What an enjoyable and illuminating conversation. Thank you very much for this Tessa. I had no idea what the real situation was with Covid in Russia until now.
In many ways, the more I learn about what is being planned behind the scenes by oligarchs and relentlessly pushed onto the general population (globally) by puppet/complicit politici…
What an enjoyable and illuminating conversation. Thank you very much for this Tessa. I had no idea what the real situation was with Covid in Russia until now.
In many ways, the more I learn about what is being planned behind the scenes by oligarchs and relentlessly pushed onto the general population (globally) by puppet/complicit politicians, the more I see that the inevitable trajectory of large portions of modern western civilization is complete collapse. This is especially evident to me with Canada's runaway inflation, how industrial Ag is decimating our soil and how flimsy and vulnerable our power grid is to major disruptions.
I do see the extremely advanced creepy technologies that the plutocrats will use to try and prop up their control systems and push forward megalomaniacal delusions, but given this is all based on finite resources and given how a good portion of humanity is at a breaking point, that is a system that I think they can only keep going for so long before it implodes.
For those of us who see this tremendous momentum (and all the hypnotized/psychologically damaged people that have allowed themselves to become attached to and even lending additional momentum to said doomed system) it is a lot like watching a train wreck in slow motion... really painfully, slow motion. The train is a global corporatocracy relentlessly seeking to commodify and control everything, pushing to go faster and faster towards a sheer cliff.
So when I listen to a conversation like this one you shared with Riley Waggaman and you two invite the viewer to see these trends from a humorous perspective, this serves as a very valuable medicine for the soul. Thank you both for that precious gift.
I am glad to know there are many people like you out there, making decisive moves to get out of the path of the 'flying shrapnel' of this 'slow motion train wreck' and helping others (who are motivated) to be able to connect the dots, find each other and to do the same.
Much love and respect from the heart of Convoy Country
Thank You Tessa. Recently, (given current events in Canada) I have had many instances where I pretty much feel like the vibe of this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEj7xYyj9n4 . Then I come across uplifting, informative and honest expressions such as these that you share on substack and it reminds me I am not alone in my efforts to uplift and empower my fellow humans.
It is like Charles says in his gathering of the tribe story: "When we come to this Earth, we will be separated from the love that baths us all, we will miss it deeply, yet we will be unable to name what we are missing, we will remember the love and beauty that we know to be normal, only as a love and longing in our hearts, our memory will take the form of an intuitive knowledge, as we plunge into the painfully marred Earth. But no matter what a spark of knowledge will never leave you. That spark will lay within you, until one day it is awakened. You see, even though you will feel alone, utterly alone, you will not be alone, we will send you assistance. For even though the planet and it's people are deeply wounded, there is beauty there still.. projected from past and future, onto the present as a promise of what is possible, and a reminder of what is real. You will also receive help from each other. As you begin to awaken to your mission you will meet others of our tribe. You will recognize them by your common purpose, values, and intuitions, and by the similarity of the paths you have walked. As the condition of the planet earth reaches crisis proportions, your paths will cross more and more. The time of loneliness, the time of thinking you might be crazy, will be over."
You often remind me, (in your writing and your open-hearted conversations) that though we may be separated by great distances, there are many in 'our tribe' that seek to heal, empower, unify, educate and emancipate our fellow beings on Earth. The challenges we face may be extreme, but when I connect with people like you I remember we came here knowing we are capable to rising to that challenge and leaving this world a little bit more beautiful than it was then we arrived here.
Thank you for your honest, kind and valiant presence here Tessa. Big Hugs <3
Thank you Gavin for your beautiful, insightful words. I know I'm among my tribe of souls on the planet. This is the first I've read of Tessa's work and I find her to be an amazing person, human, being; I found her article/ interview with Riley Waggaman(sp) on Lew Rockwell.
What an enjoyable and illuminating conversation. Thank you very much for this Tessa. I had no idea what the real situation was with Covid in Russia until now.
In many ways, the more I learn about what is being planned behind the scenes by oligarchs and relentlessly pushed onto the general population (globally) by puppet/complicit politicians, the more I see that the inevitable trajectory of large portions of modern western civilization is complete collapse. This is especially evident to me with Canada's runaway inflation, how industrial Ag is decimating our soil and how flimsy and vulnerable our power grid is to major disruptions.
I do see the extremely advanced creepy technologies that the plutocrats will use to try and prop up their control systems and push forward megalomaniacal delusions, but given this is all based on finite resources and given how a good portion of humanity is at a breaking point, that is a system that I think they can only keep going for so long before it implodes.
For those of us who see this tremendous momentum (and all the hypnotized/psychologically damaged people that have allowed themselves to become attached to and even lending additional momentum to said doomed system) it is a lot like watching a train wreck in slow motion... really painfully, slow motion. The train is a global corporatocracy relentlessly seeking to commodify and control everything, pushing to go faster and faster towards a sheer cliff.
So when I listen to a conversation like this one you shared with Riley Waggaman and you two invite the viewer to see these trends from a humorous perspective, this serves as a very valuable medicine for the soul. Thank you both for that precious gift.
I am glad to know there are many people like you out there, making decisive moves to get out of the path of the 'flying shrapnel' of this 'slow motion train wreck' and helping others (who are motivated) to be able to connect the dots, find each other and to do the same.
Much love and respect from the heart of Convoy Country
Thank you Gavin!!! Hugs!!
Thank You Tessa. Recently, (given current events in Canada) I have had many instances where I pretty much feel like the vibe of this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEj7xYyj9n4 . Then I come across uplifting, informative and honest expressions such as these that you share on substack and it reminds me I am not alone in my efforts to uplift and empower my fellow humans.
It is like Charles says in his gathering of the tribe story: "When we come to this Earth, we will be separated from the love that baths us all, we will miss it deeply, yet we will be unable to name what we are missing, we will remember the love and beauty that we know to be normal, only as a love and longing in our hearts, our memory will take the form of an intuitive knowledge, as we plunge into the painfully marred Earth. But no matter what a spark of knowledge will never leave you. That spark will lay within you, until one day it is awakened. You see, even though you will feel alone, utterly alone, you will not be alone, we will send you assistance. For even though the planet and it's people are deeply wounded, there is beauty there still.. projected from past and future, onto the present as a promise of what is possible, and a reminder of what is real. You will also receive help from each other. As you begin to awaken to your mission you will meet others of our tribe. You will recognize them by your common purpose, values, and intuitions, and by the similarity of the paths you have walked. As the condition of the planet earth reaches crisis proportions, your paths will cross more and more. The time of loneliness, the time of thinking you might be crazy, will be over."
You often remind me, (in your writing and your open-hearted conversations) that though we may be separated by great distances, there are many in 'our tribe' that seek to heal, empower, unify, educate and emancipate our fellow beings on Earth. The challenges we face may be extreme, but when I connect with people like you I remember we came here knowing we are capable to rising to that challenge and leaving this world a little bit more beautiful than it was then we arrived here.
Thank you for your honest, kind and valiant presence here Tessa. Big Hugs <3
Big hugs back!!!!! <3
Thank you Gavin for your beautiful, insightful words. I know I'm among my tribe of souls on the planet. This is the first I've read of Tessa's work and I find her to be an amazing person, human, being; I found her article/ interview with Riley Waggaman(sp) on Lew Rockwell.
Thank you for your heartwarming comment Alison :) I am honored to walk this path alongside of you sister <3