“We made some mistakes”: A project at restoration of (fictional) normalcy
On sincerity, 5D chess, and intellectual juggling
PSA: Dr. Mercola just published my “children’s tale” about, you know, some fictional pandemic that took place in some imaginary kingdom. Please check it out.
The Sorcerer and the Plague: A Children’s Tale / on Dr. Mercola’s Substack / PDF
Now to the main story.
This story is two opposite things. On the one hand, it’s a frustrated translation from Orwellian to English. On the other hand, it’s an expression of awe for the complexity of the human psyche and for the mysterious zigzags in which we travel through life, figuring things out slowly, slowly.
An important note: I think this young lad (Kevin Bass, who penned the Newsweek op-ed that this story is about) means well. I want to applaud him for going against the grain and sticking half his left pinkie out there. It sure feels like half a pinkie for those of us who have been yelled and demonized for nearly three years for stating factually accurate information—but where he is coming from, it is probably terrifying to say what he says, and it probably feels like his sticking out his entire torso.
And while I am using humorous language, I want to acknowledge his newly found courage. He is walking his own journey—not my journey, his journey. I wish he walked faster!!! But he is walking his journey.
And so, as I am bleeding from being unjustly vilified and censored for three years over “COVID, “ and while I have not forgotten being subjected to degrading segregation, I am also applauding Kevin Bass for saying something (“See something? Say something”… sorry no, wrong script). As a medical student, swimming in the sea of Rockefeller-shaped “science,” he is surrounded by goo—and when one is surrounded by goo, it is hard to even think “heretical” thoughts—and even harder to dare say “heretical” thoughts out loud.
In short, I think that two things are simultaneously true:
The people who have never seen the face of the Machine up close until 2020, who are naive and often complacent, and who are still in denial of what is going on, are slowly coming out of denial—but very slowly, as they are still scared to accept the raw, mob-like nature of the society we live in.
The bosses of the mob are purposely allowing some “heretical” thoughts in the mainstream because “the dam is breaking,” and they have seemingly calculated that it is cheaper and easier for them to allow some talk, while they are preparing to perform a control demolition of the financial system and property ownership structures. After all, the grooming of the collective psyche for accepting fascist practices has been successful, and millions have been broken.

Thank you, Kevin.
And so, human to human, I want to shake Kevin’s hand (and give him a hug, if he is not scared of hugging a person who believes that conspiracies are real). But after shaking his hand, I want to say, “Come on man!! Open your eyes!!!!”
So, let me recap (paraphrase) what Kevin is saying in his op-ed:
We made some mistakes. Yeah there were some egos at play, maybe some corruption here and there, maybe we went overboard a little, maybe more than a little, maybe we hurt some folks, maybe killed some folks—but WE MEANT WELL. WE MEANT WELL!!
(By the way, he is committing the grave mistake of bulking himself together with the people in power, under one “we.” Not prudent. They would have him fed to the wolves—or tied to the bed and killed by a ventilator, without hesitation.)
But back to his op-ed.
Unfortunately, because we did make some mistakes, some poor souls went for OBVIOUSLY CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORIES.
This young lad is a naive child, albeit “in the seventh year of med school.”
He seemingly thinks that there has been no domestic color revolution and no manufactured mob mentality, that the alphabets are mythological creatures, that the financial bankruptcy of the system, the push for central bank digital currency and programmable money, the all-pervasive surveillance, and the neofeudal/ fascistic trends by fascistic / neofeudal masters were not driving factors. That it’s just some folks making some bad mistakes, and now we just need to remind them all to behave, and they will say, “I am so sorry, I was a little arrogant there for a second, inclusivity time!!.”
In what world does this young lad live? In an imaginary one.
Now an actual quote:
“We have witnessed a massive and ongoing loss of life in America due to distrust of vaccines [← 💉🎉] and the healthcare system; a massive concentration in wealth by already wealthy elites; a rise in suicides and gun violence especially among the poor; a near-doubling of the rate of depression and anxiety disorders especially among the young; a catastrophic loss of educational attainment among already disadvantaged children; and among those most vulnerable, a massive loss of trust in healthcare, science, scientific authorities, and political leaders more broadly.
Some folks make some bad mistakes, yeah.
To his credit, he criticizes censorship, albeit in a roundabout and woke way.
“Solving these problems in the long term requires a greater commitment to pluralism and tolerance in our institutions, including the inclusion of critical if unpopular voices. Intellectual elitism, credentialism, and classism must end. Restoring trust in public health—and our democracy—depends on it.”
When I was a kid in the USSR, there was a famous phrase that “Pravda” printed when something went very wrong with the “communist” operations. The phrase was, “There have been select wrongdoings.” And so the idea was that yes, communism is undoubtedly great, and it is still great—but “some folks made some mistakes.” The guilty folks will be punished, and we’ll proceed with building back better the “building of the bright communist future”.
The modern “Pravda” calls it “saving our democracy.” Noted.
July 2020:
January 2021:
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Isn't this conspicuously high profile Kevin Bass piece just a 'limited hangout'? - damage control by the nefarious power elite to muddle what is becoming more obvious to the masses? Why else would this be so visible in the totally captured MSM? Remember the Atlantic piece asking for 'amnesty'? (AYFKM?) - this serves the same purpose doesn't it? - a veiled attempt to take the wind out of the sails of justifiable outrage? And these days, it is not far fetched to ask if 'innocent' Kevin Bass is even real - could he be but a credible concoction of ChatGPT - just feed parameters into the Machine and it shall deliver the 'earnest' character to tug at our hearts! Surely that is coming if not already here.
Ultimately I believe you nailed it perfectly in your "two things are simultaneously true" above. Through this lens that you so succinctly present, it is difficult to imagine those of us who have been tracking the deceit from the beginning to see this any other way.
rock on, girl - keep it coming! Live Suddenly!! - peace love
Thank you Tessa! I throughly enjoy and gain more insight from your postings.
All i can say is 'Do Not Comply'. You cant be forced to be injected with elite wishes to be one of the culled. You cant be forced to dine on six legged beasties or agree with wef-ism. Stay strong and fight robots!