Very well thought out and written piece. Though I wonder dear Tessa, if we would have handled this "pandemic" the way they have been handled (for the most part) in the past (shield the vulnerable and let the healthy keep on living) would we have even known about it? How many people without any symptoms of anything rushed out to get tested for something to find out if they had to go home and be terrified of death for 14 days? How many people literally worried themselves sick? (My grandmother lived till she was 102 without any shots or pills and she swore that general illness was caused by thinking about illness too much). How many people went rushing to the doctor with a cough or a sniffle that would have normally *never* gone and would have just stayed home and ate some broth and drank water? (and, of course were immediately diagnosed with "covid") I am not discounting your own illness or experience at all. Many people I know, including myself had the so-called "virus" (including my elderly mother) and, thankfully, we ALL lived. I know of no one personally who died of the "virus". None. I know of a friend of a friend who was overweight and smoked like a chimney who died "with" "covid". I do know 6 people personally who's lives are never going to be the same after the shots. If I was to take issue with anything you wrote it would be "The pandemic is undoubtedly hurting us terribly". And maybe I'm taking it out of context, but from everything I've studied and experienced personally and seen over the last almost two years, it's not the "pandemic" we suffered from. The suffering society has experienced wasn't (in my opinion) from a "virus" of the microscopic type, but an real live in your face virus of maniacal tyrants in government and big corporations who used the another "virus" (fear) to push through part of an agenda. An agenda that we haven't seen play out completely.... yet. Thanks for such an intriguing and thought provoking piece. :)
I agree with you wholeheartedly!!! In April 2020 when I wrote this piece. a lot of things were still a matter of trying to make sense of a very strange situation that didn't feel right, but there was a chance that maybe, maybe, we were really dealing with a dangerous disease that had no cure. Looking back, it seems obvious that they were lying to us from day one. And it is utterly disgusting and criminal!
I, too, was fooled because I was science illiterate and unread. I did not expect govts to pull something like this! I heard of the Diamond Princess matter. Had I known of the analysis done by Michael Levitt of Stanford, and found my current sources, then I would have tangled with the "experts" and health authorities earlier.
Now, I don't believe what a word of what they say. I only read to see what they say and try to anticipate what they will do. Why? Because of the massive majority who continued to be spellbound by them!
A majority are still wearing masks outdoors when they are not required to, here in Sydney, Australia. A masked pensioner lady pulling her shopping bag stepped to her left as we crossed paths on a footpath!
I can't say I was fooled. I saw that everything they were doing was what they had wanted to do prior to any COVID. But in April 2020, I didn't realize they were suppressing known treatments and doing so many unthinkable things medicine-wise, which now I am convinced were premeditated on the part of the higher ups.
Did you know that the US Dems first introduced a "Coronavirus Relief Act" back in January 2019? That was one irrefutable public proof that it was all planned. There are many other indicia of mens rea.
The dilemma is: how do we wake up enough of a critical mass to change course? I see no man-made solution. Had people not been so compliant with masking and vaxing, I would have some hope.
I so agree dear man! We must understand this is largely a spiritual war in which we improve our world as WE THE PEOPLE, or we DO become extinct, because the plan of the psychopaths is to allow humankind to largely destroy itself as a result of their "playbook" and mind altering illusions and delusions, based on a past that no longer exists.
To clarify, the piece was written and posted in April 2020, I sent it out tonight without changing it, as a memory. I only added the preface but the story itself is from twenty months ago or so.
We suffered from going blindly along with what ,so called authority on pandemic fear porn, said. I guess you can say that many went to their deaths or harmed themselves based on that misinformation. I myself got sick but I have as a nurse watch many suffer and get sick from what the "pandemic play book" spell casters, set in very high places, false illusions and lies meant to trick us into consent and ignorance, and MSM did! So in a way the pandemic has been responsible for so much suffering, because we believed it! We are learning a huge lesson, non the less, here. All of us have put our trust in part of this huge crazy, brainwashing that blinded us, sickened us over 100"s of years through food, water, pharmaceuticals, systems we supported and corporations, governments, politics, financial institutions and social systems and don't forget religious institutions and educational institutions.
Many people have died, many have lost so much and suffered, many have gotten sick, and many are dying as we focus on semantics and not the Big Picture, dramatically being shown in theatres of all kinds around the world.
Absolutely great piece of writing, if I could be so articulate, I would have put it in the very similar words that you did oh, thank you so much for your beauty and courage
You're welcome your heart and your mind are pointing the way towards the answers that we need. You are a major major hero us, and I look forward to knowing people like you
But there’s also a positive side: so many of us have awakened during 2020, I know I have, it wasn’t fun going through anger and sadness, but now I’m changed and maybe I have shaken some of my friends out of their hypnotised submissive lives.
I don't think you're crazy either. I have now read a number of your posts and I find you quite sane and caring. I also see that you have survived these two years intact and that is another sign of your fundamental sanity and strength. Thank you Tessa for being you!
You wrote -- "We’ve given up our senses and our ancient instincts . . . . We are shackled to a broken algorithm." Amen.
Gates is just a front-facing business nerd who vaingloriously sees himself as a Master of the Universe just because he purchased multiple NWO franchises for himself. Investigate the actual masterminds. They're the same demographic heading up the transhumanist efforts and who disproportionately own, control, or influence surveillance technology.
I have no words but to say thank you for sharing your view and making me feel less lonely. This is, by far, the best long summary of how I feel regarding the last two years, and the trajectory we are taking for training the AI beast.
“The physical world is only one we have. Technology managed by people whose hearts are a mess, is not going to save us. We already have more technology than what our bodies can handle. It is eating up our brain space and our planet.” It was hard to pick just one quote from that piece to highlight but this one hits the hardest for me. Well done.
There is no Messiah no Savior coming John but.....there is no YOU to be saved. These words coming from a Messiah who refused to be a Messiah right from the beginning, all Messiahs are bound to fail but so are you as a separated identity. Man is a flux a process not a solid entity, he’s on the assembly line better he’s the parts moving on it. He’s the one saying this very body the all, adding to it this very earth the lotus paradise only for those who can slip out of the mind giving labels, and see it directly with a no-mind, Anatta.
Do the test see yourself around a table 4 times with an evolving age, at 3, at 8, at 30, at 80 and have a c conversation, what’s the chance they recognize each other? there are 4 different persons, 4 different incarnations and how many are there in fact in one life?
Now who’s gonna say I am that, the infant, the adult or the older one? Namaste 🙏
You deny the very one who blew the breath of life into you at conception and yet you still ignore the one and only try God of Heaven and earth at your eternal peril.
I will ask the King of Glory to open the eyes of your heart.
Ashley, while I am not a fan of Jung, I think the Creator doesn't care about religious denominations, it's an inventions by human politicians. I am pretty sure about that!
Wide is the road that leads to destruction but narrow the Way to Eternal Life
Either Jesus Christ was who He said He was or absent that He was a raving lunatic.
We messed up this one time perfect paradise and God has provided His way home through His
Son Jesus Christ
Interesting how we always think anyway is acceptable BUT it took the perfect Lamb of God to pay for what we all deserved to be under the penalty of for our sins are truly an affront to the only wise and true God of Heaven and earth
I will choose to allow His love towards me to change my wicked heart to one of compassion and service especially to those who are as He called them the least of these. As we serve others the focus is taken off our plight and we are filled with heavenly joy to serve His beloved creation both the earth and His beloved human creation. But the price of sin has to be paid for and Jesus the perfect Lamb of God did so and He beckons all to come unto Him all who are weary and burdened with care and He will give them rest. I have partaken and am now free.
All my respect for your views on the world and the creation god’s but these are not mine.
If there’s a superior creator blowing life into every existing being he must have lungs greater than the universe! Adam means “adem” breath, and in a sense you’re right, that’s what we are prana, Ki, chi, and around there’s a body….not even yours but also inflated or deflated by breath. The air we breathe that’s what we are whether with or without creator, my Buddhist teachers learned me to stay with your breath and that will lead you to the source of consciousness, and if you have problems with that OK, you can call that God or the creator it’s all right for me, consciousness is always there to get connected with. Don’t forget in God there’s also place for nonsense, laughter and the freedom to err.
You dear woman, echo my entire last 5 years and especially since I left my nursing career behind after 40 years of dedicating myself as the "Ultimate" caretaker!! I have been sitting in the waiting room documenting the Sci Fi, psycho drama, emergency Psych scenario I was embroiled in at San Francisco General Hospital after San Francisco Public Health bought by Zuckerberg and Kaiser. I had to fight myself there in the midst of the mice, the violence, the Dreamers who did nothing but dream and let their patients die, the data collection madness that prevented me from my job as a nurse and healer. I could not give the jab or allow it to be given to me as I could not verify its contents and keep my oath to do no harm. Up to that point I had an amazing nursing career without any real writeups or discipline from Admin. I resigned and came home to lick my wounds and became a "recovering Caretaker!" I am proud of what I did and would never have been able to kill or hurt anyone or deal with it if I had. I have read your beautiful words and I am glad you are connecting me to your lovely and Divine spirit as it has been a lonely, hard and amazing journey for the last 5 years!
I really love your texts, Tessa. So well done. Somehow I skipped over the prelude, where you write the piece is 3 years old, and as I read, I thought, wow, this is dated! I have to read more carefully.
In any case, your last couple lines for me have another story. The title too, made me think of an old song by Randy Stonehill: "Stop the World, I want to get off" -
Hope you enjoy it :-) . Our Savior is alive and loves us deeply.
Still awesome. I'm speechless...and that says a lot coming from a former speech- language pathologist of 30 years! We teach that which we need to learn, I suppose!
Wow. The recorded vocal piece brought tears to my eyes. Powerful. Your accent works to your advantage. The shamanic background music was perfect. I'm going to link that in my next post -
Very well thought out and written piece. Though I wonder dear Tessa, if we would have handled this "pandemic" the way they have been handled (for the most part) in the past (shield the vulnerable and let the healthy keep on living) would we have even known about it? How many people without any symptoms of anything rushed out to get tested for something to find out if they had to go home and be terrified of death for 14 days? How many people literally worried themselves sick? (My grandmother lived till she was 102 without any shots or pills and she swore that general illness was caused by thinking about illness too much). How many people went rushing to the doctor with a cough or a sniffle that would have normally *never* gone and would have just stayed home and ate some broth and drank water? (and, of course were immediately diagnosed with "covid") I am not discounting your own illness or experience at all. Many people I know, including myself had the so-called "virus" (including my elderly mother) and, thankfully, we ALL lived. I know of no one personally who died of the "virus". None. I know of a friend of a friend who was overweight and smoked like a chimney who died "with" "covid". I do know 6 people personally who's lives are never going to be the same after the shots. If I was to take issue with anything you wrote it would be "The pandemic is undoubtedly hurting us terribly". And maybe I'm taking it out of context, but from everything I've studied and experienced personally and seen over the last almost two years, it's not the "pandemic" we suffered from. The suffering society has experienced wasn't (in my opinion) from a "virus" of the microscopic type, but an real live in your face virus of maniacal tyrants in government and big corporations who used the another "virus" (fear) to push through part of an agenda. An agenda that we haven't seen play out completely.... yet. Thanks for such an intriguing and thought provoking piece. :)
I agree with you wholeheartedly!!! In April 2020 when I wrote this piece. a lot of things were still a matter of trying to make sense of a very strange situation that didn't feel right, but there was a chance that maybe, maybe, we were really dealing with a dangerous disease that had no cure. Looking back, it seems obvious that they were lying to us from day one. And it is utterly disgusting and criminal!
I, too, was fooled because I was science illiterate and unread. I did not expect govts to pull something like this! I heard of the Diamond Princess matter. Had I known of the analysis done by Michael Levitt of Stanford, and found my current sources, then I would have tangled with the "experts" and health authorities earlier.
Now, I don't believe what a word of what they say. I only read to see what they say and try to anticipate what they will do. Why? Because of the massive majority who continued to be spellbound by them!
A majority are still wearing masks outdoors when they are not required to, here in Sydney, Australia. A masked pensioner lady pulling her shopping bag stepped to her left as we crossed paths on a footpath!
I can't say I was fooled. I saw that everything they were doing was what they had wanted to do prior to any COVID. But in April 2020, I didn't realize they were suppressing known treatments and doing so many unthinkable things medicine-wise, which now I am convinced were premeditated on the part of the higher ups.
As many have pithily put "It is not about covid."
Did you know that the US Dems first introduced a "Coronavirus Relief Act" back in January 2019? That was one irrefutable public proof that it was all planned. There are many other indicia of mens rea.
The dilemma is: how do we wake up enough of a critical mass to change course? I see no man-made solution. Had people not been so compliant with masking and vaxing, I would have some hope.
I so agree dear man! We must understand this is largely a spiritual war in which we improve our world as WE THE PEOPLE, or we DO become extinct, because the plan of the psychopaths is to allow humankind to largely destroy itself as a result of their "playbook" and mind altering illusions and delusions, based on a past that no longer exists.
To clarify, the piece was written and posted in April 2020, I sent it out tonight without changing it, as a memory. I only added the preface but the story itself is from twenty months ago or so.
We suffered from going blindly along with what ,so called authority on pandemic fear porn, said. I guess you can say that many went to their deaths or harmed themselves based on that misinformation. I myself got sick but I have as a nurse watch many suffer and get sick from what the "pandemic play book" spell casters, set in very high places, false illusions and lies meant to trick us into consent and ignorance, and MSM did! So in a way the pandemic has been responsible for so much suffering, because we believed it! We are learning a huge lesson, non the less, here. All of us have put our trust in part of this huge crazy, brainwashing that blinded us, sickened us over 100"s of years through food, water, pharmaceuticals, systems we supported and corporations, governments, politics, financial institutions and social systems and don't forget religious institutions and educational institutions.
Many people have died, many have lost so much and suffered, many have gotten sick, and many are dying as we focus on semantics and not the Big Picture, dramatically being shown in theatres of all kinds around the world.
Absolutely great piece of writing, if I could be so articulate, I would have put it in the very similar words that you did oh, thank you so much for your beauty and courage
Thank you Tim!! Hugs
You're welcome your heart and your mind are pointing the way towards the answers that we need. You are a major major hero us, and I look forward to knowing people like you
Hero-ess!! I meant
Thank you!!!!!!! I can only return the compliment, now is a time for all of us to shine and act on our love and courage!
But there’s also a positive side: so many of us have awakened during 2020, I know I have, it wasn’t fun going through anger and sadness, but now I’m changed and maybe I have shaken some of my friends out of their hypnotised submissive lives.
The grieving process is not over yet, but I'm hopeful it started.
I don't think you're crazy either. I have now read a number of your posts and I find you quite sane and caring. I also see that you have survived these two years intact and that is another sign of your fundamental sanity and strength. Thank you Tessa for being you!
Thank you John!!
You wrote -- "We’ve given up our senses and our ancient instincts . . . . We are shackled to a broken algorithm." Amen.
Gates is just a front-facing business nerd who vaingloriously sees himself as a Master of the Universe just because he purchased multiple NWO franchises for himself. Investigate the actual masterminds. They're the same demographic heading up the transhumanist efforts and who disproportionately own, control, or influence surveillance technology.
I have no words but to say thank you for sharing your view and making me feel less lonely. This is, by far, the best long summary of how I feel regarding the last two years, and the trajectory we are taking for training the AI beast.
“The physical world is only one we have. Technology managed by people whose hearts are a mess, is not going to save us. We already have more technology than what our bodies can handle. It is eating up our brain space and our planet.” It was hard to pick just one quote from that piece to highlight but this one hits the hardest for me. Well done.
Thank you Mike!! xo
"There is no savior coming.
It’s you."
OK, I'll do my best. Wanna' help out?
There is no Messiah no Savior coming John but.....there is no YOU to be saved. These words coming from a Messiah who refused to be a Messiah right from the beginning, all Messiahs are bound to fail but so are you as a separated identity. Man is a flux a process not a solid entity, he’s on the assembly line better he’s the parts moving on it. He’s the one saying this very body the all, adding to it this very earth the lotus paradise only for those who can slip out of the mind giving labels, and see it directly with a no-mind, Anatta.
Do the test see yourself around a table 4 times with an evolving age, at 3, at 8, at 30, at 80 and have a c conversation, what’s the chance they recognize each other? there are 4 different persons, 4 different incarnations and how many are there in fact in one life?
Now who’s gonna say I am that, the infant, the adult or the older one? Namaste 🙏
Nonsense all sir
You deny the very one who blew the breath of life into you at conception and yet you still ignore the one and only try God of Heaven and earth at your eternal peril.
I will ask the King of Glory to open the eyes of your heart.
Ashley, while I am not a fan of Jung, I think the Creator doesn't care about religious denominations, it's an inventions by human politicians. I am pretty sure about that!
If He did not care then anyway is the way
Wide is the road that leads to destruction but narrow the Way to Eternal Life
Either Jesus Christ was who He said He was or absent that He was a raving lunatic.
We messed up this one time perfect paradise and God has provided His way home through His
Son Jesus Christ
Interesting how we always think anyway is acceptable BUT it took the perfect Lamb of God to pay for what we all deserved to be under the penalty of for our sins are truly an affront to the only wise and true God of Heaven and earth
I will choose to allow His love towards me to change my wicked heart to one of compassion and service especially to those who are as He called them the least of these. As we serve others the focus is taken off our plight and we are filled with heavenly joy to serve His beloved creation both the earth and His beloved human creation. But the price of sin has to be paid for and Jesus the perfect Lamb of God did so and He beckons all to come unto Him all who are weary and burdened with care and He will give them rest. I have partaken and am now free.
Much of Gods love to you Tessa
Thank you, and much love to you as well, Ashley! xo
All my respect for your views on the world and the creation god’s but these are not mine.
If there’s a superior creator blowing life into every existing being he must have lungs greater than the universe! Adam means “adem” breath, and in a sense you’re right, that’s what we are prana, Ki, chi, and around there’s a body….not even yours but also inflated or deflated by breath. The air we breathe that’s what we are whether with or without creator, my Buddhist teachers learned me to stay with your breath and that will lead you to the source of consciousness, and if you have problems with that OK, you can call that God or the creator it’s all right for me, consciousness is always there to get connected with. Don’t forget in God there’s also place for nonsense, laughter and the freedom to err.
Thank you for resharing this
Thank you Roxane!
You dear woman, echo my entire last 5 years and especially since I left my nursing career behind after 40 years of dedicating myself as the "Ultimate" caretaker!! I have been sitting in the waiting room documenting the Sci Fi, psycho drama, emergency Psych scenario I was embroiled in at San Francisco General Hospital after San Francisco Public Health bought by Zuckerberg and Kaiser. I had to fight myself there in the midst of the mice, the violence, the Dreamers who did nothing but dream and let their patients die, the data collection madness that prevented me from my job as a nurse and healer. I could not give the jab or allow it to be given to me as I could not verify its contents and keep my oath to do no harm. Up to that point I had an amazing nursing career without any real writeups or discipline from Admin. I resigned and came home to lick my wounds and became a "recovering Caretaker!" I am proud of what I did and would never have been able to kill or hurt anyone or deal with it if I had. I have read your beautiful words and I am glad you are connecting me to your lovely and Divine spirit as it has been a lonely, hard and amazing journey for the last 5 years!
I really love your texts, Tessa. So well done. Somehow I skipped over the prelude, where you write the piece is 3 years old, and as I read, I thought, wow, this is dated! I have to read more carefully.
In any case, your last couple lines for me have another story. The title too, made me think of an old song by Randy Stonehill: "Stop the World, I want to get off" -
Hope you enjoy it :-) . Our Savior is alive and loves us deeply.
Love changes the world.
Still awesome. I'm speechless...and that says a lot coming from a former speech- language pathologist of 30 years! We teach that which we need to learn, I suppose!
Thank you Kelly!! :)
Potent to the core and brilliant. Thank you.
Thank you Cat!!
I listen (for the first time) to your post on Apr 30, 2020 ‘The Physical World Is The Only World We Have’
Great work your music and the story telling! You should offer it more often.
Wow. The recorded vocal piece brought tears to my eyes. Powerful. Your accent works to your advantage. The shamanic background music was perfect. I'm going to link that in my next post -
Kyle, which link was the recorded vocal piece?
The recorded piece is this one.
Ah yes, there it is! Thanks so much. Wonderful. Greetings with admiration from the north of Thailand!
Thank you Kyle!! I am moved by your words. And the music is from here (various versions).
Just posted the article you inspired - Time to go listen to your music then more Heilung.
Stunning essay, thank you!!
Thank you Tracey!! xo