that there are many poor, broken, lonely and misguided souls who actually would prefer Option #3 to Option #2 if Option #1 is out of reach. Some among us are already so broken they'd prefer it even if they had the money to live in Option #1. Hopeless souls who would help create such a world, and even enforce it on others against their will.

There is no climate crisis. There's a crisis of the human soul. Vilifying Carbon is vilifying life itself. Life deemed "useless" by an evil parasitic class of broken souls who worship money, power and status and have forsaken God and God's greatest creation, believing themselves to be gods. Just. Say. No. And find comfort, joy and peace in God's Amazing Grace. He is a loving God. There for all who seek him. Even the wicked who repent and seek to know him, who will stand humbly before him. This is the only true path to our salvation, and to save the world.

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WELL SAID. Hopefully the people wake up to these evil globalists and we route them out and charge them for the crimes against humanity and have them executed accordingly....as they ARE PURE EVIL.

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Amen 🙏

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hey guys i have a great idea. a smart diaper! it measures the amount of methane you, um, emit, and then charges against your carbon score. it's reversible - you can wear it on your face every time you burp. and you'll be burping a lot because you'll be hungry!

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LOL!!! Well.... ummm.... I am not sure how to break the news to you but smart diapers have already been invented and put on the market!!! But I like the way you think... definitely in the right direction :))


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<sigh> always a day late and a dollar short

seriously though this is what mom needs when the covid shot has destroyed her sense of smell

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That is such dark Russian humor, and so sad

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Jul 29Liked by Tessa Lena

This so called science is such utter nonsense!

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Jul 30Liked by Tessa Lena

The charging of breathable airs, really you didn’t wanna put that in the conscious field.

That’s for polite conversation only outside of the ears of children . really

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Unfortunately it has already happened. Check out the article I wrote for Dr. Mercola in 2022 that I linked to!

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Also on an aside note I haven’t heard from dr. Mercola in quite a while ever since they smashed his hard drives so to speak however, he was warned it seems…. majorly censored.

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I’m finishing the article right now. The whole thing is depressing effing assholes.

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Jul 30Liked by Tessa Lena

Geo T

People are sleeping under bridges while our tax money is squandered on silly shit studies like this -providing a comfortable living for these evil researchers

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Jul 29Liked by Tessa Lena

Carbon emissions fuel plant growth and can be captured by the use of regenerative farming techniques! Our Mother Earth is quite resilient and would be much safer, better etc. if the people who profess to be “experts “would utilize some common sense! The sale of “the Green Agenda “ is fundamentally flawed and used as just another tool to propagandize us earthlings!!!!

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I agree that plants need and love carbon. The environmental destruction is a very real thing, but it lies elsewhere, and at any rate, breathing is what people do. This study is not focused on carbon but the entire paper is just silly.

And yes, the green agenda is only green in the sense of the color of money...

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Jul 29Liked by Tessa Lena

I guess I would be willing to hold my breath a few times a day if it would help save the planet, for the greater good. That's just the kind of guy I am.

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It is for your own good also, don't forget! :-)

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No...........the devils geoengineer the climate and use that as an excuse to "remove the carbon FOOT PRINT. Not hoof print or paw print. FOOT PRINT. It's like a hitman notifying you YEARS up front. They are not jiving.......the public is.

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I know! I think they are after hoof prints and paw prints as well, but the entire thing is just sheer propaganda!!

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More narrative seeding and I agree with you… that’s where we’re headed if we allow it. Thank you 🙏

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Thank you, Ann!!

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Wow. I wrote a satire piece on this over a year ago. At the time, it was completely fictional and speculative. I never thought it would actually come true:


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Reality is competing with dark comedy nowadays... thank you so much for the link!

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Thank you for the article!

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Jul 30Liked by Tessa Lena

I teach people to exhale beautiful bel canto sounds. E basta.

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I hope you are measuring their emissions in the process :-) Just kidding!

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Jul 30Liked by Tessa Lena

You can’t feel the breath on your finger in front of your mouth! You can achieve vibrancy of tone and beautiful phrasing. It takes a while to learn and it is satisfying indeed. Less hot air and more beautiful tone would help us all.

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The solution is obvious, more Covid vaccines

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You are thinking like a true scientist, Igor!

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Absolute stupidity at its finest.

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I have to agree... a study that insults human intelligence that exists because someone wants to control all life on Earth!

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I know it is forbidden, but I use the breath of the Holy Spirit, and this type of breathing also neutralizes vampires and magic.

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Remember folks,

In order to save you, we have to kill you first ;)


Totally Your Best Interests

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CO2 is only a greenhouse gas at a couple of narrow wavelength-bands. Those are saturated. More won't matter. Other frequencies of light are "greenhoused" by methane. All of these effects are wavelength specific and fairly narrow bands.

We are being gaslit.

The owners want us to stop using THEIR limited resources. We are baddy bad BAD consuming-human-livestock.

Consider yourself advised...

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