Tessa, what a wonderful testimony and synthesis combined, not an easy task. The soul is liberation at its fundamental essence. It is a white light, we are the slave/tyrant who extinguishes it. But through the Underground Railroad where the slave can have that in between place in the dark; the road to liberation can be illuminated. I real…
Tessa, what a wonderful testimony and synthesis combined, not an easy task. The soul is liberation at its fundamental essence. It is a white light, we are the slave/tyrant who extinguishes it. But through the Underground Railroad where the slave can have that in between place in the dark; the road to liberation can be illuminated. I really appreciate how you write about your experiences as a child, what you have experienced and learned and the wisdom impart. I also love how you honor your past and relatives/ancestors.
Tessa, what a wonderful testimony and synthesis combined, not an easy task. The soul is liberation at its fundamental essence. It is a white light, we are the slave/tyrant who extinguishes it. But through the Underground Railroad where the slave can have that in between place in the dark; the road to liberation can be illuminated. I really appreciate how you write about your experiences as a child, what you have experienced and learned and the wisdom impart. I also love how you honor your past and relatives/ancestors.