“Repurposing the Immune System to Meet Therapeutic Need in the Brain”

Gah. The mindset of these people is completely twisted. Curiosity and discovery turns *immediately* to tinkering, monkeywrenching, and developing products. This is what happens to science in service of profit.

There is no wonder left. No reverence for the incredible cohesive creation they observe. The hubris knows no bounds. Like bandits wandering through the library of life, moving books around, burning them, without humility.

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They are not just like bandits burning books, they ARE bandits burning books! And no awe.

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Point taken 🙏🏽 …this is what happens when metaphorical imagery, in fact, depicts reality…

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I think it's a cycle: tinkering, discovery, tinkering, shutdown, more discovery...I didn't read here how this new information was obtained, both by the WEF and by the researchers...Tto me it's an important part of the story!

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The study was supported with funding from the Lundbeck Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the U.S. Army Research Office, the Human Frontier Science Program, the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation and the Simons Foundation.


There was also controversy with the brazilian researcher that did two years of work on the project. She was not included as an author.


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Thank you for those links!! I did not know about the controversy.

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I was curious as to who funded the research, so went looking…

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All the vile scheming aside, we’re back to the tired dichotomy of IQ vs wisdom ↓↓

🗨 Intelligence is quickness to apprehend as distinct from ability, which is capacity to act wisely on the thing apprehended. ~~Alfred North Whitehead

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Even Dungeons & Dragons knows there's a difference between Intelligence and Wisdom. They're two separate stats.

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A simpler quote resonates for me.

Wendell Berry:

“Too much power, too little wisdom.”

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Nice to see mention of Wendell Berry here. He does not get as much traction as he deserves, what with his lack of presence on the internet. Every would-be fighter of malignant robots ought to take a deep-dive crash course in his writings. He is the pre-eminent robot-fighter!

“The walls of the rational, empirical world are famously porous. What come through are dreams, imaginings, inspirations, visions, revelations. There is no use in stooping over these with a magnifying lens.”

WB ~ Life Is A Miracle: An Essay Against Modern Superstition

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Please suffer my enthusiasm, will you?

Berry quote #2:

"But let us…abandon our superstitious beliefs about knowledge: that it is ever sufficient; that it can of itself solve problems; that it is intrinsically good; that it can be used objectively or disinterestedly. Let us acknowledge that the objective or disinterested researcher is always on the side that pays best."

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And lastly...

"We know enough of our own history by now to be aware that people exploit what they have merely concluded to be of value, but they defend what they love. To defend what we love we need a particularizing language, for we love what we particularly know."

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Berry is under-appreciated. His insight is keen and fueled by love for life. My bookshelf is stocked with his writing (much of which was typeset originally using a manual typewriter by his wife).

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Glad to see another Berry aficionado out there in what is left of our world. It seems we are all too accelerated now for the likes of him!?

He once wrote an essay - way back in the eighties I think - published in Harper's called "Why I Am Not Going To Buy A Computer" wherein he indicated that Tanya typed out his pencil-written manuscripts. For that, he was excoriated by the readership for not only "Exploiting his wife", but for the usual "crime" of being a Luddite, and my Gawd, a dissenting one at that!


Here is a more recent interview he did on the subject just before Covid broke upon the world. It's really worth a read.


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Thank you for the 2019 link.

My favorite of his writing is the poem ‘Damage’.

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I will take “fetch me my feathers and amber” Gary Snyder. Or “ I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful tyranny” T. Jefferson

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Good. Yet not quite the same 😉

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Excellent comment. Amen

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I was just yelling that the other day. I’m yelling a lot.

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The desire to understand is orthogonal to the desire to control.

Wanting to understand the way the world works is one thing. Nothing wrong with that.

Wanting to *change* the shape of the world into a massive sculpture of one's ass is another. Fucking luciferian clownshits.

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I think a part of it is misguided creativity but very very misguided. We all like to "imprint" on the world but when we are balanced, we "imprint" in a harmonious manner, and they are like a hooligan who is remembered by vandalism.

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I don't take much stock in the propaganda coming from the W.E.F.

They are just one of many sources displaying Classic Hegelian dialectic.

Their purpose is to distract and befuddle the population. Their powers are limited to voicing the most extreme nonsense that has very little chance of success. In simple words, TOTAL BULLSHIT!

Definition: an interpretive method, originally used to relate specific entities or events to the absolute idea, in which some assertible proposition (thesis ) is necessarily opposed by an equally assertible and apparently contradictory proposition (antithesis ), the mutual contradiction being reconciled on a higher level of truth by a third proposition (synthesis ).

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Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin were TOTAL BULLSHIT too. No amount of philosophizing made them disappear. Not even several world wars. Their forces are still around. If several world wars failed to destroy it - any suggestions?

Although they may indeed be the slick advertising agency for fascism they also hold the Davos country club party every so often. A WEF parner:


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I was out and about last night and the establishment my friends and I were at switched the background music from some decent industrial metal to some shrill jazzy high pitched saxophone. I made the comment that it sounded like somebody rubbing two large overstretched balloons on the nether parts of a ticklish dolphin. My friends spontaneously spit out their drinks, lol. Could their computers have predicted my analogy? Or that I would say it ? Or that my friends would laugh?

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That's a great analogy!!! :) As not a fan of high-pitched sax, I concur. :)

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This lymph barrier is a good argument for paying more attention to REAL OBSERVATIONAL science and less to theories. It's been there all along, not microscopic or hidden. Nobody noticed it because their THEORIES said it was impossible.

This layer partners with another recent discovery that the skull contains marrow, with lots of little pores secreting immune cells into the brain. These cells help to fight strokes. The cells probably also maintain the delicate barrier between two CSF flows., which is largely made of immune cells.

None of this is related to thought control. It may be related to the WEF's goal of eliminating all immunity. If their VR helmets can break up the delicate barrier with ultrasound, the brain will be far more susceptible to infections. If they can suppress the marrow, strokes will be more common. Delightful prospect for WEF demons.

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You'd think there would be just a bit of humility engendered by such discoveries. The natural world is endlessly detailed, and every time we look more closely at it, or look in a different way, we find something we hadn't expected. Sometimes that opens entirely new possibilities for the capabilities of natural structures. It follows that interventions should be done very carefully, since we never really know what we're monkeying with. It also follows that we shouldn't try to replace the natural with the artificial, since we don't know what elements we forgot to include, or how important they are.

But nah, their midwit hubris is quite invincible.

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Thanks - I think! These serially abusive, toxic narcissism psychopaths don’t require psychiatric training to diagnose. They are so good at it they transcend the fact checked universe of the modern Nazi internet. Where are the psychiatrists on this who have been so good at diagnosing the public with mass whatever? Seems as if they missed the root cause. Like serving as a codependent disrupter of an abusive relationship but failing to name the perpetrators. Rich and totally expected.

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Tessa, this is unrelated to your article above (or is it?), but have you seen this interview with Vladislav Sobolev from Canada with Vaccine Choice Canada?

Freedom Leader Vladislav Sobolev VCC Jan 2023


Also, Vera Sharav's urgent warning (in a long line of 'urgent warnings' she has issued over the last 3 years) in her interview on the Highwire recently?



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Thank you Neo!! Vera is such an incredibly powerful voice!!!

And I will check out this other interview, I have not seen it, so thank you!

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Vlad is such an inspiration, such a decent guy. I only wish that my fellow Canadians around me had 1/10 of his courage and spirit. Be well.

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this dovetails with the precrime/thoughtcrime narrative.

as if consciousness was centered only in the brain. let's hope they don't make it to the heart.

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let's hope they don't ever find the soul, or they'd be making soft drinks from it.

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they don't believe the soul exists. crucial mistake!

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The fascinating part to me is, wow, there is a whole part of the brain the scientists had no idea about!!! That's the interesting part.

The funny thing is that I was looking for something else, and then this discovery popped up, on the WEF website out of all places. And they talk about it so casually, no awe, no beauty, just "oh by the way here is this new thing the scientists found, and yeah carry on with our program."

Me, I am just in awe of how beautiful and wise our bodies are!

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for years we heard about "junk dna" and as it turned out, that's where all the good stuff is!

i guess if you view the body as a computer, it's really boring...

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Great stuff, Tessa!

"Fools go where Angels fear to tread"

Fits these very foolhardy govts and their counterparts!

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Thank you Gail!!

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If computers could read our minds, career criminals would be out of a career.

No more unsolved crimes!

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I have a suggestion. The WEB people wear a brain reader, and we the people get to install an app to monitor them. And then we can talk about the benefits of brain data sharing!

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They believe they already do read our minds with computers. That is the point of collating all of our personal data on servers guarded by the military. They have made all of us - not themselves - the terrorists. Our best crime detector is our inner built in lie detector.

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There is an easier and more immediate way: redefine crime, and start revering career criminals 🙃 Commiefornia takes the lead, readily.

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I’m sick of these freaks. We have to mick them and dehumanize them -- as they as wont to do with us. No mercy!

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In my not so humble opinion, the true nature of mind is as ineffable as the true nature of God. It cannot be understood through a reductionistic analysis. However, I have a grave concern that the vast majority of the population will be easily seduced by a fake form of so-called artificial intelligence. Lunatics like Yuval Harari and Sam Harris make the case that we humans have no free will and that a superintelligent AI would be able to make better decisions than the automatic programming of our subconscious. There's a large number of self proclaimed "very smart people" who buy into this idea hook, line, and sinker. The Woke rabble isn't really capable of understanding the nuances of such a topic, but they will willingly follow their masters into the void. The end result will be something like chatGPT, which on one hand will exhibit masterful ability in an area of pure rule-based logic like computer coding but any question asked on the subject of politics or science or medicine will generate well articulated and instantaneous deep state propaganda in response. Although I think the way chatGPT can handle complex coding problems is quite impressive, I also think it may be one of the most dangerous developments ever.

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I agree with your not so humble opinion. I think it is impossible to mechanically understand human mind but it is possible to cause a lot of harm trying.

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It is astonishing that these mediocre sociopathic narcissists hold sway over so many! Laughable, but horrifying.

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That is very true!! Also, there are so many fictional beliefs that we are raised on, this is just the new reiteration. All of this is very humbling, philosophically!

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Have you ever had a thought just pop into your head seemingly out of nowhere? When I have a feeling of unease or a thought that appears random, I trace the steps so-to-speak in my mind to find out why I'm feeling a certain way or from where the random thought derived. Usually, I find the source. But sometimes, I don't. Are we to believe that thoughts, especially these seemingly random thoughts, are just random chemical processes?

We're not biological machines.

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Well, as disturbing as the prospect of them reading your thoughts is, an even more disturbing thing is that they can also project thoughts into people's minds. Psychotronic warfare is a real thing. In summer of 2021 there were reports from around the country that some people who were already very mindful of their own inner voices had started occasionally noticing thoughts that were not their own popping into their heads. Most often this happened in public places like shopping centers or strip malls, where (coincidentally) there were pharmacies, "doc in the box" or "minute clinics", etc nearby. I bet you can guess what the thoughts that were not their own were telling them they needed to "just go do". Makes you wonder how many people who were not very mindful of their own inner dialog and/or distracted by kids, hectic schedules, life in general, etc. followed those directions and then later wondered "why in the hell did I do that to myself on the spur of the moment"?

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I don't believe they can plant thoughts in people's minds. If they have probes in your brain (for example, during brain surgery), they can make you laugh or cry...they can move your pinky or your big toe. But they can't plant a thought in your brain nor can they read thoughts in your brain. They can, however, use psychological warfare to nudge you in certain directions. If the nudge pushes you to buy one shampoo over another or buy that candy bar, it's relatively harmless. If the nudge pushes you to get an injection you don't want or need, then it's not harmless.

My point is that Klaus and his weffie psychopaths cannot read my thoughts. Sometimes I cannot trace down a random thought that pops into my head. The notion that they can translate the chemical signals transmitted in brains is laughable. They cannot, but they want us to believe they can.

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Some of them can project thoughts into other people's heads. Not all of them, of course. But certain highly trained adepts can. And it's not specifically a chemical thing....

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Do I think that some human beings (unaltered, unenhanced) have a connection that enables them to communicate without speaking? Yes. I do. I've had my share of unusual experiences. Some I attribute to heightened observation, situational awareness, and analytical skills. Others I cannot explain.

That is different from what the weffie psychopaths propose. They think they will be able to decipher our thoughts and translate them via technology to other human beings or to other technology. For example, the cyborg soldier who sees what a drone sees and can direct a swarm of drones to attack the enemy that Malone described a few months ago. I maintain they will never be able to do anything like that, but they will maim and kill many in their evil experiments.

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Their sterile collection and use of scientific information is just the mirror of the lack of resonance and creativity they have: they are less than empty shells, rotten beings of the darkest corners of the evolution... If they only would dream all that dystopia for themselves, to torture each others, and eat cocraches (or, poor insects: they can canibalize themselves), and inject themselves with poisoning coctions, and build this uncreative digitalized nightmare they promote... and be happies, alones and undisturb in an asteroide, far far far from us .... it could be a good project for Musk & Co.

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