Well said Tessa. Awakening to what is really going on in the world and who is responsible for it takes some effort and time but the more difficult task is how to deal with it all once you are aware. And that is where your work is so valuable for me and I certainly do appreciate your efforts Tessa.
Well said Tessa. Awakening to what is really going on in the world and who is responsible for it takes some effort and time but the more difficult task is how to deal with it all once you are aware. And that is where your work is so valuable for me and I certainly do appreciate your efforts Tessa.
Well said Tessa. Awakening to what is really going on in the world and who is responsible for it takes some effort and time but the more difficult task is how to deal with it all once you are aware. And that is where your work is so valuable for me and I certainly do appreciate your efforts Tessa.
Thank you, William, and I agree!!