Titanium dioxide is the "gold standard" drug [well in the filler and in the capsule] for Parkinson's Disease https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/product/6926/smpc#gref !!! In terms of overwhelming the system, I believe that what this is doing is shutting down our right brain hemisphere's way of attending to the world, leaving us like people who've had a right hemisphere stroke [a la McGilchrist. ps McGilchrist is now speaking out and standing up more vociferously, worth considering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=686heq5QFPk ]

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This is an interesting way to put it, thank you!!

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Yeah, McGilchrist saw that we have been heading into a left brain world... These days it's not just titanium dioxide but other toxic chemicals and heavy metals while being bombarded with an education system that focuses on details and specialists instead of genuine curiosity and intelligence...

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Hmm I’ve had right hemisphere issues and migraines for a long time, inflammation. I think maybe I just more heavy metals there. I have mercury fillings on both sides. The left side of my head is almost always fine but tight one is irritated by lots of things.

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Sep 25, 2022
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Count me in - I'm one of the 10%! I once did it a survey of people with parkinson's and found that we were over-represented in that population - much more then the 11% in the main population - so we have some vulnerabilities, but yes I would expect more of us be in the "problematic" [for them] camp too...

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Sep 25, 2022
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This reminds me of something I found when originally researching the ramifications of McGilchrist's work ( https://www.outthinkingparkinsons.com/articles/divided-brain-1 ) :

"While researching the role of the corpus callosum further, I came across some very interesting and pertinent things in the Wikipedia entry on the subject, which connected more of the dots:

"The front portion of the human corpus callosum has been reported to be significantly larger in musicians than nonmusicians, and to be 11% larger in left-handed and ambidextrous people than right-handed people. This difference is evident in the anterior and posterior regions of the corpus callosum. Musical training has shown to increase plasticity of the corpus callosum during a sensitive period of time in development. The implications are an increased coordination of hands, differences in white matter structure, and amplification of plasticity in motor and auditory scaffolding which would serve to aid in future musical training. The study found children who had begun musical training before the age of six (minimum 15 months of training) had an increased volume of their corpus callosum and adults who had begun musical training before the age of 11 also had increased bimanual coordination."

The link between a thicker corpus callosum and left-handed/ambidextrousness mentioned above is also extremely interesting to me, as I once undertook an online survey of people with movement disorders asking if they were left handed/ambidextrous: the results showed that we have far greater propensity to be so than in the general population. Could the associated thicker corpus callosum again make left handers more prone to left hemisphere domination disorders?"

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Thank you Gary, very interesting!!

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Sep 25, 2022
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Wow, congratulations!! Good for you. :)

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People mistakenly use the term "broke" when they ask if a horse is trained. Horses are flight, as a last resort fight animals. There were and are barbaric methods to do this as well as humane ones. The point of "breaking" a horse was to actually break its spirit by sensory overloading it till the poor animal just shuts down and quits. Tying it down, throwing a blanket on it, etc. Horses are beautiful spirited creatures. A broke horse is a sad creature.

That is EXACTLY what is being done to us!!!

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On the "stinkhose" theory, it looks to me that the powers-that-be have actually created a playbook which combines the “best” [worst] of Orwell’s and Huxley’s ideas. So I feel, unless we are careful, we could really be moving towards a kind of “Hybrid Orwellian-Huxleyian” Dystopia.

It works something like this.

Governmental messaging, nudge units, scientists, and mass media collude in fear mongering and catastrophizing, creating and ramping up scary and divisive narratives about wars, diseases, droughts, famines and death.

The resulting disruptions to our nervous systems make us prone to seek out self-soothing behaviours, coping and escape strategies, that lead to addictions.

We are presented with a menu of ever present and cheap junk options: junk food. junk conversations [social media], junk sex, junk shopping, junk games. Here junk refers to low value things which create dopamine rewards without any effort on our part - the bad kind of dopamine reward which needs ever increasing amounts in ever increasing extreme forms to get the same effects, eventually leading to anhedonia and inability to take any pleasure in the small things in life.

These addictions to junk further disrupt our nervous, immune and endocrine systems, and our relationships, making us feel more psychologically and physiologically unwell and ill, and more isolated and lonely. Doctors and psychiatrists are then readily on hand to prescribe us with a personalized cocktail of junk pharmaceutical and drugs to take for the rest of our lives.

The side-effects of the pharmaceuticals then make it even harder for us to form and maintain healthy relationships, further weaken our defences, our ability to resist the narratives, and to think straight. This makes us sitting ducks, ripe for the fear mongering, nudging and polarization.

Thus, the circle is complete.

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So sad. And I agree!

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Seems to me the kids i knew who were rebellious in the 80s still are, and the ones who did what they were told still do.

It helps that I refuse exposure to any mainstream media or numbskull social media. It's all completely sickening to me, and any *tall child* who willingly exposes himself to it regularly tends to not remain my circle of serious interaction.

This is as we were told to do; "dust off your feet and move on".

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State wields the stick: corporations the carrot.

Problem is, they both sit on the cart.

Which we are forced to pay them to pull.

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In the UK, we've got a Conservative, black Chancellor of the Exchequer who is clearly stinkhosing not only the entire, struggling population, but the memory of all his black ancestors and any poor, black people still alive and in the firing line. All while stuffing the pockets of corrupt, wealthy, overwhelmingly white bankers!


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Tragically, corruption and being betrayed by leaders is the story common in all nations, corruption is so typical! And the tyrants are trying to pit one demographic against another so that we think about that and don't think about the spiritual roots of self-betrayal, or of throwing other people under the bus. it's old as the world!!!! We all have good ancestors who want us to wake up. We all started with a good world, the world rooted in respect for the spirit, and spiraled to where we are now. I pray for pedaling toward the good world together, and tapping into the courage of all our good ancestors so that there is peace.

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Before pitting one demographic against another, they imported other demographics into white countries.

They have done it since antiquity. Who opened the gates to Vienna?

They boast of it. See the Barbara Lerner Spectre's interview and believe your own eyes.

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Bongoben, while I agree that the "elites" (really, human beings with a particularly psychopathic inclinations and insatiable hunger for power over others) are happy to use any human conflict or difference or similarity, for that matter, to manipulate EVERYBODY and keep themselves in power, fear of foreigners as a principle is as productive as fear of viruses. For one, in a world where those same "elites" don't destroy entire countries or nations (for money), most people wouldn't even think of leaving their home and going to a new place and starting their life from scratch. Why? This is a difficult thing to do! So... the root issue, again, is destruction of their good life by wars or reforms people didn't ask for. it works this way regardless of the skin color of the population. For example, Europeans wreaked havoc and completely messed up very rich and beautiful cultures in Africa, in Australia, and in the Western hemisphere. Prior to that, the crusades interrupted a cultural Renaissance enjoyed by the cultures in the Middle East at the time, with all their advanced math, etc. Does any of it has to do with skin color? No. It has to do with the love of power by the select few, and the confusion and destruction they create as a result of their plight for power.

In my home country where I was born, leaders constantly betrayed their own people and destroyed their lives, and often they did so to establish their personal standing comparing to leaders of other countries, to be accepted to to invade more land (without any benefit to the people being sacrificed). Then there was slavery (serfdom but really, slavery) of Russians by Russians, it was there for several centuries, and it was certainly abusive to the serfs.

Which is to say, the root issue is what my friend Steven Newcomb calls "the system of domination." That is that entire mindset that lionizes forced power over other people's choices.

And to your point, yes, compatibility or incompatibility is a thing among people, some people or nations have more compatible personalities with each other, and some have less compatible personalities--and the proverbial "elites" play that game of messing thing up and have played it for a very long time. But the root issue is still the system of domination and uprooting people from their homes.... if the uprooting were not taking place, most people would find it rather unattractive to leave everything behind and go somewhere new into the unknown. Without addressing the root of it, we are stuck in "divide and conquer" and "oh look, that foreigner surely looks suspicious, all problems are because of him," etc.

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To your point, Amazon uses "diverse teams" as a method of reducing the possibility that people on the team will bond with each other and form unions. So, there are two things happening at the same time. The "elites" and their upper management LOVE to play conflict and cultural differences to their benefit. And people go for "divide and conquer" pretty easily and give themselves permission to treat others with less respect based on the fact tht they are "not my kind." I don't think we have much power to influence the elites directly but we have the power to grow our own energy and not give ourselves permission to be bigoted or look down on others based on them being "the other." There is no "other," only the people who act with respect for the beauty of other people's spirit and those who want to stomp and rape. And none of it has an easy answer, the world is a gigantic mess... so we just work at it moment by moment case by case, and do our best to be strong, brave, and above the tricks of the elites... and pray for good things to win!!

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this is so weird to read for a German. "Hose" is our word for pants (but we use singular, even though the shared root is obvious).

The other word... is the same... lol.

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titanium dioxide is a common ingredient in toothpaste - check the label :)

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You are right!! It seems like putting poisons in common things and then using that as a justification for putting it into more things is a widespead habit. :(

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Another related observation is the current COVID vaccination commercials. As I watched numerous football games yesterday, I noticed numerous Pfizer COVID vaccination commercials. The difference between these commercials & regular pharmaceutical commercials is; COVID vaccination commercials do not have 30 sec. Worth of warnings & side effects. Why is this? Because they aren’t required for vaccination commercials. After mentioning this to others nearby, I noticed another effect of advertising; how short some people attention spans are, & what they pay attention to, biases. Those who had shots & boosters shrugged it off while the two of us in the room who didn’t, look at each other and shook our heads rolling our eyes

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Good observation!!

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Thank you so much for bridging Dr. Mercola's website, helping us stay connected during the current assault on his dot.com by mysterious forces. Thank you!

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Thank you Sharon!!! And the attack on them is so cowardly.

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No one has written technically about the outage unless this is accepted as fact which is knot written well at all; Vdubious-

//** bEGIN wISHY wASHY bs

A constant game of chess is being played out and our lives are at stake. We’ve broken through the blinding fog of the COVID war together. We have won many battles and are stronger and more enlightened by each one.

Our sites will be shut down temporarily and we will operate through Substack and Amazon until further notice.

***eND wISHY wASHY ***//

"Our lives" "we've" "will be"

Doesn't translate here as ::

"The lives here"

"Those working here have"

"Are now"

Nothing technical-

Just total wISHY washy bs-

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There is no reason on Earth to be unkind to someone who is under attack and who has done so much for the world. The western entitlement to know everything about everybody is just a western entitlement... why would they give the technical detail and make themselves more vulnerable?

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Sep 25, 2022Edited
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Thank you Piki! It is a very interesting comment.

And the world is what it has always been, except now the proverbial "elites" are trying to stay in control by using "modern science" in addition to everything else they've been using. But they are still under the Creator (regardless of what names one uses for the Mystery) and it's about love...

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Sep 26, 2022
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Thank you!!

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Sep 24, 2022
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Yes, and we are better than this!!!

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