Share away! However, I'd recommend creating a separate section in your newsletter for these earlier/older "Reflections" so those who are interested in your more current commentary can unsubscribe from the earlier/older content while still receiving your latest, greatest insights.

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Sure, go ahead and share! There's already enough doom-reading, ie current events, to satisfy everyone. Some heartfelt stories and feel-goods would be welcome. 'Sides, it's you and your substack - your fans will love pretty much whatever you write. Others can just scroll on by.

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How about if for each one you wrote a brief reflection on where you are now in relation to then? Just a suggestion - In addition to reading them for their own sake, I'd be interested in hearing how you went from there to becoming a fighter of robots. :)

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I’m interested in the Russian Poems and I love raw authentic writing. I tried to write as authentically as possible. It’s gotten me fired from some jobs. I don’t care like you I’m an artist to and honestly I could take a break from the whole post. Covid crap. I think we all know what’s going on and that there’s a fight here.

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Apr 24Liked by Tessa Lena

Sharing is good. Raw is okay.

And kudos to the people of substack who allow uncensored sharing!

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Apr 24Liked by Tessa Lena

Absolutely, Tessa! It's your Substack, so you should share what you feel. It would be nice to getting to know the Pre-2020 writer! Thank you for asking! Have a blessed day!

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Apr 24Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes, please! I'd love to see whatever you are comfortable sharing.

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I would be interested, yes please Tessa ❤️

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Apr 24Liked by Tessa Lena


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Apr 24Liked by Tessa Lena

Sure....go ahead an post them. I'm interested!

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by Tessa Lena

Reading your 'quick question to readers...' had me in chuckles; reminding me of those 'just a simple question'[-s[ you put to Steve Newcomb a while ago - the both of you knowing they're on the verge of unanswerable.

As for your question: It's not a matter of what I/we want fro you. Anything that quickens the soul is joy. Sometimes it's wise to widen topics, or to be analytical, at other times the sheer delight of language that makes one fall in love with life. I had that happen several times reading your blog, or listening to one of your memorable interviews.

By the way, the thought behind Newcomb's *system of domination* basically nailed the whole shebang for me, because the perspective it offers on history as a succession of Resets, each new one more invasive (in the brain/soul/psyche) than the last. A recent study entitled *The indoctrinated Brain* (by dr. Michael Nehls, a medical researcher) enabled me to better understand what on earth might be the thread that connects the various totalitarianisms or authoritarianisms brought afield against us peasants - the secret wellspring behind all the covert & confusing, and seemingly incoherent messaging 'in perpetua', as one of the Papal Bulls puts it... We will be suffering for quite a while, since these people are too shameless to stop. Nehls believes scaring people is a never-ending attack on the hippocampus, wearing out our creativity and [my words...] killing off Muses; any method overwriting our inner life, our thoughs, our "Holy", and our personal biographies. A veritable war of exhaustion.

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Please share!

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I'm curious....

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I would love to see it. I find the way you perceive things to be refreshing and I go a while without reading your stuff then I come back to it and am like wow i forgot how lovely her perspective is.

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Share! I'll happy receive!

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Yes Tessa I think this would be great. It’s always cool to look back for understanding oneself, the journey and the process. It also makes you appreciate the freshness and newness of the life and soul power you have now.

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