I'm not under social pressure since I prefer solitude, and people assume I got the jabs. But I remember how life was, without masks and without people behaving like frightened rabbits. Their lies cannot erase my memories.

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You're right. We are in a spiritual battle. It is light and truth and love vs darkness and deception and fear. The people who practice the darkness are afflicted with inflated egos and infected with perverse ideologies, fake worldviews, that blind them to reality and make them believe they are living in a hell with other demons just like themselves. They are trapped in a mental dungeon that they are convinced is "reality". Unfortunately the denizens of hell have used every method to acquire power over life on Earth, which they use to impose their hell on everybody else.

When you have killed your spirit, your loving heart, your truth-seeking mind, all that is left is domination and getting richer and more powerful. A battle among blind demons who seek to rule over hell on Earth. Humanity is collateral damage.

The dungeon walls, the walls of hell, are imaginary, not real. To escape hell all you need to do is question its certainties. Then you see the certainties are at best assumptions and more often pure made up horseshit lying deception. But for all the millions or billions or people who are trapped inside those ideological dungeons which they believe are "reality", and who are convinced their false certainties are "universal truths of reality", the imaginary hells are very real.

The victims are imprisoned by their own minds. They believe in lies and their minds construct hellscapes that they then believe are "objective realities". There is none so blind as he who will not see. You can't get out of hell unless you recognize that your beliefs are not "truths".

The rulers of hell own official "truth" and control the mainstream narrative that the masses - and most of the intellectuals and "authorities" who preach the official truths - are convinced is reality. "It is easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled." observed Mark Twain. People are born, live and die believing in total horseshit. They never escape. They have no crack in the mind, no crack in the heart, where the light gets in. So they live and die in the dark. Tragedy. All we can do is be light, tell the truth, love. Not everyone will be saved. But some will.

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The Reincarnated Illuminati’s government-media-medical-military-corporatist-pharmaceutical complex (The Mad Matrix) controlling the entire population is just a “practical difficulty”! Of particular note, this is the first time that a vaccine mandate applies to the general public (e.g., international air travel, OSHA regulations, and local dictates). With Covid mutated down to a level equal to the common cold, it would be nothing less than a totalitarian act for this insanity to continue. Amazing, as the SARS -Cov2 mutates down less virile, the greater the media mind-meld. Nevertheless, The Mad Matrix Programmed Terrestrial Entities (MMPTEs - pronounced empties) will blow a gasket because Fred Smith is against the “common good” for claiming Covid is now akin to a common cold. Indeed, to utter such truth is a Hate Crime Horror. Please turn off the tell-you vision as it thrives on Memes & Mentally-Physically Mutilated Masses. Get some cookies and milk; then you will feel better. Really!

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Fred would love to feature you as inspiration for him fighting robots in his next post 🙏 The above is a snippet ..

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"They made it easy to not actively think—and not thinking is a relief for a mind under pressure."

This. This really hit me. At times it is so so tiring to be awake. The idea of slipping into hypnosis is a very tempting one at times. Reality is exhausting.

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Yes, you are absolutely right Tessa and thank you for all the articles you write, they are of great support to myself and many people..

Here in the UK they contantly continue lying despite the fact that truth is now getting out. I don't know if you've heard but Dr. Mike Yeadon is filing against crimes against humanity in the International Court. As an scientist who specialised in respiratory research, and one time vice president of Pfizer, I think he knows what he's talking about. Here's the article re. the International Court. - https://spiritualfamily.net/file/view/43595/michael-yeadon-files-crimes-against-humanity-in-international-criminal-court-december-6-2021

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And "they" also see this whole house of cards beginning to crumble and "they" are getting very desperate and are doing everything in their power to hang on to what they believe is theirs while thumbing their noses at the suffering of people worldwide... as long as they get to keep theirs. But, I think they will fail in the end. Evil plans never play out the way intended. Great post!

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It is sad that such a wonderful person as yourself had to devote so much time and energy to writing about all of this wretched bullshit. With your wisdom and passion there are so many wonderful things and people who deserve your attention more than these scoundrels. But, I am very thankful that you are still doing it, helping to usher in the better future we have to look forward to.

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You're right, Tessa. Good for you. Have you read RFK's book yet? Full of good facts to pass on to people.

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Thank you Tessa. They will not prevail - of this I am certain. It may not be tomorrow, next week, or next month, but their Nemesis stalks them now - it is a matter of time, and lives lost and mutilated.

They know this, they have known this for a very long time, and their entire policy is at its deepest one of a scorched earth, a lifeless barren wreck. They will not achieve it.

This is not a comfortable thing to say, but comfort will come.

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Well said, however...Vanguard and State Street are huge in retirement funds. So really, if we want to deny these entities power, this involves convincing a slew of people to disinvest. With Social Security anemic at best, about-to-evaporate at worst, I don't see this happening. I'd love to be wrong about this, but this is where "put your money where your mouth is" gets real. Real real.

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The whole house of cards we call "the real world" is about to come crumbling down. So, worrying about your retirement? A little late for that!

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The lie and the father of it is the voice for a self in image that breaks communication to maintain self-illusion. You can also say we are created free to also create rather than creature set to its way and nature. We have a 'split mind or nature; in that what we make can be in conflict with what we are, as a basis from which to persist in the split mind of a separative or private masked off sense of thought set in judgements that effectively operate rules and filters of a complex defence against fear set as loss of face, loss of control, loss of self.

A stolen sense of life carries dissonance and guilt of being out of true. To persist regardless is to generate a mind of justifications for holding position. Here is the mind of false flag and cover story that must need assign cause and blame outside and away from self so as to survive. Likewise the breaking of true communication is loss of love as our being, and cut off from all that we truly are is to be locked down into futile search to find or regain love or power 'externally' in symbols and substitutions imposed on the lives or bodies of others by judgements rising from frustrated and distorted or perverted needs.

A mind invoked for the purpose of making safe from feared truth cannot but lie, even where its logic operates as self-reinforcing masking 'reality' running as normal.

But the seeking for love or power is not wrong so much as mistakenly predicated or framed.

Where poor choices repeat poor results, a basis to recognise such choices can open the way to re-evaluating rather than persisting grievous errors.

As we releases ourselves, we become part of releasing others because we are not alone, apart and limited to a locked down set of judgements 'made real', but have wished this for our own reasons in our past. Releasing the past in the present is the undoing of the stamp of the past upon the face of a present set as victim under hateful denials.

True presence is not a result of manufactured meanings, but reveals Meaning from which true appreciation unfolds by our alignment and extension. That we can slip into habits of getting in our own way as triggered control script or activated fears, is our opportunity to learn by teaching a new choice of willing alignment, instead of trying to go it alone as attempt to control reality - and meeting our reflection.

The ego is a liar that does not and cannot know you or love you, but you can choose not to listen there so as to let a love in that it told you was lost, dead, unreal, heretical or treacherous. But love is a disposition of radiance. Wholeness is our true Inherence. The mind of Humpty is set in all the king’s horses and all the king’s men BY the belief in threat made real in the mind of reaction.

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.

Through the unknown, remembered gate

When the last of earth left to discover

Is that which was the beginning;

At the source of the longest river

The voice of the hidden waterfall

And the children in the apple-tree

Not known, because not looked for

But heard, half heard, in the stillness

Between the two waves of the sea.

Quick now, here, now, always--

A condition of complete simplicity

(Costing not less than everything)

And all shall be well and

All manner of things shall be well

When the tongues of flame are in-folded

Into the crowned knot of fire

And the fire and the rose are one.

                Little Gidding V, - T.S. Eliot

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Talk outside often, as ice melts under the hottest truths-

Good things did happen last year, as they are n o w-

Thank you, Tessa

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A very interesting video showing Pfizer CEO Mr. Bourla at WEF explaining the existence of the first biological chip inside drugs. The video was circulated recently in Greek second rate sites but not in main stream media. This video was filmed in 2018 and clearly demonstrates that this technology which was considered as a conspiracy does exist!


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One thing that convid did that was positive was to give me a clue on what to look at. Whatever the media blocked, I looked into. Some was bullshit, like graphene in the clot shots and flat earth. Dumb... But sadly, they have a huge cult like following, similar to the covidian cultists.

But you should interview Dr Sam Bailey, because when you learn about the 'pravda' that we call medical history, you'll see that viruses are bullshit. Mind you, I went to engineering school and have learned quite a bit of science.


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Tessa, you have just described the many means, methods and mercenaries used by the wef (no Capitals for them!) and other similarly minded morons, to achieve their aim (it was actually stated by klown schwab when he spoke about the 4th industrial revolution that the number should be+/- about a million, but apparently the number keeps changing) to reduce the worlds population to that which that they feel they can serve (as in serf) them and whom they can control with ease.

I get the strong feeling that they won't achieve their aims, but it ain't over yet.

Light, light and more light and love people and Tessa, hopefully there'll be no robots to fight pretty soon.

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Great article Tessa. Thank you for shining light on the shadowy central pillars (Blackrock and Vanguard) of the transnational racketeering operation which is currently attempting a hostile totalitarian take over on Earth.

I strive to empower others to be able to shake off the leaches through sharing regenerative gardening techniques (applicable in any situation- from an apartment to a homestead). Besides withdrawing our dependence on their centralized food and medicine systems through taking action (no matter how small) to grow and preserve some of our own food/medicine I feel another extremely important step we can take in "Shaking off the Leaches" is making sure that we are not supporting their criminal and insidious activities with our day to day financial transactions.

Pursuant to this goal of starving out and shaking off these parasites I created an article that focuses on how we can withdraw our financial support from the central banking entities (that are at the heart of the transnational racketeering operation you describe above). Here is a link to the article: https://gavinmounsey.medium.com/we-need-to-stop-financing-the-construction-of-our-own-prison-a6ef427ec40f

I hope this message finds you well and wish you a day filled with life affirming synchronicities and empowering realizations. Keep up the great work shining light into the darkness, we will prevail in the end.

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