Wow! What a treat!

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Thanks to Tessa - and typos - for bringing us this

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Thank you for giving us such an elevating and amazing example of what we can create and we don't need producers, lights and grotesque visuals and arrogant, gross displays and sensationalism to appreciate and be awed by the talent people inherently have!

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Thank you, Sharon!! xo

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I'm taking a pass on the Olympic nonsense. I think it was you who said the powers that shouldn't be (in the Mickey Z. phrase) like to keep us triggered. Fie on them all, I say.

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Yes, sister!!! Yes!!!

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Really impressive! :)

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Excellent !!! Thank you Tessa

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Great fun ! Will have to look up the instrument.

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Woodwind looks like it comes with a couple of mutes.

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I wonder if Duduka Fonseka had any relationship to the instrument. I remember the name but at the moment I am not sure how.

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Nope Brazilian drummer but Duduka is a nicname. Lives in NY. Has a jazz trio.

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It's beautiful!!!

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As an Armenian, of course my favorite instrument is a Duduk.

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I don't blame you!! It's beautiful

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Funny thing is most of us will overlook or glance over typos if we have tremendous respect for the authors and/or value what they have to say; typos from incompetent or worthless (harsh?) authors only remind us of who and what they are. Never worry.

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Thank you, Joe!! Music to my ears :)

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Wonderful, Tessa! I am a brass player (long ago). I loved the guy pressing the instrument's valves as he made the sound of the instrument. Incredible!

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now that is a voice worth traveling the world to hear. dreaming of a chance to hear you sing live one day, Tessa <3

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Thank you so much, Norie!!! You are so kind!

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Great stuff! I like the way the guy in the white pants operates the keys (right hand) on his instrument (left hand).

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Who was Duduka Fonseka? Any relation to

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