All so-called civilized societies and almost all cultures tie the individual in knots, at least internally, to cause him or her to fit within very narrow parameters, which have to do with dominance and hierarchy, a pecking order. The pecking order can be capitalist, socialist or communist, it remains a pecking order.
All so-called civilized societies and almost all cultures tie the individual in knots, at least internally, to cause him or her to fit within very narrow parameters, which have to do with dominance and hierarchy, a pecking order. The pecking order can be capitalist, socialist or communist, it remains a pecking order.
One might think that pecking orders are natural and unavoidable, but it is not so: the natural world provides as many examples of cooperative and egalitarian organizations in the animal kingdom as hierarchies. Most civilized cultures chose hierarchy and patriarchy, that is to say dominance, power, authority and control, while a few other cultures, most notably many Native Americans, chose freedom.
In my own experience, liberation, both inner and outer, comes with literally living as far away from civilization as possible, not just physically, which is becoming ever more difficult, but much more importantly, mentally.
It comes with regurgitating, completely vomiting all of one’s conditioning and programming, that is to say discarding everything civilization taught. It comes with reclaiming one’s place within the natural creation as a person who belongs there, wholly and in totality, who was born free and is meant to live free, and by free I mean entirely sovereign, as sovereign as any wild animal.
It comes with reclaiming one’s innate wildness, which is the ultimate form of purity and authenticity. You might notice that everything the Creator created is wild. The Creator did not create civilization, people did, and enslaved themselves and each other in the name of a false sense of security, order and safety.
Yet as all that opposes nature, both human nature and the natural world, civilization ultimately creates ever more chaos, inner and outer chaos.
If you seek actual order, that is to say balance and harmony, lasting peace and actual freedom, go into nature alone, as if you were going on a vision quest. Stay as long as you want, discard civilized time, such as the clock and calendar. Return to infinity and eternity. There you will see the imprints of the Divine most clearly and directly. And you will be liberated by the very presence and energies of a Divine creation that is all around you, below you and above, and ultimately within, and that does not demand that you bow down to anyone of anything, that you make yourself smaller to fit into any box, but instead calls on you to spread your wings completely and fly and ever expand, and dance with a free and wild, and beautiful unending creation.
Touch the sky and the earth, far from civilization not only physically but, above all, mentally, and go back to the origin, the source of your being and of all life. This source is not a government, it is not society, it is not a city, it is not even your parents or ancestors, who were merely conduits. It is hidden by civilization yet clearly visible in the unspoiled, untouched natural creation, and it is there waiting to be acknowledged and loved, and embraced as your own.
There you will find your place, you will belong, and you will come to know, to remember who you are. Wild, free and sovereign, and meant to live as such, as all that was created by the Creator, in beauty.
Liberation does not come with seeking the Truth but discarding all that is false, at which point the Truth, which was always there but suppressed, emerges from within.
Thank you Tessa, I shared my own experience/path because I relate to your experience...having also grown up in a culture that glorifies (more precisely romanticizes) emotional pain, sadness, deep despair and suffering (the "nobility" of suffering) to some degree.
I also rebelled against all of this, and the US were a breath of fresh air for me as well, initially, a much more positive culture on the surface, if one did not look at what was always hidden yet is today becoming ever more evident, mental illness, hopelessness, addictions.
All so-called civilized societies and almost all cultures tie the individual in knots, at least internally, to cause him or her to fit within very narrow parameters, which have to do with dominance and hierarchy, a pecking order. The pecking order can be capitalist, socialist or communist, it remains a pecking order.
One might think that pecking orders are natural and unavoidable, but it is not so: the natural world provides as many examples of cooperative and egalitarian organizations in the animal kingdom as hierarchies. Most civilized cultures chose hierarchy and patriarchy, that is to say dominance, power, authority and control, while a few other cultures, most notably many Native Americans, chose freedom.
In my own experience, liberation, both inner and outer, comes with literally living as far away from civilization as possible, not just physically, which is becoming ever more difficult, but much more importantly, mentally.
It comes with regurgitating, completely vomiting all of one’s conditioning and programming, that is to say discarding everything civilization taught. It comes with reclaiming one’s place within the natural creation as a person who belongs there, wholly and in totality, who was born free and is meant to live free, and by free I mean entirely sovereign, as sovereign as any wild animal.
It comes with reclaiming one’s innate wildness, which is the ultimate form of purity and authenticity. You might notice that everything the Creator created is wild. The Creator did not create civilization, people did, and enslaved themselves and each other in the name of a false sense of security, order and safety.
Yet as all that opposes nature, both human nature and the natural world, civilization ultimately creates ever more chaos, inner and outer chaos.
If you seek actual order, that is to say balance and harmony, lasting peace and actual freedom, go into nature alone, as if you were going on a vision quest. Stay as long as you want, discard civilized time, such as the clock and calendar. Return to infinity and eternity. There you will see the imprints of the Divine most clearly and directly. And you will be liberated by the very presence and energies of a Divine creation that is all around you, below you and above, and ultimately within, and that does not demand that you bow down to anyone of anything, that you make yourself smaller to fit into any box, but instead calls on you to spread your wings completely and fly and ever expand, and dance with a free and wild, and beautiful unending creation.
Touch the sky and the earth, far from civilization not only physically but, above all, mentally, and go back to the origin, the source of your being and of all life. This source is not a government, it is not society, it is not a city, it is not even your parents or ancestors, who were merely conduits. It is hidden by civilization yet clearly visible in the unspoiled, untouched natural creation, and it is there waiting to be acknowledged and loved, and embraced as your own.
There you will find your place, you will belong, and you will come to know, to remember who you are. Wild, free and sovereign, and meant to live as such, as all that was created by the Creator, in beauty.
Liberation does not come with seeking the Truth but discarding all that is false, at which point the Truth, which was always there but suppressed, emerges from within.
Thank you for a thoughtful response, Raphael!
Thank you Tessa, I shared my own experience/path because I relate to your experience...having also grown up in a culture that glorifies (more precisely romanticizes) emotional pain, sadness, deep despair and suffering (the "nobility" of suffering) to some degree.
I also rebelled against all of this, and the US were a breath of fresh air for me as well, initially, a much more positive culture on the surface, if one did not look at what was always hidden yet is today becoming ever more evident, mental illness, hopelessness, addictions.