"Digital dollars" solve a problem that doesn't exist. One of the major selling points of crypto is its decentralization. Plenty of governments have tried to create their own crypto, and as far as I know all of them suck for the same reason that fiat currency sucks.
Digital takes it ten notches up (or down, rather) and to all the issues that have already existed, adds a totalitarian flavor. All citizens are transparent, the rulers are very much not transparent.
Yes! Complete control of our monies by the very criminals the British government, made us tax payers, bail out a few years ago!
We live under an amazing system...A private company prints our money (Bank of England...Federal Reserve Bank...Other private banks) lends it to the government and charges them interest on the loan, which the public has to repay via taxes; money which was created by the banks out of thin air.
Thanks to covid, I learned about this at the ripe old age of 78...which goes to show, one is never too old to learn something new. How about we form a company and print our own money : }
The problem with the "goody two-shoes" rhetoric is always that it does actually sound logical and appealing;.. something that most if not all politicians use to their advantage. Of course it would be lovely to fight money laundering... but, hello, FTX. :) The measures sold to the gullible public on all sorts of appealing talking points never fight high crime and only support more control of the regular people by the ones on high social perches. Your banker friend is of course naive!!
Ditto on diagnosis. At the start I was trying to trace motives, then decided to simply rely on my prevous experience sharing a jail cell with a psychopath. There's only one motive, which expresses itself in constant change and disruption and damage.
We can't afford to waste time on motives and "counterstrategies". We're mice, and we just have to stay out of the cat's mouth. Or alternatively we're peasants trying to avoid the whips of the insane prince.
I think that in this case, we also need to starve out the "cat" (in no relation to actual cats). And I think they do have an upper hand in terms of money and social influence, and they just keep marching forward no matter our article and tweets. HOWEVER if we stop producing the type of energy that feeds them (which requires a lot of work, a lot of patience, a lot of courage, all of which is impossible without timeless, strong, confident love) .... if we stop producing the energy that feeds them in our own lives, and in our reaction to them, the universe will help us defeat them in the concrete senses as well. I think the internal grounding is a prerequisite for the external work to be successful.
I think that open resistance is needed, just as hidden resistance. Ultimately, one of the best definitions and explanations of what is happening is by Steven Newcomb, and his System of Domination. I am a big fan of his explanation, it makes sense. We need to internally break out of it. The external cannot be ignored either, we just need to be even-headed and intelligent about everything and understand that we are dealing with a mindset that is many centuries in the making, and we need to reject the mindset itself (which means respecting other people's free will, for example).
"Energy that feeds them" may sound like a great phrase, but what, in practical terms, is this energy, such that when "we" withdraw it from "them", "they" starve and become powerless? Gary Sharpe, (above) has some ideas. They all sound well & good to me.
But honestly, do any of these stand a chance when a power-minded psycho has a gun to your head telling you how to behave, what to think, how to think, what you can and can't say, where you will live and what you must do with your life in order to not be deemed "useless"?
Using "the system to transform the system peacefully through people power" requires that those currently in positions of power (commanding deadly weaponry/military force) sit idly by and do nothing while us peaceful folk set about amassing in great numbers to force systemic change through voting, protest, civil disobedience, off-grid living, encouraging "awakenings" and the like.
Ain't gonna happen is it? Well it might, according to folks like Charles Eisenstein whose writings allude to some sort of nebulous dream-scenario playing out where ruling powers, who are actually unloved, scared little boys underneath suddenly fall to their knees and come to their senses at the awesome sight of masses of people worldwide holding hands in loving, peaceful, non-violent resistance to their cold-hearted, de-humanizing master plan. Weeping in shameful remorse, recognizing the horrors of what they've done, the hurt little boys beg the masses' forgiveness, reach out for a hug and pledge all their energies henceforth to the peaceful creation of a society of equality living under the banner of a Brotherhood of Man heralding an Age of Love & Light Through Harmony with Mother Earth. "A better world we all know is possible".
So yeah, okay, that might happen. Or, do the facts tell us something else, that ruling powers are not a bunch of scared little boys, but rather predator dogs drooling with fresh red meat in their jaws and no amount of sweet-talk/loving action is going to move them to drop their mouthful to the dirt & walk up to us wagging their tails hoping for a scratch behind the ears? Always hungry, always watching, ever-vigilant of the goings-on of the herds, well, "standing idly by" while the herds figure out how to overcome the pitiful state of always being "on the menu", this is never going to happen. Don't be fooled by the gentle, kindly manner of the wolf speaking & acting like dear old grandpa, or like the benevolent, worldly scientist whose eyes shine with bright visions of a transcendent future. Human wolves are diabolically clever at fooling their prey & hypnotizing them into easily-controlled states of docility.
This being the case, seems to me there is only one thing that can actually upset and topple ruling powers without saturating the earth with the blood of billions of dead humans. This is that one thing:
Soldiers, cops, mercenaries, etc., all human beings that are paid to arrest/incarcerate/ harm/kill on demand other human beings at the behest of ruling powers must, en masse, simply cease to obey orders. Lay down arms and walk away. Ruling powers are a tiny fraction of the human population and their power comes not from the use of deadly force in their own hands, but by convincing others through fear-based indoctrination & bottomless financial resources, to use it on their behalf.
The truth is that "ruling power" is nothing but an illusion that dissolves into thin air the instant it finds it can't order brute-minded, easily-controlled humans to do its' bidding.
"What if they gave a war and no one came?" This was a popular hippie slogan back in the 60's. Simple enough, yet inarguably true. Without humans willing to kill/be killed, there would be no war.
"What if they gave a totalitarian globalist take-over and no-one came?" Not likely, but certainly possible. Miracles do happen. For fun, let's say one did. What then?
Without military/police/deadly force behind them, ruling powers would then be forced to use the only tool available to them: control of money. The world economy is a game of football and money is the ball. The spoilt child, not getting its' way, has a hissy fit and takes the ball off the field and stomps home. Overnight, banks could set events in motion to ensure that nobody on earth gets paid for working. (Nobody, of course, except those they personally needed). How long before the entire work/get paid/buy food/shelter thing falls apart? Not long, baby.
So then we'd have no choice but to volunteer up and start farming so we don't starve to death. What powers the equipment? Crude oil. Which also powers electricity (don't even talk about "green" electricity or batteries, all that works because oil makes it work). Oil companies operating through banks can no longer pay their workers. Who is out there in the oil fields working the wells? Who is out there pumping the off-shore rigs? Who is steering the tankers on the high seas and pumping oil onshore at the refineries? Everybody just gonna work for free now and hope that everybody else does the same? Wouldn't hold my breath hoping for that.
So then, we are back to mules, cattle, horses & pigs and chickens. Stand up and volunteer if you know how to plow a field with a horse to feed billions of people. K, that's out. Stand up and volunteer if you know how to drill a well and obtain water for everybody's home garden. You can drill a well? Great, how do you power it? You can't, no fuel. Okay, well, I guess we just grab that shovel over there and start diggin' or set up town near a river or a lake. Rough going, to be sure.
Very soon we figure out that we absolutely need exchange in some form, perhaps at least, barter. But we can't barter food we haven't grown yet, we can't trade mechanical things that don't work without fuel/electricity, all we have are things we can't eat, so......you know, gold would be good, maybe silver too so we could store some exchange power for later. Let's get that going. Where is it? Oh yeah, right. The ruling powers have all the precious metals. Maybe a few of us have a little, enough to make a functioning bank for everyone? Could be. Not impossible, I guess.
So then maybe a few places on earth manage to scratch out a meager economy reminiscent of the dark ages, farming and hunting while most people are basically starving, sickening, wandering and dying by the millions worldwide while former ruling power folk are surviving just fine by paying the same starving, sick & desperate people coin to work their land, pump their oil, power their generators and defend them from random, robbing hordes of dying people.
Everyone in the world save a tiny few are on their knees, starving, exhausted, staggering around begging for relief....you look up. Hey, what is that over there, just up on the edge of the darkening horizon? Why, it's a spiffy, bullet-proof military-type vehicle convoy, armed men, all of whom are apparently well-fed & well-paid.
The convoy arrives. A hatch opens up. What's this? None other than a pot-bellied salesman in a plaid suit! He waves his hat around and says he's got jobs for all of us. And he's paying in gold coin!
Turns out he ain't paying much, but hey, it's better than starving to death. For sure better than watching your children starve to death right before your eyes. You wave goodbye to your wife & kids & jump into the back of their personnel transport. A guy in there hands you a gun & offers you one of his cigarettes. You take it. He lights it & says:
"Okay, we're off to the next town. If anyone out there attacks us, shoot 'em."
Anything is possible dear man...depends what direction the bulk of human imagining takes...if it looks to the dark side and believes, no doubt that will be, if enough of humanity looks to the light and believes...plus puts in the right kind of work...then...anything is possible
So what you are saying is that human imagination and belief have magical powers to overcome the inertia of our downhill trajectory toward tragic madness that is now over several millennia in the making? All we have to do is think happy thoughts?
Hmmmm.....not sure that's gonna get it, Suzi. In my family, there were 9 kids in the house, all of us full of love & light & happy thoughts yet these did not stop our father from getting drunk and beating the sh*t out of us.
Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena
Tessa & Lena you both rock! 😂 The commendable effort to not offend certain rulers of interwebz (that would be cats, natch) has been noticed, noted and duly tabulated. Lotsa more meet the soul than eyes in modest parentheses 👌 And I ain’t no friends with felines, quite the opposite. A cursory touch of light instantly puts the gravely serious dark stuff into proper perspective. Ours is still a beautiful world, though temporarily sick 🙂
ETA I should have explicitly put forth a major point: a world rife with beautiful peeps, though many utterly confused & misguided. Keep your brilliant work going, there're stranded hearts out here longing for a spark to be ignited 💖
Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena
🤗 Wrt sidenote, it just came as a lighthearted joke, w/o participation of much thought. Now as you asked, it prob manifests my covert desire for the world to have more of you 😇 Like the other day I fancied cloning your fellow intrepid warrior Margaret Anna Alice.
Language is kinda loose at joints; that’s how meanings sneak in unbeknownst to author at first. Or ever 😉
PS Substack notifications are rather slothy today; it takes 'em hours to arrive 🤔
I wanted to just 'like' your reply, but the heart won't turn red :{ Yes! I completely agree our strength lies within and the more we practice our loving the stronger becomes the loving heart muscle.
Yes, it certainly seems that we are being bombarded from all sides. Spookily, just before reading this I posted an article in my substack called "Are We No Longer Just Consumers, but the Consumed?", in which I also mentioned the school systems in a way that seems very close to your story on schools in over-arching theme:
"How we are giving, and giving up, the joy and playtime of the early years of our children's lives to feed The School System. A system whose main purpose seems only to be to tenderize us early, to teach us learned helplessness, how to please and appease. To make ourselves more sweet, and digestible, for consumption by governmental, financial and institutional structures for the rest of their lives."
[the running theme of the post is how we are being eaten by the systems]. I feel the video game you mention is a case in point of this!
I'm listening for voices, any voices, speaking out against this reset. We have a motley bunch of unelected wealthy people reengineering virtually the whole world, obliterating the governments of 190+ countries (who are all participating/helping) and literally no one is speaking out against what they're doing, unless I'm not listening in the right places. Is no one concerned, other than we rubes wearing tinfoil hats?
As someone who never held my breath for "Elon Musk the savior," I think this is logical!! Of course he was never going to do much good!! And again, in theory, it makes sense to not promote genuine hate speech (calls for violence, ethnic hate, etc.). However, what IS hate speech? Who defines what it is? When the definition is skewed, the entire tower is upside down!!
Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena
Regarding item #1 Motives.
Substack readers are spending a huge amount of time and energy discussing the motives of The Evils. Which is OK, except that it doesn’t accomplish much at all. FIRST we must focus our energies on standing up for ourselves, thinking for ourselves, and not complying with any of the evil rules. THEN, we can shift our time and energy to the ‘why’ and the ‘who’. Express your free will, NOW. Do not mask, distance, shutdown, isolate, test, jab, or patronize businesses who require these things. Or passively condone mandates. Demand the right to visit your relatives in hospitals or nursing homes. Shot mandates for employees wouldn’t have succeeded if ALL employees would’ve refused. Don’t send your child to a school which mandates masks/jabs/plexiglas dividers/segregation. Ask businesses to please remove their plexiglas barriers. Tell businesses you look forward to patronizing them once they don’t require masks or documentation of jabs/testing. Tell your healthcare provider you will show up for an appointment if you aren’t required to mask/test/jab. Tomorrow I am calling my eye doctor office to cancel my appointment, and tell them I changed to a different eye doctor who doesn’t require masking. You get the idea. Why should we be afraid to speak up? They’re stealing our free will, right under our noses! We DO have the power to do this. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.
GOD bless you Tessa Lena for being a true TRUTH Warrior. GOD has got you in the Palm of His/Her Hand. I will never stop speaking TRUTH to tyranny, remaining true to self, protecting my Soul & being of love & service to help others hear truth, for our GOD lives in the TRUTH ...
Great compendium...only problem is through many centuries the same exact show has been playing with cultural and techno variations -- patriarchy and capitalism are what has powered this evisceration of what it means to be human. The ego gone wild in its attempt to own all of creation
The same show has surely been playing for centuries under different slogans!!!
I don't like to frame it as "patriarchy" and "capitalism" because it brings us straight into the Wokeland, and it's not a pretty land to be in! I know this is not at all what you mean (and your great work is proof!) But you know the associations.. :)
I think the problem is a lack of balance, and what I think is at the root of it is fear, lack of clarity, lack of love, and a resulting Missionary Mind Also, as you know, one of my favorite frameworks is Steven Newcomb's System of Domination https://tessa.substack.com/p/great-reset-doctrine-domination
Out of balance people can be quite a menace to the well-being of the world, and that is of course true to when the balance between male and female energies is broken, which I think it is. But also many individual men and women and broken, have no idea who they are and why they are here, etc. etc.
As far as capitalism, there is of course nothing wrong with commerce, as I think both of us agree. But when commerce takes over everything else (--> out of balance), we have this particular version of the Domination System.
In my experience, pre-2001 America was a far more pleasant place to be than, say, the USSR. Far, far, far more supportive of freedom in the most immediate sense. Of course, it required wars etc., but the USSR also led wars (pour Afghanistan had it from both empires, for example). Sooooo I think it's much deeper that "patriarchy and capitalism."
I also think we agree on that but I had to say it. :) xo
I have to say that whatever "Woke" means to you -- and yes it's been weaponized on the one hand but also demonized -- it means something different to poor Blacks who are still given the short end of the stick throughout their lives. But Woke is a late newcomer to looking at what patriarchy and capitalism have done to the human psyche. I know you don't like using "isms" but systems have names and capitalism definitely is a system. Obviously I don't mean Mom and Pop stores. But "commerce" itself is problematic because of the uses to which that impulse have been put by corporate capitalism. Perhaps I should always say "corporate" or even "global corporate" when talking about capitalism. But my focus has always gone back to indigenous reality where the individual ego was the opposite of being engaged in unremitting combat with other egos. The individual ego unmoored from any real communal identity is a driving force for the greed, cruelty, domination, and rank insanity we see around us now. You mention pre-2001 America being a far more pleasant place than the USSR but that's the context you came from and so is the comparison you make. Trust me, if you had the same sensitivity, intelligence, and heart you have now but had grown up in this country, you'd know pre-2001 America was far from a pleasant place. The endless wars and naked aggrandizement this nation-state has been involved in since its founding was not pleasant -- not for the millions of First Nation people destroyed, not for all the buffalo killed so "commerce" could lay down its train tracks, not for the Blacks first as slaves then even after the Civil War not allowed to read or write in the South. I'm sure you've read Howard Zinn on our real rather than sanitized history. But here's what Abraham Lincoln said in 1864 in a letter: "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As the result of the war, corporations have been enthroned. An era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until wealth is aggregated in a few hands...and the republic is destroyed." [from the CITATIONS section of my book Let's Burn the Flags of All Nations]
"Digital dollars" solve a problem that doesn't exist. One of the major selling points of crypto is its decentralization. Plenty of governments have tried to create their own crypto, and as far as I know all of them suck for the same reason that fiat currency sucks.
Digital takes it ten notches up (or down, rather) and to all the issues that have already existed, adds a totalitarian flavor. All citizens are transparent, the rulers are very much not transparent.
Yes! Complete control of our monies by the very criminals the British government, made us tax payers, bail out a few years ago!
We live under an amazing system...A private company prints our money (Bank of England...Federal Reserve Bank...Other private banks) lends it to the government and charges them interest on the loan, which the public has to repay via taxes; money which was created by the banks out of thin air.
Thanks to covid, I learned about this at the ripe old age of 78...which goes to show, one is never too old to learn something new. How about we form a company and print our own money : }
A banker friend has bought into the “digital money stops money laundering” meme, in spite of my explanations to the contrary.
The problem with the "goody two-shoes" rhetoric is always that it does actually sound logical and appealing;.. something that most if not all politicians use to their advantage. Of course it would be lovely to fight money laundering... but, hello, FTX. :) The measures sold to the gullible public on all sorts of appealing talking points never fight high crime and only support more control of the regular people by the ones on high social perches. Your banker friend is of course naive!!
Ditto on diagnosis. At the start I was trying to trace motives, then decided to simply rely on my prevous experience sharing a jail cell with a psychopath. There's only one motive, which expresses itself in constant change and disruption and damage.
We can't afford to waste time on motives and "counterstrategies". We're mice, and we just have to stay out of the cat's mouth. Or alternatively we're peasants trying to avoid the whips of the insane prince.
I think that in this case, we also need to starve out the "cat" (in no relation to actual cats). And I think they do have an upper hand in terms of money and social influence, and they just keep marching forward no matter our article and tweets. HOWEVER if we stop producing the type of energy that feeds them (which requires a lot of work, a lot of patience, a lot of courage, all of which is impossible without timeless, strong, confident love) .... if we stop producing the energy that feeds them in our own lives, and in our reaction to them, the universe will help us defeat them in the concrete senses as well. I think the internal grounding is a prerequisite for the external work to be successful.
Woah! I just wrote something very similar in my latest article:
"We start with small acts of daily resistance and disobedience in our own lives, in our own hearts, in our own minds, and in our own bodies.
We devitalize them by choosing other values and metrics by which to measure our success in life.
We starve them by choosing to optimize our own mental and physical health and wellness.
We make the purpose of our lives to serve, help and save each other, instead of being in service to them.
We direct our disdain, dissent, despite, derision, and contempt at them, rather than at each other.
We stop promoting their greatest servants into positions of power through our wallets and our votes.
We seek to wake others up from the nightmare."
Here, here! I fight these little battles every day and feel more powerful For doing so.
If we all engage it’s harder for them to control us!
Yes, good point. "Energy that feeds them" is a great phrase. Open resistance is meth for psychopaths.
I think that open resistance is needed, just as hidden resistance. Ultimately, one of the best definitions and explanations of what is happening is by Steven Newcomb, and his System of Domination. I am a big fan of his explanation, it makes sense. We need to internally break out of it. The external cannot be ignored either, we just need to be even-headed and intelligent about everything and understand that we are dealing with a mindset that is many centuries in the making, and we need to reject the mindset itself (which means respecting other people's free will, for example).
And thank you!! xo
"Energy that feeds them" may sound like a great phrase, but what, in practical terms, is this energy, such that when "we" withdraw it from "them", "they" starve and become powerless? Gary Sharpe, (above) has some ideas. They all sound well & good to me.
But honestly, do any of these stand a chance when a power-minded psycho has a gun to your head telling you how to behave, what to think, how to think, what you can and can't say, where you will live and what you must do with your life in order to not be deemed "useless"?
Using "the system to transform the system peacefully through people power" requires that those currently in positions of power (commanding deadly weaponry/military force) sit idly by and do nothing while us peaceful folk set about amassing in great numbers to force systemic change through voting, protest, civil disobedience, off-grid living, encouraging "awakenings" and the like.
Ain't gonna happen is it? Well it might, according to folks like Charles Eisenstein whose writings allude to some sort of nebulous dream-scenario playing out where ruling powers, who are actually unloved, scared little boys underneath suddenly fall to their knees and come to their senses at the awesome sight of masses of people worldwide holding hands in loving, peaceful, non-violent resistance to their cold-hearted, de-humanizing master plan. Weeping in shameful remorse, recognizing the horrors of what they've done, the hurt little boys beg the masses' forgiveness, reach out for a hug and pledge all their energies henceforth to the peaceful creation of a society of equality living under the banner of a Brotherhood of Man heralding an Age of Love & Light Through Harmony with Mother Earth. "A better world we all know is possible".
So yeah, okay, that might happen. Or, do the facts tell us something else, that ruling powers are not a bunch of scared little boys, but rather predator dogs drooling with fresh red meat in their jaws and no amount of sweet-talk/loving action is going to move them to drop their mouthful to the dirt & walk up to us wagging their tails hoping for a scratch behind the ears? Always hungry, always watching, ever-vigilant of the goings-on of the herds, well, "standing idly by" while the herds figure out how to overcome the pitiful state of always being "on the menu", this is never going to happen. Don't be fooled by the gentle, kindly manner of the wolf speaking & acting like dear old grandpa, or like the benevolent, worldly scientist whose eyes shine with bright visions of a transcendent future. Human wolves are diabolically clever at fooling their prey & hypnotizing them into easily-controlled states of docility.
This being the case, seems to me there is only one thing that can actually upset and topple ruling powers without saturating the earth with the blood of billions of dead humans. This is that one thing:
Soldiers, cops, mercenaries, etc., all human beings that are paid to arrest/incarcerate/ harm/kill on demand other human beings at the behest of ruling powers must, en masse, simply cease to obey orders. Lay down arms and walk away. Ruling powers are a tiny fraction of the human population and their power comes not from the use of deadly force in their own hands, but by convincing others through fear-based indoctrination & bottomless financial resources, to use it on their behalf.
The truth is that "ruling power" is nothing but an illusion that dissolves into thin air the instant it finds it can't order brute-minded, easily-controlled humans to do its' bidding.
"What if they gave a war and no one came?" This was a popular hippie slogan back in the 60's. Simple enough, yet inarguably true. Without humans willing to kill/be killed, there would be no war.
"What if they gave a totalitarian globalist take-over and no-one came?" Not likely, but certainly possible. Miracles do happen. For fun, let's say one did. What then?
Without military/police/deadly force behind them, ruling powers would then be forced to use the only tool available to them: control of money. The world economy is a game of football and money is the ball. The spoilt child, not getting its' way, has a hissy fit and takes the ball off the field and stomps home. Overnight, banks could set events in motion to ensure that nobody on earth gets paid for working. (Nobody, of course, except those they personally needed). How long before the entire work/get paid/buy food/shelter thing falls apart? Not long, baby.
So then we'd have no choice but to volunteer up and start farming so we don't starve to death. What powers the equipment? Crude oil. Which also powers electricity (don't even talk about "green" electricity or batteries, all that works because oil makes it work). Oil companies operating through banks can no longer pay their workers. Who is out there in the oil fields working the wells? Who is out there pumping the off-shore rigs? Who is steering the tankers on the high seas and pumping oil onshore at the refineries? Everybody just gonna work for free now and hope that everybody else does the same? Wouldn't hold my breath hoping for that.
So then, we are back to mules, cattle, horses & pigs and chickens. Stand up and volunteer if you know how to plow a field with a horse to feed billions of people. K, that's out. Stand up and volunteer if you know how to drill a well and obtain water for everybody's home garden. You can drill a well? Great, how do you power it? You can't, no fuel. Okay, well, I guess we just grab that shovel over there and start diggin' or set up town near a river or a lake. Rough going, to be sure.
Very soon we figure out that we absolutely need exchange in some form, perhaps at least, barter. But we can't barter food we haven't grown yet, we can't trade mechanical things that don't work without fuel/electricity, all we have are things we can't eat, so......you know, gold would be good, maybe silver too so we could store some exchange power for later. Let's get that going. Where is it? Oh yeah, right. The ruling powers have all the precious metals. Maybe a few of us have a little, enough to make a functioning bank for everyone? Could be. Not impossible, I guess.
So then maybe a few places on earth manage to scratch out a meager economy reminiscent of the dark ages, farming and hunting while most people are basically starving, sickening, wandering and dying by the millions worldwide while former ruling power folk are surviving just fine by paying the same starving, sick & desperate people coin to work their land, pump their oil, power their generators and defend them from random, robbing hordes of dying people.
Everyone in the world save a tiny few are on their knees, starving, exhausted, staggering around begging for relief....you look up. Hey, what is that over there, just up on the edge of the darkening horizon? Why, it's a spiffy, bullet-proof military-type vehicle convoy, armed men, all of whom are apparently well-fed & well-paid.
The convoy arrives. A hatch opens up. What's this? None other than a pot-bellied salesman in a plaid suit! He waves his hat around and says he's got jobs for all of us. And he's paying in gold coin!
Turns out he ain't paying much, but hey, it's better than starving to death. For sure better than watching your children starve to death right before your eyes. You wave goodbye to your wife & kids & jump into the back of their personnel transport. A guy in there hands you a gun & offers you one of his cigarettes. You take it. He lights it & says:
"Okay, we're off to the next town. If anyone out there attacks us, shoot 'em."
Anything is possible dear man...depends what direction the bulk of human imagining takes...if it looks to the dark side and believes, no doubt that will be, if enough of humanity looks to the light and believes...plus puts in the right kind of work...then...anything is possible
(Whoa. Can't believe anyone read all that)
So what you are saying is that human imagination and belief have magical powers to overcome the inertia of our downhill trajectory toward tragic madness that is now over several millennia in the making? All we have to do is think happy thoughts?
Hmmmm.....not sure that's gonna get it, Suzi. In my family, there were 9 kids in the house, all of us full of love & light & happy thoughts yet these did not stop our father from getting drunk and beating the sh*t out of us.
Tessa & Lena you both rock! 😂 The commendable effort to not offend certain rulers of interwebz (that would be cats, natch) has been noticed, noted and duly tabulated. Lotsa more meet the soul than eyes in modest parentheses 👌 And I ain’t no friends with felines, quite the opposite. A cursory touch of light instantly puts the gravely serious dark stuff into proper perspective. Ours is still a beautiful world, though temporarily sick 🙂
ETA I should have explicitly put forth a major point: a world rife with beautiful peeps, though many utterly confused & misguided. Keep your brilliant work going, there're stranded hearts out here longing for a spark to be ignited 💖
Thank you Daiva!! the world is indeed very beautiful, even now as many ugly things are going on. The beauty is shining though!!!
On a side note, what did you mean by making my name into two different people? :))
🤗 Wrt sidenote, it just came as a lighthearted joke, w/o participation of much thought. Now as you asked, it prob manifests my covert desire for the world to have more of you 😇 Like the other day I fancied cloning your fellow intrepid warrior Margaret Anna Alice.
Language is kinda loose at joints; that’s how meanings sneak in unbeknownst to author at first. Or ever 😉
PS Substack notifications are rather slothy today; it takes 'em hours to arrive 🤔
I wanted to just 'like' your reply, but the heart won't turn red :{ Yes! I completely agree our strength lies within and the more we practice our loving the stronger becomes the loving heart muscle.
Yes, it certainly seems that we are being bombarded from all sides. Spookily, just before reading this I posted an article in my substack called "Are We No Longer Just Consumers, but the Consumed?", in which I also mentioned the school systems in a way that seems very close to your story on schools in over-arching theme:
"How we are giving, and giving up, the joy and playtime of the early years of our children's lives to feed The School System. A system whose main purpose seems only to be to tenderize us early, to teach us learned helplessness, how to please and appease. To make ourselves more sweet, and digestible, for consumption by governmental, financial and institutional structures for the rest of their lives."
[the running theme of the post is how we are being eaten by the systems]. I feel the video game you mention is a case in point of this!
Thank you Gary!! That's an excellent quote! Thank you for pointing it out!
What’s the Point If We Can’t Have Fun? by David Graeber, in a class by himself → https://thebaffler.com/salvos/whats-the-point-if-we-cant-have-fun
Sure you don't need more convincing, but still ↓↓ 😉
A whole articleful of pith compiled from peeps who also think the universe is playful → https://www.aplayfulpath.com/the-playful-universe/
You are doing great work, Tessa. The whole of this news roundup is more than the sum of its parts. Be well and keep writing.
Thank you Nurse Lara!! And yes, the big picture is very peculiar! :)
Figuring out a strategy for fighting back will depend on figuring out who the enemy is. Its a big knot but its beginning to come undone, God willing.
Agreed. I think the enemy is the System of Domination!
This is worth watching - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYQMcYCN2EA - a false flag for the deep state? With a few beneficiaries along the way ...
Thank you!! And it seems like very few things are truly accidental...
Very interesting, thanks, about half way through.
I'm listening for voices, any voices, speaking out against this reset. We have a motley bunch of unelected wealthy people reengineering virtually the whole world, obliterating the governments of 190+ countries (who are all participating/helping) and literally no one is speaking out against what they're doing, unless I'm not listening in the right places. Is no one concerned, other than we rubes wearing tinfoil hats?
"Deep systemic structural restructuring of our world"
I dunno who writes herr Klaus's scripts, but my Gawd!...
I would have failed grade 5 English class had I written a sentence like that back in the day.
And we call these people "elites"?
I know Gila monsters with more intellectual firepower than this.
Every morning I wake up only to find the whole damned world painted again with a fresh coat of crazy to cover up the (deep and systemic) ROT.
The world painted with a fresh coat of crazy is a good description!! :)
Speaking of identifying enemies...
Elon Musk Confirms That Twitter Will NOT Reinstate Alex Jones
Elon Musk Announces Purge of Independent Media – “Only MSM Will Have Freedom of Reach”
As someone who never held my breath for "Elon Musk the savior," I think this is logical!! Of course he was never going to do much good!! And again, in theory, it makes sense to not promote genuine hate speech (calls for violence, ethnic hate, etc.). However, what IS hate speech? Who defines what it is? When the definition is skewed, the entire tower is upside down!!
Thank you for all you do Tessa!
Regarding item #1 Motives.
Substack readers are spending a huge amount of time and energy discussing the motives of The Evils. Which is OK, except that it doesn’t accomplish much at all. FIRST we must focus our energies on standing up for ourselves, thinking for ourselves, and not complying with any of the evil rules. THEN, we can shift our time and energy to the ‘why’ and the ‘who’. Express your free will, NOW. Do not mask, distance, shutdown, isolate, test, jab, or patronize businesses who require these things. Or passively condone mandates. Demand the right to visit your relatives in hospitals or nursing homes. Shot mandates for employees wouldn’t have succeeded if ALL employees would’ve refused. Don’t send your child to a school which mandates masks/jabs/plexiglas dividers/segregation. Ask businesses to please remove their plexiglas barriers. Tell businesses you look forward to patronizing them once they don’t require masks or documentation of jabs/testing. Tell your healthcare provider you will show up for an appointment if you aren’t required to mask/test/jab. Tomorrow I am calling my eye doctor office to cancel my appointment, and tell them I changed to a different eye doctor who doesn’t require masking. You get the idea. Why should we be afraid to speak up? They’re stealing our free will, right under our noses! We DO have the power to do this. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.
GOD bless you Tessa Lena for being a true TRUTH Warrior. GOD has got you in the Palm of His/Her Hand. I will never stop speaking TRUTH to tyranny, remaining true to self, protecting my Soul & being of love & service to help others hear truth, for our GOD lives in the TRUTH ...
Thank you Susan, and thank you for your courage!!
As usual, top shelf analysis.
Thank you Frederick!! xo
Great compendium...only problem is through many centuries the same exact show has been playing with cultural and techno variations -- patriarchy and capitalism are what has powered this evisceration of what it means to be human. The ego gone wild in its attempt to own all of creation
Thank you Michael!
The same show has surely been playing for centuries under different slogans!!!
I don't like to frame it as "patriarchy" and "capitalism" because it brings us straight into the Wokeland, and it's not a pretty land to be in! I know this is not at all what you mean (and your great work is proof!) But you know the associations.. :)
I think the problem is a lack of balance, and what I think is at the root of it is fear, lack of clarity, lack of love, and a resulting Missionary Mind Also, as you know, one of my favorite frameworks is Steven Newcomb's System of Domination https://tessa.substack.com/p/great-reset-doctrine-domination
Out of balance people can be quite a menace to the well-being of the world, and that is of course true to when the balance between male and female energies is broken, which I think it is. But also many individual men and women and broken, have no idea who they are and why they are here, etc. etc.
As far as capitalism, there is of course nothing wrong with commerce, as I think both of us agree. But when commerce takes over everything else (--> out of balance), we have this particular version of the Domination System.
In my experience, pre-2001 America was a far more pleasant place to be than, say, the USSR. Far, far, far more supportive of freedom in the most immediate sense. Of course, it required wars etc., but the USSR also led wars (pour Afghanistan had it from both empires, for example). Sooooo I think it's much deeper that "patriarchy and capitalism."
I also think we agree on that but I had to say it. :) xo
I have to say that whatever "Woke" means to you -- and yes it's been weaponized on the one hand but also demonized -- it means something different to poor Blacks who are still given the short end of the stick throughout their lives. But Woke is a late newcomer to looking at what patriarchy and capitalism have done to the human psyche. I know you don't like using "isms" but systems have names and capitalism definitely is a system. Obviously I don't mean Mom and Pop stores. But "commerce" itself is problematic because of the uses to which that impulse have been put by corporate capitalism. Perhaps I should always say "corporate" or even "global corporate" when talking about capitalism. But my focus has always gone back to indigenous reality where the individual ego was the opposite of being engaged in unremitting combat with other egos. The individual ego unmoored from any real communal identity is a driving force for the greed, cruelty, domination, and rank insanity we see around us now. You mention pre-2001 America being a far more pleasant place than the USSR but that's the context you came from and so is the comparison you make. Trust me, if you had the same sensitivity, intelligence, and heart you have now but had grown up in this country, you'd know pre-2001 America was far from a pleasant place. The endless wars and naked aggrandizement this nation-state has been involved in since its founding was not pleasant -- not for the millions of First Nation people destroyed, not for all the buffalo killed so "commerce" could lay down its train tracks, not for the Blacks first as slaves then even after the Civil War not allowed to read or write in the South. I'm sure you've read Howard Zinn on our real rather than sanitized history. But here's what Abraham Lincoln said in 1864 in a letter: "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As the result of the war, corporations have been enthroned. An era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until wealth is aggregated in a few hands...and the republic is destroyed." [from the CITATIONS section of my book Let's Burn the Flags of All Nations]
If we don’t keep final battle and victory clear in our minds we can get very discouraged along the way