The new thing is popular because people haven't learned to appreciate what they have, like living on our green Earth vs chasing greener grass that has to be grown in a lab on Mars.

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I like your metaphor!! :)

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Thank you Tessa! The grass is always greener, until it's not grass anymore 😊

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Another good one!!

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mars green is like toilet bowl cleaner is blue

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I remember the first Test Tube Baby. They said it couldn't be done up to that point. I don't laugh at any of these lab-grown entities any more. Covid, ChatGPT - all laboratory manufactured. I am more worried about what entities they are not telling us about.

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I hear you! But IVF is based on an overall natural process. This thing. bypassing sperm and egg altogether, is a whole other thing. They can probably create something out of it but what will it be, is unknown. I am very skeptical about the being able to "make" a wholesome, healthy human being this way. And most importantly, WHY?!!!

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WHY: How can I make a buck out of this? Replacement organs, asexual reproduction, a pet, a chimera, exotic dining....I hate to ponder the options. What value does a wholesome, healthy human being have in this current and future dystopia? It's all about the Benjamins. The IVF process was very Anti-Christian at the time. Yet it became accepted. 7% of Canadian deaths are now "assisted". The value of human life has become so degraded. By boiling the frog.

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Sunshine you are on target!!

My hat tipped to you, for being skeptical and awake enough to know, ANYTHING they do, is not for the purposes we think they are. We wrongly apply "our" commoner, everyday logic, to plans and actions of psychopaths, despots, tyrants and perverts. In doing so - for thousands of years - we've always dismissed and underestimated them and their agendas. We're always left playing catch-up, in a raging wild fire - on a global scale.

I've always said (since the Clinton era - when I started really paying attention)...any idea, action, policy or talking point that comes from the regime, must be taken seriously and be mentally carried out, to it's illogical conclusions. That means a suspension of how YOU see reality, in order to see the devastation that's coming in 5, 10 and 20 years.

Why do that, you may ask, there are more of us than them?

Well woopty do...so how's that working for us??

We're here, because we scoffed at, discounted and underestimated the opportunists, psychopaths, perverts and tyrants. Like it or not, THEY run the world...You and I sure as hell weren't sitting in Davos, planning the future of the world, for the next 100 years.

Wake up and start taking this seriously. EVERYTHING they do, has several purposes and a planned chain of consequences, meant to yield them money, power and control.

You get it Sunshine....Well done!!

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So they can build a clone army to do their diabolical bidding.

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“Bullshit maintenance is an energy intensive effort”

Best line of the day!

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Thank you Tessa

Follow the money and see who is funding those expensive labs and “scientists”.

Around 97% of today’s scientists cannot think, they just follow the protocols and formulate biochemical contortions “thinking” that life is a biochemical fluid, so can be engineered in a lab.

Dr. John Ioannidis words apply here also: “… science itself may have become a threat to overall population health……”

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Synthetic humans will definitely win the race to rip more taxpayers‘ money off us all. Is it fake? Can’t be anything else. How do we know it? Simply go back to your primary school physics lessons.

According to the “acknowledged” “science”, we live in an ocean of electromagnetic fields. There are many of them, and they are commonly represented by the electromagnetic spectrum image, like this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:EM_Spectrum_Properties_edit.svg

We have reasonably good access to the visible world, where we can play around as much as we want. Hmmm, almost... Anything beyond the visible world is pure fantasy, mostly based on convoluted theories (debunked now and then by the same scientists who proposed them earlier) and highly dependent upon complex maths, absurd hypotheses (like “dimensions”), and intimidating peer pressure. We can build some instruments, measure some-thing, but all these non-visible realms are in fact beyond our grasp. Guesswork or approximation, at best.

In short, we can not approach the non-visible. We can be in tune or out of tune with it, which is translated through a number of substitute mechanisms, like anger, attraction, liking, smell or intuition. If you can be sensitive enough, you can recognise and react to these subtle forces (see feng shui), with some of them you can even interplay.

But we are not able to create them and bully them around just because we want to suck more juice from the stock exchange. Which is why “out of the blue” projects are truly huge magnets to money, providing that they will never come to fruition. In other words, if you want a hefty perpetuum mobile, make people believe that you can go to space, “see” nano-organisms with electron microscope (which cannot see anything live), or... build a living organism. The money pump will be highly efficient, as long as you are daring enough to produce more and more distant and unrealistic “milestones”.

The arrogance of scientists reaches far beyond this visible world. We can (hardly) function in this tangible and visible world, but we have no idea what is the innermost energy (energies?) that generates our world AND lets us be in it. These smart inventors pretend to know a lot about a lot, but they fail to make their marriage last as initially intended, they invest more energy in jealousy and hatred than into their fields of research, and they so badly want to be SOMEBODY... or something. Anything but a down-to-earth, normal human being, feeling, sharing feelings, and being honest, straightforward and truthful.

They are the exact models of the synthetic human - the shell is there, it can even mimic human beings, it can speak, negotiate, argument or destroy, it can join other shells to form associations, societies, companies, concerns or holdings (all these names expressing its longing and loneliness), it can even simulate freedom of choice and speech. But inside the shell there is nothing. An abyss of the lost humanity that was given to it at the starting point. So few of us keep this gift and cultivate it.

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is it possible for something to be human without an etheric body and a soul?

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I think they are either fooling themselves, or trying to fool us. Or a combination of both!

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your chicago ppl might appreciate this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtzIWPeun7c


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SURE. Just redefine "human." Just as we have redefined pandemic, vaccine, safe, and effective.

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Jun 16, 2023Edited
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“Reality” or “real” are some of the keywords used to (self-)manipulate our perception. We assume they to stand for something “existing” or universally applicable to everyone. And we empower these words to override things to which we subjectively assign “worse”, “inferior” or “limited” classifiers. “Real” is also a great enhancer of importance (“real time”) or a power trip determinant (“are you for real”). It sort of substitutes god(s) in our daily interactions.

The real meaning of “real” is “what my mind/ego/upbringing/social conditioning believes to be better”. Far from objectivity or practical appeal. Most of what we perceive as “real” will change in a few days’ time. In emergency or crisis situations, we can switch our beliefs in an instant. Falling for a new partner can redo the entire life ideology right away, and the person is so happy about it...

Editors of “re-now-ned” medical journals can adapt to better or dominant realities with no hesitation, retracting papers that have gone through a meticulous and demanding peer review process. This process by definition elevates the paper (work, authors) above the rest of the mundane existence. It is commonly accepted as infallible, helping to classify “professionals” into commoners and published authoritarian pathfinders of science.

The “strength” (or impact factor) of being accepted into the clan of peer-reviewed authors can change your “care-er” path, with huge financial signs of appreciation quickly reinforcing the perception of realness. You can then turn these (financial) means into “real” estate ends, entrenching yourself deeper in the interesting world in which your interpretation of life is so easily sold for temporary manipulations.

“Real” is a parasitic concept that takes over the mind and removes reconsideration ability. Once you allow it, it will be very easy to sign your name under the temporarily prevalent paradigm. Like “masks prevent everything”, just because it has been described in literature. You won’t bother to check the sources for yourself, even though validating any medical publication requires 2 minutes or less. You won’t worry about dissenting voices, because one hundred published papers can’t be wrong. (Well, until one day when an inquisitive person blows cigarette smoke through “all your masks”, figuratively speaking, although referring to a real-life experiment.)

Whether you can accept your lack of knowledge and arrogance may depend on your investments (time, education, money, prestige, authority, family ties, etc.) in a temporary situation. The public generally honours perpetuating lies, provided that they are well integrated and sound convincing. We now call it advertising, public relations, marketing or damage control.

Fortunately, sooner or later, all these beliefs in realness will evaporate. You can only hope for it to happen as soon as possible. Otherwise your peers may be inclined to write on your tombstone “Died at 27, buried at 78”.

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Jun 16, 2023
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For something to be “real” (not dependent on variables), it has to be observed from outside of its native system. If you are observing anything within the system, the observation is always biased. Even worse, we can trace only those biases that we are aware of. There is no way to assess anything in the tangible world if we cannot directly experience the full electromagnetic spectrum. Which makes everything subjective by definition.

To simplify living conditions, we impose certain constraints. Which are also subjective and local, by the way. If a chemical preparation is tested on innocent natives in Africa, it has to cause different physiological reactions in inhabitants of northern Canada or Hawaii, just because the local conditions modulate bodily functions in a different way than at the equator (sweating, for example - which is a very important cleansing function). Driving on the left or right side of the road conditions perception for life, and with conditioned perception come conditioned interpretations, followed by conditioned (biased) interactions.

We don’t know the shape of the Earth, because we cannot observe the Earth simultaneously from all angles over a significant period of time, and in relative interactions with its surroundings (even within the system). We assume “round” for practical purposes, although this assumption functions freely only in theories and movies. Our daily (direct) observation reads “flat” (within our reach), the assumption that is widely used in aviation, construction, and more. By the way the shape of this thing is completely irrelevant to our life. It may be twisting, skewed, bumpy, whatever.

My point is that we live in the subjective. And WE are subjective. Thus, subscribing to anything that is advertised as “real” or “objective” is... hmmm, problematic, to say the least. We start seeing things that are not there. Then we build explanations, theories and concepts to justify our theories. This is a literally dead end.

The point about civilization as the product of the mind - brilliant.

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Mostly rubbish!

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Jun 16, 2023Edited
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Your last paragraph is particularly poignant, thank you for this

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Being aware of this mechanism (“innocence lost”) is important. Without understanding it, we can easily slide into apathy, giving up our own individual and unique inner light. I guess. It also helps to see it in kids, especially of school age. Witnessing a sensitive, beautiful and spontaneous being turning into a shell may be disheartening, almost literally.

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Not related but Tessa, please help get this word out. This is scheduled for JULY. https://brownstone.org/articles/united-states-fifty-little-dictatorships/

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“...bulls**t maintenance is an energy-intensive effort...” Yes!!! I keep thinking these people are holding up so many false and bald-faced ridiculous lies, eventually it’ll just be too hard to hold or make any sense of.

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Exactly, and that is the reason they are trying to hard!! Because it takes a lot of work to maintain the house of cards, and they know it.

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==> The book was titled, “You Will Live During Communism.”

And now you ARE living during Communism!

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More of the let’s find another way to help reach human potential but really for money making, control, and trying to make human obsolete. We still haven’t learned just because we can doesn’t mean we should. There is no restraint in the arrogance of Man.

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Indeed. And in this case, we also can't but pretend we can for hubris and funding (and again, maybe they can make an unfortunate tortured monster of some sort but definitely not a free, whole, healthy person)!

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Agreed. I don’t think they consider that part - the free part, as necessary for the collective good and continuation of the human species in face of declining reproduction. To many people, people are the problem and if we can bypass them, the better. We usually do not want to accept that for example we cannot have children and so we go for therapy, IVF, adoption etc. Not having children touches on issues such as identity, morality, duty etc that many are not comfortable to look at.

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Hi Tessa,

I wonder if the Moscow artist Artyom Galeev also read "You Will Live During Communism", because he created a series of detailed illustrations imagining what a Soviet Sci-fi world would look like. If my memory serves me, he was hoping it could be made into a film, but somehow his ideas came to the attention of the game developer Mundfish. Based on Artyom's vision, they created a big budget game called "Atomic Heart" that was released in Feb 2023. (Because of the Ukraine conflict and the games Russian connection there was a failed attempt to cancel the game) The game depicts an alternative USSR future where the vision of "You Will Live During Communism" becomes fully realised. The game has clear influences from the gaming classics Bioshock and Fallout. The game had a successful reception both in the West and in Russia. Western players are encouraged to use the Russian audio with sub-titles.

In the game you play as Agent P-3, a WWII veteran with memory problems. Agent P-3 is loyal to the system but becomes red-pilled when all the AI robots in the world go rogue P3 is tasked with the mission of rescuing the situation. He starts to uncover the source of the chaos unleashed and interestingly discovers hideous human "Frankenstein experiments" such as described in the Guardian article. The game has many interactive terminals when you can explore the motives and trans-humanist thinking of the scientists doing these experiments. In some ways the game is also a homage to Soviet art, architecture and culture and the game was praised by critics for it's artistic accomplishment and aesthetic.

I played the game myself and thought it was sexy, humorous and a lot of fun, with a good mixture of FPS and puzzle solving. I appreciated the originality of the world they created. I might play it again sometime with the Russian audio.

My feeling is that Frankenstein experiments conducted by warped scientists who disguise their motives is such a common theme in popular culture, that most people are inoculated against it and won't buy into it.

While trying to find out about Artyom Galeev's motivation for this game I was absolutely astonished to discover an organization I never heard of: the Politsturm International Marxist-Leninist organization. This organization it seems, were highly offended by the message of Atomic Heart and someone in this group created a very lengthy and detailed review of the the game arguing that the game misrepresents Soviet society and accused it of being anti-Soviet propaganda. As well as reviewing the game, they also do a detailed analysis of the motivations of the video game industry and how it fits into the capitalist system. I don't identify with communist ideology but I was impressed by the intelligence and passion of the review. It was a major undertaking to create all the footage for the script. I wonder where they get their funding from to make these extremely well produced videos. I don't imagine it comes from youtube monetising. That video only had 3.7 K views. The channel as a whole has 12 K subscribers.

Atomic Heart: Futuristic USSR or Anti-Soviet Propaganda?


As someone who has experienced living in the communist system, I would love to hear Tessa's take on this apologetic for the Soviet system. Are they right about the games intent?

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Oh interesting, thank you for the link! I don't know about this artist, I'll look.

By the way, about every modern sci-fi idea that the scientists are trying to do for real nowadays was present in the early 20th century sci-fi, including the Russian / Soviet one.

For example, I keep recommending to anyone who would listen the Russian film "Heart of Dog," based on a 1924 (if I remember correctly) work by Bulgakov. I almost included the link in this article but then thought, maybe I'll write a separate post about it.


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Hi Tessa, thanks for the link to the Russian film. I will take a look. I managed to find two Russian interviews with Artyom Galeev. I read a machine translated transcript. He seems like a very philosophical guy with huge perseverance to realize his ambition to make this game.



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Also I found Artyom's personal website: http://www.artep.ru/info/

Wow he is older than I thought: born in 1977 and studied architecture in Moscow. Lists psychoanalysis as his one and only hobby.

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Politicians are hypnotised by power, money and scientism and ever more megalomaniac projects are on their way. On a charitable reading they confuse brute power with effectiveness - as Trump did when pouring money into Warp-Speed. I believe he thought if you just showed the political will and poured the dollars in that you had shown yourself to be effective. There is a terrible lack of grounding in today’s political class.

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Well, in case of Trump, I think he is also invested in Pfizer, etc., so I am not sure if his desire to look effective was the only reason. :-) But in any case, yes, there is a horrible lack of grounding in today's politicians... and in yesterday's politicians... and the day before yesterday's.... :))

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The fall of the tyrants will end the bull💩.

My first swear word at age 2 was 💩. Dad hit his thumb with a hammer doing carpentry, and taught me accidentally, while his thumb was throbbing. 😁

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Tessa, your words are always very healing -- honest, compassionate, wise, and thought-provoking. Thank you for all you give to us.

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Thank you, Diana!! Hugs

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isn't bullshit maintenance the #1 cause of global warming...i mean climate change?

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It could be.. :-)

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Laughing out loud many times

So good! So very good!

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Thank you yet again!!! And yes, it takes a lot of work to maintain lies!!

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It's there 🥰

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