You just never know how things will turn out but being brave enough to try is enough for me. Someday I might write a story about the most expensive non date in my life when I moved heaven and earth to be close to an astounding woman upon her invitation. Oh well.

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Please do write about it when you are inspired! I'd love to read

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Some decades ago, my younger brother moved more or less midway up the cocaine distribution system in a mid-sized city. He got waaay past slender. One day some people heard that he was expecting a substantial delivery on a Tuesday, which was Mothers Day...problem was that he wasn't getting the delivery until Wednesday...so when the thieves showed up on Tuesday, they were verrry disappointed, ransacked his place and were in the process of leaving with his 9mm pistol, when my brother walked in (he had forgotten to take the Mothers Day card with him when he had left his place earlier that day...he was just stopping in to grab the card and take it over to my parents' house nearby), and when he confronted the thieves-who-were-now-robbers, one of them shot him point-blank in the chest with his own gun. Long story, but he survived, barely, got his life back together and lived a good life until 8 years ago when he developed an inoperable cancer (no vaccine involvement) and died peacefully and at peace, at home, with relatively little pain.

There's a really terrible movie called Chained Heat 2 that has a few good lines in it, one of which is: Junkies are always trouble...even the good ones. (It might have been 'Junkies always create problems, especially the good ones.' It's been a while since I saw the movie.)

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Wow, what a story!!

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He did you a favor by breaking up with you.

At least you had good times before he went downhill.

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I think so!! There is always hope for everyone, maybe he will climb back up. That would make me happy existentially. But that is not a part of my life, for sure

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The guy turned up so that you would be able to say goodbye to the old Tessa?

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Seems like it!!

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Life is magic!

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Jun 26Liked by Tessa Lena

Sometimes things just end & sometimes we discover that it was for the best.

Just enjoy & remember the good & learn from the not so good.

I have two beautiful little boys from my past so I have truely come out on top.

I am not much of a writer or singer, however I leave my boys lots of notes to tell them how much I love them.

I won’t sing as things (boots, rocks & pleas for mercy are usually thrown in my general direction).

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I'm sorry...


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It ended well! :)

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For me, that is. I most definitely wish him the best, he is a smart guy, I hope he can recover from all this, and his family as well

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I hope he's off the meth.

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Me, too! That is unknown.

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You dodged a bullet sister.

Looking back, as I'm in the habit of doing, it's more and more clear to me that I did as well, back in the fall of 1994.

"It wouldn't have worked out." In so many ways.

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Jun 26Liked by Tessa Lena

I am SO glad I was intrigued enough by that title to stop and read. This worthy vignette is a modern morality tale loaded with advice and warning and...horrified laughter. I couldn't help my gleeful delight in that wildly unexpected plot twist. What a great read this would be to start a group discussion on relationships, drugs, aging, regrets, life choices, commitment, etc. I can only imagine the emotional and intellectual energy expended to distill these experiences into shareable form. Thank you for that. You are generous.

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Thank you, Victoria!! That was an unexpected plot twist alright, I was shocked!

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What a story. It's really incredible how you make not only essays but music out of all this.

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Thank you, Iris! It is so kind of you

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Yikes. Meth. In 1974 working my way through college in a 24 hour stop and rob I do remember well the speed freaks. They helped me with my customers bagging beer and other sundries during the 30 minute band intermission nearby.

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California destroys Armos. We know many of them that have fallen for the Hollywood bling and the plastic life. Consider yourself lucky for not getting dragged into the spider's web.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

What are Armos? (Edit: Nevermind. I figured it out!)

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Jun 26Liked by Tessa Lena

That's what a lot of Armenians in California, especially LA region, call each other. More a male thing, of course, especially those with a certain mindset.

That said, it was more a 1990s and early 2000s saying, not sure if it's still a thing... I'm one of the Armos that escaped the Spider's web ;)

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Thank you so much Tessa for this, for showing important inner times and moments of your life. Gives more meaning to some of your wonderful songs. I have always believed and lived my life on the principle of, “better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.”

Now going to listen to your newly revealed song.

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Thank you, Ronkell! Well, yes, better be alive than hide from feelings!

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Don't worry, there is no way to Armenia

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What do you mean?

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