I am listening to the video. Interrupting it to say... This gentleman took red flags anybody could see. The difference... That coulda saved his life... He dug down, he loved truth and had to see what was up.

So... If someone says you're not a doctor, true... But there are red flags everywhere you don't need an MD to see.

Conversely, Toronto doctors....

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Thank you for sharing. His story is my story, although I am a mere Telecom engineer. When faced with an injection mandate I wanted to know what I was taking because I know the history of flu vaccines is abysmal and I keep my body and immune system in top health and strength. That was in the late summer of 2021 . OMG I was totally shocked, perhaps even horrified at what I found. The evidence, the scientific evidence of the dangers of the injection, is very clear. My request for exemption was rejected and I have since been suspended without pay.

Thank you Tessa for this very calm, hence powerful interview. I have already shared it with my circle.

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Guy, I am sorry that you were suspended! It is so unfair and wrong!

I pray that the truth prevails, and that the wrongs done to you and to so many people are corrected in the kindest way!!!

And of course, thank you for sharing this interview with your friends!

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Thank you. Oddly enough the whole covid thing, including the suspension, became an intense spiritual journey for my partner and I. What is more important? Being able to meet you alimony payments, pay your bills, or find the truth of soul and spirit? You have written so well about that side of this journey. That is a key reason I subscribed to you. Have you looked at how we are living the ancient Indian text, The Bhagavad-Gita? It is amazing, actually. I am so happy to have chosen to fight with Arjuna for what is true with people like yourself and the sangha around you. All the best, with peace and gratitude.

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Both subscribed and blown away by your refugee post. Good writing, great values.

Cheers Guy!

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I stopped in on your stack and subscribed. Your writing reminds me of my youthful days. A fun and challenging read. All the best with peace and gratitude.

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

LOL ... thanks Guy. Yeah, I am wordy in my bootstrapping. I'm attempting to chop up dreams, memories, and insights into short stories, or possibly songs. Last summer, I wrote and performed a funny bossa nova about that summer's fishing experience for the elementary and Jr. High school kids I teach. But that is about the only audience my chops are good for. Yet. 😂

Cheers and thanks Guy!

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Blessings to you!! We have to stand up for what we believe is right...we have to speak out against harm.

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Maybe share it with a lawyer?

Many employers similar to Columbia leadership should hav a number 2./ in their pants too...

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Initially I pursued the lawyer route. Unfortunately I worked in small community Canada and the lawyers there all refused to go against the big community employer. I was given a fair question by the one: "What do you want, *really* want? If you want your job back, you do this.... If you want justice, you cannot get it this way." Basically because the federal government's actions, although likely unconstitutional, require a different process and will take a long time. My suspension was imminent and so what to do? I realised I didn't really want to keep my job with that employer and that I really wanted to fight for the truth, in my own way. As it turned out the first 'fight' was to find my true voice. I didn't know it at that time that this 'fight' was to discover the truth of my soul. And to wake people up in the process. Interesting times.

We have a great set of lawyers working on this at a high level. Likely Trudeau's actions and conflict of interest will come true and 'overturn' the mandates and like, although after the fact. Interesting times.

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This is so beautiful. Thank you for being you!!!

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De nada, as they say here in Mexico. And likewise. Namaste.

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Great job! Thank you Tessa for your continued hard work!

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Thank you Jennifer!!

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

such an inspiring story - this guy started out as somebody who was afraid to leave his house in 2020 and now is leading the fight against apartheid at columbia. i wouldn't have known anything about him if not for you....

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He is truly inspiring. And that's what following actual science looks like!!!!

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tessa is doing a wonderful job. Thanks again Tessa for all!

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Standing ovations, to you and the doctor both.

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Thank you Rikard!!

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Posted under the Rumble video ...

Hi Tessa,

New subscriber from Japan here (40 years an ex-pat and growing) ... and resigned in protest from a tenured position in a Japanese college 6 years ago for purely racist policies — I challenge anyone to name even one foreign world-renowned researcher in STEM fields working at a Japanese institute.

Regarding the bad batches ... https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma/contaminant-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-vials-found-japan-was-metallic-particles-report

Not to mention the probability that those handing down the mandates are probably taking saline solutions if anything at all.

It amazes me that so many people are so effectively herded and culled by the Corporate nation-state. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around how much cognitive dissonance the fear-driven can accommodate. Japan is arguably worse because the deeply ingrained culture of compliance and self-censure has led to similar outcomes ... and without the necessity of overtly codified mandates. Many, if not most, open themselves up to bio-weapon slaughter blindly and willingly.

Much thanks to both of you.

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Thank you Steven!! And thank you for sharing the situation in Japan, it is hard to know from afar!

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My pleasure Tessa. Thank you.

Japan is hard to know because while individuals are pretty similar to people anywhere in the world, the society is so anal-retentively authoritarian. No mandates necessary, and hard to understand from the outside by design. Reporters Without Borders ranks Japan about mid-pack in the world, and that is being charitable. Still, it is my home, and though most of my friends are Japanese, my closest friends are Japanese, I will die as the perpetual, token foreigner. I just gotta learn to love crows and stray cats more, and laugh at the folly of humanity.

Cheers Tessa,


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You made me smile Steven with your summation of some of human nature and it's reaction to those in perceived authority.

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LOL ... Thank you SuziA. All in all, if I had the chance to do it all over agan, I might have chosen the path of the character in Steely Dan's 'Deacon Blues'.

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Sorry to say I don't know the song you mean, or if I do, I've no idea if it was Steely Dan, or what the song was called...Very bad with the whole music , taking note of who sang what type thing...just love the sounds and or words. :(

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No worries Suzi. In the long run, no one gets out of this room alive. Anything we can know or believe well enough to express, is ephemera. Dust in the wind.

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

It is too late for most, though.

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Probably never too late as long as we are all alive!!

And with these injections, it seems like with each dose, things get worse, so it's good to shed light on facts in any case so that people stop doing harmful things!!

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Alas, many are not alive....(I am not talking about those pushers who got whacked.)

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True. With two years of data, experiences and witnesses, I am 95% sure another doctor will not make any difference.

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Thank you Tessa for this balanced interview. It blows my mind, that so many people live in fear...how badly we need those who do not let fear guide their actions. Fear seems to be at work in almost all strata's of society. So sad that it is within the education system that the majority in the Western world seem to have caught the fear bug and very probably from parents too, as those parents have been through the same education systems. From personal experience in the UK where I was schooled in the North, in a small town, a child with a foreign accent, who's mother dressed her funny; fear was my biggest experience, coming not only from my peer experiences, but from some teachers also, who in retrospect I can call sadists. They loved to make fun of some pupils to get laughs from the other pupils!

I've for years and years wondered WHY people let the fears they've learned as kids rule their actions in adulthood. Why don't more people stand up and say loud 'NO's' to so many idiocies passed as 'laws' or mandates by politicians lobbied into passing these stupidities to suit only a few? (I've always been a stubborn little horror according to my mom!)

Up until two and a half years ago, there were some reporters in the MSM who spoke truth, who gave food for thought, who clarified how corrupt the system under which we live actually is, how controlled by people who have only their own agenda at heart. It has taken this massive travesty of a so called pandemic to awaken a few more (hopefully enough of us) to how crazy those at the top, in control of our well being, seem to be. How they are willing to stoop terribly low to maintain and obtain their objectives...Maybe now the fear factor will be triggered against that which truly IS harmful to life on earth as opposed to fear of losing ones job (there is ALWAYS other work...no matter how scary the prospect) or being sneered at, or ridiculed. Hopefully fear about a genuine danger...Neo-Feudalism will make more people stand up to maintain at least the limited freedoms we have enjoyed under what we call democracy. On that rather dismal note, I must add that hearing this interview and many others by likeminded folk makes me think we are actually on our way (tho' there's still a way to go) to creating the heaven on earth so many of us know in our hearts, IS possible if enough of us strive (not fight) to achieve what we see as possible.

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I think a lot of the people got very scared. There was such a massive campaign to disconnect people from their good senses that a lot of people succumbed. But there is always hope!!! Most of us are born for very good things, and sooner or later, will have to wake up....


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Hell yeah. Courageous, honest people rock. Each new one that appears keeps our little fire going strong. Thanks to Tessa for tirelessly gathering this fuel. God knows we need it.

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>The recommendation he mentioned during our interview is to download or make a copy of the >template, use one’s own name and university-specific details, sign it, print it out, and send it via >certified mail, in case of future mandate-related legal action.

I would like to send a copy to a college mandating the vaccine. I downloaded the template. I wanted to be clear on the following items:

>use one’s own name

Where do I put my name? The author of the letter is Dr. Pantazatos.

>sign it

Where do I sign?

If we send enough letters to colleges, hopefully we are able to stop this madness.

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Number 2./ is illustrious and most prolly has caused a sameas in Columbia University Leadership(s) underpants-

//*** Pantazatos number 2 ***

2./ Replace any policy making bodies which mandated COVID vaccines (such as the Task Force at Columbia)[13] with a more robust and inclusive method for deciding future University-wide health policy decisions. Columbia University’s leadership and COVID task force failed to conduct reasonable due diligence to ensure the safety and health of the Columbia community. Perhaps your University had a similar policy making body. University-wide mandates impact the lives and well-being of not only Columbia members but other universities who take cues from the Ivy League, and they should not be made by a few specialists with little interdisciplinary expertise, viewpoint diversity and capacity to think critically and independently from bureaucracies with extensive financial conflicts of interest, and without soliciting input and debate with the wider University community.

****eND Pantazatos 2./ ***//

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