I finished that, having read Theory of the Leisure Class in college, and have started An Inquiry into the Nature of Peace and the Terms of its Perpetuation, a series of essays from late WW-1 and just after.
I read the last chapter and the introduction, but there is no easy answer within, as long as supranational entities can lend to nations to prosecute war, I fear.
Michael Hudson covers that well.
A question recently arose regarding your age, on another blog. I thought you were a boomer, enjoying live music, but I'll inquire now, and are you on the "Joelist"?
dr. john, are you enjoying theory of business enterprise? :)
I finished that, having read Theory of the Leisure Class in college, and have started An Inquiry into the Nature of Peace and the Terms of its Perpetuation, a series of essays from late WW-1 and just after.
I read the last chapter and the introduction, but there is no easy answer within, as long as supranational entities can lend to nations to prosecute war, I fear.
Michael Hudson covers that well.
A question recently arose regarding your age, on another blog. I thought you were a boomer, enjoying live music, but I'll inquire now, and are you on the "Joelist"?