It was the absurdity of it all that bothered me most. Daily life was like taking part in a theatre of the absurd and I couldn't understand why everyone was going along with it. It was like everybody had lost their minds.
The final straw was when I saw a man drag his toddler away from a playground that was tied up with 'Danger - do not cross' tape. He said to her "No you can't play on the swings until the government says it's safe".
I took scissors out of my bag and cut off the tape and the 'danger' signs wherever I saw them.
So went back when no one was around and cut the tape off, and the next day all the parents allowed their kids on the playground. They assumed 'the authorities' had removed it.
Plandemic. Excluding the vaccine controversy, here’s what they learned;
- Authoritarians could get most of the world to bow to their will over a well-played phantom menace.
- They could dispense with the Nuremberg Codes overnight.
- They could oust political leaders they didn’t like.
- They could eliminate Informed Consent.
- They could inflict a biological clinical trial onto a purported 5.5 billion people.
- They could get most everyone to disregard the long-standing VAERS (Vaccine Event Reporting System) safety data.
- They could potentially collect billions of DNA samples via PCR testing.
- They could convince young and healthy people to believe they were in mortal danger when they weren’t.
- They could redistribute wealth to their distinct advantage.
- They could show people who fancy themselves as sovereign who’s really sovereign.
- They could reinvent the medical landscape to fit a No-Rights agenda and make it sound virtuous or, at least, inescapable.
- They could use pandemic panic to accelerate the WEF’s Agenda 2030.
- They could sucker otherwise learned, intelligent people to walk in lockstep to lunacy.
- They could use the political divide to their advantage.
- They could monetize hospitals into killing patients by denying proper care and blaming it on covid.
- They could make everyone believe there is actually such a thing as a non-essential worker. Newsflash: All workers are necessary, valuable, and essential.
- They could make contact tracing, passports, and vaccine compliance cards sound perfectly reasonable in supposedly free countries.
- They could lord over the medical and scientific community over an unsequenced, unconfirmed, unproven-to-exist virus.
- They could confuse and destabilize critics with a barrage of hypocrisy and lies that you know…move at the speed of science.
- They could fool most into believing masking and distancing worked so well it eradicated influenza.
- They could use a fake emergency to do anything they want, anytime they want, to anyone they want. They hopped in a boat to arrest a lone paddle boarder. Remember?
- They could get people so frightened and confused they’d horde toilet paper. ???
- They could disrupt supply chains that led to empty shelves that contributed to sky high food prices among other economic hardships..
- They could make it so they didn’t have to follow their own draconian protocols at all but you’d lose your job, education, or military service if you didn’t.
- They could cull the herd via stress associated alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicide.
- They could make people believe their deadly, killer virus could be rendered harmless by plexiglas, restaurant tables or, protesting (for the “right” cause).
- They could make elbow bumping great again.
- And, the greatest evidence that their brainwashing was 99% effective…..
…..Music masks. Masks with a hole through which to play a musical instrument.
Seriously. In any other circumstance you couldn’t make this level of stupidity up and expect anyone to believe it. Bravo to the hypnotists. Well played.
Sadly, true. A lot of those things they already knew they could do but it was an experiment with "modern educated people" on a global scale. The people in "developed countries" were a lot less into all this, from what I observed.
It’s a clown show start to not yet finish. As Stephen Frost astutely states, it has been psychological torture. The victims are not seeking out punishment as masochists do. This is cultural rape and murder for power and plunder.
I think there is a bit more to it than just psychological torture. The torture is there, I have been saying since 2020 that it's precisely like an abusive relationship. And if you look at the CIA torture manual, it explicitly says that creating a situation of completely irrational unpredictability works better to break one's spirit than even intense physical pain (the pain makes one indifferent at one point, according to them). But "punishment" is only a commercially and culturally touted aspect of S&M. It could be a part of it but it is more about the letting go of agency, which is a feeling many crave on some level due to the great psychological pressure to be "successful" in a modern cultural sense of it. Lots of "high performers" in the West went for it, and there are many reasons but in a way, it brought them a sense of relief of not having to be responsible all the time. All very complex, but in any case, it was, and is, a big operation against the innocent people, and it's on each of us to find courage and love in all this.
This whole thing has traumatized me. Not only are we losing all our most basic rights and freedoms--the kind even ancient slaves and serfs in the middle ages enjoyed--we will soon become chattel of sadists. The same kind who delight in doing unspeakable things to helpless children on islands.
No one believes me when I share my fears. So, I am still alone after lockdown. This knowledge combined with the past 3 years keeps me up at night and sick to my stomach all the time.
The past three years were traumatizing on a massive scale, so very true. Sending you hugs!
I think what we gotta do is kick any fear out though, monsters exist to give us an experience of expelling them, that is their existential purpose. They need to go.
That was the best recap of the sick, twisted insanity much of the world fell for starting March 2020. It was, and still is the most hideous spectacle of evil mass influence most living humans have ever seen outside Holocaust survivors. When I see the soft minded still wearing masks to this day I must suppress the urge to become a murdering bastard.
Thank you, GLK!! I feel only compassion, really. I don't feel mad at abuse victims. I was at one point in an abusive relationship, and those things mess with your head if you are not expecting it. I think in the end, the victims will rise from their knees and know for sure they have never been slaves. Or their children. Or their grandchildren. But it will happen.
Wearing a mask is bullying. Not only to the wearer but to those they interact with. My issue with cutting bullies a pass while waiting for them to get a clue is; their poison is contagious.
I believe when Jesus said to turn the other cheek it didn’t mean to be a doormat to your tormentors. It meant not to become like your tormentors. Don’t let their contagion infect you.
There’s plenty of evidence that many times victims of either aggressive or passive abuse wind up infecting those around them with the same disease. It perpetuates and never ends.
Sometimes a hard stop is the only right answer, just be wary of not becoming the very thing you’re trying to defeat. Turn away from that.
Ive seen those looks and totally agree. I’ve got stories too. At a grocery store my in-laws witnessed the police takeaway an inconsolable young woman who went hysterical because she claimed someone had brushed against her.
At a different grocery store in a different city my wife witnessed a well dressed woman make it all the way to the checkout before a young nervous cashier told her to mask up. She refused. Mgr came. She still refused. Finally, disgusted, she uncharacteristically abandoned her cartload of groceries, grabbed a mason jar for donations off the counter and smashed it onto the floor. Glass and coins flying. My wife said she yelled Whoo-Hoo! As she stormed out the door.
On our local social media site a neighbor was bitching because while walking her dog someone had the audacity to lean down pet it. During a pandemic!!
Fall 2020 while replacing water lines the city cracked the apron of our driveway. As I approached a worker holding a clip board outside on the sidewalk to politely mention it to him I was quite far away and he motioned me to get back! You’d have thought I pulled a gun on him. It took me a second to understand he was afraid of my germs.
The worst one was when I was on a shuttle bus at an event and witnessed a masked white guy telling a maskless old black guy with a cane to sit in the back of the bus. I stood up for the old man and got into a shouting match with the guy. My wife and teenage daughter were white as sheets. I’m white and wasn’t about to let this fucking asshole fulfill the white = racist stereotype.
People lost their damn minds over a bunch of total bullshit. It was an absolutely freakish time and a testament to how selfish people are. I’ll never feel the same towards humanity again.
Thank you, Tessa. This is indeed an important lens with which to comprehend the cooties theater. Ditto the illuminating power of fairytales. The one big lesson I've talen from the last few years is that both superstition and a compulsion for engaging in perfomative piety are brightly alive in many of those, indeed most of those, who consider themselves "rational" and follow the so-called "science."
Thank you for your service during the madness. Just in case the Powers that be are stupid/arrogant/ psychotic enough to try it out again this winter. :)
According to the current general theory: S&M is some kind of addictive pathway to deal with childhood affective traumas that involves replaying the trauma and also eroticizing the trauma. It seems a highly ambiguous strategy since the replaying helps the nervous system but also reinforce the trauma (feedback loophole). What is fascinating I that it implies some kind of willingness from the victims...
Yes absolutely. I fully agree with what you say. And it makes sense with the addictive element. What strikes me here is that we function as a society as a wounded collective person.
We have to start to laugh with the gruesome things done to us Transcriber. Tessa Lena is good at it. If we do not start to laugh them down, we will not stay sane...
Laughter is always so healing. Would you mind if I transcribed it for my substack, with a link back to you? Of course your performance is infinitely better than a transcription!
Haha, lovely Transcriber B! Let us boil that soup extra long and spice it well with super hot peppers. It will melt the ingredients all down to nano-bits!
Let us offer it to all the liars, cheaters and murderers!
As usual a top shelf essay. The COVID cult-like behavior continues, and you have made the brilliant connection to S&M. If Marquis de Sade was alive today, he would be in "COVID Ecstasy."
DR. TED NOEL [wearing a blue surgical mask]: So without further ado let's cut to the chase and take a look at an ordinary surgical mask. And I'm using a vape. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] As you can see, that vape which has aerosols the same size as covid-19 or larger [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] goes through and around a surgical mask.
[wearing a cup mask] Now if we take a cup mask and have a good look at it, here we go. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Notice it goes right through the mask easily and goes in every direction. The aerosol is not affected by the mask in any material form.
Now we look at surgical mask with a foam strip to protect above
and keep my glasses from fogging. [now wearing the surgical mask with foam strip] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Lo and behold, the aerosols go all around it. It has no effect on me spreading aerosols to you.
[in a blue cloth mask] Now a cloth mask I borrowed from my wife. Once again, here we go, boom! Straight through and around. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the mask and the sides of the mask] It has no effect on the spread of aerosols. They go everywhere.
[shows package containing Guard mask] And then I went and bought a Guard mask with a high efficiency filter material. That one? Here we go, watch for it. [now wearing in mask] Through and around. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] It had no effect on the vape aerosol which, remember, is the same size or larger.
Now I don't have an N95 mask, I have these shop respirators where they could put all kinds of things in them [pointing to filters] but they're like an N95 because when you breathe out everything goes out through a valve. [puts on mask] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Guess what? It might protect me from you, it sure isn't going to protect you from me. Let's look at that again. Boom! [puts on mask] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Any mask with a button on it has a valve that lets everything go from you to your neighbor. It has no effect on anything.
I think you can get the picture now. There is absolutely nothing that any of these masks do to protect you from me. And the fact is that unless I have a mask which is fully sealed and where I breathe through the filter material both directions, and I have a really high quality filter, nothing is going to protect in either direction. Because just the same way that the vape went out, around, and through, it will come in, around and through. Aerosols will not be stopped by man.
You don't need a big study. All you need is this [holds up vape] because the aerosol here is actually larger in molecular size than the aerosol from your breath. And because your breath has a smaller tighter aerosol, just because it can't be seen ordinarily, that aerosol will go everywhere. It gets through easier, it gets around easier.
Masks. Guard masks. Cloth masks. What are they good for? Oh, here's what they're good for. If I'm going to cough, they make it so I don't have to do this [coughs into a stack of what appears to be Kleenex] and catch the aerosol. Or here [indicates behind his shoulder]. Or pull out a handkerchief and do it.
the s&m angle fits with my hypothesis that the cabal want to torture us just as much or maybe even more than they want to kill us. Yes, they feed off our life-affirming energy but they also feed off our pain. And whichever the case, they want to max out our suffering before they finish us off.
Not exactly a way to make friends, which I think dooms their sadistic little plot.
btw “the chernobyl exclusion zone has become home to a host of rare and endangered species”
true that. Birds, trees, fish, wildlife. Mutating and having all kinds of reproductive issues and birth defects.
Same to a lesser extent in iraq and kosovo where clinton and bush dropped all those depleted uranium bombs
Yep. Wildlife in Chernobyl is not likely to be doing great.
And they won't be able to finish us off. I think that with the exception of very few particularly despicably minded individuals, they want to control us a lot more than they want to diminish out numbers. Slaves that can be monetized are more lucrative. But they shall eventually fail at that, too! People have souls, and sooner or later, a lot of people will value their own souls more than they do the mirage. I think it's inevitable, but we don't know how long it may take.
too many of us, too few of them to finish us off, especially with a great awakening in progress.
i think that there's less unity among the cabal than they want us to believe. they're afraid of each other just as much as they're afraid of us because they all will stab each other in the back the second they get a chance. they've been doing that for centuries: can they stop? i doubt it.
i predict a big fight between the hardcore killers and the speculator class. both lose.
They seem pretty fixed on that 500 million number of humans to be allowed to continue living, including themselves, in writing. It was even in stone, before the guidestones were destroyed.. Thing about Satan, he does telegraph his intentions too, just fe pay heed.
I think it’s both. The rulers want total control of their slaves. The rulers are also eugenicists, who are true believers that the world has way too many (so-called) “useless eaters” or (as the Nazi eugenicists called us) subhumans or “Untermenschen”. Therefore, it’s my contention that the leaders of the pathocracy (the pathocrats) desire both control and depopulation. They’re willing to implement their agendas with patience. They don’t have any real organized opposition, do they? That is why they’re globalists.
I think that the leaders of the pathocracy are only opposed by God and by the godly. But wickedness has been allowed to have and to keep the upper hand at various times in human history before God directly intervenes.
If people can't or won't have babies the population is sure to drop. One of the big reasons Hollywood only celebrates homosexual couples in current films. Before they were just anti-marriage or anti-chastity.
The biochemical weapon/military-defense countermeasure targets the female reproductive system. It’s the war against women and children (including babies in utero) taken to a new level of evil.
Fact is the whole radiation theory of death and birth defects is simply one more deceit the leaders use to bring fear. It also is a lie.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki have grown in population and their skylines and Beaty have grown since they were “nuclear bombed”. The populations never left these cities but have increased. Studies done on cancers, birth defects, etc. in these cities have not shown any significant differences than in other like sized cities. So fear no nuclear attacks as they are a lie.
I believe that the cabal wants to cull a percentage of the world’s population of people. What this percentage is? It’s probably going to begin small and then get ramped up.
The “safe and effective” way for the ruling cabal to commit democide is by a biochemical weapon that the population willingly chooses to inject into their own bodies. It’s a slow-kill biochemical weapon. Being killed slowly IS a very definition of torture.
I somehow have a deep gut feeling that there is one simple wonder-way to blow them of the Earth, all of it and all of them. It's just that we haven't figured it out yet...
seems to me that happens on a spiritual/energetic level when we stop letting them feed off us. they're sick lost souls who can't get over how jealous of us they are. without vampiring off us, they perish. on a practical level, that means consistent disobedience on our part. "you comply you die," the reverse is also true. look at the lahaina survivors, they all went around the roadblocks.
this cannot be done without oneself becoming the very thing which is desired to be "blown off the earth". it is a trap to believe that "righteous/moral use of violence" will ever change anything for the better. there is no such thing. "meet the new boss, same as the old boss".
all battles between people are, in essence, mental/psychic/spiritual in nature. when conflicts between people degrade into physical violence due to ignorance of this fact, hell soon follows. what we are dealing with is essentially a psychopath coming up our stairs with a loaded gun in one hand and a contract of compliance/submission in the other. its' objective is obvious: submit or die.
your "one simple wonder-way" exists, but it is not very appealing: do not open the door. do not let the psycho in.
yes, it will likely break down the door, revealing its' true malevolent nature. then you must choose whether to meet force with force and defend yourself against the psycho-invader-intruder-colonizer or run out the back door. running is only a viable option, in my view, as long as there is somewhere to go where you may live (mostly) free of invading forces for some acceptable length of time. this is what folks like us have been doing for most of our lives-- finding what we consider to be livable lives away from the chains of indentured servitude. that window of opportunity, our ability to duck and dodge predator forces would appear to be rapidly closing? running may soon be useless due to high-tech "hunting devices". in the end, as i see it, there is no escape other than death. many might disagree, but as i see it, we are not mentally nor physically capable of surviving without the modern energy sources we've become accustomed to-- not for any length of time, that is.
So then, what this means, to my thinking, is that the only way a psycho invader loses its' power is when a human being refuses to obey orders & chooses death over slavery.
Seems to me that mere physical survival, on the human level of existence, does not necessarily mean that one is truly alive. To be human is to have a living soul, a heart of compassion, and be aware of it such that it must be cared for and protected by means of love-based action/behavior Without this, what appears on the surface to be a human being is actually a soul-dead meat puppet-- a barely conscious predator/zombie beast devoid of any sense of higher existence beyond its' ability to hunt down, enslave and devour. a shell of living death, if you will.
all power-minded people are predatory zombies. there is no middle ground. either you believe in and support deadly force as the controlling basis of civilization, or you don't. political power and love cannot, do not and will not ever mix. power over people is always based upon the emotion of fear. love drives out fear. love-mind powers all creation. love is therefore stronger than death and death need not be feared. that is, if your soul is alive and kicking due to the care and attention you have given it throughout your life.
ugh. didn't get far there Piki. my brain just fogs over 'round all that new-agey "lightworker, source, duality" etc. stuff. but i do appreciate what may indeed be a "kindred spirit" view happening there with Inelia.
i am just a dumb animal, really-- all instinct, feeling, a simple attitude of commitment to recognizing what works and what doesn't, and not a hell of a lot else.
The elitists love their stuff as much as anybody. Where will the goods they love come from? Automatized factories.
But they are putting all their efforts into controlling others rather than starting private ranches for the steaks they enjoy or champagne factories or fish farms for their caviar. The self driving trucks are still inferior to those with people behind the wheels. But they can't wait to destroy the trucking industry.
And most of them aren't experts on robotics or AI but need others. Both Zuckerberg and Gates stole their best ideas. Once they've dumbed down the masses who will keep their bots in repair?
This still won't save us though. By then they'll have destroyed everything. Whether they want to or not they'll have annihilated humanity as we know it.
How many slaves in total (to keep the oil flowing, to run BigAgriculture, to allow the factories to manufacture and produce the necessities & the luxury goods) do you think that the evil overlords require? A million people each, including their bureaucrats and their middle managers? If so, all’s that’s required is to calculate the actual number of overlords. Who is at the physical pinnacle of the evil spiritual hierarchy? That is, who are the psychical beings who represent “the principalities, the powers, the rulers of the darkness of this age, the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”? A few hundred families? So perhaps only a few hundred million slaves are needed. That’s a major culling of a population of over eight billion of us.
It was the absurdity of it all that bothered me most. Daily life was like taking part in a theatre of the absurd and I couldn't understand why everyone was going along with it. It was like everybody had lost their minds.
The final straw was when I saw a man drag his toddler away from a playground that was tied up with 'Danger - do not cross' tape. He said to her "No you can't play on the swings until the government says it's safe".
I took scissors out of my bag and cut off the tape and the 'danger' signs wherever I saw them.
Wow. He actually said that?!
Yes! He actually said that.
So went back when no one was around and cut the tape off, and the next day all the parents allowed their kids on the playground. They assumed 'the authorities' had removed it.
Plandemic. Excluding the vaccine controversy, here’s what they learned;
- Authoritarians could get most of the world to bow to their will over a well-played phantom menace.
- They could dispense with the Nuremberg Codes overnight.
- They could oust political leaders they didn’t like.
- They could eliminate Informed Consent.
- They could inflict a biological clinical trial onto a purported 5.5 billion people.
- They could get most everyone to disregard the long-standing VAERS (Vaccine Event Reporting System) safety data.
- They could potentially collect billions of DNA samples via PCR testing.
- They could convince young and healthy people to believe they were in mortal danger when they weren’t.
- They could redistribute wealth to their distinct advantage.
- They could show people who fancy themselves as sovereign who’s really sovereign.
- They could reinvent the medical landscape to fit a No-Rights agenda and make it sound virtuous or, at least, inescapable.
- They could use pandemic panic to accelerate the WEF’s Agenda 2030.
- They could sucker otherwise learned, intelligent people to walk in lockstep to lunacy.
- They could use the political divide to their advantage.
- They could monetize hospitals into killing patients by denying proper care and blaming it on covid.
- They could make everyone believe there is actually such a thing as a non-essential worker. Newsflash: All workers are necessary, valuable, and essential.
- They could make contact tracing, passports, and vaccine compliance cards sound perfectly reasonable in supposedly free countries.
- They could lord over the medical and scientific community over an unsequenced, unconfirmed, unproven-to-exist virus.
- They could confuse and destabilize critics with a barrage of hypocrisy and lies that you know…move at the speed of science.
- They could fool most into believing masking and distancing worked so well it eradicated influenza.
- They could use a fake emergency to do anything they want, anytime they want, to anyone they want. They hopped in a boat to arrest a lone paddle boarder. Remember?
- They could get people so frightened and confused they’d horde toilet paper. ???
- They could disrupt supply chains that led to empty shelves that contributed to sky high food prices among other economic hardships..
- They could make it so they didn’t have to follow their own draconian protocols at all but you’d lose your job, education, or military service if you didn’t.
- They could cull the herd via stress associated alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicide.
- They could make people believe their deadly, killer virus could be rendered harmless by plexiglas, restaurant tables or, protesting (for the “right” cause).
- They could make elbow bumping great again.
- And, the greatest evidence that their brainwashing was 99% effective…..
…..Music masks. Masks with a hole through which to play a musical instrument.
Seriously. In any other circumstance you couldn’t make this level of stupidity up and expect anyone to believe it. Bravo to the hypnotists. Well played.
Sadly, true. A lot of those things they already knew they could do but it was an experiment with "modern educated people" on a global scale. The people in "developed countries" were a lot less into all this, from what I observed.
It’s a clown show start to not yet finish. As Stephen Frost astutely states, it has been psychological torture. The victims are not seeking out punishment as masochists do. This is cultural rape and murder for power and plunder.
I think there is a bit more to it than just psychological torture. The torture is there, I have been saying since 2020 that it's precisely like an abusive relationship. And if you look at the CIA torture manual, it explicitly says that creating a situation of completely irrational unpredictability works better to break one's spirit than even intense physical pain (the pain makes one indifferent at one point, according to them). But "punishment" is only a commercially and culturally touted aspect of S&M. It could be a part of it but it is more about the letting go of agency, which is a feeling many crave on some level due to the great psychological pressure to be "successful" in a modern cultural sense of it. Lots of "high performers" in the West went for it, and there are many reasons but in a way, it brought them a sense of relief of not having to be responsible all the time. All very complex, but in any case, it was, and is, a big operation against the innocent people, and it's on each of us to find courage and love in all this.
xoxoxo and thank you for being you!!
If only people would wake up.
This whole thing has traumatized me. Not only are we losing all our most basic rights and freedoms--the kind even ancient slaves and serfs in the middle ages enjoyed--we will soon become chattel of sadists. The same kind who delight in doing unspeakable things to helpless children on islands.
No one believes me when I share my fears. So, I am still alone after lockdown. This knowledge combined with the past 3 years keeps me up at night and sick to my stomach all the time.
The past three years were traumatizing on a massive scale, so very true. Sending you hugs!
I think what we gotta do is kick any fear out though, monsters exist to give us an experience of expelling them, that is their existential purpose. They need to go.
That was the best recap of the sick, twisted insanity much of the world fell for starting March 2020. It was, and still is the most hideous spectacle of evil mass influence most living humans have ever seen outside Holocaust survivors. When I see the soft minded still wearing masks to this day I must suppress the urge to become a murdering bastard.
Thank you, GLK!! I feel only compassion, really. I don't feel mad at abuse victims. I was at one point in an abusive relationship, and those things mess with your head if you are not expecting it. I think in the end, the victims will rise from their knees and know for sure they have never been slaves. Or their children. Or their grandchildren. But it will happen.
Wearing a mask is bullying. Not only to the wearer but to those they interact with. My issue with cutting bullies a pass while waiting for them to get a clue is; their poison is contagious.
I believe when Jesus said to turn the other cheek it didn’t mean to be a doormat to your tormentors. It meant not to become like your tormentors. Don’t let their contagion infect you.
There’s plenty of evidence that many times victims of either aggressive or passive abuse wind up infecting those around them with the same disease. It perpetuates and never ends.
Sometimes a hard stop is the only right answer, just be wary of not becoming the very thing you’re trying to defeat. Turn away from that.
Ive seen those looks and totally agree. I’ve got stories too. At a grocery store my in-laws witnessed the police takeaway an inconsolable young woman who went hysterical because she claimed someone had brushed against her.
At a different grocery store in a different city my wife witnessed a well dressed woman make it all the way to the checkout before a young nervous cashier told her to mask up. She refused. Mgr came. She still refused. Finally, disgusted, she uncharacteristically abandoned her cartload of groceries, grabbed a mason jar for donations off the counter and smashed it onto the floor. Glass and coins flying. My wife said she yelled Whoo-Hoo! As she stormed out the door.
On our local social media site a neighbor was bitching because while walking her dog someone had the audacity to lean down pet it. During a pandemic!!
Fall 2020 while replacing water lines the city cracked the apron of our driveway. As I approached a worker holding a clip board outside on the sidewalk to politely mention it to him I was quite far away and he motioned me to get back! You’d have thought I pulled a gun on him. It took me a second to understand he was afraid of my germs.
The worst one was when I was on a shuttle bus at an event and witnessed a masked white guy telling a maskless old black guy with a cane to sit in the back of the bus. I stood up for the old man and got into a shouting match with the guy. My wife and teenage daughter were white as sheets. I’m white and wasn’t about to let this fucking asshole fulfill the white = racist stereotype.
People lost their damn minds over a bunch of total bullshit. It was an absolutely freakish time and a testament to how selfish people are. I’ll never feel the same towards humanity again.
Really good point Tessa Lena.
Thanks for pointing it out.
Thank you, Duchess!! xoxo
Thank you, Tessa. This is indeed an important lens with which to comprehend the cooties theater. Ditto the illuminating power of fairytales. The one big lesson I've talen from the last few years is that both superstition and a compulsion for engaging in perfomative piety are brightly alive in many of those, indeed most of those, who consider themselves "rational" and follow the so-called "science."
Thank you for your service during the madness. Just in case the Powers that be are stupid/arrogant/ psychotic enough to try it out again this winter. :)
Thank you, Samo Bohak!! Hugs to you. And I think they might... :)
This time around we are ready...
According to the current general theory: S&M is some kind of addictive pathway to deal with childhood affective traumas that involves replaying the trauma and also eroticizing the trauma. It seems a highly ambiguous strategy since the replaying helps the nervous system but also reinforce the trauma (feedback loophole). What is fascinating I that it implies some kind of willingness from the victims...
Yes absolutely. I fully agree with what you say. And it makes sense with the addictive element. What strikes me here is that we function as a society as a wounded collective person.
Dear Tessa, Let's make some soup! Shall we?
What a delightful video!
We have to start to laugh with the gruesome things done to us Transcriber. Tessa Lena is good at it. If we do not start to laugh them down, we will not stay sane...
Laughter is always so healing. Would you mind if I transcribed it for my substack, with a link back to you? Of course your performance is infinitely better than a transcription!
Go for it Transcriber. Cause I'm gone make some more of these video's...thanks! Let's laugh and love!
Thank you, I'll be sure to send you the link when it's out.
Hello dear Piki, Today your transcript has the spotlight:
With warmest thanks and good wishes
Haha, lovely Transcriber B! Let us boil that soup extra long and spice it well with super hot peppers. It will melt the ingredients all down to nano-bits!
Let us offer it to all the liars, cheaters and murderers!
Thank you T.B!!
As usual a top shelf essay. The COVID cult-like behavior continues, and you have made the brilliant connection to S&M. If Marquis de Sade was alive today, he would be in "COVID Ecstasy."
Thank you, Frederick!! I think the self-identifying owners are salivating to bring the cult back. May they fail gloriously. Enough is enough!!
My pleasure and we must stop the Machine.
About the doctor with the vape clouds and masks-- that's Dr. Ted Noel.
For those who don't do video:
Boom! Dr. Ted Noel Demonstrates That Aerosol Will Not Be Stopped by Man
Mask Demo (Quick and Dirty Version)
from Doctor Ted with Careful Consideration for Our Common Concerns
Published May 15, 2022
DR. TED NOEL [wearing a blue surgical mask]: So without further ado let's cut to the chase and take a look at an ordinary surgical mask. And I'm using a vape. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] As you can see, that vape which has aerosols the same size as covid-19 or larger [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] goes through and around a surgical mask.
[wearing a cup mask] Now if we take a cup mask and have a good look at it, here we go. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Notice it goes right through the mask easily and goes in every direction. The aerosol is not affected by the mask in any material form.
Now we look at surgical mask with a foam strip to protect above
and keep my glasses from fogging. [now wearing the surgical mask with foam strip] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Lo and behold, the aerosols go all around it. It has no effect on me spreading aerosols to you.
[in a blue cloth mask] Now a cloth mask I borrowed from my wife. Once again, here we go, boom! Straight through and around. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the mask and the sides of the mask] It has no effect on the spread of aerosols. They go everywhere.
[shows package containing Guard mask] And then I went and bought a Guard mask with a high efficiency filter material. That one? Here we go, watch for it. [now wearing in mask] Through and around. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] It had no effect on the vape aerosol which, remember, is the same size or larger.
Now I don't have an N95 mask, I have these shop respirators where they could put all kinds of things in them [pointing to filters] but they're like an N95 because when you breathe out everything goes out through a valve. [puts on mask] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Guess what? It might protect me from you, it sure isn't going to protect you from me. Let's look at that again. Boom! [puts on mask] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Any mask with a button on it has a valve that lets everything go from you to your neighbor. It has no effect on anything.
I think you can get the picture now. There is absolutely nothing that any of these masks do to protect you from me. And the fact is that unless I have a mask which is fully sealed and where I breathe through the filter material both directions, and I have a really high quality filter, nothing is going to protect in either direction. Because just the same way that the vape went out, around, and through, it will come in, around and through. Aerosols will not be stopped by man.
You don't need a big study. All you need is this [holds up vape] because the aerosol here is actually larger in molecular size than the aerosol from your breath. And because your breath has a smaller tighter aerosol, just because it can't be seen ordinarily, that aerosol will go everywhere. It gets through easier, it gets around easier.
Masks. Guard masks. Cloth masks. What are they good for? Oh, here's what they're good for. If I'm going to cough, they make it so I don't have to do this [coughs into a stack of what appears to be Kleenex] and catch the aerosol. Or here [indicates behind his shoulder]. Or pull out a handkerchief and do it.
They don't work.
Remember, I am a doctor. I do not play one on TV.
# # #
Dr. Ted Noel's podcast is
Thank you, Transcriber B!!! Great info
the s&m angle fits with my hypothesis that the cabal want to torture us just as much or maybe even more than they want to kill us. Yes, they feed off our life-affirming energy but they also feed off our pain. And whichever the case, they want to max out our suffering before they finish us off.
Not exactly a way to make friends, which I think dooms their sadistic little plot.
btw “the chernobyl exclusion zone has become home to a host of rare and endangered species”
true that. Birds, trees, fish, wildlife. Mutating and having all kinds of reproductive issues and birth defects.
Same to a lesser extent in iraq and kosovo where clinton and bush dropped all those depleted uranium bombs
Yep. Wildlife in Chernobyl is not likely to be doing great.
And they won't be able to finish us off. I think that with the exception of very few particularly despicably minded individuals, they want to control us a lot more than they want to diminish out numbers. Slaves that can be monetized are more lucrative. But they shall eventually fail at that, too! People have souls, and sooner or later, a lot of people will value their own souls more than they do the mirage. I think it's inevitable, but we don't know how long it may take.
too many of us, too few of them to finish us off, especially with a great awakening in progress.
i think that there's less unity among the cabal than they want us to believe. they're afraid of each other just as much as they're afraid of us because they all will stab each other in the back the second they get a chance. they've been doing that for centuries: can they stop? i doubt it.
i predict a big fight between the hardcore killers and the speculator class. both lose.
They seem pretty fixed on that 500 million number of humans to be allowed to continue living, including themselves, in writing. It was even in stone, before the guidestones were destroyed.. Thing about Satan, he does telegraph his intentions too, just fe pay heed.
I think it’s both. The rulers want total control of their slaves. The rulers are also eugenicists, who are true believers that the world has way too many (so-called) “useless eaters” or (as the Nazi eugenicists called us) subhumans or “Untermenschen”. Therefore, it’s my contention that the leaders of the pathocracy (the pathocrats) desire both control and depopulation. They’re willing to implement their agendas with patience. They don’t have any real organized opposition, do they? That is why they’re globalists.
I think that the leaders of the pathocracy are only opposed by God and by the godly. But wickedness has been allowed to have and to keep the upper hand at various times in human history before God directly intervenes.
If people can't or won't have babies the population is sure to drop. One of the big reasons Hollywood only celebrates homosexual couples in current films. Before they were just anti-marriage or anti-chastity.
The biochemical weapon/military-defense countermeasure targets the female reproductive system. It’s the war against women and children (including babies in utero) taken to a new level of evil.
I agree with you about Hollywood.
Wildlife in Chernobyl are doing well thanks to no humans being around.
Fact is the whole radiation theory of death and birth defects is simply one more deceit the leaders use to bring fear. It also is a lie.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki have grown in population and their skylines and Beaty have grown since they were “nuclear bombed”. The populations never left these cities but have increased. Studies done on cancers, birth defects, etc. in these cities have not shown any significant differences than in other like sized cities. So fear no nuclear attacks as they are a lie.
As always, the controllers lie.
I believe that the cabal wants to cull a percentage of the world’s population of people. What this percentage is? It’s probably going to begin small and then get ramped up.
The “safe and effective” way for the ruling cabal to commit democide is by a biochemical weapon that the population willingly chooses to inject into their own bodies. It’s a slow-kill biochemical weapon. Being killed slowly IS a very definition of torture.
I somehow have a deep gut feeling that there is one simple wonder-way to blow them of the Earth, all of it and all of them. It's just that we haven't figured it out yet...
seems to me that happens on a spiritual/energetic level when we stop letting them feed off us. they're sick lost souls who can't get over how jealous of us they are. without vampiring off us, they perish. on a practical level, that means consistent disobedience on our part. "you comply you die," the reverse is also true. look at the lahaina survivors, they all went around the roadblocks.
"blow them off the earth"
this cannot be done without oneself becoming the very thing which is desired to be "blown off the earth". it is a trap to believe that "righteous/moral use of violence" will ever change anything for the better. there is no such thing. "meet the new boss, same as the old boss".
all battles between people are, in essence, mental/psychic/spiritual in nature. when conflicts between people degrade into physical violence due to ignorance of this fact, hell soon follows. what we are dealing with is essentially a psychopath coming up our stairs with a loaded gun in one hand and a contract of compliance/submission in the other. its' objective is obvious: submit or die.
your "one simple wonder-way" exists, but it is not very appealing: do not open the door. do not let the psycho in.
yes, it will likely break down the door, revealing its' true malevolent nature. then you must choose whether to meet force with force and defend yourself against the psycho-invader-intruder-colonizer or run out the back door. running is only a viable option, in my view, as long as there is somewhere to go where you may live (mostly) free of invading forces for some acceptable length of time. this is what folks like us have been doing for most of our lives-- finding what we consider to be livable lives away from the chains of indentured servitude. that window of opportunity, our ability to duck and dodge predator forces would appear to be rapidly closing? running may soon be useless due to high-tech "hunting devices". in the end, as i see it, there is no escape other than death. many might disagree, but as i see it, we are not mentally nor physically capable of surviving without the modern energy sources we've become accustomed to-- not for any length of time, that is.
So then, what this means, to my thinking, is that the only way a psycho invader loses its' power is when a human being refuses to obey orders & chooses death over slavery.
Seems to me that mere physical survival, on the human level of existence, does not necessarily mean that one is truly alive. To be human is to have a living soul, a heart of compassion, and be aware of it such that it must be cared for and protected by means of love-based action/behavior Without this, what appears on the surface to be a human being is actually a soul-dead meat puppet-- a barely conscious predator/zombie beast devoid of any sense of higher existence beyond its' ability to hunt down, enslave and devour. a shell of living death, if you will.
all power-minded people are predatory zombies. there is no middle ground. either you believe in and support deadly force as the controlling basis of civilization, or you don't. political power and love cannot, do not and will not ever mix. power over people is always based upon the emotion of fear. love drives out fear. love-mind powers all creation. love is therefore stronger than death and death need not be feared. that is, if your soul is alive and kicking due to the care and attention you have given it throughout your life.
I know, I know...that is why I read Inelia's Substack!
ugh. didn't get far there Piki. my brain just fogs over 'round all that new-agey "lightworker, source, duality" etc. stuff. but i do appreciate what may indeed be a "kindred spirit" view happening there with Inelia.
i am just a dumb animal, really-- all instinct, feeling, a simple attitude of commitment to recognizing what works and what doesn't, and not a hell of a lot else.
The elitists love their stuff as much as anybody. Where will the goods they love come from? Automatized factories.
But they are putting all their efforts into controlling others rather than starting private ranches for the steaks they enjoy or champagne factories or fish farms for their caviar. The self driving trucks are still inferior to those with people behind the wheels. But they can't wait to destroy the trucking industry.
And most of them aren't experts on robotics or AI but need others. Both Zuckerberg and Gates stole their best ideas. Once they've dumbed down the masses who will keep their bots in repair?
This still won't save us though. By then they'll have destroyed everything. Whether they want to or not they'll have annihilated humanity as we know it.
How many slaves in total (to keep the oil flowing, to run BigAgriculture, to allow the factories to manufacture and produce the necessities & the luxury goods) do you think that the evil overlords require? A million people each, including their bureaucrats and their middle managers? If so, all’s that’s required is to calculate the actual number of overlords. Who is at the physical pinnacle of the evil spiritual hierarchy? That is, who are the psychical beings who represent “the principalities, the powers, the rulers of the darkness of this age, the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”? A few hundred families? So perhaps only a few hundred million slaves are needed. That’s a major culling of a population of over eight billion of us.
The hierarchy? Maybe this chart in this article makes sense. Maybe not.
Wise words.
On a side note, I reckon this Microsoft water news will infuriate you -
Good find, thank you!
🙏🏼 excellent analogy
Thank you, Esteban!!
IMO the pandemic qualifies as state sponsored BDSM (Bondage, Domination, Sadism, Masochism).
And they're gearing up for round two...