"Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there's hardly a healthy human left."

- Aldous Huxley

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Right on the Money!!!

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As a medical professional, I plan on writing more on my Substack about what I call “The Black Coat of Medicine” (black coats vs white coats)

Here’s an article from my book that touches on how the first billionaires shaped our modern medicine


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A basic benefit of Ivermectin in treating Covid is it helps the immune system ward off biological germs. Same reason antibiotics are helpful. Helping the body fight bacterial and parasite infection means the immune system can better attack viral infections. It is an indictment of modern medicine that it preaches that only new, patented medicines can be used against so called new germs, and nothing else is helpful.

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And the "bingo" part, in my opinion, is that the "COVID" harm was caused mostly by other bugs: bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc. Other bugs were kicked into high gear by a combination of factors, and maybe the synthetic biology particle was a part of it, or maybe it was not, it was other bugs doing the ripping.

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Stromectol like Flagyl are anti-parasitics, both treat Diverticulitis. I hate when they use generic names for meds. It's how they hid Plaquenil by calling it Hydroxychloroquine.

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Antibiotics throw our gut bacteria for a loop, killing the stuff that breaks down the food we eat :(

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Excellent post, Tessa. Currently my coping strategy is: never have anything whatsoever injected into my body, recognizing the propaganda for what it is (lies and more lies), not living in fear, not complying with any ‘wrong/bad’ rules, not ingesting Rx drugs, etc. The EMF thing is so difficult (I live out in the country, and they just installed 5G equipment on our telephone poles on our road😢). Although I’m very frustrated about so many folks not seeing the truth, I continue to try to practice kindness always. The world isn’t as much fun as it used to be…is it just me that feels this way?

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Thank you, Cathleen!!! I think your strategy is very sensible. And the world is nuts but good people still make it a much better place!!

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With the 5g, we all just need to start practicing with slingshots and catapults.

Or chainsaws and sledge hammers.

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at this point I would agree with you! I'm glad that I got the extremely helpful B12 and magnesium injections a long time ago, to help counteract the lifelong effects of being raised on antibiotics.

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Thanks Tessa. As bad as COVID was, and it killed a lot of people with weak immune systems, and some just-unlucky people too, the shots work better to put the "alpha spike protein" into people's bodies and keep it in production in the cells, bathing the bloodstream, for at least 6 months in at least half of people. This promotes cancer, clots, strokes, heart attacks, and autoimmune disease.

Wherever a person is, they should Stop There! https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/sv40-promoter-in-covid-injections

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Absolutely. The shots seem to be packed with all sorts of stuff of different kind (animated and inanimate) that is bad for health. And people are suffering because of that!!!

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So what about all the vaccines? I firmly believe it contributes to Alzheimer's and the like. Just like vaccines kids take (70 plus)!! Flu vaccines have all kinds of gunk and metals too! Just hanging out in our brains for a long time.We should NEVER inject ourselves with ANY concoction!

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Lots of gunk, indeed.

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"After the scary pandemic was declared, the people were subjected to a number of continuous and super-excessive stressors of different kinds."

i think muzzles are a part of the picture as well. toxic solvents into the lungs 8 hours a day or more can't be helpful...plus pleurisy plus deoxygenation plus the general stress of brain fog = full frontal attack on the immune system

and let's also debunk the theory that alzheimer's is actually mad cow disease. no difference in the rate of alzheimer's in both carnivores and vegetarians.

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"Toxic solvents into the lungs 8 hours a day or more can't be helpful." Indeed! I think "Alzheimer's disease" is very much a "model," and has always been. We could have an hour-long conversation just about that. It is in that Alzheimer's link and PDF that I included in this article but the gist is, "The scientist have NO IDEA and they just had to explain it SOMEHOW." And it looks like the symptoms are in many cases most likely caused by infection. It is the infection that drives other changes, including misfolding proteins, etc. And the classifications of diseases, in my opinion, are semi-random. They call one expression of the same thing one syndrome, another expression another syndrome, and no one is checking them for the bugs!!

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i never asked you, what is your take on cancer as infection?

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I don't have a fully formed opinion. In the light of the sentiment that modern scientists just call things different words for the ease of prescribing, and nobody really knows what exactly is causing the cells to suddenly refuse to die and start multiply to the detriment of other cells and the entire body, I look at it more philosophically. They are kind of like modern robber barons who want to live forever and avoid the natural course of events.

What turns cells into cancer cells, who knows. II suspect it is probably a combination of different factors, it could even be the body trying to compensate for something we don't understand. I know there are theories linking cancer to parasites. By logic, hostile activity can confuse cells or distract them from healthy function, which could result in a weakened immunity, which would result in cancer cells (that show up all the time in a healthy body) growing and multiplying instead of being destroyed in real time.

And then if there are many of them, it's like with anything that is far gone, it is much harder to deal with them than early on, when there were only a few. All very complex, and many factors at play!!!

And again, with everything else equal, it may matter the amount of toxins the person may be exposed to, stress levels, etc.

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" the cells to suddenly refuse to die and start multiply to the detriment of other cells and the entire body" That has political implications. Just saying.

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Definitely a solid simile!

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the last 3 years have been a steep learning curve for me!

i think depleted immunity is problem #1 no matter what the mechanism of infection, if it is in fact infection, like you said it may be multiple factors. they're attacking us from all sides.

the toxoplasmosis angle (i think you brought this up in late 2020?) needs to be explored much further.

isn't it funny how the microcosmic attacks mirror the macro attack on society as a whole? or is it the other way around?

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Yes, the parallels between the micro and the macro levels are very much into our faces, I think! And the world of bugs is also very psychologically intense!! That's what got me interested in the topic originally. I think it was after 2020, maybe a year and a half ago.

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I found a little book by Vernon Coleman eye opening. It's titled Dementia Myths and subtitled Most Patients With Dementia Are Curable. Here's an introduction to it: https://vernoncoleman.org/articles/dementia-myths

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Interesting, thank you for the link!

I think that the most important part is the practical. If someone is ill and a treatment regiment helps them feel better, it's what matters. Let's say, they have a bug, and the bug responds to a change in diet or something else, and no one knows it's a bug but the person feel better anyway. That is really what matters.

I would go further than the short description in the article that I am basing my response on. I think AD in itself is a fictitious construct, a conventional label just to call it something. Working definitions are fine, again, it's the result that matters. But I think "misdiagnosiing" it would mean that there is a correct definition in the first place, and I think that in itself is questionable. So yeah they have those two proteins piling up and misbehaving, but it recently turned out that THAT is brain's protective response to something, like an infection.

So it's like when someone is stockpiling weapons because there are robbers, and the stockpiling goes out of control and the pile starts occupying the space that is needed for other things, and it's not great, but the trigger was the actual robber. I am oversimplifying but something like that.

ALSO: Sometimes, bugs like to eat certain nutrients, which would result in a "deficiency." Are the bugs the only reason for a deficiency? As it is the case with everything in life, there is rarely a one-to-one relationship between things, it could be a combination, and different initial triggers leading to the same place, or similar triggers resulting in different outcomes depending on the "terrain," etc.

But in any case, for each person, whatever the theory is, the most important thing is the outcome of the treatment. And if it works, that's what needs to be celebrated.

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Oh, to add more to this. Here is a twist to the story. Let's say, there is a bug, and that bug likes stealing a particular nutrient, vitamin, etc. Let's say, the cells of the host suffer because now they don't have enough to eat, so that start forgetting things (metaphorically speaking), fainting from hunger (metaphorically speaking), etc. The entire complex system starts wobbling.

Then the person takes the vitamin. And it could be a necessary thing, or it could temporarily mask the issue because they person would feel better, but then then bug would also have more of the nutrient, would proliferate, and eventually the person would be in the same bad spot but with more bugs.

So in this twist, it is really important to identify whether there is a bug, and what to do in order to do away with the bug. And after than, feed the body what it needs.

There is a reason we have doctors, it is all very complex!!! But tragically, a lot of doctors are not doing their direct job and instead are just "following orders." Or trends. Very similar behaviors!

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It's a good time when we should rethink the narratives told to us by a for profit system claiming to care about our health.

Scientists know very little about the immune system. It's still technically a hypothesis.

I see it as a war like view of health. A good analogy would be that a city has a lot of crime and instead of addressing the cause of crime, the conditions of the city, the mayor hires more police or brings in the national guard. This is not how the body works, otherwise we would never have evolved.

In medicine, the analogy is to use antibiotics or antivirals to eliminate the "invaders" without understanding why the "invaders" are there in the first place!

We have no proof of an antigen specific immune system that runs like the police or military, checking ID and maintaining order in a city.

What we do have have is a garbage collection system. The garbage workers task is to keep sanitation by grabbing and eliminating dead tissue (some of which are broken proteins that show up as "viruses" in sequencing) and toxins/metabolic byproducts. Organs like the liver, spleen, and kidneys (which are where the lipids and other junk in the shots build up!) are like the trucks and trains that ship the garbage out of the city, via urine, feces, mucus, and sweat.

If the garbage piles up, the living cells are swamped with things that affect their lives. Just like a city that has a garbage strike, sidewalks and streets get blocked up and the toxic byproducts of bacterial and fungal metabolism hurt the citizens. Like in the city, in our bodies bacteria and fungi come in to feed on the dead matter in order to help eliminate it. But if the garbage collection is still backed up, conditions get worse and worse and lead to so called "autoimmune conditions". In some cases the body seals off toxic junk in packages called cancer cells. In other cases, the skin erupts to try to eliminate the garbage, leading to shingles, pox, etc.

A healthy city or healthy body depends on keeping the channels clear for maintenance such as garbage collection to happen. Bacterial or fungal infections are not the cause of the problem, but a result of it.

Sadly, our medical system focuses on those results as the cause and offers military aid in the form of toxic antibiotics and antifungals. Vaccines assume that we have an internal war that requires flagging the enemies to look out for.

The war like view of health results in what is perceived as an autoimmune condition, but is really a logistical problem.

If COVID primarily affected those already sick and or old, with an average age of death above life expectancy, it was normal mortality pumped up a bit by bad hospital protocols. https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/there-was-no-pandemic?nthPub=2201

After 2020, the average age of death dropped due to shots... which they originally blamed on the unvaccinated because they didn't count those who got sick within weeks of their shots.

It was pure statistical manipulation!

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There is no contradiction between the so called "germ theory" and the so called "terrain theory." "Germs" exists (good and bad), and the "terrain" is not inanimate. Every part of us is alive, every cell, and every external microbe that lives in us. And there are microbial wars.

And yes, in your metaphor, harmonious upbringing of the citizens would be a factor in reducing the crime (the reason I write so much about the philosophy is to bring the focus to the need for underlying harmony). Having a working sanitation and infrastructure is also necessary for the overall city operation. But there would still be occasional criminals that would need to be expelled, this is a part of how life works.

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Yeah, I feel like the current medical paradigm pushes this war like "us vs them" internal battle of the body. It explains why they focus on treating symptoms over prevention.

Harmony is a good term to explain this balance that is also explained in Chinese medicine with the yin and yang forces!

The contradiction is that germ theory states that germs cause disease.

Terrain theory states that germ infections are a result of other causes. There's no denial of germs existing, it's that they are not the cause of disease.

Here's a good article on the distinction between the two theories


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To my senses, arguing about whether it's the germs or the weaknesses in the body that causes disease is like arguing about which leg does the walking. Germs can, and do, cause disease when the terrain is not in harmony (metabolic, immune, chemical, electrical, etc. etc.). Harmonizing the "terrain" is necessary, getting rid of the "germs" that are already there in a weakened body doing the pillage is also necessary. Focusing on just one, in our current situation where everything is poisoned and harmony is near impossible due to the piled up and new toxins, comes with costs.

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Beautifully stated comment Rob.

I’ve argued with people about the “immune” system.

My stance is it’s a made up idea based on the germ theory. And just where is it?

We have a nervous system. I’ve seen it.

We have a skeletal system. I’ve seen it.

This theoretical immune system. It can’t be found or seen.

Again thanks for your comment. It’s filled with truths most people have yet to come around to understand.

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As I am a visual spacial thinker, I learn things by systems analysis, not by dogma and myths.

Others learn via language, story telling, feeling, mathematics.

Myths can be helpful to illustrate a process, but as we see in many cases, they are taken literally by believers.

If they showed a consistent cause and effect with germ theory, I wouldn't have looked into terrain theory. But all we see are assumptions on top of assumptions with a lot of contradictions. Instead of stepping back and wondering why the theory doesn't fit the observations, they "throw the baby out with the bath water" and go deeper into the delusion with more complication.

In physics we have a similar issue with quantum theory and subatomic particles. Here's a great short interview bringing up that issue.


An article about how science latches onto paradigms and refuses to change, even when things don't fit. https://www.simplypsychology.org/kuhn-paradigm.html

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Sep 2, 2023
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Very true. Being in the minority does not make you mad.

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You are spot on as usual Tessa

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Thank you, William!!

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Shocking--and profound post Tessa! My mother, who died 13 years ago at age 96, was an advocate of this kind of knowledge. We have to break out of the Scientism-thought-prison--so effectively exploited by mobster capitalists.

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Thank you, Vj!! God bless your Mother's soul.

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Thank you so much for this. It will help me to "redpill" some of the folks living in the matrix right now and falling a part piece by piece per the medical delusion of disease/slow torture and kill model! Thank you for this gift!!!

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Thank you yet again! xoxo

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“For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect.”

Carl C. Pfeiffer, MD, PhD.

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Medical Ethics?

The word “ethics” comes from a root which means, originally, custom, and eventually ethics comes to mean the science dealing with the ideals of human relatedness. This confusion between custom and ideals still exists in the minds of many people.

Most people today consciously think of ethics in terms of an ideal, of ethical norms, when they really mean that which is the custom is also that which is good; while we consciously mean by ethical norm as “ought”, unconsciously we really think that the right is that which is accepted. And, as we know, the accepted is also the most comfortable solution, except from the standpoint of one’s conscience.

Sometimes ethics refers only to behavior; then what is meant by it is a code- a code of certain desirable behavior. Then, of course, you can divide ethics. You can speak of medical ethics, of business ethics, or military ethics. In all these instances you are really speaking of a code of behavior relating to, or valid for, a certain situation. Of course, this is perfectly all right. I prefer people who have a code to those who don not, and I prefer good codes to bad codes. But if we mean by ethics what was meant by the term in the great philosophical or religious tradition, then ethics is not a code of behavior valid for certain fields. In this tradition, ethics refers to a particular orientation which is rooted in man and which, therefore, is not valid in reference to this or that person or to this or that situation but to all human beings. Buddhists claim it is valid not only with regard to human beings but for everything that is. Conscience is the organ of this ethical attitude; if we speak of ethics in the sense of the great philosophical and religious tradition of the East and West, then ethics is not a code, it is matter of CONSCIENCE……

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9-3-23 Sunday, 9:45 am. Good Morning Tessa.

I came across a website from the Big Island aka Hawaii Island, last night.

standtogetherhawaii.com. It’s free. Excellent coverage of Lahaina (disaster capitalism), local politics,

health, and much more. Hawaii Stand Together. Enjoy …. Lantern Cove.

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Thank you, Larry!!

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You’re welcome. Tropical Souls, Tropical Islands, Tropical Magic…..

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maybe off topic, but here's something that might help turn the heads of the tree huggers!

Bill Gates is funding a scheme to cut down 70 million acres of forests in North America


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