I read about that woman getting "disallowed" from coming into the show, but you put it into a new light! And OF COURSE they should have refused to go in without her -- who leaves a fellow man/woman behind? Instead, everybody's too afraid to be "embarrassed".

Great article!!!

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Thank you!!! And I think it would have really made a big difference if they all refused to go in!

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You’re so right Tessa! A great opportunity to stand together and make lemonade from lemons!

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It’s beyond ridiculous aren’t they in the same club to support themselves???

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“Who leaves a fellow human behind.” In reality *everyone*. For all our talk of ‘fellow humans’, in everyday life we see each other as rivals. Tessa is one of the most acute commentators on globalist agenda. But her insights are vitiated by an unwarranted, even contradictory, insistence on the essential goodness of human nature which has no basis in real life. The people jabbing, ‘cancelling’, and inflicting all manner of cruelty on their fellow humans are none other than our fellow humans. One doesn’t have to doubt the existence of a plutocrat cabal with a sinister, even genocidal agenda, to recognise that the desire to dominate and feel superior to others, in whatever guise, is latent in every person. “Covid” would have no traction if our fellow humans weren’t ready and willing to take advantage of others on the slightest pretext, especially when it’s *for their own good*. Otherwise, if the capacity for evil weren’t inherent in every soul, the possibility of goodness / redemption would make no sense. Tessa should drop the *they* bad *we* good rhetoric: a mirror image of the communist attitude she deplores. The battle between good and evil is in every person. Not out there in some valiant mass protest, however necessary that might be from a practical political standpoint.

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Thank you Sean!!! And just like you said, human nature has good and bad, courage and cowardice, love and complacence. And the world is not intended to be all kumbaya without conflict. However, we are intended to generally act sane and honorable, to respect life and free will, and to respect the spirit. Competition is indeed a part of the deal, but competition doesn't have to be based in senseless cruelty, the latter comes from the state of havoc in the soul, unless someone is a predator by birth, but those are very few. A lot of people are very broken now, and there is no way around healing ourselves, however long it takes (generations, thousands of years, no one knows). There is no way around it. It's a necessity, and it so happens that is also a very happy destination, healing, although getting there may take a lot of work and patience and being able to persist and insist on love no matter what (not kumbaya, actual love).

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Presactly! 🤩 Walt Whitman hadn't a monopoly on containing multitudes 😉 The latent potential for great things—but also for stupefying horrors—drowses in many a soul. Which wolf you feed and all that.

💬 Unless someone is a predator by birth, but those are very few. 👌

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*Everyone* is a predator by birth. One needn’t go further than the schoolyard or even the home, if you have children of your own, to see that far from being the exception mindless cruelty is the norm. That’s the basic premise of laws and the institutional arrangements, not least families and schools themselves together with the judicial system, which serve no purpose other than to check predatory tendencies.

That these institutions are being corrupted is an affirmation of mindless cruelty as the default for humans, not its absence. If in any doubt that adults are ultimately no more civilised than schoolchildren pay a visit to Twitter or somesuch forum, where the absence of retaliatory threat, which curbs predatory tendencies in face to face interactions, gives ‘mindless cruelty’ free rein.

Where there is no countervailing force to rein in man’s predatory nature it will come to the fore. And that’s as true of the billionaire in his mansion as your next door neighbour. We all recognise that every time we lock our doors of an evening. The predators we’re arming ourselves against are 100% ‘fellow humans’. Whom we should also not forget are capable of being good.

But voluntarily putting oneself at risk for a stranger with no prospect of recognition is saintly, that is to say extremely rare. Completely topsy turvy to pretend otherwise. Much like regime propaganda where we’re presented as inhabiting a multicultural Afrocentric wonderland. In the words of BlackRock supremo Larry Fink: “Covid, Climate, Racial Justice: the three great issues of our time.”

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I disagree. Very few people are born to be predators, and by that I mean when they are being predatory, they are doing their actual job, serving their existential function of waking people up by pressure and suffering. Most people are not predators and, given that everything in the world is complex and there are lots of different people with different tasks, born to create good things for their community or the world, in a particular way. it does not mean automatic goodness or a lack of choice or a lack of enjoying victories in competition but the nature of the majority of people is not predatory. By the way, just a hundred years ago in Russian villages, nobody locked doors when leaving the house.

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I don’t say people are *born to be predators*, but that understood naturally or zoologically man *is* a predatory pack animal. From a Catholic standpoint he is born with original sin.

In spite of the commonly held view, dare I say *consensus* to the contrary, Roman Catholic orthodoxy is consistent with zoological Darwinian theory.

Catholic Rene Girard’s writings including Violence and the Sacred where he offers an entirely naturalistic account of the origin of religion/culture (*hominisation*), in what he calls the “founding murder”, has been endorsed by Pope Benedict as well as his Polish predecessor Pope John Paul II.

Urban living is a relatively new development in the context of human existence. Door locks even doors would have been unknown to all but our most recent forebears. None of that alters the reality that while intraspecific conflict is common to all species, men alone not only fight to the death with members of their own group but engage in wanton killing of them.

Other species such as wolves vie for pack dominance, but once a rival male makes a gesture of submission there the violence ceases. The same is true of apes. Some will kill members of other groups or troupes. Only humans kill members of *their own* group.

What Girard names the “founding murder” is eventually ritualised in sacrifice, first of humans and then animals. All animal domestication, according to Girard, whether ‘pets’ or farm animals originated in sacrifice, that is they were captured for the purpose of ritual sacrifice.

The original god being the deified victim whose immolation brings peace to the group who are reconciled by the cathartic effect of their own violence. That collective violence is for Girard the basis of *all* cultural systems aka religions.

Girard was named ‘Darwin of the human sciences’ because he uses textual evidence, the convergence of themes in the founding myths of cultures the world over, to support his argument in a manner analogous to Darwin’s use of the fossil record.

Pagan rituals such has football vividly exhibit this jubilation at the expense of a shared victim. That it’s mostly devoid of actual bloodshed doesn’t alter its basic character: the joy of the mob is at the expense of a collective victim.

The Catholic Mass uses bread and wine to symbolise the body and blood of the sacrificial victim. The difference between the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and previous sacrificial victims is that he sacrifices his life voluntarily to expose what Girard calls the “surrogate victim” or “scapegoat mechanism”.

When Christ says “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”, he’s alluding to the mob contagion mimetically afflicting his persecutors. No different to a Twitter or football mob in principle. We can’t help ourselves being mimetically drawn to the crowd. An impulse that drives practically all consumer marketing, and nowhere more evident or effective than in the service of “Covid”.

The killing of Christ undoes the scapegoat mechanism by which the vengeful mob is reconciled, because they lack unanimity: a small minority are aware of Christ’s innocence.

Girard summarises its momentous cultural significance thus: “We didn’t stop burning witches because we invented science; we invented science because we stopped burning witches”.

For Girard the Christian gospels are first theory of man (anthropology) and second theory of God (theology). Girard claims that his theory of culture and the human is nothing but an elaboration of knowledge contained in the Gospels, Shakespeare and a few great novelists, notably Dostoevsky.

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Defeatism *is* the ultimate poison of the soul. A vile excuse to not even try 🤬

You're an inveterate fount of everlasting hope, Tessa Lena, for me and the next guy yonder 🤸

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Dec 23, 2022
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"Peter Thiel ... has explicitly stated that the aspirations of liberal democracy towards freedom and equality for all should rightly be seen as a thing of the past. In his demotic glosses on Girard, the venture capitalist also seems happy to promote the Girardian version of Catholicism as a clerical institution ideally suited to the newly emerging techno-feudalist order."

--from https://justinehsmith.substack.com/p/who-is-ren-girard

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I referred to René Girard in the context of the universality of human violence and the no less universal prohibitions and taboos that serve to curtail it, common to cultures the world over, about which he has written extensively in numerous books and articles to international acclaim. In response you’ve quoted from an article about Girard citing someone else’s opinion in the vaguest terms, with no bearing whatever on anything I mentioned. Feel free to argue any point or correct any error. Otherwise if you merely wish to advertise the fact that you have no opinion of your own about Rene Girard, or none worth contributing, then I suppose it’s mission accomplished.

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The truest words spoken. Thank you for seeing the truth. Very few will stop and help now a days.

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Thanks for a great piece, Tessa!

Think of all the anti-bullying campaign funding that's been in school budgets, grants, supported by nonprofits dedicated to fight bullying over the past two-three decades. All of those resources and efforts teaching the next generation to stand up to bullies by joining together in solidarity with the victims of bullies, strength in numbers.

Then think about how many of those same anti-bullying campaign teachers, nonprofit leaders, trainers, students who have become the bullies or stood silently on the sidelines while government and the powerful bully the non-compliant, the disobedient, the vermin.

It was that easy to turn many of these same people who should have known better that they were siding with the bullies or enabling bullying just because the authorities told them they are justified bullying. Believing they are performing a virtuous act. A fascinating study of how strong the psychological manipulations are and how powerless against them that most people are.

I no longer hold the German people of the 1930's-1940's in special contempt. I no longer see ordinary Germans of that era as being uniquely evil. I no longer judge them harshly for their cruelty, the blind eye they turned to so much evil and hatred they witnessed, enabled, stepped over and around going about their lives. Sgt. Shultz's, "I see nothing. Nothing." Because I see the same exact people around me today, since 2020. The same people. Possessing the same weakness against psychological manipulations that they are powerless over that the Germans were. Even equipped with the knowledge of history, resources and training about bullying, in an allegedly constitutional republic that protects civil liberties, individual rights, even when a majority mob is demanding they be deprived of them. Same. People.

Manipulating people to do what you want them to do, entire populations is actually a science. It is The Science (TM) of the pandemic. Behavioral Science is the name its been given. It's the science of the efficacy of propaganda, symbolism, messaging, etc on changing perspectives of a target populations that result in a desired behavior change. There's actual plug-and-play behavioral science templates on how its done. With scientific precision, knowing nearly exact percentages that a particular lever pulled or button pushed will respond as desired. With different levers and buttons to sweep up the others.


(This image is from a well-sourced piece in part 2 of a 3-part series: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/sages-covert-coup-part-two-project-fear/ )

It is The Science (TM) that informs authorities of what specific psychological manipulations that propaganda should contain. Like masks on faces acting as symbols that evoke a fear response. The Science (TM) informed by psychological studies that show seeing a masked face is processed by the brain in the same way seeing snakes are, the amygdala - fight, flight or freeze response. Fear amplification button. Symbols emblazoned across faces that evoke the desired behavior of scaring people apart. Follow The Science (TM).


It's the science of climate fear-caused food shortages, mental illness-induced genital mutilations, you name it. All of that which doesn't make sense happening around us that we're being told The Science has changed in whiplash fashion to justify absurdities our rational mind would never otherwise accept, like men in makeup and pigtails winning Olympic Gold in women's weightlifting are exercises in Behavioral Science, aka The Science (TM). It is the science of totalitarianism.


It is The Science (TM) of owning nothing and being happy eating bugs.


The past three years are evidence that most people don't stand a chance against this type of sophisticated nearly universal Behavioral Science campaign. But The Science (TM) has an Achilles heal: Sunlight. Exposure. Just as The Wizard was revealed to be a weak, pathetic man pushing levers and buttons on a scientific machine when Toto pulled the curtain back in Oz, those who have deployed The Science (TM) against free people are weak, pathetic men and women.

And the terms "backfire" and "blowback" in Behavioral Science are known hazards of abusive applications of The Science (TM). Cautioned against by practitioners pre-pandemic. Because once the target population comes to realize they've been subjected to abusive coercion and manipulation that's resulted in great loss and sacrifices they don't react very kindly. The known hazards of blowback, backfire to authorities include destabilization of government, an overthrow. The pitchforks come out.

Which is why the massive censorship and intimidation campaigns are being amped up. They say it's for national security. When in fact it's for the security of the weak, pathetic men and women who've been pushing the levers and buttons of the people they control resulting in great loss and misery. The censorship and intimidation campaigns are confessions of their guilt. And their fear of being caught by angry mobs with pitchforks pointed at them.

We already know how this ends: We win. But we don't know how much more loss and misery these weak, pathetic men and women will inflict upon us before we win. I do know that the faster we're able to wake up more people to get to that critical mass the less loss and misery lies ahead. Every night we put our head down we should ask ourselves how many people did we help wake up that day. And every morning we wake up we should inspire ourselves to be that sunlight that exposes The Science (TM) to as many people as we can in the course of our day. And we can draw upon the anti-bullying campaign materials, programs and training tools to apply to our circles we influence. They work. Showing solidarity with victims. Standing with them.

And above all we must give glory to God that he has given those of us already awake the gift of great discernment, making it our duty to be his light in this world to save mankind from the unholy deceivers who lurk in darkness.

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Thank you, Freedom Fox, and yes, the past three years have been very educational!! On my end, I have never suspected a "special" condition in people falling for totalitarianism because I grew up at the ruins of the Soviet Union. But still, I came to understand the Soviet adults better in the past three years, and with love.

And your point on anti-bullying campaigns is most excellent, thank you for pointing it out!

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Dec 22, 2022Edited
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What if you knew that the US had many powerful American leaders who supported Hitler, fascism?

The US had a great many powerful industrialists and politicians, globalists in the 1930's-1940's who who supported fascism. And saw Hitler's transformations in Germany as something to be inspired by. None as important to the history of our nation that's ensued than Prescott Bush. Father of George HW Bush, grandfather of George W Bush. Also known as Hitler's banker. Made sure the German war machine could pay its bills. While it killed US soldiers and gassed prisoners in death camps. Checks cleared through Bush's bank, Switzerland as pass-through bankers:

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

The Guardian, September 5, 2004


Below excerpted from "American Supporters of the European Fascists":


"Some of the primary and more famous Americans and companies that were involved with the fascist regimes of Europe are: William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Kennedy (JFK's father), Charles Lindbergh, John Rockefeller, Andrew Mellon (head of Alcoa, banker, and Secretary of Treasury), DuPont, General Motors, Standard Oil (now Exxon), Ford, ITT, Allen Dulles (later head of the CIA), Prescott Bush, National City Bank, and General Electric."

"The following is excerpted from a report printed by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1974:

'The activities of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler prior to and during World War II...are instructive. At that time, these three firms dominated motor vehicle production in both the United States and Germany. Due to its mass production capabilities, automobile manufacturing is one of the most crucial industries with respect to national defense. As a result, these firms retained the economic and political power to affect the shape of governmental relations both within and between these nations in a manner which maximized corporate global profits. In short, they were private governments unaccountable to the citizens of any country yet possessing tremendous influence over the course of war and peace in the world. The substantial contribution of these firms to the American war effort in terms of tanks, aircraft components, and other military equipment is widely acknowledged. Less well known are the simultaneous contributions of their foreign subsidiaries to the Axis Powers. In sum, they maximized profits by supplying both sides with the materiel needed to conduct the war.'"

"In 1940 Graeme K. Howard, Vice President of General Motors, published America and a New World Order, in which he advised that America give full cooperation to the Nazi regime. In his book he blames FDR for causing the war in Europe and goes on to say that the fascists should be supported as the better alternative to the spread of Communism."

"Important information about the ties between American businessmen and the fascist powers of Europe was communicated to FDR by the American Ambassador to Germany during the 1930s, William E. Dodd. His writings on the matter are of critical importance. He wrote about connections between Hearst and the Nazis as well as Hearst and the Italians, in addition to Nazi connections with other wealthy Americans.

"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. . . . "

"Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there."

- William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany, 1937

This is the only internet library of the writings of William E. Dodd:


A Good Journalist Understands That Fascism Can Happen Anywhere, Anytime

Literary Hub, April 3, 2020


Happening here. Now. They never went away. They just went underground. The "New World Order" isn't a new concept. Only now reappearing to those who did Not see them. NotSee's. Hmm...maybe there's another etymology to that sound-alike word than we were taught?

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And Americans are funding and aiding Nazi's in Ukraine to kill and tortue Russians, Russian sympathizer civilians, censor and criminalize political dissent, end free, fair elections, you know, what America is doing to its own citizens.

Americans have even shunned ordinary Russians from society, athletes, food, drink, denied their business transactions. Not Russian leaders. Ordinary Russians. Targers of hostility and discrimination. By many ordinary Americans, not just leaders.

So, no, ordinary Germans aren't *uniquely* evil. They're fellow travelers with Americans today. Victims of the same type of psychological pseudoscience that Goebbels pioneered there. New. Improved. Labeled "behavioral science" instead of just propaganda by instinct. With too few people awake. Just like last century. Just like in the US today.

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Well thanks a lot... You might want to take some time and think about what you are saying before opening your mouth.

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Dec 22, 2022
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I am German and I think about my country every day. Maybe those people about whom you talk using "they" und "them" deserve some respect? No, I believe I understand and be assured I really enjoyed being called uniquely evil. Too bad I am just ordinary compared to other people who are really really special🙈

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We're in it together. Ordinary people being manipulated and coerced by malign seekers of power and control to do bad things to one another. We are one and the same. My biases taught to me have fled my being. I see the true source of evil much more clearly.

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Exactly, Freedom Fox! 👍

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Yes yes yes! This is exactly right. If we can remember this, we are more powerful than any tyrannical regime. All souls burning bright—the flame of humanity. May it be so.

P.S. Can you say more about “They were like wet cabbage leaves on the algorithm’s buttocks”? It’s both intriguing and hilarious. 😊

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Now that I think about it, I think I made up the "cabbage" part, or maybe it came from some childhood story. The proper saying is "Sticking like a leaf from a sauna broom sticks to the wet buttocks"

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Ah, like birch branches used in the banya?

I had the pleasure of enjoying this a few times. Very invigorating!

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Yep. Those. :)

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All souls burning bright and honoring love. May it be so.

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Yes, the flame is love.

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THIS!!!! It broke my heart to see touching examples like people in France picnicking in front of restaurants that required vax passes, refusing to patronize them. Meanwhile, in the US, this mentality of leaving a friend behind being totally acceptable. It was wrenching to live through!! Hope more people get it and stop to think, as the tyranny sadly expands to new groups of people.

Here is my story, of wishing for better support from my friends while facing vax discrimination:


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It's a beautiful story!! Thank you so much for sharing it!!

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THAT would have been a beautiful story, Tessa. Oh, that people would be so brave.

"like wet cabbage leaves on the algorithm’s buttocks" 🤣

I'll remember that one.

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Thank you, dear Margaret Anna!

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I'm far too broken in my spiritual journey to operate like that. I make conscious decisions based on what I know is right rather than how I feel. My thoughts and feelings betray me. I work at it more than daily. All day every day, I lean on God and His Word to help me. It's a process. I can still do good, by choice, even when I don't love myself completely. That's my journey, my struggle.

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I am sending you prayers for total healing and your complete love for yourself, you, an expression of divine joy and trust and a bearer of gifts that are unique to you!! And I think we all fully depend on spiritual guidance, our knowledge is limited.

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Wow this fascial recognition is already here and happening??? Is it legal to exclude someone for such reasons, I mean could they exclude her if they just had names and photos of people they didn't like? I strongly agree with the sentiments and indeed I just published my article "Do Not Steal: A Guiding Axiom" (which you asked me to share when it was published in my comment on your previous posy), https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/do-not-steal-a-guiding-axiom where I have written:

"This is why I believe we need to start being more careful and responsible for who we elect, who we buy from, and who we lend our support to.

I also believe “Do Not Steal” violations are a good yardstick by which to measure such folks. I think that, in particular, we have to stop protecting, shielding, enabling, and doing the bidding of people in positions of power and responsibility who do not pass this test. Even, and especially, those who are saying the words we want hear.

If there is one thing I want for Christmas, it is this: more people standing up and speaking out against the wrongdoing by very powerful and responsible people, and certainly to stop protecting, enabling or excusing them."

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Thank you, Gary, and I wholeheartedly agree!! And thank you for sharing your link, I very much enjoyed it. :)

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Yes, they can exclude people they don't like. And there's little you can do about it beyond claiming discrimination. Businesses aren't democracies.

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Love this - great points. Have been writing since early 2020 about the importance of paying attention to our initial physical and mental "gut" reaction and trusting that. Very few individuals have a positive gut reaction to a psychopath or toxic narcissist. We don't trust them for a very important reason - SURVIVAL. This "gut" reaction is also reliable when we are being played by someone or something. Unfortunately, failing to sharpen this skill over time leads to increasing failure to use it. This leads to an overall numbing which leads us to accept all sorts of potentially harmful nonsense.

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Thank you!!! And I completely agree!! (But some psychopaths are charmers... until bodies start showing up)

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Good point well made

If you don't stand up fro the freedom of others, others won't stand up for your freedom

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Yep, and it always works this way.

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Wow. I started reading and I thought Tessa is writing a future dystopian short story but this is for realsies! Yeah 100% I would have stuck by my sister. We could have gone for ice cream and laughed at people wearing masks instead. Great writing Tessa!

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Thank you, and I wish it were a dystopian story!! I wrote one science fiction story I remember of in my life, and mind you, it was written before COVID, and I only added a couple of lines in 2020.


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my last trip to radio city was in 2015. i wonder if they caught me on the spycam.

abominations like this will continue until face recognition technology is criminalized.

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Also, whom did you see in 2015 there?

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long story - i got a free ticket to elo. good show! i was into all that 70s escapist rock when i was a kid - the doors, pink floyd, bowie etc. - never thought in a million years that i'd ever get a chance to actually see them

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I loved the Doors and Pink Floyd and King Crimson as a kid!!!! So I hear you :)

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starless and bible black! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfR6_V91fG8

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Amen to that!

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Something very similar to this happened to me & my daughter. She had looked forward to taking a thespian competition trip in a bus (small trip but includes a hotel and a bus) especially having to miss it inn2020. She had heard about it and really looked forward to it. Then, during a volunteer meeting of theatre booster moms, it came out in conversation that only the vaccinated students would be able to attend. My heart dropped when I heard another mom ask the theatre teacher “how many would that be?” As if the only concern was if too many students wouldn’t be able to attend. I looked around in dismay and disbelief that I seemed to be the only parent volunteer who was upset by this. My daughter, being a bit more of a follower than a leader, was very upset when I told her, but instead of being upset about the injustice of it, simply was upset because she couldn’t go, and stated it would be easier if she could just get the shot. She was obviously upset with me. This stressful period somewhat ended after some phone calls and investigating uncovered the fact that all kids were invited regardless of jab status. Needless to say so much stress was relieved because my daughter could go on her much dreamed about trip. However, it left such a sour taste in my mouth, that none of the other moms or the theatre instructor saw the injustice. I stepped down from my volunteer position. The theatre instructor ended up retiring. I don’t know if my back & forth with her had anything to do with it, but it was a wake up call to me that the majority of people who enjoy their freedoms are not willing to fight for it.

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Oh dear Bridget!!!! I am so sorry!!! Were you able to later explain to your daughter why the entire things was so wrong?

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I’ve tried my best. But unfortunately I think she sees some of this craziness as normal 😩. I don’t think she totally understands how dangerous the jabs are. I’ve tried & continue trying

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Sending you many hugs and prayers for your daughter to hear you!! I can only imagine how much heart work you are putting in it.

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Thank you Tessa! You’re such a pure heart, it’s really refreshing!

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That incident caught my eye from the CHD headlines and I read it. I was horrified. And I thought the same thing you did, what an asshole move to leave the woman outside like some kind of criminal, and go 'have fun'. I'm assuming her own daughter was in the troop, embarrassed that her mom was the one singled out, who made a scene. Having been that mom, my heart aches for her and the daughter. I'm hoping this leads to an awakening for that group when they've had time to process.

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Yes! What you said!! And I am praying it leads to an awakening, in a good way. We need a lot of awakening.

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I just watched a 1.5 hr interview of Jessica Rose by Matt Ehret. I hadn't heard her before, although of course I know of her. I was so touched by her humility and her compassion, for the injured and for everyone being duped. She made a point that I'll paraphrase as "Our love is being used against us." It's such a cruel thing, and such a cruel way to turn us against each other. And you'd like it, Tessa, they talk about evil ;-) https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/canadian-patriot-podcast-debunking

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Jessica is fantastic, I agree!

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That is the damn scarierst thing I have ever heard...that this is in the US? We are gone/lost/over.

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I think Tessa is right, pushback works. But one does have to push back.



Episode #54 Beating Covid in the Courts


Nov 4, 2022



BOBBIE ANNE COX: My case is the entire state of New York, and it's, um, I struck down the quarantine camp regulation that [Governor] Kathy Hochul, her Department of Heath had issued where they could force New Yorkers to either lockdown in their homes or remove them from their homes and lock them up in facilities. I mean, quarantine detention centers, quarantine camps, whatever noun you want to use.

STEVE KIRSCH: At their sole discretion and decision.


STEVE KIRSCH: Of course.

BOBBIE ANNE COX: For however long they wanted, that there was no restriction in that regulation, so they could have literally locked New Yorkers up or locked them down for days, weeks, months.


BOBBIE ANNE COX: Yeah. There was no restriction whatsoever.

STEVE KIRSCH: And the rationale could be pretty much anything, right? They could just do it to misinformation spreaders like myself. So if I lived in New York they could haul me away to a quarantine camp. Would they be able to cut off my Internet, too?

BOBBIE ANNE COX: Absolutely. So the regulation was very, it gave them unbelievable, unfettered power. And it said that the Department of Health could tell you what you could and couldn't do while you were in quarantine, which means, yeah, they could have

taken your cell phone, they could have cut off your Internet access, they could have told you what you could eat or couldn't eat or what medications you could take or couldn't take or had to take. It was very broad power that they gave themselves. And there was no age restriction. So they could have taken you, but they also could have taken your child or your grandchild or your elderly parent. And there was no way to get out of quarantine once they put you in. So I mean, what I mean by that is, you know, we were having oral arguments in front of the judge, and the judge asked the Attorney General's Office, listen, let's say you take a family and you put them into a quarantine facility or a hospital, you know, how do they get out? And the Assistant Attorney General just, you know, said, well, I guess they could hire a lawyer and sue. You know, I mean—

STEVE KIRSCH: Might take four or five years, maybe.

BOBBIE ANNE COX: I mean, no due process.

STEVE KIRSCH: Cost a few million dollars, maybe.

BOBBIE ANNE COX: Yep. Absolutely.

STEVE KIRSCH: At least they could get out.


STEVE KIRSCH: Assuming that they win.

BOBBIE ANNE COX: Assuming they win their case, right. Right. So it was horrific, I mean, it was complete, you know, authoritarian rule that you know Kathy Hochul and her Department of Health, they literally gave themselves the power. They went around the legislature, this did not go through the New York State Senate or the New York State Assembly. In fact there was a bill that was proposed in the Assembly here in New York for like seven years which was very similar to the regulation, it was a very scary proposed law. But it had no support whatsoever. It literally had not one other New York State Assembly member or New York State Senator that would back it, so the bill went nowhere. Eventually, Nick Perry the assemblyman from New York City who had proposed that bill, eventually he withdrew it. It had zero support.

So what did the Governor do? They changed the language a little bit, they pushed it through the Department of Health, and they made it a regulation. So it was completely unconstitutional. The governor and the Department of Health do not have the power to make law. That is a power that is reserved for the legislature. That's very clear separation of powers in both the United States Constitution, also in the New York State Constitution. Very clear, separation of powers means we have three branches of government, each one stands on its own, they're supposed to be co-equal, and one branch can't go and take the power from the others because then that's tyranny. I mean, that's, you know, the people are the ones who suffer when there is tyranny. So all three branches have to stay in their own lane. But here, I mean, the governor and the Department of Health and the executive branch, supposed to be enforcing the laws that made by the legislature, here they made a law, you know, which they had no authority to do.

So thankfully the judge, New York State Supreme Court Judge Ron Ploetz he struck it down, he said it's unconstitutional, the governor doesn't have the power, the Department of Health doesn't have the power.And he said it's null, it's void, it cannot be enforced. But you know, Kathy Hochul filed a notice of appeal. They want to get the power back.


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Thank you, and Bobbie Anne is absolutely beautiful, I agree.

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Thank you Nancy!!

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Christmas not so Spectacular, more like Scrooged. At least a lawyer can fight back.

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