Sorry to hear that Dirck, I feel your tears. I'm in a rift with most of my friends and family, standing alone in the rain while I see others slowly walking with their umbrellas away from me.

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Hugs to you. There will come a day when this nonsense gets scattered!!!! Nobody knows when but it will come!!

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Poignant and moving.

My raincoat has kept me warm and dry throughout the 62 years of my life with a few patches applied here and there. I often wish I could give it to the people I love as I see them getting drenched and freezing in the rain but they insist they're doing fine. In the meantime, I'm looking for a boat that we can all use to keep us all from drowning and to row somewhere where there's sunny weather. I just hope I can convince them to join me and my friends in our raincoats.

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Thank you for this beautiful and sad parable to which I, in my raincoat, can relate. May the story one day reach a happy ending followed by a bright, new beginning.

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May it be so!

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Dirck, sorry to read about your loss. Keep a reasonable supply of raincoats on hand. As far as I know, there is no structural reason why a person with a collapsing umbrella can't use a raincoat, as long as it is used early in the process, before the sight o' the kinda storm hits full deluge mode.

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That's beautiful but very sad. I'm sorry, I walk with one who while not seeing things quite as I do, is supportive. I hope for you that the beautiful lady can see sense and come back to you, or that you find someone just as beautiful but more like-minded. All the best to you.

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Thank you both for sharing. This is a sad a common tale. I am fortunate to walk with family who wear raincoats.

It is a testament to your strength that you did not succumb to pressure, though you have lost so much. That you perceive the loss and grief of others as greater than your own, tells of the empathy and compassion of your kind and loving heart.

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Whoa. That decision must've taken a phenomenal amount of guts. Everyone I know faced with the same choice, they caved right away.

But you know what, Dirck? This lady, lovely as she may be-- she never knew you.

This split we are seeing in light of all this, has it not always been there? Invisibly, lying dormant until some great stress event jolts it to the surface and reveals what we hold dearest of all, what truly makes us tick deep down in the core of us?

Experience has taught me that real love, keeping it alive inside, is anything but easy. Partner or no partner all manner of adverse crap, both within and without, is more or less constantly in our faces seeking to bash it out of us.

You look at other people, you see them losing this battle. You don't wonder why 'cuz you know all too well what they are dealing with. I mean, is there anyone out there who hasn't had the living shit kicked out of them at some point in their lives? We bury it then forget where it is.

And we think we can change the world for the better. Look at us. Shit. It's all I can do to keep my head straight.

"The sky was dark this morning

When I raised my head

I stood at the window

Darkness was my bane

Suddenly a sunbeam

Thrilled me to my weary heart

It was the prettiest thing I'd ever seen

I knew I had to keep my love alive"

-- from the album Little Queen by Heart

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Great analogy beautiful story!

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I feel this. I did not lose my spouse in this way, but we have drifted... He wore the i-tin raincoat i handed him, but would just as happily have used the umbrella. While I've been unable to avert my eyes from the dizzying array of colorful, tattered umbrellas swirling and falling to the ground, he has shown that he has no convictions either way. Umbrellas are fine, as long as they don't block the view of the telly. It's lonelier than alone. I'm glad that you pushed through and found a raincoat partner. 😊

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One day, he looked out upon the less than busy street and saw no miniature umbrellas.

Oddly there were plenty of miniature rain coats though, and the man felt as ease that perhaps he had made the right choice.

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