Feb 5, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Until some months ago I too was scared. Not from the virus, but from the needle worshipers. From the mandates. But there was a small group of people I know who were like me, doubting the story. And then I found you all, the people like us, who resisted the pressure. And now the steam from the kettle escapes. Thank you for this article, and thank you because you can witness how things should NOT be.

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Thank you Ingrid!!! I, too, have discovered that the moment fear is overcome, things suddenly are much better, and people show up, and it just feels right. There are so many more of us who want nothing to do with the new normal, than of those who are trying to steal our lives!! I hope more and more people realize that, and do so without delay!!

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This is true strength:

"It’s hard because a part of me is scared of sticking out and wants to hide, hoping that somebody smarter and braver than me will fix this world, while I watch. It’s hard because I hate arguments, and I like to keep my private opinions to myself while maintaining a pleasant, non-abrasive presence and fighting my clean, safe, clearly defined public battles in a separate battle space. It’s hard because I can't find meaningful enough words to say to anyone whose fear is real, and I don’t believe that any argument or even undeniable facts have ever convinced anyone who had not already been ready to investigate reality head on.

But I am even more scared of dying a coward."

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Thank you John!! And you would know, because you have been so heroic about sticking to your truth!!

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Earlier in April 2020 I calculated an electrolyte and supplement hydration mixture, Dr. Day's COVID Cocktail. https://www.johndayblog.com/2020/04/dr-days-covid-cocktail.html

And even earlier, when we couldn't get masks, there was the photogenic "Horowitz Proboscoid Viral Interceptor" https://www.johndayblog.com/2020/04/horowitz-proboscoid-viral-interceptor.html And it has Dr. Zelenko's treatment protocol which I started prescribing, well before Trump advocated for it after talking to Dr. Zelenko.

I'll stop now, really, I will...

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Wow, that's amazing!

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You've got me thinking about late April 2020. What was I thinking and saying?

Lots of the same things, like the 20% antibody rate in New Yorkers (You?), but more. https://www.johndayblog.com/2020/04/crowning-achievements.html

Vegetable garden picture, too.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

John, people think I'm a natural leader because I'm outgoing and outspoken. I'm not! I'm just a loud follower! But the events of the last two year, and reading Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book, "The Real Anthony Fauci" as well as others about the stolen election has galvanized me. I told my husband I was becoming an activist! I will fight this tyranny and the Globalist's and their evil agenda with every fiber of my being! We must. Or all will be lost. This is a war on humanity. But it's not a war of guns and tanks and bullets. It's a war like no other.

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Right On, Sister Catherine! We hear the same calling.

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I think you speak for many of us Mr Day. I am one of the most non-confrontational people I know. Haha. But I knew way back when this all started that I could not afford to "fear the fight." I can't remember what I was listening to, but the guest said, "There are some things worse than death." (and I am one of those "evil" "Boomers" so I most certainly didn't want to have to live like this at my age) I'll never forget that. And living in a world where a government, a neighbor, an agency or just a complete stranger can demand medical devices and treatments for "the common good" is way scarier to me than dying while standing on my principles. I've said NO to all of it from day one. And though I am not sure I've made a difference in the big scheme of things... it absolutely has made a difference in my own life.

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Thanks Rob,

I was quoting Tessa's April 2020 post. I'm a boomer, too.

My Dad used to say there are a lot of things worse than death.

He was a Marine, and fought in Korea and Vietnam.

I've never been afraid of death, more curious when I was suddenly close to it.

That is just the set-point I got, I think.


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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I remember April 2020 as a time of solidarity in our province of Nova Scotia. We were doing our civic duty to flatten the curve, and save our hospitals from being overwhelmed. I believed the narrative.

April was when public transit was shut down, so I rode my bicycle to town to fetch groceries. The roads were quiet, even in the heart of town, as everyone did their best to avoid non-essential travel. When I arrived at the store, there would sometimes be a police officer monitoring the inside of the store. If I had a runny nose, I'd say to her that it was because I had arrived by bike. There were no masks or tests back then. She accepted my word, and I would do my grocery shopping.

Our leaders closed the parks to vehicles, but encouraged us to go outside to get fresh air and exercise. Our parks and nature trails became places for the locals to use. I enjoyed the peace and quiet, and being able to connect with nature. This was the best of times for hermits.

As the lockdown continued into May, and more details about the virus were known, most people believed the government wouldn't dare keep us cooped up into the summer. Canadians love summer, and would surely revolt! And in June, in Nova Scotia at least, restrictions were eased. I forgot all about Covid, selfishly, as the weather grew warm.

My "I'm Not Crazy" moment wouldn't arrive until late July, with the announcement of a mask mandate. Facts were facts, and this didn't make sense.

I did not wake up to what was happening because I was a solitary soul. I didn't feel despair until the vaccines were pushed relentlessly, and politicians were demonizing people. I'd been cynical about the charter of rights and freedoms, and this emergency power grab confirmed my cynicism.

I'm glad to have found substack and the wonderful writers who contribute to it. This community is great and supportive. No robots in this sanctuary.

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"Facts were facts, and this didn't make sense." Yes, yes, yes.

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I relate to so much of what you say in the video - thank you for bringing it back to the surface! I think the best part (of really many best parts) is your comment that the scariest thing is fear.

I also love how you see the villain in context. So good.

Side note: I'm in Montreal, and I'm aware of very conflicting versions of the trucker narrative. It's a very interesting time to watch the feeds from seemingly two different planets.

Other side note: your fake sustainability comment is so true!

Love what you're doing. Thank you.

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Patsy Cline admitted to being "Crazy" and I love the song.


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Thank you!!!

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I love your posts! I found you through Dr. Mercola, where I found Pam Popper as well, and have started a "Thursday Group" that meets on Monday in my hometown. We WILL fight back, and we WILL win. Unfortunately, there have been, and will continue to be, many casualties in this war.

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Thank you Catherine!! And yes we shall win! Thank you for your courage!

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

It's not courage so much as it is absolute OUTRAGE! You were raised in Russia, I was raised in a previously free America. I'm 63, and I could never in a million years have believed I'd see happen what is now happening to this once great country. The outright lies and deceit, the supine, complicit media, the big tech in lockstep with the Globalist's agenda, the sell-out to China, power of Big Pharma to pump knowingly harmful substances into every single person on the planet! There are no advocates anymore. No watchdogs. Only us, galvanized as never before since WWll and fighting back to save ourselves, our children, our grandchildren and our fellow citizens of the US and the world. It is my opinion, that there has never been a time in all of history more important than now. Hitler and Stalin and their ilk wanted to rule the world. The Globalist's want to destroy it and most of humanity and remake it in their own godless image. We can't let that happen.

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Wow, I had no idea we started Substack at almost exactly the same time! I published my first piece (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized) on April 25, 2021. I look forward to celebrating our one-year anniversaries together :-)

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Thank you Margaret Anna! A beautiful piece, thank you for sharing it! Mine was in April 2020, so it's a year and a couple of days' difference; still a good reason to celebrate together! xo

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Oh, whoops! I saw April and got overly excited ;-) You were well-ahead of me, then. I was still wasting time on platforms like Nextdoor, which eventually became so censorious it was impossible to communicate, thus driving me to Substack (thankfully).

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Here is my first post just a few days later. https://frederickrsmith.substack.com/p/covid-terror-and-handcuffs-20-05-05

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Thank you!!

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Wonderful videos, Tessa; thanks for sharing!

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at first i read ‘moneyed anxiety’ as ‘monkeyed anxiety’... think it’s both.

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Feb 13, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Brilliant! Wonderful to listen to what you said from the ‘early days’ - it led me to think back to the absolute confusion I was experiencing then, and the beginnings of my questionings around it all. I was never afraid of ‘the plague’ at least, but more concerned about the drastic measures and their effects, and of not having toilet paper! What a turbulent ride it has been over the past 2 years, and we’re still not finished with this narrative quite yet! But what an eye-opening journey too - very sad in many ways, but maybe also a necessary part of our evolutionary cycle, with many opportunities to take a new direction away from our usual dependencies, towards a more simple and connected relationship to each other and Mother Earth.

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‘Something clicked’. Really enjoyed your recent interview on Geopolitics and Empire. I keep hearing that - ‘something clicked’. Your ‘reset for dummies’ article did that many times for me.

Thank you for your site and work.

Your description of life in Russia spanning from the late 1800’s till now made more ‘clicks’, and, you’ve made parallels to Native American cultures, destroyed and leaving those groups without a soul.

Context – my wife is Stz'uminus First Nations (Vancouver Island). She is screaming out about the parallels of destroying whole cultures, as her families had done to them from the 1800’s till 1900’s. And now the same is being applied to the entire West. Here where we live, the woke laptop-class has to follow government rules by decree – ‘do your part’, and in the same breath pay homage to the same Native First Nations peoples’ about living on their stolen land. The irony just kills.

You mention those ancestors from Russia- living their entire lives from early 1900 on, trusting all systems that come along. Then suddenly – ‘sorry, it’s all gone, it was all a lie’. The entire West has had the (unfortunate) life experience of having more than a century of affluence, always believing our system is the best and final one (democracy), culminating in ‘winning’ against Communism. All the while never knowing that soon it will be our turn to have our leaders say ‘sorry, it’s all gone, it was all a lie’. The main difference is we won’t believe it even after it happens, because governments only do bad things in other countries, right?

Myself I have been in high tech for 30 years. I worked all around Asia for 20 of them, and saw the technocratic, soul-less life that China perfected. In 2017 I saw their world of QR codes, control of people via ‘health pass’, and massive surveillance and censorship. That was 3 years before 2020 - all that was needed was a 'deadly outbreak' to launch.

I can’t offer anyone any answers except get your autonomy in order – health, mental state, family, friends.

I also hope to record and save my thoughts for our 14 year old daughter. She can think for herself, but I at least don’t want her to join the >85% of those who are sleepwalking into 2030. I borrowed your ‘for dummies’ phrase too. 2030 Towards Technocracy (technocracyfordummies.com)

Many thanks again for your articles and posts!

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I see you've got lots of connections to the same people I read - there are 2 more you might like - Viva Frei in Montreal and Kate Wand in Toronto. Both Canadian freedom people! @katewand and @thevivafrei I've already donated, yesterday.

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I listened to the audio version of The Physical World... and wow, this is more impactful. The term 'audio' doesn't do it justice, this would rightly be described as a soundscape. Thank you, Tessa.

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I remember, and it was such a relief reading your articles thank you! 🙏

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